7 research outputs found

    Requirements for the internal layout of wooden house from the point of view of ergonomics changes

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    A basic need of every responsible man is to provide for own housing with the continual increase of world population energy consumption is growing continually as well and in parallel there is an increase in CO2 emissions. Buildings during their lifetime use approximately 40% of energy, while its operation concerning heating and cooling counts for 60-70% of this consumed energy. The most suitable solution means building houses with low energy demands which do not harm the environment Therefore the preferred solution has become to build houses with low-energy houses not burdening the environment. The aim of this chapter is to present the basic aspects and advantages of wood buildings as well as their requirements for the internal layout from the point of ergonomics changes. We can state that based on findings and research, that the current generation of people has significantly higher height and weight proportions. Based on linear regression equations we define the magnitude of secular changes for men and women. The change represents a 1.55 mm body height increase for men and 0.5 mm for women per year

    Инновации методологии расчетов в соответствии с измененными размерными требованиями к отдельной продукции

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    The main purpose of this article is to present the proposal of an innovative approach to optimizing the calculation methodology in the conditions of specific furniture production - single beds. The proposal presented is based on the results of actual research of the anthropometric measurements of the Slovak adult population, which indicate the trend of changes and the following modified dimensional requirements for the production. Our review of available scientific proposals for innovative calculation methodology proved the need for potential of concept of the variable costing at the base of cost classification to variable and fixed items according to capacity using. The practical imperfections of the information provided in the absorption costing system and its general rigidities was the reason of the application selected methodology. The authors proposed an alternative for calculation methodology by the determination of overheads rates and delimitation individual level of contribution margin.Основна мета статті – викласти авторський інноваційний підхід до оптимізації методології розрахунку в умовах конкретного виробництва меблів – односпальних ліжок. Запропонований підхід заснований на результатах фактичних досліджень антропометричних вимірювань словацького дорослого населення, які вказують на тенденцію змін і наступні змінені вимоги до обсягу продукції. Наш огляд доступних наукових пропозицій щодо інноваційної методології розрахунку довів необхідність потенційної концепції змінної калькуляції в основі класифікації витрат для змінних і фіксованих позицій залежно від використання потужності. Практичні недоліки інформації, наданої в системі калькуляції витрат та її загальної жорсткості, були причиною застосування обраної методології. Автори запропонували альтернативу методології розрахунку шляхом визначення ставок накладних витрат і розмежування індивідуального рівня вкладу.Основная цель статьи – представить авторский инновационный подход к оптимизации методологии расчета в условиях конкретного производства мебели – односпальных кроватей. Предложеный подход основан на результатах фактических исследований антропометрических измерений словацкого взрослого населения, которые указывают на тенденцию изменений и следующие измененные требования к размеру продукции. Наш обзор доступных научных предложений по инновационной методологии расчета доказал необходимость потенциальной концепции переменной калькуляции в основе классификации затрат для переменных и фиксированных позиций в зависимости от использования мощности. Практические недостатки информации, предоставленной в системе калькуляции затрат и ее общей жесткости, были причиной применения выбранной методологии. Авторы предложили альтернативу методологии расчета путем определения ставок накладных расходов и разграничения индивидуального уровня вклада

    Social networks and their importance in job searching of college students

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    At present, in every sphere of human activity, using modern ICT is considered as a matter of course. Several human resources management institutions are aware of the potential of social networks in estabilishing and building relationships with their target groups. It is a trend to create job portals in social networks. These are currently an integrated part of communication with target audience and therefore also an objects of attention and reflexions. It is also the topic of this paper. The goal of this research is to determine the level of use of social networks by college students in Slovakia. Part of the research is also to discover the effect of social networks on job searching of a selected sample of students. The research was conducted on a sample of 407 slovak students. A questioning method in form of an online questionnaire was used. The obtained results were processed using methods of descriptive and test statistics. We studied the significance of gender on the frequency of using the internet to search for job opportunities via social networks, as well as the ability to apprehend the importance of personal presentation on social networks. The statistical testing did not prove any significant difference between men and women in the question of frequency of using internet to search for job opportunities, nor in the ability to apprehend the importance of personal presentation on social networks. A statistically significant difference in gender was proven only in case of using social networks in job searching. Women tend to use social networks to find jobs more often than men. These statements are proved by the results of tests of significance of mean changes at the 5% significance level, which means that they are valid with 95% probability

    Influencing organisational culture by means of employee remuneration

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    The aim of this paper is to particularly define the possibilities of influencing organisational culture by means of employee remuneration. The paper will present the results of research conducted over 2010–2012. The respondent group included 340 organisations operating in the Slovak Republic. The research showed that even though 98% of the interviewed organisations realise the importance and meaning of dealing with the creation and maintenance of organisational culture, only 21–43% have defined an organisational culture strategy in writing within the organisation´s strategy