780 research outputs found

    Continuous-Variable Entangled States of Light carrying Orbital Angular Momentum

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    The orbital angular momentum of light, unlike spin, is an infinite-dimensional discrete variable and may hence offer enhanced performances for encoding, transmitting, and processing information in the quantum regime. Hitherto, this degree of freedom of light has been studied mainly in the context of quantum states with definite number of photons. On the other hand, field-quadrature continuous-variable quantum states of light allow implementing many important quantum protocols not accessible with photon-number states. Here, we present the first generation and complete experimental characterization of a bipartite continuous-variable Gaussian entangled state endowed with non-zero orbital angular momentum. A q-plate is used to transfer the continuous-variable entanglement initially generated in polarization into orbital angular momentum. We then apply a reconfigurable homodyne detector to various combinations of orbital angular momentum modes in order to reconstruct the entire quantum-state covariance matrix, by directly measuring the fluctuations of quadrature operators. Our work is a step towards generating multipartite continuous-variable entanglement in a single optical beam.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Use of information and communication technology and tools in the internazionalization department of a higher education institution

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    El uso de nuevas herramientas tecnológicas (TICS) es necesario a fin de que una Oficina de Proyectos internacionales trabaje de una manera más eficiente. Las TICS pueden usarse para apoyar la presentación de una propuesta (sitios para seguir los próximos llamados, herramientas para crear redes de trabajo) así como para el gerenciamiento del proyecto en sí  (herramientas para gerenciar el proyecto, para desarrollar reuniones virtuales, para facilitar el trabajo virtual en equipos).Asimismo, las TICS favorecen la investigación (brindan acceso a información pública y especializada) y el entrenamiento  (eLearning). Las comunicaciones internas y externas se ven mejoradas por las herramientas de comunicación sincrónicasy asincrónicas. La evaluación de las actividades se beneficia a través de las encuestas en línea, y la administración financiera de un proyecto se facilita con los sistemas contables. Las TICs están cambiando completamente la forma en que los proyectos internacionales se llevan adelante, haciendo posible y habituales realidades que antes eran inimaginables (por ejemplo, las reuniones virtuales). Este trabajo brinda una mirada a todos los posibles usos de las TICS en un Proyecto Internacional, y hace sugerencias sobre las herramientas a usar, basadas en la experiencia de los autores

    The use of fentanyl buccal tablets for breakthrough pain by using doses proportional to opioid basal regimen in a home care setting.

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    Abstract The dose of rapid onset opioids to be given for breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP) is controversial. Dose proportional to the basal opioid regimen seem to be safe and effective in hospital units. However, data in other less protected settings, like home care, are lacking. The aim of this open-label study was to assess the efficacy and safety in a group of patients with BTcP followed at home, after giving a dose of fentanyl buccal tablets (FBT) proportional to the opioid basal regimen, skipping the steps for dose titration. Consecutive patients admitted to a home care program presenting BTcP episodes and receiving stable doses of opioids for background pain were selected. Data from four consecutive episodes of BTcP were collected. For each episode, patients were instructed to routinely collect changes in pain intensity and severe adverse effects when pain got severe (T0) and to reassess the same items 15 min after FBT, given as a rescue medication in doses proportional to the daily opioid doses used for background pain (T15). One hundred twenty episodes of BTcP were recorded in 30 patients. One hundred eight episodes were defined as successfully treated, while 12 episodes required a further administration of opioids. Pain intensity significantly decreased at T15 (p < 0.001). In 95.5 and 90.8 % of episodes treated, there was a reduction in pain intensity of more than 33 and 50 %, respectively. No relevant adverse effects were recorded, even in older patients. This study suggests that FBT given in doses proportional to the basal opioid regimen for the management of BTcP is very effective and safe in clinical practice in the home care setting

    Dopamine: The Neuromodulator of Long-Term Synaptic Plasticity, Reward and Movement Control

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    Dopamine (DA) is a key neurotransmitter involved in multiple physiological functions including motor control, modulation of affective and emotional states, reward mechanisms, reinforcement of behavior, and selected higher cognitive functions. Dysfunction in dopaminergic transmission is recognized as a core alteration in several devastating neurological and psychiatric disorders, including Parkinson's disease (PD), schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and addiction. Here we will discuss the current insights on the role of DA in motor control and reward learning mechanisms and its involvement in the modulation of synaptic dynamics through different pathways. In particular, we will consider the role of DA as neuromodulator of two forms of synaptic plasticity, known as long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) in several cortical and subcortical areas. Finally, we will delineate how the effect of DA on dendritic spines places this molecule at the interface between the motor and the cognitive systems. Specifically, we will be focusing on PD, vascular dementia, and schizophrenia

    VST - VLT Survey Telescope Integration Status

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    The VLT Survey Telescope (VST) is a 2.6m aperture, wide field, UV to I facility, to be installed at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) on the Cerro Paranal Chile. VST was primarily intended to complement the observing capabilities of VLT with wide-angle imaging for detecting and pre-characterising sources for further observations with the VLT.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, conferenc

    Measurement of 1323 and 1487 keV resonances in 15N({\alpha}, {\gamma})19F with the recoil separator ERNA

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    The origin of fluorine is a widely debated issue. Nevertheless, the ^{15}N({\alpha},{\gamma})^{19}F reaction is a common feature among the various production channels so far proposed. Its reaction rate at relevant temperatures is determined by a number of narrow resonances together with the DC component and the tails of the two broad resonances at E_{c.m.} = 1323 and 1487 keV. Measurement through the direct detection of the 19F recoil ions with the European Recoil separator for Nuclear Astrophysics (ERNA) were performed. The reaction was initiated by a 15N beam impinging onto a 4He windowless gas target. The observed yield of the resonances at Ec.m. = 1323 and 1487 keV is used to determine their widths in the {\alpha} and {\gamma} channels. We show that a direct measurement of the cross section of the ^{15}N({\alpha},{\gamma})^{19}F reaction can be successfully obtained with the Recoil Separator ERNA, and the widths {\Gamma}_{\gamma} and {\Gamma}_{\alpha} of the two broad resonances have been determined. While a fair agreement is found with earlier determination of the widths of the 1487 keV resonance, a significant difference is found for the 1323 keV resonance {\Gamma}_{\alpha} . The revision of the widths of the two more relevant broad resonances in the 15N({\alpha},{\gamma})19F reaction presented in this work is the first step toward a more firm determination of the reaction rate. At present, the residual uncertainty at the temperatures of the ^{19}F stellar nucleosynthesis is dominated by the uncertainties affecting the Direct Capture component and the 364 keV narrow resonance, both so far investigated only through indirect experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in PR

    Opioid switching from and to tapentadol extended release in cancer patients: conversion ratio with other opioids

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    Objectives: The aim of this exploratory study was to assess the conversion ratios between tapentadol and other opioids in patients requiring an opioid switching. Methods: A prospective study was carried out in a convenience sample of consecutive patients admitted to an acute palliative care unit and a home care unit for a period of 1 year. Patients who were switched from/to tapentadol were selected. The initial ratio between tapentadol and other opioids, expressed as oral morphine equivalents was 1:3.3. The subsequent doses were flexible and were changed to fit the patients’ needs. Pain intensity and distress score were recorded until opioid doses were stable. In all, 37 patients were examined; 24 and 13 patients were switched from and to tapentadol, respectively. Results: The most frequent sequences were tapentadol–morphine (18 patients) in one direction, and morphine–tapentadol (8 patients) in the other direction. In the sequence tapentadol–morphine and morphine–tapentadol, the mean final tapentadol–morphine ratios were 3.9:1 (SD 2.3), and 1:4.5 (SD 3.2), respectively, which did not differ significantly from the initial established conversion ratio. A minority of patients were switched from/to tapentadol to/from other opioids. Globally, the initial ratio did not change after switching took place. Conclusion: Data suggest that a conversion ratio between tapentadol and other opioids, expressed in oral morphine equivalents could be 1:3.3 in both direction, particularly in patients who are switched in conditions of equianalgesia. The limited number of patients prevents a definitive conclusion to be drawn, and data should be interpreted with caution, given the exploratory nature of the study and the question of the low number of patients should be addressed in future studie

    Major loss of coralline algal diversity in response to ocean acidification

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    Calcified coralline algae are ecologically important in rocky habitats in the marine photic zone worldwide and there is growing concern that ocean acidification will severely impact them. Laboratory studies of these algae in simulated ocean acidification conditions have revealed wide variability in growth, photosynthesis and calcification responses, making it difficult to assess their future biodiversity, abundance and contribution to ecosystem function. Here, we apply molecular systematic tools to assess the impact of natural gradients in seawater carbonate chemistry on the biodiversity of coralline algae in the Mediterranean and the NW Pacific, link this to their evolutionary history and evaluate their potential future biodiversity and abundance. We found a decrease in the taxonomic diversity of coralline algae with increasing acidification with more than half of the species lost in high pCO2 conditions. Sporolithales is the oldest order (Lower Cretaceous) and diversified when ocean chemistry favoured low Mg calcite deposition; it is less diverse today and was the most sensitive to ocean acidification. Corallinales were also reduced in cover and diversity but several species survived at high pCO2; it is the most recent order of coralline algae and originated when ocean chemistry favoured aragonite and high Mg calcite deposition. The sharp decline in cover and thickness of coralline algal carbonate deposits at high pCO2 highlighted their lower fitness in response to ocean acidification. Reductions in CO2 emissions are needed to limit the risk of losing coralline algal diversity