14 research outputs found

    Numerical analysis of the torsional and flexural‐torsional buckling behaviour of compressed steel members at elevated temperature

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    AbstractSteel angle sections are frequently employed in bracing systems or in truss structures as single members or as built‐up members. Angles may be coupled back‐to‐back to create Tee or cruciform cross‐sections. These sections may be sensitive to torsional and flexural‐torsional buckling due to the cross‐section shape and the fact that the axial force may not be applied at the shear centre. In this work, a comprehensive numerical investigation of the behaviour of compressed angles, T and cruciform steel cross‐sections at elevated temperature was performed. A parametric study was carried out on Class 1 to 3 profiles subjected to uniform temperature distribution. Several numerical finite element analyses were carried out by varying the slenderness, the cross section, the steel grade and steel temperature employing beam and shell finite elements. It was found that the buckling curve given in the European structural code for steel structures in fire, i.e. EN 1993‐1‐2, provided results, that may not be conservative for a large slenderness range of practical interest, 0.4 ≀ λΞ ≀ 1.5. Based on the results, adapted buckling curves were proposed to better predict the behaviour of angles, T and cruciform compressed cross‐sections at elevated temperature

    Assessment of retrofit measures to prevent progressive collapse in steel structures

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    Man-made hazards, such as fires, explosions, or impacts, may have severe social and economic consequences and, therefore, should be carefully considered during the design of new, as well as, during the retrofitting of existing structures. Among others, these events could induce the progressive collapse of structures, in which the localised failure spreads from the single affected structural component to other parts of the structure. It is important to highlight that most existing structures worldwide have been designed before the introduction of design rules against progressive collapse. Therefore, it is nowadays of paramount importance to identify effective retrofit measures to renovate existing structures and return safer buildings to the community, including explicit design considerations against progressive collapse. The present paper investigates the effectiveness of three different retrofit measures, namely roof-truss, bracing, and cable systems, conceived to increase the structural robustness and hence mitigate the progressive collapse risk in steel structures. A case study steel moment resisting frame (MRF) was studied by performing non-linear static analyses in OpenSees and investigating its response before and after retrofitting. The progressive collapse was simulated by considering central column loss scenarios, and the ability to prevent the spread of failures of the original and retrofitted structures was examined. The present study sheds some light on the effectiveness and limitations of the considered retrofit measures in improving the overall robustness of the frame. The results show that, after the column removal, the original configuration of the selected MRF fails due to column buckling. Therefore, only the roof-truss and bracings strategies effectively improve the frame’s robustness and allow the creation of alternative load paths. Additionally, some critical aspects to be carefully considered in the design of the retrofit measures are indicated

    Dynamic Increase Factors for progressive collapse anaylsis of steel structures accounting for column buckling

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    Man-made hazards, such as fire, explosions, or impacts, may induce the progressive collapse of structures, in which the localised failure spreads from the single affected structural component to other parts of the structure. A typical approach to model progressive collapse consists in performing static column removal analyses considering a Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF), whose determination becomes paramount to account for the dynamic effects related to a sudden column loss scenario. Current recommendations on the definition of such factor mainly consider a beam-type collapse in non-linear analyses, though different mechanisms, e.g., column buckling, may govern progressive collapse events. This paper presents the determination of the DIFs through a numerical procedure for five steel structures with an increasing number of storeys. Both global and local imperfections are modeled to account for the geometric non-linearities of the structure and column buckling. DIF values are obtained considering two different Engineering Demand Parameters (EDPs), suited for describing beam-type and column-type mechanisms respectively. The evaluated DIFs are compared with the values recommended in the current UFC design prescriptions for progressive collapse, and considerations on the choice of the appropriate DIF values are provided

    A case of acute promyelocytic leukemia variant with derivative chromosome 3 der(3)t(3;8) associated with 8q partial gain

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    Background: Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is characterized by fusion of PML/RARα genes as a result of t(15; 17)(q24;q21). APL is now one of the curable hematological malignancies thanks to molecularly targeted therapies based on all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and arsenic trioxide (ATX). Extramedullary (EM) relapse is a rare event in APL, ear involvement being even more infrequent, with only six cases so far described. About 30–35% of patients with newly diagnosed APL have additional cytogenetics abnormalities, whose prognostic significance is still controversial. The most common additional aberration is trisomy 8 or partial gain 8q. Case presentation: We describe here a novel unbalanced translocation der(3)t(3;8)(q29;q23.3-q24.3) associated with 8q partial gain in a 41 year-old man affected by APL in molecular remission after first line treatment, who had a responsive EM relapse in the auditory canal. Conclusions: EM relapse is a rare event in APL and ear involvement is even more infrequent. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of APL with a new der(3)t(3;8)(q29;q23.3-q24.3) and 8q partial gain associated with t(15;17)(q24; q21). Despite the recurrence of the disease at EM level, the clinical outcome of this patients was favorable

    Development and application of corotational finite elements for the analysis of steel structures in fire

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    The ignition and the propagation of a fire inside a building may lead to global or local structural collapse, especially in steel framed structures. Indeed, steel structures are particularly vulnerable to thermal attack because of a high value of steel conductivity and of the small thickness that characterise the cross-sections. As a crucial aspect of design, fire safety requirements should be achieved either following prescriptive rules or adopting performance-based fire engineering. Despite the possibility to employ simple methods that involve member analysis under nominal fire curves, a more accurate analysis of the thermomechanical behaviour of a steel structural system is an appealing alternative, asit may lead to more economical and efficient solutions by taking into account possible favourable mechanisms. This analysis typically requires the investigation of parts of the structure or even of the whole structure. For this purpose, and in order to gain a deeper knowledge about the behaviour of structural members at elevated temperature, numerical simulation should be employed. In this thesis,thermomechanical finite elements, suited for the analyses of steel structures in fire, were developed and exploited in numerical simulation of relevant case studies. The development of a shell and of a 3D beam thermomechanical finite element based on a corotational formulation is presented. Most of the relevant structural cases can be adequately investigated by either using one of these elements or combining them. The corotational formulation is well suited for the analyses of structures in which large displacements, but small strains occur, as in the case of steel structures in fire. The main features of the elements are described, as well as their characterization in the thermomechanical context. In this regard, the material degradation due to the temperature increase and the thermal expansion of steel were considered in the derivation of the elements. In addition, a branch-switching procedure to perform preliminary instability analyses and get important insight into the post-buckling behaviour of steel structures subjected to fire is presented. The application of the developed numerical tools is provided in the part of the thesis devoted to the published research work. Several aspects of the buckling of steel structural elements at elevated temperature are discussed. In paper I, considerations about the influence of geometrical imperfectionson the behaviour of compressed steel plates and columns at elevated temperatures are provided, as well as implications and results of the employment of the branch-switching procedure. In Paper II, the proposed 3D beam element is validated for meaningful case studies, in which torsional deformations are significant. The developed beam and shell elements are employed in an investigation of buckling resistance of compressed angular, Tee and cruciform steel profiles at elevated temperature presented in Paper III. An improved buckling curve for design is presented in this work. Furthermore, as an example of the application of Fire Safety Engineering principles, a comprehensive analysis is proposed in Paper IV. Two relevant fire scenarios are identified for the investigated building, which is modelled and analysed in the software SAFIR.Utbredningen av en brand inuti en byggnad kan leda till global eller lokal strukturell kollaps, sÀrskilt i stÄlramkonstruktioner. Faktum Àr att stÄlkonstruktioner Àr sÀrskilt utsatta för termiska angrepp pÄ grund av ett högt vÀrde av stÄlkonduktivitet och tvÀrsnitten med smÄ tjockleken. Som en viktig aspekt av konstruktionen bör brandsÀkerhetskrav uppnÄs antingen enligt föreskrivande regler eller enligt antagande av prestationsbaserad brandteknik. Trots möjligheten att anvÀnda enkla metoder som involverar membersanalys kombinerat med nominella brandkurvor, Àr en mer exakt analys av det termomekaniska beteendet hos en stÄlkonstruktion ett tilltalande alternativ eftersom det kan leda till mer ekonomiska och effektiva lösningar genom att ta hÀnsyn till möjliga gynnsamma mekanismer. Denna analys krÀver vanligtvis utredning av delar av strukturen eller till och med av hela strukturen. För detta ÀndamÄl och för att fÄ en djupare kunskap om strukturelementens beteende vid förhöjd temperatur bör numerisk simulering anvÀndas. I denna avhandling utvecklades och anvÀndes termomekaniska finita element som Àr lÀmpliga för analys av stÄlkonstruktioner utsÀtta för brand. Relevanta fallstudier utfördes. Utvecklingen av bÄde ett termomekaniskt skal- och 3D balkelement baserade pÄ en korotationsformulering presenteras. De flesta relevanta strukturfall kan undersökas pÄ ett adekvat sÀtt genom att antingen anvÀnda nÄgot av dessa element eller kombinera dem. Korotationsformuleringen Àr vÀl lÀmpad för analyser av strukturer dÀr stora förskjutningar, men smÄ töjningar förekommer, som i fallet med stÄlkonstruktioner i brand. Elementens huvuddrag beskrivs, liksom deras karakterisering i termomekaniskt sammanhang. I detta avseende övervÀgdes materialnedbrytningen pÄ grund av temperaturökningen och den termiska expansionen av stÄl vid hÀrledningen av elementen. Dessutom presenteras en grenvÀxlingsprocedur för att utföra preliminÀra instabilitetsanalyser och fÄ viktig inblick i efterknÀckningsbeteendet hos stÄlkonstruktioner som utsÀtts för brand. TillÀmpningen av de utvecklade numeriska verktygen ges i den del av avhandlingen som Àgnas Ät det publicerade forskningsarbetet. Flera aspekter av knÀckningen av stÄlkonstruktionselement vid förhöjd temperatur diskuteras. I Artikel I tillhandahÄlls övervÀganden om pÄverkan av geometriska imperfektioner pÄ beteendet hos komprimerade stÄlplattor och kolonner vid förhöjda temperaturer, liksom implikationer och resultat av anvÀndningen av grenvÀxlingsprocedur. I Artikel II valideras det föreslagna 3D-balkelementet genom meningsfulla fallstudier dÀr torsionsdeformationer Àr signifikanta. De utvecklade balk- och skalelementen anvÀnds i en undersökning av knÀckningsmotstÄnd hos komprimerade vinkel-, Tee- och korsformade stÄlprofiler vid förhöjd temperatur som presenteras i Artikel III. En förbÀttrad knÀckningskurva för design presenteras i detta arbete. Som ett exempel pÄ tillÀmpningen av principerna för brandsÀkerhetsteknik presenteras en omfattande analys i Artikel IV. TvÄ relevanta brandscenarier identifieras för den undersökta byggnaden, som modelleras och analyseras i programmet SAFIR

    Derivation of a new temperature calculation formulation for heavily fire insulated steel cross-sections

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    Equations are given in the Eurocode standard EN 1993-1-2 on the estimation of temperature in insulated steel cross sections when assuming uniform steel section temperature, sometimes called a lumped heat capacity assumption. When deriving these equations the temperature of the exposed insulation surface is assumed equal the surrounding fire gas temperature. That is a simplification that may provide inaccurate results for heavily insulated steel sections, when the heat capacity of the insulation is considerably higher than that of the steel section. Therefore, a new lumped mass formulation suited for heavily insulated steel sections is proposed in this paper. It accounts for the heat transfer resistance between the fire and the insulation surface as well as for the heat capacity of the insulation. The accuracy of the predictions made with the proposed new formulation are compared with results of accurate 1-D finite element numerical analyses considering insulation materials with several combinations of thermal properties and thicknesses. Analyses with the proposed formulation is shown to yield accurate and generally on the safe side estimations of steel temperature in comparison to the finite element (FE) calculations. The new formulation is applicable to lightly as well as heavily insulated steel sections.GodkÀnd;2023;NivÄ 0;2023-11-15 (hanlid);Funder: Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) (L 232/2016);Full text license: CC BY-NC-ND</p

    Algorithm to Estimate the Capacity Reserve of Existing Masonry Arch Railway Bridges

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    Most railway masonry arch bridges were designed according to codes that predate the 1950s; therefore, assessing their load-carrying capacity to comply with current codes is of the utmost importance. Nonetheless, acquiring the necessary information to conduct in-depth analyses is expensive and time consuming. In this article, we propose an expeditious procedure to conservatively assess the Load Rating Factor of masonry arch railway bridges based on a minimal set of information: the span, rise-to-span ratio, and design code. This method consists in applying the Static Theorem to determine the most conservative arch geometry compatible with the original design code; assuming this conservative geometrical configuration, the load rating factor, with respect to a different design load, is estimated. Using this algorithm, a parametric analysis was carried out to evaluate the Load Rating Factor of old arch bridges in respect of the modern freight load of the Trans-European Conventional Rail System, for different spans, rise-to-span ratios, and original design codes. The results are reported in easy-to-use charts, and summarized in simple, practical rules, which can help railway operators to rank their bridges based on capacity deficit

    Algorithm to Estimate the Capacity Reserve of Existing Masonry Arch Railway Bridges

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    Most railway masonry arch bridges were designed according to codes that predate the 1950s; therefore, assessing their load-carrying capacity to comply with current codes is of the utmost importance. Nonetheless, acquiring the necessary information to conduct in-depth analyses is expensive and time consuming. In this article, we propose an expeditious procedure to conservatively assess the Load Rating Factor of masonry arch railway bridges based on a minimal set of information: the span, rise-to-span ratio, and design code. This method consists in applying the Static Theorem to determine the most conservative arch geometry compatible with the original design code; assuming this conservative geometrical configuration, the load rating factor, with respect to a different design load, is estimated. Using this algorithm, a parametric analysis was carried out to evaluate the Load Rating Factor of old arch bridges in respect of the modern freight load of the Trans-European Conventional Rail System, for different spans, rise-to-span ratios, and original design codes. The results are reported in easy-to-use charts, and summarized in simple, practical rules, which can help railway operators to rank their bridges based on capacity deficit

    Quantitative integration of fire risk with life cycle analysis of building: The case of thermal insulation

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    Given the ever-growing importance of environmental sustainability, greater attention has been paid to the energy consumption of buildings. A significant share of such consumption is due to the thermal regulation of buildings’ interior spaces. Thermal insulation is highly effective in reducing these energy needs. Consequently, national policies have been introduced or revised to increase the minimum insulation requirements. Besides, a large share of thermal insulation materials is currently plastic-based. These materials were found to have increased the severity of fire consequences in a few recent major fires. Instead, inorganic fibrous insulation materials, especially those almost incombustible, have a lower impact on fire development but also lower thermal insulation performances. The optimization problem, with fire safety on one side and energy performances on the other, has been the subject of recent research. Nonetheless, due to the numerous uncertainties, such optimization is usually discussed only qualitatively. Conversely, in this work, full probabilistic methods and damage-to-impact conversion are applied to fire risk assessment and found to be a reliable strategy for a quantitative approach. Thus, a quantitative integration of fire risk-based environmental impact of thermal insulation, applied to a general case study, is presented. Damage-to-impact conversion is realized by using embodied carbon values and fire fragility functions. This application also accounts for direct greenhouse gas emissions from combustion. The final results show that fire consequences are comparable with the superior thermal performance effects in the environmental balance between plastic-based and inorganic fibrous insulation materials

    Fire safety engineering principles applied to a multi-storey steel building

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    In this paper, fire safety engineering principles were applied to a steel-framed office building. The case study consisted of a 15-storey steel moment-resisting frame designed in Japan. Once the performance criteria had been defined, two severe fire scenarios for the unprotected structure, implying a different degree of building collapse, were identified and modelled in zone models, OZone and consolidated fire and smoke transport (CFast), as well as in the computational fluid dynamics software Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). Based on the results of the fire development simulation, several finite-element thermo-mechanical analyses were performed with SAFIR. OZone and CFast models, which are much less computationally demanding, provided comparable failure mode and time with respect to FDS. Since the steel frame was seismically designed as a moment-resisting frame in the two main horizontal building directions, the columns were particularly stocky. Moreover, they were only partially heated because they were located on the compartment edges. For these reasons, columns did not exhibit failure, in contrast to the assumptions taken in the risk-ranking process in relation to the evaluation of the consequences, suggesting a revision of such estimations and a possible iterative procedure for the definition of critical fire scenarios for the structure