73 research outputs found


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    While investigating possible misuse of the names «Russia», «Russian Federation» and their derivatives (including «Russian»), forensic linguists may encounter particular challenges when the questioned item is a word that includes the letter combination «ros», and the task of the examiner is to determine whether «ros» is shortened from the words «Russia» ([Rossiya]) or «Russian» ([Rossiiskii]) in legal names formed by abbreviation. The article examines some methodological issues associated with such investigations.При производстве лингвистических экспертиз по вопросам, связанным с правовым регулированием использования наименований «Россия», «Российская Федерация» и производных от них (в том числе «российский»), иногда встречаются сложные случаи, когда объектом является слово, в состав которого входит буквенное сочетание «рос», и задачей эксперта становится выяснение того, является ли «рос» сокращением слов «Россия» или «российский» в составе наименований, образованных путем аббревиации. В статье рассмотрены некоторые методические вопросы, возникающие в процессе проведения таких исследований

    Autoencoder-based myoelectric controller for prosthetic hands

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    In the past, linear dimensionality-reduction techniques, such as Principal Component Analysis, have been used to simplify the myoelectric control of high-dimensional prosthetic hands. Nonetheless, their nonlinear counterparts, such as Autoencoders, have been shown to be more effective at compressing and reconstructing complex hand kinematics data. As a result, they have a potential of being a more accurate tool for prosthetic hand control. Here, we present a novel Autoencoder-based controller, in which the user is able to control a high-dimensional (17D) virtual hand via a low-dimensional (2D) space. We assess the efficacy of the controller via a validation experiment with four unimpaired participants. All the participants were able to significantly decrease the time it took for them to match a target gesture with a virtual hand to an average of 6.9s and three out of four participants significantly improved path efficiency. Our results suggest that the Autoencoder-based controller has the potential to be used to manipulate high-dimensional hand systems via a myoelectric interface with a higher accuracy than PCA; however, more exploration needs to be done on the most effective ways of learning such a controller

    Application of dynamic electroneurostimulation in treatment of bronchial asthma in children

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    Доказана клиническая эффективность применения динамической электронейростимуляции у детей с бронхиальной астмой, что способствовало позитивной динамике клинических данных, нормализации психоэмоционального и вегетативного гомеостаза. Данная методика безопасная, удобна в использовании, что позволяет рекомендовать ДЕНС для лечения детей на стационарном и амбулаторном этапах.Clinical effectively of dynamic electroneurostimulation application in children with bronchial asthma has been proved. It has promoted to positive dynamic of clinical data, normalization of psychoemotional, vegetative homeostasis. This methodic is safe, comfortable in using and can be recommended for hospital and ambulatory treatment of children

    Genetic Determinants of Time Perception Mediated by the Serotonergic System

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    Background: The present study investigates neurobiological underpinnings of individual differences in time perception. Methodology: Forty-four right-handed Russian Caucasian males (18–35 years old) participated in the experiment. The polymorphism of the genes related to the activity of serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine (DA)-systems (such as 5-HTT, 5HT2a, MAOA, DAT, DRD2, COMT) was determined upon the basis of DNA analysis according to a standard procedure. Time perception in the supra-second range (mean duration 4.8 s) was studied, using the duration discrimination task and parametric fitting of psychometric functions, resulting in individual determination of the point of subjective equality (PSE). Assuming the ‘dual klepsydra model ’ of internal duration representation, the PSE values were transformed into equivalent values of the parameter k (kappa), which is a measure of the ‘loss rate ’ of the duration representation. An association between time representation parameters (PSE and k, respectively) and 5-HT-related genes was found, but not with DArelated genes. Higher ‘loss rate ’ (k) of the cumulative duration representation were found for the carriers of genotypes characterized by higher 5-HT transmission, i.e., 1) lower 5-HT reuptake, known for the 5-HTTLPR SS polymorphism compared with LL, 2) lower 5-HT degradation, described for the ‘low expression ’ variant of MAOA VNTR gene compared with ‘high expression ’ variant, and 3) higher 5-HT2a receptor density, proposed for the TT polymorphism of 5-HT2a T102C gene compared with CC

    Characterisation of the Nematode Community of a Low-Activity Cold Seep in the Recently Ice-Shelf Free Larsen B Area, Eastern Antarctic Peninsula

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    Background: Recent climate-induced ice-shelf disintegration in the Larsen A (1995) and B (2002) areas along the Eastern Antarctic Peninsula formed a unique opportunity to assess sub-ice-shelf benthic community structure and led to the discovery of unexplored habitats, including a low-activity methane seep beneath the former Larsen B ice shelf. Since both limited particle sedimentation under previously permanent ice coverage and reduced cold-seep activity are likely toinfluence benthic meiofauna communities, we characterised the nematode assemblage of this low-activity cold seep and compared it with other, now seasonally ice-free, Larsen A and B stations and other Antarctic shelf areas (Weddell Sea and Drake Passage), as well as cold-seep ecosystems world-wide.Principal Findings: The nematode community at the Larsen B seep site differed significantly from other Antarctic sites in terms of dominant genera, diversity and abundance. Densities in the seep samples were high (.2000 individuals per 10 cm2) and showed below-surface maxima at a sediment depth of 2–3 cm in three out of four replicates. All samples were dominated by one species of the family Monhysteridae, which was identified as a Halomonhystera species that comprised between 80 and 86% of the total community. The combination of high densities, deeper density maxima and dominance of one species is shared by many cold-seep ecosystems world-wide and suggested a possible dependence upon a chemosynthetic food source. Yet stable 13C isotopic signals (ranging between 221.9760.86% and 224.8561.89%) were indicative of a phytoplankton-derived food source.Conclusion: The recent ice-shelf collapse and enhanced food input from surface phytoplankton blooms were responsible for the shift from oligotrophic pre-collapse conditions to a phytodetritus-based community with high densities and low diversity. The parthenogenetic reproduction of the highly dominant Halomonhystera species is rather unusual for marine nematodes and may be responsible for the successful colonisation by this single species

    «Белая архитектура» XX XXI веков. К проблеме стилевого выражения

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    The article deals with an interesting phenomenon of modern architecture "White architecture". The idea of this style is ambiguous and at the same time clear and simple. "White architecture", with its strict and harmonious plasticity, makes an impression on everyone who comes into contact with it in one way or another. The relevance of this topic is due to the importance of talking about modern architecture, which in its various forms forms the urban environment and affects people. "White architecture" by its coloristic features (the white effect) is designed to harmonize human perception, which is very important in the field of human well-being in the modern world, along with the search for new means of expression in architecture. The purpose of the article is to reveal the stylistic expression of "White architecture" on the example of Western models, its aesthetic and functional capabilities.В статье рассматривается интересный феномен современного зодчества «Белая архитектура». Идея данного стиля многозначна и в тоже время ясная и простая. «Белая архитектура», своей строгой и гармоничной пластикой, производит впечатление на каждого, кто соприкасается с ней тем или иным образом. Актуальность данной темы обусловлена важностью разговора о современной архитектуре, которая в своих многообразных формах формирует городскую среду воздействия на человека. «Белая архитектура» по своим колористическим признакам (эффект белого) призвана гармонизировать человеческое восприятие, что весьма актуально в сфере самочувствия человека в современном мире, наряду c поисками новых средств выразительности в архитектуре. Целью статьи является раскрытие стилевого выражения «Белой архитектуры» на примере западных образцов, ее эстетических и функциональных возможностей

    Comparing two Communication Media in Use Case Modeling: Results from a Controlled Experiment

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    A critical claim in software requirements regards the assertion that the team performances improve when media with higher richness levels are used. To investigate this claim, we have conducted a controlled experiment to compare traditional face-to-face communication, the richest medium, and a leaner medium, namely an advanced chat implementing a distributed version of Think-Pair-Square (i.e., a well known method for collaborative problem solving). The comparison has been performed considering the time needed to model functional requirements through a use case modeling technique. Since the only assessment of time could be meaningless, we have also analyzed the media effect on the quality of the produced use cases. The results indicate a significant difference in terms of time to model software requirements in favor of face-to-face communication with no significant impact on the quality


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    While investigating possible misuse of the names «Russia», «Russian Federation» and their derivatives (including «Russian»), forensic linguists may encounter particular challenges when the questioned item is a word that includes the letter combination «ros», and the task of the examiner is to determine whether «ros» is shortened from the words «Russia» ([Rossiya]) or «Russian» ([Rossiiskii]) in legal names formed by abbreviation. The article examines some methodological issues associated with such investigations