223 research outputs found

    The Discovery of Trissolcus japonicus (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) in Michigan

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    The invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål), is a pest of growing economic importance in the United States, the control of which currently relies on pesticide applications. Biological control could provide sustainable and long-term control but classical biological control agents have not yet been approved. Adventive populations of a potential biological control agents, the Samurai wasp, Trissolcus japonicus (Ashmead), have been found in the United States, first in Maryland in 2014, expanding its range west to Ohio by 2017. Trissolcus japonicus is a highly effective parasitoid of H. halys eggs, but its redistribution and augmentative releases are restricted to states where it has been detected in the wild. To assess the presence of T. japonicus in Michigan and attack rates of H. halys by native natural enemies we deployed 189 H. halys egg masses at ten sites in lower Michigan between May and October in 2018. In addition, we deployed 51 native stink bug egg masses at the same sites to evaluate potential non-target effects of T. japonicus in the field, which were shown to occur in laboratory studies. We found T. japonicus in a single H. halys egg mass, which constitutes the first record of this Asian parasitoid in Michigan. Native predators and parasitoids caused minimal mortality of H. halys eggs and we did not find evidence of non-target effects of T. japonicus on native stink bug species. These findings open the door to initiation of a classical biological control program using an efficient, coevolved parasitoid from the native range of H. halys

    A Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating the Effectiveness of Face-to-Face and Digital Training in Improving Child Mental Health Literacy Rates in Frontline Pediatric Hospital Staff

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    Background: Children with chronic physical health conditions are up to six times more likely to develop a mental health condition than their physically well peers. Frontline pediatric hospital staff are in a good position to identify mental health problems and facilitate appropriate support for patients. To date, no evaluation of mental health literacy training has taken place with this professional group to enable early identification of difficulties. It is also not known whether face-to-face or digital training is more effective or preferable in this setting. To improve the skills of frontline hospital staff, a face-to-face and digital mental health literacy training course was delivered using MindEd content and evaluated in a randomized controlled trial. / Method: Two-hundred and three frontline staff across different professions from a tertiary pediatric hospital were randomized to a face-to-face (n = 64), digital (n = 71), or waitlist control group (n = 68). Face-to-face training was two and a half hours and digital training took ~1 h. The effects of training were evaluated pre- and post-training and at two-week follow-up. Questionnaires assessed mental health knowledge, stigma, confidence in recognizing concerns and knowing what to do, actual helping behavior, as well as training delivery preference, completion rate, and satisfaction. / Results: Both face-to-face and digital training increased mental health knowledge, confidence in recognizing mental health problems and knowing what to do compared to waitlist controls. Digital training increased actual helping behavior relative to the waitlist controls and stigma decreased across all groups. Staff were satisfied with both delivery methods but preferred face-to-face training. / Conclusions: The results provide promising findings that digital content is an effective way of improving mental health literacy in frontline pediatric hospital staff. Providing digital training could be a time-efficient way of upskilling non-mental health professionals to identify mental health needs in a pediatric population and facilitate access to appropriate care

    Child mental health literacy training programmes for professionals in contact with children: A systematic review

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    AIMS: There has been a surge in child mental health literacy training programmes for non-mental health professionals. No previous review has examined the effectiveness of child mental literacy training on all professionals in contact with children. METHODS: Studies were identified through a systematic literature search of the Cochrane, EMBASE, Medline, and PsycINFO databases in February 2019. The review included studies that delivered training to professionals who have regular contact with young people aged 0 to 19 in the context of their role and at least one component of mental health literacy; (a) knowledge, (b) attitudes, (c) confidence in helping, (d) intention to help and (e) actual helping behaviour. The quality of papers was reviewed using the Cochrane revised Risk of Bias Tool for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and the Integrated Quality Criteria for the Review of Multiple Study Designs for non RCTs. RESULTS: Twenty-one studies met eligibility criteria (n = 3243). There was some evidence that global and specific child mental health literacy training improved professionals' knowledge and stigma-related attitudes towards mental health. Few studies investigated the impact of training on actual helping behaviour. CONCLUSION: There may be value in providing child mental health literacy training to professionals in contact with children, however there is a need for studies to evaluate the long-term impact of such training, particularly on subsequent access to appropriate support. Findings raise concerns about the quality of the studies reported in the systematic review and recommendations are made for future studies

    Measuring competence in systemic practice: development of the ‘systemic family practice – systemic competency scale’ (SPS)

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    Ensuring that practitioners are competent in the therapies they deliver is important for training, therapeutic outcomes and ethical practice. The development of the Systemic Practice Scale (SPS) is reported - a measure to assess the competence of novice systemic practitioners trialed by Children and Young Person’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (CYP-IAPT) training courses. Initial reliability assessment of the SPS with twenty-eight supervisors of systemic practice evaluating students’ competence using an online recording of a family therapy session is detailed. The SPS was found to be a reliable measure of systemic competence across training settings. Rating variability was noted, with training and benchmarking to improve rating consistency recommended. Further research using the SPS to further establish the reliability and validity of the scale is required

    Pulsed hall thruster system

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    A pulsed Hall thruster system includes a Hall thruster having an electron source, a magnetic circuit, and a discharge chamber; a power processing unit for firing the Hall thruster to generate a discharge; a propellant storage and delivery system for providing propellant to the discharge chamber and a control unit for defining a pulse duration .tau.<0.1d.sup.3.rho./m, where d is the characteristic size of the thruster, .rho. is the propellant density at standard conditions, and m is the propellant mass flow rate for operating either the power processing unit to provide to the Hall thruster a power pulse of a pre-selected duration, .tau., or operating the propellant storage and delivery system to provide a propellant flow pulse of duration, .tau., or providing both as pulses, synchronized to arrive coincidentally at the discharge chamber to enable the Hall thruster to produce a discreet output impulse

    Physiological and Perceptual Demands During a Simulated “The Hundred” Batting Work-Bout in Female Cricketers

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    Purpose No research has investigated the physiological and perceptual demands of female cricket players at any level or for any format, making this study unique. This is despite the growth in popularity and professionalism of the women’s game. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the physiological (heart rate, oxygen consumption) and perceptual (ratings of perceived exertion, body discomfort) demands of female cricketers during a simulated “The Hundred” protocol. Methods Twenty female cricketers (age: 19 ± 4.53 years, stature: 167.90 ± 7.28 cm; mass: 67.30 ± 13.51 kg) currently playing for a first-class county cricket club were recruited. The protocol consisted of six sets and was designed to mimic the nonpowerplay phase of a women’s “Hundred” match. Throughout the protocol selected physiological and perceptual responses were recorded. Results Heart rate responses increased significantly (P < 0.05) from the first set (149 ± 14 beats/min) until the end of the third set (167 ± 10 beats/min). A further significant decrease (P < 0.05) was observed between set three (167 ± 10 beats/min) and set six (165 ± 12 beats/min). Oxygen uptake responses increased significantly (P < 0.05) from set one (22.06 ± 7.82 mL/kg/min) until set three (26.30 ± 7.58 mL/kg/min). A significant difference (P < 0.05) was also observed between set three and all the other sets. Central ratings of perceived exertion increased significantly (P < 0.05) throughout the protocol (9 ± 1.83–13 ± 3.17). Body discomfort, results indicated that the quadriceps and calves were the areas that felt the most discomfort during the protocol. Conclusion In conclusion, the design of training programs should mimic the demandsof the women?s format of the game and focus on individualised exercise preparation

    Fuelwood harvesting and selection in Valley Thicket, South Africa

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    The Thicket Biome is the second smallest biome in South Africa, and is renowned for its high biodiversity. Yet, less than 5% of the biome is in formal conservation areas. Much of the currently intact thicket outside protected areas is threatened by land transformation to commercial agriculture or heavy use by rural communities. There is limited understanding of the ecological structure and function of thicket communities and their response to these human pressures. This paper reports on a study to characterize the woody communities in Valley Thicket and Thornveld surrounding a rural village. We also examined the demand and selection for specific woody species. There was a marked selection for key species for different uses, including fuelwood, construction timber, and cultural stacks. There was also strong selection for specific size classes of stem, especially those between 16–45 cm circumference. The density, biomass and species richness of woody species was reduced close to the village, and increased with distance away from human settlement. A similar trend was found for the basal area of preferred species, but not for the basal area of all species. The strong selectivity for both species and size class means that the anthropogenic impacts are not uniform within the woody strata, leading to marked changes in community structure and floristics at a local scale

    The Discovery of Trissolcus japonicus (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) in Michigan

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    The invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål), is a pest of growing economic importance in the United States, the control of which currently relies on pesticide applications. Biological control could provide sustainable and long-term control but classical biological control agents have not yet been approved. Adventive populations of a potential biological control agents, the Samurai wasp, Trissolcus japonicus (Ashmead), have been found in the United States, first in Maryland in 2014, expanding its range west to Ohio by 2017. Trissolcus japonicus is a highly effective parasitoid of H. halys eggs, but its redistribution and augmentative releases are restricted to states where it has been detected in the wild. To assess the presence of T. japonicus in Michigan and attack rates of H. halys by native natural enemies we deployed 189 H. halys egg masses at ten sites in lower Michigan between May and October in 2018. In addition, we deployed 51 native stink bug egg masses at the same sites to evaluate potential non-target effects of T. japonicus in the field, which were shown to occur in laboratory studies. We found T. japonicus in a single H. halys egg mass, which constitutes the first record of this Asian parasitoid in Michigan. Native predators and parasitoids caused minimal mortality of H. halys eggs and we did not find evidence of non-target effects of T. japonicus on native stink bug species. These findings open the door to initiation of a classical biological control program using an efficient, coevolved parasitoid from the native range of H. halys

    Bilateral reversed palmaris longus muscle with trifid insertion, a rare variation

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    Normally the palmaris longus muscle originates from the medial epicondyle of the humerus from common flexor origin. In the middle of the forearm, the muscle belly forms a tendon which is inserted into the flexor retinaculum and the palmar aponeurosis. In our study after dissection of both forearms of a 45-year-old male cadaver we found a reversed palmaris longus muscle. This means that the palmaris longus muscle was tendinous in its proximal part and muscular in its distal part. The fleshy belly of muscle was passing over flexor retinaculum, was ensheathed by separate fascia. The muscle belly was spreading on both the sides of each palm for insertion which was trifid, that is centrally into palmar aponeurosis, laterally continuous with the fascia covering the thenar muscles and medially with Abductor digit minimi. It was having tendinous interconnection with the muscle mass of both the sides. Bilateral reversed palmaris longus muscle mentioned in the literature, was a surgical finding in a patient who suffered from edema and pain in the wrist. The overuse of the reversed palmaris longus muscle can lead to the muscle’s local hypertrophy. As per the literature a reversed palmaris longus muscle may cause a compartment syndrome with pain and edema in the wrist area, the carpal tunnel syndrome and Guyon’s syndrome. The variation is also useful to the hand surgeon, as the palmaris longus muscle is an anatomical landmark for operations in this area