215 research outputs found

    Transactions Cost Theory influence in strategy research: A review through a bibliometric study in leading journals

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    Transaction cost theory (TCT) is widely used in several management disciplines. Its value for explaining organizational phenomena and managers? decisions is well accepted and has been recognized with two Nobel laureates (Ronald Coase and Oliver Williamson). In this paper we examine the impact of the TCT on extant research in top tier management journals. We conduct a bibliometric study supported in the analysis of citations and co-citations to uncover the connections between authors and presumably theories. We conclude that the TCT, albeit its specific focus on the transactions as the unit of analysis, is present in a majority of management- and business-related research.transaction costs theory, bibliometric study, strategy research, review


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    O artigo busca identificar no federalismo fiscal brasileiro a característica da centralização de poder na União, decorrente da crise da dívida dos estados nos anos 1980 e 1990 e das teorias que incentivaram a centralização federativa naquele momento. Para isso, são estudados os casos do Pará e Amazonas, os dois maiores estados da Amazônia brasileira, verificando os indicadores da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal como dívida, pessoal e investimentos, a participação dos bancos públicosfederais na dívida pública, os valores renegociados pela lei n° 9.496/97 e os convênios com a União. Os resultados apontam que a centralização de poder é evidenciada por meio da dependência dos dois estados dos recursos federais, mesmo que de forma distinta. No Pará, as metas fiscais são mais respeitadas por ser mais dependente das transferências do que o Amazonas. Ademais, grande parte dos empréstimos é oriunda dos bancos públicos federais e os convênios são fontes importantes para complementar gastos de menor porte, explicitando que a centralização de poder na União é um fenômeno presente na federação e influencia a dinâmica das finanças públicas nestes estados

    Diagnostic-driven antifungal therapy in neutropenic patients using the D-index and serial serum galactomannan testing

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    AbstractIntroductionInvasive mold disease is an important complication of patients with hematologic malignancies, and is associated with high mortality. A diagnostic-driven approach has been an alternative to the classical empiric antifungal therapy. In the present study we tested an algorithm that incorporated risk stratification using the D-index, serial serum galactomannan and computed tomographic-scan to guide the decision to start antifungal therapy in neutropenic patients.Patients and methodsBetween May 2010 and August 2012, patients with acute leukemia in induction remission were prospectively monitored from day 1 of chemotherapy until discharge or death with the D-index and galactomannan. Patients were stratified in low, intermediate and high risk according to the D-index and an extensive workup for invasive mold disease was performed in case of positive galactomannan (≥0.5), persistent fever, or the appearance of clinical manifestations suggestive of invasive mold disease.ResultsAmong 29 patients, 6 (21%), 11 (38%), and 12 (41%) were classified as high, intermediate, and low risk, respectively. Workup for invasive mold disease was undertaken in 67%, 73% and 58% (p=0.77) of patients in each risk category, respectively, and antifungal therapy was given to 67%, 54.5%, and 17% (p=0.07). Proven or probable invasive mold disease was diagnosed in 67%, 45.5%, and in none (p=0.007) of high, intermediate, and low risk patients, respectively. All patients survived.ConclusionA risk stratification using D-index was a useful instrument to be incorporated in invasive mold disease diagnostic approach, resulting in a more comprehensive antifungal treatment strategy, and to guide an earlier start of treatment in afebrile patients under very high risk

    Transactions Cost Theory influence in strategy research: a review through a bibliometric study in leading journals

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    Transaction cost theory (TCT) is widely used in several management disciplines. Its value for explaining organizational phenomena and managers’ decisions is well accepted and has been recognized with two Nobel laureates (Ronald Coase and Oliver Williamson). In this paper we examine the impact of the TCT on extant research in top tier management journals. We conduct a bibliometric study supported in the analysis of citations and co-citations to uncover the connections between authors and presumably theories. We conclude that the TCT, albeit its specific focus on the transactions as the unit of analysis, is present in a majority of management- and business-related research

    Central bank and asymmetric preferences: An application of sieve estimators to the U.S. and Brazil

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    Whether central banks place the same weights on positive and negative deviations of inflation and of the output gap from their respective targets is an interesting question regarding monetary policy. The literature has sought to address this issue using a specific asymmetric function, the so-called Linex loss function. However, is the Linex an actually asymmetric specification? In an attempt to answer this question, we applied the sieve estimation method, a fully nonparametric approach, in which the result could be any proper loss function. This way, our results could corroborate the quadratic or Linex loss functions used in the literature or suggest an entirely new function. We applied the sieve estimation method to the United States and to Brazil, an emergent country which has consistently followed an inflation targeting regime. The economy was modeled with forward-looking agents and central bank commitment. Our results indicate that the FED was more concerned with inflation rates below the target, but no asymmetry was found in the inflation–output process in the Volcker–Greenspan period. As to Brazil, we found asymmetries in output gaps from 2004 onwards, when the Brazilian Central Bank was more concerned with positive output gaps; but we did not find any statistically significant asymmetries in inflation

    Central bank and asymmetric preferences: An application of sieve estimators to the U.S. and Brazil

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    Whether central banks place the same weights on positive and negative deviations of inflation and of the output gap from their respective targets is an interesting question regarding monetary policy. The literature has sought to address this issue using a specific asymmetric function, the so-called Linex loss function. However, is the Linex an actually asymmetric specification? In an attempt to answer this question, we applied the sieve estimation method, a fully nonparametric approach, in which the result could be any proper loss function. This way, our results could corroborate the quadratic or Linex loss functions used in the literature or suggest an entirely new function. We applied the sieve estimation method to the United States and to Brazil, an emergent country which has consistently followed an inflation targeting regime. The economy was modeled with forward-looking agents and central bank commitment. Our results indicate that the FED was more concerned with inflation rates below the target, but no asymmetry was found in the inflation–output process in the Volcker–Greenspan period. As to Brazil, we found asymmetries in output gaps from 2004 onwards, when the Brazilian Central Bank was more concerned with positive output gaps; but we did not find any statistically significant asymmetries in inflation

    Adoption of ERP Systems in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Study of Multiple Cases In Southern of Minas Gerais

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    This work analyzes the adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) information systems in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Adoption of ERP in SMEs can provide better control of organizational processes and quality to the information that drives decision-making. However, small and medium-sized enterprises have long remained outside the scope of ERP adoption research. Current scientific literature cover, at first, large firms and when SMEs are the unit of analysis, results are not similar whether compared to the large firms. Thus, this research aims to identify and analyze the factors that influence the adoption of ERP in SMEs. This purpose was achieved through a qualitative approach, inductive logic, interpretive epistemology, and a multiple case study (six firms) in companies located at the southern of Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Data were collected by interviews with the managers (administrative or IT) and analyzed by two techniques: Lexical and Content Analysis. We used Iramuteq software to support Lexical Analysis. We observed that the adoption of ERP in SMEs has higher influence by Technological and Organizational constructs than by Environmental factors. Variables such as commercial partnerships, external support and competitiveness were not observed as a factor that influence ERP adoption in SMEs. Otherwise, added value, compatibility, firm size, and the composition of the steering body were observed as a factor that positively influence ERP adoption in Brazilians SMEs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo das Receitas Públicas do Município de Niterói: análise da arrecadação de recursos

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    O artigo analisa as receitas públicas do município de Niterói no período de 2010-2017, de modo a compreender a base econômica municipal, destacando os setores produtivos na arrecadação e relacionando seus desdobramentos nos componentes da receita corrente, como a receita tributária, patrimonial, de transferências, de serviços e de contribuições sociais, da receita de capital, como as operações de crédito, alienação de bens e transferências de capital, além de demonstrar a aplicação da receita intra-orçamentária no orçamento governamental e referente impacto na economia local. Portanto, será feita uma análise de 2010-2017 sobre a composição da receita municipal de Niterói disponibilizada pela Secretaria de Planejamento, Modernização da Gestão e Controle (SEPLAG) e da execução orçamentária do referido município, disponibilizada pela Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (STN) do Governo Federal.The article analyzes the public revenues of the municipality of Niterói in the period 2010-2017, in order to understand the municipal economic base, highlighting the productive sectors in the collection and relating their unfolding in the components of current revenue, such as tax revenue, assets, transfers and social contributions, capital income, such as credit operations, sale of assets and capital transfers, as well as demonstrating the application of intra budgetary revenue in the government budget and impact on the local economy. Therefore, a 2010-2017 analysis will be done on the composition of the Niterói municipal revenue provided by the Secretariat for Planning, Modernization of Management and Control (SEPLAG) and the budgetary execution of said municipality, made available by the National Treasury Secretariat (STN) of Federal government.L'article analyse les revenus publics de la commune de Niterói sur la période 2010-2017 afin de comprendre la base économique municipale, en mettant en évidence les secteurs productifs de la collecte et en relatant leur évolution dans les composantes des recettes courantes, telles que les recettes fiscales, les actifs, transferts, services et cotisations sociales, revenus du capital, tels que les opérations de crédit, la vente d’actifs et les transferts de capitaux, ainsi que la démonstration de l’application des revenus intra budgétaires dans le budget de l’État et son impact sur l’économie locale. Par conséquent, une analyse 2010-2017 sera réalisée sur la composition des recettes municipales de Niterói fournies par le Secrétariat pour la planification, la modernisation de la gestion et le contrôle (SEPLAG) et l'exécution budgétaire de ladite municipalité, mise à disposition par le Secrétariat du Trésor national Gouvernement fédéral.El artículo analiza los ingresos públicos del municipio de Niterói en el período 2010-2017, con el fin de comprender la base económica municipal, destacando los sectores productivos en la recaudación y relacionando su evolución en los componentes de los ingresos corrientes, como los ingresos fiscales y patrimoniales. transferencias, servicios y contribuciones sociales, ingresos de capital, tales como operaciones de crédito, disposición de activos y transferencias de capital, así como demostrar la aplicación de ingresos intrapresupuestarios al presupuesto gubernamental y su impacto en la economía local. Por lo tanto, se realizará un análisis 2010-2017 de la composición de los ingresos municipales de Niterói puestos a disposición por la Secretaría de Planificación, Modernización de la Gestión y Control (SEPLAG) y la ejecución del presupuesto de ese municipio, puesto a disposición por la Secretaría del Tesoro Nacional (STN). Gobierno federal