536 research outputs found

    Présence et devenir des médicaments dans les eaux usées urbaines, une analyse bibliographique

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    Depuis quelques annĂ©es, la prĂ©sence de substances pharmaceutiques a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e dans les milieux aquatiques y compris dans l’eau potable. Les principales sources de dispersion de ces composĂ©s dans l’environnement sont les stations d’épuration des eaux usĂ©es (STEP). Une analyse de la littĂ©rature publiĂ©e sur le sujet est proposĂ©e. Ce sont les analgĂ©siques/anti-inflammatoires, les hypocholestĂ©rolĂ©miants, les cytostatiques et les bĂȘta-bloquants qui prĂ©sentent les concentrations les plus Ă©levĂ©es en entrĂ©e de station d’épuration. MalgrĂ© des rendements d’élimination quelquefois trĂšs Ă©levĂ©s, les concentrations de ces groupes de mĂ©dicaments restent non nĂ©gligeables dans les effluents de stations.Les antibiotiques forment un des plus importants groupes de mĂ©dicaments Ă  cause de leur niveau de consommation, de leur frĂ©quence de dĂ©tection dans les milieux aquatiques et de leur action spĂ©cifique sur les bactĂ©ries, notamment celle potentiellement nĂ©faste qu’ils peuvent avoir sur les bactĂ©ries mises en oeuvre dans les systĂšmes de traitement biologique des eaux rĂ©siduaires urbaines. Globalement, la charge en antibiotiques est faible dans les eaux usĂ©es urbaines mais elle est forte dans les effluents des hĂŽpitaux. Les rendements d’élimination sont, quant Ă  eux trĂšs variables, allant de 0 % pour le nitrothiazole Ă  95 % pour la tĂ©tracycline.For several years, the occurrence of pharmaceutical substances in the aquatic environment, and even in drinking water, has been a source of concern. The main sources of dispersion of these substances are wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). An analysis of the available literature on this topic is proposed. Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cholesterol and cytostatic drugs as well as beta-blockers are the substances that can be found in the highest concentrations in plant influents. In spite of elimination yields that can be very high, their concentrations in plant effluents can remain non-negligible. Antibiotics are one of the most important drug classes, due to their large consumption, their prevalence in aquatic systems and their specific action on bacteria, especially on those used in urban wastewater treatment biosystems. Globally, antibiotic concentrations in urban wastewater are normally low but they can be high in hospital wastewater. Elimination yields are very variable, ranging from a low of 0% for nitrothiazole to 95% for tetracycline

    Relation Between Conductivity and Ion Content in Urban Wastewater

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    Wastewater conductivity has been monitored for extended periods of time by in situ probes and on grabbed samples in four communities (from 1,000 to 350,000 PE). In parallel, the concentrations of the main ionic contributors, such as calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, ammonium, ortho-phosphate, chloride and sulphate have been measured and their variations with respect to time compared to human activity patterns. It appears that sodium, potassium, ammonium and ortho-phosphate, which contribute to about 34% to wastewater conductivity, exhibit diurnal variations in phase with human activity evaluated by absorbance at 254 nm. However calcium (≈ 22% of wastewater conductivity) is out‑of-phase. This release, ahead of the one of other cations and anions, could be related to sewer concrete corrosion or to groundwater infiltration. The combination of these different ionic contributions creates a conductivity pattern which cannot be easily related to human activity. It makes difficult to integrate conductivity in a monitoring system able to detect ion-related abnormalities in wastewater quality.Les variations de la conductivitĂ© d’eaux usĂ©es urbaines ont Ă©tĂ© suivies sur de longues durĂ©es a l’aide de sondes placĂ©es in situ en entrĂ©e d’installations de traitement et sur des Ă©chantillons prĂ©levĂ©s automatiquement. Quatre communautĂ©s (entre 1 000 et 350 000 habitants) ont Ă©tĂ© choisies pour cette Ă©tude. On a Ă©galement dosĂ© sur les Ă©chantillons les principaux ions (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnĂ©sium, ammonium, ortho-phosphates, chlorures et sulfates). Il apparait que le sodium, le potassium, l’ammonium et les ortho-phosphates contribuent pour 34 % a la conductivitĂ© des eaux usĂ©es et prĂ©sentent des variations journalicres en phase avec la pollution carbonĂ©e soluble, estimĂ©e a partir de l’absorbance a 254 nm. Par contre, le calcium, qui contribue pour 22 % a la conductivitĂ©, prĂ©sente un dĂ©phasage qui peut ztre du a son transport dans le rĂ©seau d’assainissement du fait de la corrosion des conduites en bĂ©ton ou a des infiltrations d’eaux claires. Finalement, la combinaison de ces diffĂ©rentes contributions ioniques conduit a une variabilitĂ© de la conductivitĂ© qu’il n’est pas facile de lier a l’activitĂ© humaine, et donc a des rejets accidentels dans le cadre d’un systcme de dĂ©tection de variation anormale de la qualitĂ© des eaux usĂ©es

    Voltage-gated sodium channels: new targets in cancer therapy?

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    Early detection and treatment of cancers have increased survival and improved clinical outcome. The development of metastases is often associated with a poor prognostic of survival. Finding early markers of metastasis and developing new therapies against their development is a great challenge. Since a few years, there is more evidence that ionic channels are involved in the oncogenic process. Among these, voltage-gated sodium channels expressed in non-nervous or non-muscular organs are often associated with the metastatic behaviour of different cancers. The aim of this review is to describe the current knowledge on the functional expression of voltage-gated sodium channels and their biological roles in different cancers such as prostate, breast, lung (small cells and non-small cells) and leukaemia. In the conclusion, we develop conceptual approaches to understand how such channels can be involved in the metastatic process and conclude that blockers targeted toward these channels are promising new therapeutic solutions against metastatic cancers

    Pig herpesvirose: Aujeszky's disease

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    Aujeszky's disease, due to Suid herpesvirus 1, is a disease of wild and domestic pigs, which can occasionally infect other mammal species, such as cattle and domestic carnivores. Eradicated or in the process of being eradicated in domestic pig herds in most countries of the European Union and in North America, the disease remains endemic in wild boar populations, with a prevalence varying according to population densities. In domestic pigs, symptoms vary depending on the age of the animals, ranging from severe nervous disorders in piglets to respiratory and reproductive disorders in adults. In other species, the disease causes a fatal meningo-encephalitis. Control programmes usually combine vaccination with marker vaccines and screening with companion diagnostic kits. In countries free from Aujeszky's disease, serological surveillance is supplemented by active surveillance.La maladie d'Aujeszky, due Ă  Suid herpesvirus 1, est une maladie des suidĂ©s sauvages et domestiques, qui peut atteindre occasionnellement d'autres espĂšces de mammifĂšres comme les bovins et les carnivores domestiques. ÉradiquĂ©e ou en cours d'Ă©radication dans les Ă©levages de porcs domestiques dans la plupart des pays de l'Union europĂ©enne et en AmĂ©rique du Nord, la maladie demeure endĂ©mique dans les populations de suidĂ©s sauvages, avec une prĂ©valence qui diffĂšre selon leur densitĂ©. Les symptĂŽmes varient selon l'Ăąge des porcs, allant des troubles nerveux sĂ©vĂšres chez les jeunes aux troubles respiratoires et troubles de la reproduction chez les adultes. Chez les autres espĂšces, la maladie se traduit par une mĂ©ningo-encĂ©phalite mortelle. Les plans de lutte associent gĂ©nĂ©ralement vaccination par des vaccins marqueurs et dĂ©pistage par des kits sĂ©rologiques compagnons. Dans les pays oĂč la maladie est Ă©radiquĂ©e, la surveillance sĂ©rologique active est complĂ©tĂ©e par la surveillance Ă©vĂšnementielle

    KCa and Ca2+ channels: The complex thought

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    AbstractPotassium channels belong to the largest and the most diverse super-families of ion channels. Among them, Ca2+-activated K+ channels (KCa) comprise many members. Based on their single channel conductance they are divided into three subfamilies: big conductance (BKCa), intermediate conductance (IKCa) and small conductance (SKCa; SK1, SK2 and SK3). Ca2+ channels are divided into two main families, voltage gated/voltage dependent Ca2+ channels and non-voltage gated/voltage independent Ca2+ channels. Based on their electrophysiological and pharmacological properties and on the tissue where there are expressed, voltage gated Ca2+ channels (Cav) are divided into 5 families: T-type, L-type, N-type, P/Q-type and R-type Ca2+. Non-voltage gated Ca2+ channels comprise the TRP (TRPC, TRPV, TRPM, TRPA, TRPP, TRPML and TRPN) and Orai (Orai1 to Orai3) families and their partners STIM (STIM1 to STIM2). A depolarization is needed to activate voltage-gated Ca2+ channels while non-voltage gated Ca2+ channels are activated by Ca2+ depletion of the endoplasmic reticulum stores (SOCs) or by receptors (ROCs). These two Ca2+ channel families also control constitutive Ca2+ entries. For reducing the energy consumption and for the fine regulation of Ca2+, KCa and Ca2+ channels appear associated as complexes in excitable and non-excitable cells. Interestingly, there is now evidence that KCa–Ca2+ channel complexes are also found in cancer cells and contribute to cancer-associated functions such as cell proliferation, cell migration and the capacity to develop metastases. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Calcium signaling in health and disease. Guest Editors: Geert Bultynck, Jacques Haiech, Claus W. Heizmann, Joachim Krebs, and Marc Moreau

    Health and frailty among older spousal caregivers:an observational cohort study in Belgium

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    Abstract Background Among older couples, spouses are first in line to provide care, and they are key elements in the home support of dependent older persons. In this context, ensuring the health of these older spousal caregivers should be an important issue for all of the providers who care for older adults. The aim of this study was to longitudinally assess the health of older spousal caregivers considering frailty, nutrition, cognition, physical performance and mood disorders. Methods In this longitudinal, observational cohort study, participants were assessed at home in Wallonia, Belgium. At baseline, 82 community-dwelling spouses of older patients with cognitive deficits or functional impairment were assessed; 78 caregivers were assessed at follow-up (16 months). The clinical instruments used included Frailty Phenotype (Fried), the Mini Nutritional Assessment-short form (MNA-SF), Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15), clock drawing test, medications, Zarit Burden Index (ZBI), and Caregiver Reaction Assessment (CRA). Biological assessments included plasma interleukin-6 (IL-6), ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (CRP), cortisol, albumin and insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Results Among caregivers, 54% were women, and the mean age was 80 years. Among care-receivers, 83% had cognitive impairment. Caregivers were more likely to be in a pre-frail stage. In one-third of the caregivers, the frailty status worsened. Transitions were observed between each of the states, except from frail to robust. In contrast to frailty, items including nutrition, cognitive status, SPPB and mood assessments were stable over time, with approximately 70% of the caregivers not experiencing significant change at follow-up. Caregiver experiences assessed with the Zarit Burden Interview and CRA were relatively stable over 16 months. Conclusion Many caregivers of geriatric patients are spouses who are old themselves. A failure in the health of the caregiver may anticipate an undesired care breakdown. Caregiver health and its determinants should be explored in future longitudinal studies that cover a longer time period

    Data pertaining to aberrant intracellular calcium handling during androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer

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    The data generated here in relates to the research article “CaV1.3 enhanced store operated calcium promotes resistance to androgen deprivation in prostate cancer”. A model of prostate cancer (PCa) progression to castration resistance was employed, with untreated androgen sensitive LNCaP cell line alongside two androgen deprived (bicalutamide) sublines, either 10 days (LNCaP-ADT) or 2 years (LNCaP-ABL) treatment, in addition to androgen insensitive PC3. With this PCa model, qPCR was used to examined fold change in markers linked to androgen resistance, androgen receptor (AR) and neuron specific enolase (NSE), observing an increase under androgen deprivation. In addition, the gene expression of a range of calcium channels was measured, with only the L-type Voltage gated calcium channel, CACNA1D, demonstrating an increase during androgen deprivation. With CACNA1D knockdown the channel was found not to influence the gene expression of calcium channels, ORAI1 and STIM1. The calcium channel blocker (CCB), nifedipine, was employed to determine the impact of CaV1.3 on the observed store release and calcium entry measured via Fura-2AM ratiometric dye in our outlined PCa model. In both the presence and absence of androgen deprivation, nifedipine was found to have no impact on store release induced by thapsigargin (Tg) in 0mM Ca(2+) nor store operated calcium entry (SOCE) following the addition of 2mM Ca(2+). However, CACNA1D siRNA knockdown was able to reduce SOCE in PC3 cells. The effect of nifedipine on CaV1.3 in PCa biology was measured through cell proliferation assay, with no observed change in the presence of CCB. While siCACNA1D reduced PC3 cell proliferation. This data can be reused to inform new studies investigating altered calcium handling in androgen resistant prostate cancer. It provides insight into the mechanism of CaV1.3 and its functional properties in altered calcium in cancer, which can be of use to researchers investigating this channel in disease. Furthermore, it could be helpful in interpreting studies investigating CCB's as a therapeutic and in the development of future drugs targeting CaV1.3

    Acute induction of cell death-related IFN stimulated genes (ISG) differentiates highly from moderately virulent CSFV strains

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    Classical swine fever (CSF) severity is dependent on the virulence of the CSF virus (CSFV) strain. The earliest event detected following CSFV infection is a decrease in lymphocytes number. With some CSFV strains this leads to lymphopenia, the severity varying according to strain virulence. This lymphocyte depletion is attributed to an induction of apoptosis in non-infected bystander cells. We collected peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) before and during 3 days post-infection with either a highly or moderately virulent CSFV strain and subjected them to comparative microarray analysis to decipher the transcriptomic modulations induced in these cells in relation to strain virulence. The results revealed that the main difference between strains resided in the kinetics of host response to the infection: strong and immediate with the highly virulent strain, progressive and delayed with the moderately virulent one. Also although cell death/apoptosis-related IFN stimulated genes (ISG) were strongly up-regulated by both strains, significant differences in their regulation were apparent from the observed differences in onset and extent of lymphopenia induced by the two strains. Furthermore, the death receptors apoptotic pathways (TRAIL-DR4, FASL-FAS and TNFa-TNFR1) were also differently regulated. Our results suggest that CSFV strains might exacerbate the interferon alpha response, leading to bystander killing of lymphocytes and lymphopenia, the severity of which might be due to the host’s loss of control of IFN production and downstream effectors regulation
