26 research outputs found


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    Background: At the drug scene some major shifts were observed, more and more reports highlighted the abuse of prescription medication. Despite the importance of controlled medication in treatment child and adolescent disorders, this increase may be a factor which influence misuse and nonmedical use of prescribed drugs among adolescents. Subject and methods: Croatian data from ESPAD survey in 2003, 2007 and 2011 were used, and variables selected from the international ESPAD questionnaire. Dependent variable was taking tranquilizers or sedatives prescribed by doctor in the past 12 months. Independent variables were nonmedical use of tranquilizers/sedatives, use of other psychoactive substances, school performance, truancy, delinquent behaviour, satisfaction with relationships with parents, friends, health, self-perception, financial situation and symptoms of depression. The respondents were 8849 students (4393 boys and 4456 girls) in three consecutive ESPAD surveys (2003, 2007 and 2011). Results: In multivariate analysis for all three survey years the strongest predictor for prescription medication use was use of sedatives/tranquilizers without prescription (OR 6.14; CI 4.08-9.23; OR 8.16; CI4.65-14.32; OR 9.77; CI5.92-15.13). Frequent drinking and excessive drinking or drunkenness also predicted prescription medication use, (OR 1.85; CI1.10-3.10; OR 2.01: CI 1.20-3.39). Among other problem behaviours lower school performance (OR 2.92; CI 1.41-6.05; OR 2.56; CI 1.12-5.87), missed school days OR 1.59; OR1.01-2.51; OR1.72; CI 1.03-2.87), aggressive behaviour (OR 1.532; CI 1.01-2.28; OR1.65; CI 1.04-2.62), depressive symptoms (OR 2.19; CI 1.24-3.85) and poorer financial situation were connected with prescription medication use. Conclusion: Prescription use of tranquilizers/sedatives was predicted by nonmedical tranquilizers/sedatives use, alcohol abuse, symptoms of depression and variables indicating maladjusted behaviour. Although there is sufficient evidence that prescription medication abuse might went unobserved, the further analysis which could better explain its’ role and impact is still needed


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    Background: School health services (SHS) have in Croatia long tradition, established organizational structure, defined program and educated staff. The program is limited to the preventive activities. The aim of the study was to investigate the satisfaction of the children, school staff and parents with existing school health services in the City of Zagreb. Subject and methods: The structured questionnaire was sent to the primary and secondary schools in the City of Zagreb, which were selected using random sample method. The questionnaires were anonymous and filled in supervised by class masters. In the secondary schools the structure of schooling was respected. Questionnaires were filled by 448 pupils from primary, 551 from secondary schools, by 596 parents and 595 teachers. Results: In primary schools pupils rated SHS more available and accessible, staff complaisant and responsible, counselling being useful and justified, confidentiality respected higher than pupils from secondary schools (p<0.001). Teachers from primary and secondary schools perceived SHS as valuable school partners (88.9% and 82.3%). Teachers from primary and secondary schools (88.9% and 88.1%) and parents (78.3% and 67.5%) stated that SHS could not be replaced by GPs or paediatricians. Primary school pupils felt that most common problems were injuries and vocational counselling, secondary school pupils assessed behavioural and sexual related problems as mostly challenging. Satisfaction with the SHS response to the most challenging problems was rated higher by teachers from primary schools (p<0.001 for learning difficulties, chronic diseases, bullying and vocational counselling), by parents for learning difficulties and vocational counselling, but no significance was found for pupils’ satisfactions. Conclusion: SHS in Zagreb are recognized as vital and necessary partners for schools, available and accessible for pupils, teachers and parents, especially for primary schools. Counselling is highly rated by all respondents, confidentiality considered as respected, and the problem of the most common challenges as successfully solved

    Determinazione del contenuto di nitrati e nitriti nei prodotti a base di carne senza additivi aggiunti

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    A food additive is any substance not consumed as a food ingredient but added to food for a specific purpose, for example inhibiting microorganism growth and maintaining sensory quality. Potassium and sodium nitrates and nitrites are among the most commonly used food additives in the meat industry due to their antimicrobial effect, in particular to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria Clostridium botulinum and its spores. Additionally, they provide specific sensory attributes, primarily the inherent pink color of meat products. Studies showed that excessive intake of nitrates and nitrites may pose a risk to human health. The object of this research was determination of nitrite and nitrate content in meat products without added additives or with those additives from natural sources. Samples were mortadella, cooked ham and bologna sausage as thermally proccessed (cured) meat products and fermented sausage. The statistical analysis of the results for mortadella, cooked ham and bologna sausage as thermally proccessed meat products showed a p-value <0.05 between recipes with added nitrite salt and new recipes. The values of the median mass concentration of sodium nitrite in the commercial recipes were from 3.50-40.50 mg/kg, whereas this value was below the limit of detection in new recipes. Also, for fermented sausage, the p-value below 0.05 between commercial recipe with nitrite and nitrate salt and new recipes confirmed the hypothesis for replacement of mentioned salts with new concepts. The value of the median mass concentration of sodium nitrate in the recipe with added nitrate salt was 268.52 mg/ kg, whereas this value was below the limit of detection in other recipes.Prehrambeni aditiv je svaka tvar koja se sama po sebi ne konzumira kao hrana, niti je prepoznatljiv sastojak hrane već se dodaje zbog svoje važne uloge. Najčešće se dodaje u hranu u svrhu konzerviranja, održavanja svježine, očuvanja konzistencije, poboljšanja teksture te usporavanja rasta mikroorganizama. Najčešće korišteni aditivi u mesnoj industriji su kalijevi ili natrijevi nitrati i nitriti. Tradicionalno se koriste za konzerviranje mesnih proizvoda zbog svoje učinkovitosti antimikrobnog djelovanja nitrita protiv patogene bakterije Clostridium botulinum, rasta njenih spora kao i protiv drugih bakterija. Osim konzervirajućeg učinka odgovorni su za karakteristična organoleptička svojstva, prvenstveno svojstvenu ružičastu boju mesnih proizvoda. Istraživanja ukazuju da prevelik unos nitrata i nitrita može predstavljati rizik za ljudsko zdravlje. Cilj ovog znanstvenog rada bio je određivanje sadražaja nitrita i nitrata u mesnim proizvodima bez dodanih aditiva. Također, istraživao se i učinak dodanih nitrata i nitrita na mesne proizvode iz prirodnih izvora, kao što su sastojci na bazi povrća – blitve i peršina. Mesni proizvodi u kojima se određivao sadržaj navedenih aditiva bili su termički obrađeni proizvodi poput mortadele, kuhane šunke i parizera i trajna kobasica. Statističkom obradom rezultata termički obrađenih mesnih proizvoda mortadele, kuhane šunke i parizera dobivene su p-vrijednosti <0.05 između recepture s nitritnom soli i novih receptura. Srednje vrijednosti masenih koncentracija natrijevog nitrita u komercijalnim recepturama bile su od 3.50-40.50 mg/kg dok su za nove recepture te vrijednosti bile ispod granice detekcije. U slučaju fermentirane kobasice, p-vrijednost ispod 0.05 između komercijalno dostupne recepture s nitratnom i nitritnom soli i novih receptura je potvrdila hipotezu o zamjeni navedenih soli s novim konceptima. Srednja vrijednost masene koncentracije natrijevog nitrata u komercijalnoj recepturi bila je 268.52 mg/kg dok je ta vrijednost ispod granice detekcije kod novih receptura.Ein Lebensmittelzusatzstoff ist eine Substanz, die nicht als Lebensmittelzutat verzehrt, sondern dem Lebensmittel zu einem bestimmten Zweck zugesetzt wird, z. B. zur Konservierung, Erhaltung der Frische und Konsistenz, Verbesserung der Textur und Hemmung des Wachstums von Mikroorganismen. Kalium- und Natriumnitrate und -nitrite gehören aufgrund ihrer antimikrobiellen Wirkung zu den am häufigsten verwendeten Lebensmittelzusatzstoffen in der Fleischindustrie, insbesondere zur Verhinderung des Wachstums von pathogenen Bakterien Clostridium botulinum und deren Sporen. Außerdem sorgen sie für bestimmte sensorische Eigenschaften, vor allem für die rosa Farbe von Fleischerzeugnissen. Studien haben gezeigt, dass eine übermäßige Aufnahme von Nitraten und Nitriten ein Risiko für die menschliche Gesundheit darstellen kann. Gegenstand dieser Untersuchung war die Bestimmung des Nitrit- und Nitratgehalts in Fleischerzeugnissen ohne Zusatzstoffe oder mit diesen Zusatzstoffen aus natürlichen Quellen, wie z.B. Inhaltsstoffe auf Basis von Gemüse – Mangold und Petersilie. Bei den Proben handelte es sich um Mortadella, Kochschinken und Bolognesewurst als thermisch verarbeitete (gepökelte) Fleischerzeugnisse und fermentierte Wurst. Die statistische Analyse der Ergebnisse für Mortadella, Kochschinken und Bolognesewurst als thermisch verarbeitete Fleischerzeugnisse ergab einen p-Wert <0,05 zwischen Rezepten mit zugesetztem Nitritsalz und neuen Rezepten. Die Werte der mittleren Massenkonzentration von Natriumnitrit in den Handelsrezepturen lagen zwischen 3,50 und 40,50 mg/kg, während dieser Wert in den neuen Rezepturen unter der Nachweisgrenze lag. Auch bei fermentierter Wurst bestätigte der p-Wert unter 0,05 zwischen der Handelsrezeptur mit Nitrit- und Nitratsalz und den neuen Rezepturen die Hypothese für den Ersatz der genannten Salze durch neue Konzepte. Der Wert der mittleren Massenkonzentration von Natriumnitrat in der Rezeptur mit zugesetztem Nitratsalz betrug 268,52 mg/kg, während dieser Wert in den anderen Rezepturen unter der Nachweisgrenze lag.Un aditivo alimentario es cualquier sustancia que no se consume como ingrediente alimentario, pero se añade a los alimentos con un propósito específico, por ejemplo, para inhibir el crecimiento de microorganismos y mantener la calidad sensorial. Los nitratos y nitritos de potasio y sodio se encuentran entre los aditivos alimentarios más comúnmente utilizados en la industria cárnica debido a su efecto antimicrobiano, especialmente para prevenir el crecimiento de bacterias patógenas como el Clostridium botulinum, sus esporas y otras bacterias. Además, proporcionan atributos organolépticos específicos, principalmente el color rosa inherente de los productos cárnicos. Estudios han demostrado que la ingesta excesiva de nitratos y nitritos puede representar un riesgo para la salud humana. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el contenido de nitritos y nitratos en productos cárnicos sin aditivos añadidos. También fue investigado el efecto de los nitratos y nitritos agregados en productos cárnicos de fuentes naturales, como ingredientes de origen vegetal: acelgas y perejil. Las muestras fueron mortadela, jamón cocido y salchicha de bolonia como productos cárnicos procesados térmicamente (curados) y salchicha fermentada. El análisis estadístico de los resultados para la mortadela, el jamón cocido y la salchicha de bolonia como productos cárnicos procesados térmicamente mostraron un valor p <0.05 entre las recetas con sal de nitrito añadida y las nuevas recetas. Los valores de la concentración media de masa de nitrito de sodio en las recetas comerciales fueron de 3.50-40.50 mg/kg, mientras que este valor fue inferior al límite de detección en recetas nuevas. Además, para la salchicha fermentada, el valor p por debajo del límite de 0.05 entre la receta comercial con sal de nitrito y nitrato y las nuevas recetas confirmó la hipótesis de reemplazo de dichas sales con nuevos conceptos. El valor de la concentración media de masa de nitrato de sodio en la receta con sal de nitrato añadida fue de 268.52 mg/kg, mientras que este valor fue por debajo del límite de detección en las demás recetas.Un additivo alimentare è qualsiasi sostanza che non viene consumata come alimento di per sé, né è un ingrediente alimentare riconoscibile, ma viene aggiunta agli alimenti con una funzione specifica. Viene spesso aggiunto al cibo allo scopo di conservarlo, mantenerne la freschezza, preservarne la consistenza, migliorarne la texture e rallentare la crescita dei microrganismi. Gli additivi più comunemente usati nell’industria della carne sono i nitrati e i nitriti di potassio o di sodio. Sono tradizionalmente utilizzati per conservare i prodotti a base di carne grazie all’efficacia dell’azione antimicrobica del nitrito contro il batterio patogeno Clostridium botulinum, la crescita delle sue spore, nonché contro altri batteri. Oltre all’effetto conservante, sono responsabili di alcune proprietà organolettiche caratteristiche, in primis del tipico colore rosa dei prodotti a base di carne. La ricerca mostra che l’eccessiva assunzione di nitrati e nitriti può rappresentare un rischio per la salute umana. Questo studio scientifico aveva lo scopo di determinare il contenuto di nitriti e nitrati nei prodotti a base di carne senza additivi aggiunti. Inoltre, è stato studiato anche l’effetto dei nitrati e nitriti aggiunti su prodotti a base di carne di origine naturale, come alcuni ingredienti a base vegetale - bietole e prezzemolo. I prodotti a base di carne in cui è stato stabilito il contenuto dei suddetti additivi sono prodotti termicamente trattati quali la mortadella, il prosciutto cotto, il parizer (una specie di grosso wurstel: n.d.t.) e la salsiccia stagionata. Mediante elaborazione statistica dei risultati dei prodotti a base di carne lavorati termicamente (mortadella, prosciutto cotto e parizer), tra la ricetta con sale nitrito e le nuove ricette è stato ottenuto un valore-p <0,05. I valori medi delle concentrazioni in massa di nitrito di sodio nelle ricette commerciali erano di 3,50-40,50 mg/kg, mentre per le nuove ricette questi valori sono risultati inferiori al limite di rilevabilità. Nel caso della salsiccia fermentata, il valore-p inferiore a 0,05 tra la ricetta disponibile in commercio con sale nitrato e nitrito e le nuove ricette ha confermato l’ipotesi di sostituire i sali citati con nuovi prodotti. Il valore medio della concentrazione in massa di nitrato di sodio nella ricetta commerciale è risultato di 268,52 mg/kg, mentre nelle nuove ricette questo valore è risultato inferiore al limite di rilevabilità

    Sexual dysfunction and sexual life satisfaction among male students

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    Cilj: Istraživanje seksualnog zdravlja u adolescenata uglavnom se temelji na rizičnom ponašanju i zdravstvenim ishodima, dok se seksualna disfunkcija u adolescenciji rijetko ispituje. Glavni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi učestalost erektilne disfunkcije i prerane ejakulacije među seksualno aktivnim studentima prve godine visokih škola i fakulteta te povezanost s njihovim zadovoljstvom seksualnim životom. Metode: Ukupno je 174 studenata prve godine samostalno ispunilo anonimni anketni list o medicinskim podacima, rizičnim čimbenicima ponašanja i seksualnom životu. Rezultati: Ispitivanje je pokazalo učestalost erektilne disfunkcije od 17,8% i prerane ejakulacije od 9,8%. Samo je 4,6% ispitanika potvrdilo teškoće s erekcijom. Vjerojatnost nastupa erektilne disfunkcije sedam puta je veća kod mladića koji nisu zadovoljni svojim osobnim seksualnim životom (OR 6,75; CI 2,85-15,85; p<0,001). Zaključak: Ovo pitanje zahtijeva pragmatičan pristup imajući na umu specifi čnost populacije adolescenata, osjetljivost ovoga pitanja i često neprepoznavanje erektilne disfunkcije. Dokazano je da je nezadovoljstvo seksualnim životom snažno povezano s erektilnom disfunkcijom. Kako bi otkrili osobe s potencijalnim poremećajem, stručnjaci trebaju započeti s pitanjima o zadovoljstvu seksualnim životom, a ne ispitivati izravno o teškoćama s erekcijom.Purpose: Research on adolescent sexual health is mainly based on risky behaviour and health outcomes, whereas sexual functioning in adolescence is poorly investigated. The main aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation among sexually active fi rst-year male college and university students, and its association with sexual life satisfaction. Methods: A total of 174 fi rst-year male college students fi lled out an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire on medical information, behavioural risk factors, and sexual life. Results: The current study showed the prevalence of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation of 17.8% and 9.8%, respectively. Only 4.6% of the participants acknowledged erection diffi culties. Young men dissatisfi ed with personal sexual life had a seven-fold greater probability to experience erectile dysfunction (OR 6.75; CI 2.85-15.85; p<0.001). Conclusion: Bearing in mind the specifi city of adolescent population, sensitivity of the subject, and often unawareness of erectile dysfunction, approach should be pragmatic. Sexual life dissatisfaction proved to be strongly related to erectile dysfunction. In order to detect those with potential disorder, professionals should initially ask about sexual life satisfaction rather than enquire directly into erection diffi culties

    Structural Characterization of FAU Gene/Protein from Marine Sponge Suberites domuncula

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    Finkel-Biskis-Reilly murine sarcoma virus (FBR-MuSV) ubiquitously expressed (FAU) gene is down-regulated in human prostate, breast and ovarian cancers. Moreover, its dysregulation is associated with poor prognosis in breast cancer. Sponges (Porifera) are animals without tissues which branched off first from the common ancestor of all metazoans. A large majority of genes implicated in human cancers have their homologues in the sponge genome. Our study suggests that FAU gene from the sponge Suberites domuncula reflects characteristics of the FAU gene from the metazoan ancestor, which have changed only slightly during the course of animal evolution. We found pro-apoptotic activity of sponge FAU protein. The same as its human homologue, sponge FAU increases apoptosis in human HEK293T cells. This indicates that the biological functions of FAU, usually associated with “higher” metazoans, particularly in cancer etiology, possess a biochemical background established early in metazoan evolution. The ancestor of all animals possibly possessed FAU protein with the structure and function similar to evolutionarily more recent versions of the protein, even before the appearance of true tissues and the origin of tumors and metastasis. It provides an opportunity to use pre-bilaterian animals as a simpler model for studying complex interactions in human cancerogenesis

    Application of information and communication technology in teaching Nature and Society during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Godina 2020. bila je izazovna za cijelo ljudsko društvo. Promjene koje je pandemija SARS-CoV-2 donijela ostavit će traga u svjetskoj povijesti, a velik dio tih promjena obuhvaćao je i obrazovne sustave diljem svijeta. Hrvatski obrazovni sustav odgovorio je na promjene uvodeći tri različita modela nastave tijekom pandemije (prvi model prema kojem se nastava odrţava uţivo u školi, drugi model koji je kombinacija nastave u školi i online nastave te posljednji model prema kojem se nastava odrţava u potpunosti online), a u istraţivanju provedenom za potrebe ovog diplomskog rada ispitivali su se stavovi učitelja razredne nastave o uporabi informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije [IKT] u nastavi Prirode i društva koja se izvodila kontaktno u školama tijekom pandemije. U tom kontekstu ispitano je kakva je opremljenost škola bila prije pandemije te tijekom nje, kakvo je znanje učitelja o IKT-u i u kojoj mjeri koriste IKT u nastavi Prirode i društva, u kojoj mjeri učenici koriste IKT u nastavi Prirode i društva te kako se provodila izvanučionička nastava Prirode i društva tijekom pandemije s obzirom na epidemiološke preporuke. Istraţivanje je provedeno online upitnikom namijenjenim učiteljima i učiteljicama razredne nastave s područja cijele Republike Hrvatske, a pristupila mu je 241 osoba. Rezultati istraţivanja pokazali su da učitelji u prosjeku imaju pozitivan stav o primjeni informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije u nastavi Prirode i društva. Učitelji se slaţu da je tehnička opremljenost škola unaprijeĎena zbog pandemije, ali nemaju svi uvijek dostupne digitalne medije za potrebe nastave Prirode i društva. Dostupnu informacijsko-komunikacijsku tehnologiju koriste i učitelji i učenici. Učitelji su svoje znanje korištenja IKT-a unaprijedili tijekom pandemije, a digitalne alate, sadrţaje i platforme na nastavi Prirode i društva koriste ponekad. TakoĎer, više od tri četvrtine ispitanih učitelja koristi IKT kao zamjenu za izvanučioničku nastavu tijekom pandemije, a učenici rijetko samostalno, pomoću IKT-a, usvajaju izvanučioničke sadrţaje Prirode i društva. Iako istraţivanje potvrĎuje da učitelji imaju pozitivne stavove o korištenju digitalne tehnologije na nastavi Prirode i društva, potrebno ju je više primjenjivati u samom nastavnom procesu jer pravilnim korištenjem moţe uvelike doprinijeti kvaliteti odgojno-obrazovnog procesa.The year 2020 was challenging for all members of society. The changes caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic will leave a mark on world history and many of that changes had impact on education systems around the world. The Croatian education system responded to the given changes by introducing 3 different models of teaching during the pandemic and the research conducted for the purposes of this thesis examined the attitudes of primary school teachers on the use of Information and Communication Technology in teaching Nature and Society during the pandemic in schools. In research were examined general data about teachers, what was the equipment of schools before and during the pandemic, what is the knowledge of teachers about ICT and how much they use ICT in teaching Nature and Society, how much students use ICT in teaching Nature and Society and how extracurricular activities were conducted in teaching Nature and Society during the pandemic and given epidemiological recommendations. The research was conducted by an online questionnaire intended for primary school teachers from all over the Republic of Croatia and was filled out by 241 people. The research showed that teachers have positive attitudes towards the application of Information and Communication Technology in teaching Nature and Society. Teachers agree that the technical equipment of schools has been improved due to the pandemic, but they don't have always digital mediums available for teaching Nature and Society. ICT is used by both, teachers and students. Teachers have improved their knowledge of using ICT during the pandemic and sometimes use digital tools, content and platforms in the teaching Nature and Society. Also, more than three quarters of the teachers use ICT as a substitute for extracurricular activities during the pandemic. Students rarely independently, with the help of ICT, learn extracurricular content of Nature and Society. Although, the research confirms that teachers have positive attitudes about the usage of digital technology in teaching Nature and Society, it is necessary to apply it more often in the teaching process because its proper use can improve the quality of the teaching process

    Application of information and communication technology in teaching Nature and Society during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Godina 2020. bila je izazovna za cijelo ljudsko društvo. Promjene koje je pandemija SARS-CoV-2 donijela ostavit će traga u svjetskoj povijesti, a velik dio tih promjena obuhvaćao je i obrazovne sustave diljem svijeta. Hrvatski obrazovni sustav odgovorio je na promjene uvodeći tri različita modela nastave tijekom pandemije (prvi model prema kojem se nastava odrţava uţivo u školi, drugi model koji je kombinacija nastave u školi i online nastave te posljednji model prema kojem se nastava odrţava u potpunosti online), a u istraţivanju provedenom za potrebe ovog diplomskog rada ispitivali su se stavovi učitelja razredne nastave o uporabi informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije [IKT] u nastavi Prirode i društva koja se izvodila kontaktno u školama tijekom pandemije. U tom kontekstu ispitano je kakva je opremljenost škola bila prije pandemije te tijekom nje, kakvo je znanje učitelja o IKT-u i u kojoj mjeri koriste IKT u nastavi Prirode i društva, u kojoj mjeri učenici koriste IKT u nastavi Prirode i društva te kako se provodila izvanučionička nastava Prirode i društva tijekom pandemije s obzirom na epidemiološke preporuke. Istraţivanje je provedeno online upitnikom namijenjenim učiteljima i učiteljicama razredne nastave s područja cijele Republike Hrvatske, a pristupila mu je 241 osoba. Rezultati istraţivanja pokazali su da učitelji u prosjeku imaju pozitivan stav o primjeni informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije u nastavi Prirode i društva. Učitelji se slaţu da je tehnička opremljenost škola unaprijeĎena zbog pandemije, ali nemaju svi uvijek dostupne digitalne medije za potrebe nastave Prirode i društva. Dostupnu informacijsko-komunikacijsku tehnologiju koriste i učitelji i učenici. Učitelji su svoje znanje korištenja IKT-a unaprijedili tijekom pandemije, a digitalne alate, sadrţaje i platforme na nastavi Prirode i društva koriste ponekad. TakoĎer, više od tri četvrtine ispitanih učitelja koristi IKT kao zamjenu za izvanučioničku nastavu tijekom pandemije, a učenici rijetko samostalno, pomoću IKT-a, usvajaju izvanučioničke sadrţaje Prirode i društva. Iako istraţivanje potvrĎuje da učitelji imaju pozitivne stavove o korištenju digitalne tehnologije na nastavi Prirode i društva, potrebno ju je više primjenjivati u samom nastavnom procesu jer pravilnim korištenjem moţe uvelike doprinijeti kvaliteti odgojno-obrazovnog procesa.The year 2020 was challenging for all members of society. The changes caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic will leave a mark on world history and many of that changes had impact on education systems around the world. The Croatian education system responded to the given changes by introducing 3 different models of teaching during the pandemic and the research conducted for the purposes of this thesis examined the attitudes of primary school teachers on the use of Information and Communication Technology in teaching Nature and Society during the pandemic in schools. In research were examined general data about teachers, what was the equipment of schools before and during the pandemic, what is the knowledge of teachers about ICT and how much they use ICT in teaching Nature and Society, how much students use ICT in teaching Nature and Society and how extracurricular activities were conducted in teaching Nature and Society during the pandemic and given epidemiological recommendations. The research was conducted by an online questionnaire intended for primary school teachers from all over the Republic of Croatia and was filled out by 241 people. The research showed that teachers have positive attitudes towards the application of Information and Communication Technology in teaching Nature and Society. Teachers agree that the technical equipment of schools has been improved due to the pandemic, but they don't have always digital mediums available for teaching Nature and Society. ICT is used by both, teachers and students. Teachers have improved their knowledge of using ICT during the pandemic and sometimes use digital tools, content and platforms in the teaching Nature and Society. Also, more than three quarters of the teachers use ICT as a substitute for extracurricular activities during the pandemic. Students rarely independently, with the help of ICT, learn extracurricular content of Nature and Society. Although, the research confirms that teachers have positive attitudes about the usage of digital technology in teaching Nature and Society, it is necessary to apply it more often in the teaching process because its proper use can improve the quality of the teaching process

    Satisfaction of consumer in B2C electronic trade

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    Tema ovog rada je istraživanje povjerenja kupaca u elektroničkoj trgovini putem Web servisa eBay. eBay je Web servis koji svojim korisnicima pruža online uslugu kupnje i prodaje putem aukcija ili prema zaključenim cijenama. Cilj ovog rada je definirati zadovoljstvo potrošača kvalitetom usluge, vrijednost za kupca te pobliže objasniti funkcionalnost elektroničke kupovine, primjenu eBaya te njegove glavne prednosti i nedostatke. Provedenim anketnim istraživanjem iznijet će se rezultati o pitanjima vezanim uz navike korisnika vezane uz korištenje Interneta te stavovi i ponašanja ispitanika u korištenju Web servisa za eBay. Bitno je naglasiti da budućnost trgovine leži u prodaji putem Interneta upravo zbog velikih ušteda u vremenu te njezine jednostavnosti i istraživanja pokazuju kako svakim danom sve više raste broj korisnika elektroničke trgovine.Theme od this thesis is a survey of consumer confidence in electronic commerce through web service eBay. eBay is a Web service that provides its users with the online service of buying and selling through auctions or the concluded prices. The aim of this thesis is to define consumer satisfaction with quality of service, consumer satisfaction and to explain the functionality of e-commerce, application of eBay and its main advantages and disadvantages. The conducted survey research will fetch the results on issues related to user habits related to Internet use and the attitudes and behavior of respondents in using Web services for eBay. It is important to emphasize that the future lies in store sales over the Internet because of the large savings in time and its simplicity and research shows that every day there is a growing number of users of electronic commerce