4,035 research outputs found

    Environmental sensitivity of n-i-n and undoped single GaN nanowire photodetectors

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    In this work, we compare the photodetector performance of single defect-free undoped and n-in GaN nanowires (NWs). In vacuum, undoped NWs present a responsivity increment, nonlinearities and persistent photoconductivity effects (~ 100 s). Their unpinned Fermi level at the m-plane NW sidewalls enhances the surface states role in the photodetection dynamics. Air adsorbed oxygen accelerates the carrier dynamics at the price of reducing the photoresponse. In contrast, in n-i-n NWs, the Fermi level pinning at the contact regions limits the photoinduced sweep of the surface band bending, and hence reduces the environment sensitivity and prevents persistent effects even in vacuum

    Korteweg-de Vries description of Helmholtz-Kerr dark solitons

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    A wide variety of different physical systems can be described by a relatively small set of universal equations. For example, small-amplitude nonlinear Schrödinger dark solitons can be described by a Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. Reductive perturbation theory, based on linear boosts and Gallilean transformations, is often employed to establish connections to and between such universal equations. Here, a novel analytical approach reveals that the evolution of small-amplitude Helmholtz–Kerr dark solitons is also governed by a KdV equation. This broadens the class of nonlinear systems that are known to possess KdV soliton solutions, and provides a framework for perturbative analyses when propagation angles are not negligibly small. The derivation of this KdV equation involves an element that appears new to weakly nonlinear analyses, since transformations are required to preserve the rotational symmetry inherent to Helmholtz-type equations

    Educando para un futuro sostenible: una aportación desde las clases de ciencias de la ESO

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    Se presenta una propuesta de organización de las clases de ciencias en la ESO que permite estudiar algunos de los problemas que caracterizan la crisis social y ecológica que vivimos, así como las medidas necesarias para solucionarlos. Esta orientación hacia la educación para la sostenibilidad intenta responder a los diferentes llamamientos que desde diferentes ámbitos se han venido haciendo a los educadores, especialmente a la Década de la Educación para un Futuro Sostenible, instaurada por la ONU (2005-2014)

    Delayed commutation in quantum computer networks

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    In the same way that classical computer networks connect and enhance the capabilities of classical computers, quantum networks can combine the advantages of quantum information and communications. We propose a non-classical network element, a delayed commutation switch, that can solve the problem of switching time in packet switching networks. With the help of some local ancillary qubits and superdense codes we can route the information after part of it has left the network node.Comment: 4 pages. 4 figures. Preliminar versio

    Helmholtz bright and boundary solitons

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    We report, for the first time, exact analytical boundary solitons of a generalized cubic-quintic Non-Linear Helmholtz (NLH) equation. These solutions have a linked-plateau topology that is distinct from conventional dark soliton solutions; their amplitude and intensity distributions are spatially delocalized and connect regions of finite and zero wave-field disturbances (suggesting also the classification as 'edge solitons'). Extensive numerical simulations compare the stability properties of recently-reported Helmholtz bright solitons, for this type of polynomial non-linearity, to those of the new boundary solitons. The latter are found to possess a remarkable stability characteristic, exhibiting robustness against perturbations that would otherwise lead to the destabilizing of their bright-soliton counterpart

    Wave envelopes with second-order spatiotemporal dispersion : I. Bright Kerr solitons and cnoidal waves

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    We propose a simple scalar model for describing pulse phenomena beyond the conventional slowly-varying envelope approximation. The generic governing equation has a cubic nonlinearity and we focus here mainly on contexts involving anomalous group-velocity dispersion. Pulse propagation turns out to be a problem firmly rooted in frames-of-reference considerations. The transformation properties of the new model and its space-time structure are explored in detail. Two distinct representations of exact analytical solitons and their associated conservation laws (in both integral and algebraic forms) are presented, and a range of new predictions is made. We also report cnoidal waves of the governing nonlinear equation. Crucially, conventional pulse theory is shown to emerge as a limit of the more general formulation. Extensive simulations examine the role of the new solitons as robust attractors

    Towards a Noninvasive Intracranial Tumor Irradiation Using 3D Optical Imaging and Multimodal Data Registration

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    Conformal radiotherapy (CRT) results in high-precision tumor volume irradiation. In fractioned radiotherapy (FRT), lesions are irradiated in several sessions so that healthy neighbouring tissues are better preserved than when treatment is carried out in one fraction. In the case of intracranial tumors, classical methods of patient positioning in the irradiation machine coordinate system are invasive and only allow for CRT in one irradiation session. This contribution presents a noninvasive positioning method representing a first step towards the combination of CRT and FRT. The 3D data used for the positioning is point clouds spread over the patient's head (CT-data usually acquired during treatment) and points distributed over the patient's face which are acquired with a structured light sensor fixed in the therapy room. The geometrical transformation linking the coordinate systems of the diagnosis device (CT-modality) and the 3D sensor of the therapy room (visible light modality) is obtained by registering the surfaces represented by the two 3D point sets. The geometrical relationship between the coordinate systems of the 3D sensor and the irradiation machine is given by a calibration of the sensor position in the therapy room. The global transformation, computed with the two previous transformations, is sufficient to predict the tumor position in the irradiation machine coordinate system with only the corresponding position in the CT-coordinate system. Results obtained for a phantom show that the mean positioning error of tumors on the treatment machine isocentre is 0.4 mm. Tests performed with human data proved that the registration algorithm is accurate (0.1 mm mean distance between homologous points) and robust even for facial expression changes