83 research outputs found

    The case study of Chácara das Rosas in Cambuquira, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    The paper discusses the issues present in the process of restoration of the old mansion named “Chácara das Rosas” in the city of Cambuquira, on the South of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The project is linked to the urban rehabilitation in the proposal of master plan of the city. The comprehension is that the restoration project must be included in the general urban rehabilitation. As a reference of cultural heritage the procedures to be adopted for the restoration take into account theoretical and technical criteria for their reintegration and reuse as a public build. The work is in progress with regard to the elaboration of the restoration project linked to the master plan. Participatory process is another difficulty included considering the methodologies to develop the ideas in view of criteria of restoration. The implicit discussion allows to rethink the challenges faced in the context of small cities, particularly in Brazil, to comprehend the need for conservation as a way to preserve the local identity against the globalization process at stake. The project of restoration has been set with the proposal to a new use of the “Chácara das Rosas” in the city of Cambuquira

    A gestão por competências como diferencial estratégico para a gestão de pessoas: um estudo em uma empresa de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação

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    O presente estudo tem por objetivo descrever as percepções dos integrantes do corpo gerencial de uma empresa de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação, acerca da possibilidade de implementação de um sistema de gestão de pessoas com base em competências. Para isso foi aplicada uma pesquisa descritiva, assim classificada quanto aos fins, a qual pode ser definida, quanto aos meios, como pesquisa de campo, documental e bibliográfica. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura, englobando gestão de pessoas, e gestão por competências. O instrumento aplicado contém 15 itens fechados associados a uma escala tipo Likert de 5 pontos, sendo cinco questões de natureza demográfica. O questionário foi encaminhado para 23 colaboradores entre Chefes, Supervisores e Substitutos. O banco de dados da pesquisa contou com 17 questionários respondidos. Os dados coletados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva, que demonstrou que a implementação de um sistema de gestão de pessoas com base em competências na organização é possível. As causas dessa percepção, estão ligadas a fatores positivos, ligados ao desenvolvimento e à motivação. Conclui-se que esse trabalho apresenta os fatores positivos e negativos evidenciados pela pesquisa, os quais deverão ser gerenciados pela organização em um possível processo de implantação de um sistema de Gestão com Base em Competências

    Revised Quaternary glacial succession and post-LGM recession, southern Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA

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    We present here a more complete cosmogenic chronology of Pleistocene glacial deposits for the Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA. Fifty-one new and thirty-nine re-calculated 10Be and 26Al exposure ages from Sinks and North Fork canyons, Stough Basin, Cirque of the Towers and the Temple Lake valley allow us to more tightly constrain the timing and sequence of glacial alloformations in the southern portion of the range. Moraines, diamicts and bedrock exposures here have previously been correlated with as many as five Pleistocene and four Holocene glacial events. Exposure ages from Pleistocene alloformations associated with trunk glaciers in Sinks Canyon and North Fork Canyon generally confirm earlier age estimates. Cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN, 10Be and 26Al) ages from moraines and striated bedrock surfaces previously mapped as Pinedale correspond to MIS2, while boulder exposure ages from moraines mapped as Bull Lake correspond generally to MIS5-MIS6. Geomorphic data from a moraine previously mapped as Younger pre-Sacagawea Ridge appears to correspond most closely to the Sacagawea Ridge glacial episode (MIS-16), but the uncertainty of a single 10Be exposure age suggests the unit could be as young as MIS-10 or as old as MIS-18. Boulders from a diamict on Table Mountain previously reported as Older pre-Sacagawea Ridge yield two 10Be exposure ages that suggest the presence of Early Pleistocene glacial activity here possibly older than 1–2 Ma (>MIS-30). Bedrock exposure ages within Sinks Canyon suggest the Pinedale valley glacier had retreated from the floor of Sinks Canyon to above PopoAgie Falls by ca. 15.3 ka. Cirque glaciers in Stough Basin appear to have retreated behind their riegels by ca. 16 ka, which suggests the cirque glaciers were decoupling across their riegels from the valley glaciers below at this time, prior to their readvance to form Lateglacial moraines. New 10Be boulder exposure ages from moraines previously correlated to the Temple Lake and Alice Lake allostratigraphic units in the cirques of Stough Basin and Cirque of the Towers show general equivalence to the stadial event just prior to the onset of the Bølling interstadial (17.5–14.7 ka) and to the Intra-Allerød Cold Period-Younger Dryas stadial phase (13.9–11.7 ka), respectively. From this evidence, the Temple Lake Alloformation of the Wind River Mountains now should correspond to the INTIMATE GS-2.1a (Oldest Dryas) stadial event while the Alice Lake Alloformation should correspond to the INTIMATE GS-2 stadial (IACP-Younger Dryas). Thus, we consider that evidence no longer exists for early-to mid-Holocene glacial events in the southern Wind River Range

    Revised Quaternary glacial succession and post-LGM recession, southern Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA

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    We present here a more complete cosmogenic chronology of Pleistocene glacial deposits for the Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA. Fifty-one new and thirty-nine re-calculated 10Be and 26Al exposure ages from Sinks and North Fork canyons, Stough Basin, Cirque of the Towers and the Temple Lake valley allow us to more tightly constrain the timing and sequence of glacial alloformations in the southern portion of the range. Moraines, diamicts and bedrock exposures here have previously been correlated with as many as five Pleistocene and four Holocene glacial events. Exposure ages from Pleistocene alloformations associated with trunk glaciers in Sinks Canyon and North Fork Canyon generally confirm earlier age estimates. Cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN, 10Be and 26Al) ages from moraines and striated bedrock surfaces previously mapped as Pinedale correspond to MIS2, while boulder exposure ages from moraines mapped as Bull Lake correspond generally to MIS5-MIS6. Geomorphic data from a moraine previously mapped as Younger pre-Sacagawea Ridge appears to correspond most closely to the Sacagawea Ridge glacial episode (MIS-16), but the uncertainty of a single 10Be exposure age suggests the unit could be as young as MIS-10 or as old as MIS-18. Boulders from a diamict on Table Mountain previously reported as Older pre-Sacagawea Ridge yield two 10Be exposure ages that suggest the presence of Early Pleistocene glacial activity here possibly older than 1–2 Ma (>MIS-30). Bedrock exposure ages within Sinks Canyon suggest the Pinedale valley glacier had retreated from the floor of Sinks Canyon to above PopoAgie Falls by ca. 15.3 ka. Cirque glaciers in Stough Basin appear to have retreated behind their riegels by ca. 16 ka, which suggests the cirque glaciers were decoupling across their riegels from the valley glaciers below at this time, prior to their readvance to form Lateglacial moraines. New 10Be boulder exposure ages from moraines previously correlated to the Temple Lake and Alice Lake allostratigraphic units in the cirques of Stough Basin and Cirque of the Towers show general equivalence to the stadial event just prior to the onset of the Bølling interstadial (17.5–14.7 ka) and to the Intra-Allerød Cold Period-Younger Dryas stadial phase (13.9–11.7 ka), respectively. From this evidence, the Temple Lake Alloformation of the Wind River Mountains now should correspond to the INTIMATE GS-2.1a (Oldest Dryas) stadial event while the Alice Lake Alloformation should correspond to the INTIMATE GS-2 stadial (IACP-Younger Dryas). Thus, we consider that evidence no longer exists for early-to mid-Holocene glacial events in the southern Wind River Range


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    The land regularization has been driven historically from a vision equity and clientelist state, which deals with the problem as an expense for the public administration, although there is evidence that this policy propulsion regional development. Although the process has been redrafted in a recent legislative revision, is not effective, whereas, in the country, around 50% of households are still in a situation of irregularity. This proves that only the institution of a law does not ensure its effectiveness, being relevant thinking in other strategies. In this sense, this article is proposed, without the intention of exhausting the subject, reflect on the urban land regularization and identify its relationship with regional development. The methodological approach was structured in the deductive method, applied in nature, with the use of existing theories in the national literature. The objectives pursued were exploratory. To reach them, we used the technical procedures for bibliographic and documental analysis, with a qualitative approach based on secondary data. Finally, he was seconded to transdisciplinary the debate and envisioned themselves new possibilities, such as the employment of an inter-federative governance

    PARECE RURAL, MAS TAMBÉM É URBANO: os espaços híbridos e suas implicações para os cidadãos e a gestão territorial

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    For legal purposes of soil planning the city is divided, basically, in urban area and rural area. However, this distinction is not so clear in everyday life, because it is observed an urban practice in the rural way of life, in the same measure that there is a tendency to rescue rural habits in urban, forming hybrid spaces. Thus, this classifi cation is becoming obsolete, which demands new administrative strategies, and which consider the heterogeneity of the spaces and ways of life of its residents. Above all, legislative changes are needed to recognize and endorse the formation of hybrid spaces. The consequences of the absence of this type of legislation can be observed when analyzing the resettlement process for the community of Gesteira, in the municipality of Barra Longa, Minas Gerais, aff ected by a major environmental disaster, in December 2015. To this end, without exhausting the subject, this article developed a theoretical-empirical research, using deductive and inductive methods, of applied nature and exploratory character. The approach was qualitative, with the use of technical procedures such as fi eld study (primary source), documentary and bibliographic research (secondary sources). The legal obstacles to the development of the resettlement process were identifi ed, which also subsidizes this discussion within the scope of public regulation

    Denudation variability of the Sila Massif upland (Italy) from decades to millennia using 10Be and 239+240Pu

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    Landscapes and soils evolve in non‐linear ways over millennia. Current knowledge is incomplete as only average denudation (or erosion) rates are normally estimated, neglecting the temporal discontinuities of these processes. The determination of regressive and progressive phases of soil evolution is important to our understanding of how soils and landscapes respond to environmental changes. The Sila Massif (Italy) provides a well‐defined geomorphological and geological setting to unravel temporal variations in soil redistribution rates. We used a combination of in situ cosmogenic radionuclide measurements (10Be) along tor (residual rock) height profiles, coupled with fallout radionuclides (239+240Pu) in soils, to model soil denudation rates over the last 100 ka. We measured rates prior to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) of ≤30 t km−2 yr−1 (~0.036 mm yr−1). Following the LGM, during the transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene, these rates increased to ~150–200 t km−2 yr−1 and appeared to be above soil production rates, causing regressive soil evolution. For the last ~50 years, we even describe erosion rates of ≥1,000 t km−2 yr−1 (~1.23 mm yr−1) and consider human impact as the decisive factor for this development. Consequently, the natural soil production rates cannot cope with the current erosion rates. Thus, a distinct regressive phase of soil formation exists, which will give rise to shallowing of soils over time. Overall, our multimethod approach traced denudation and erosion histories over geologic and human timescales and made a new archive to soil science and geomorphology accessible

    Pelas Cidades: apoio à elaboração de plano local de habitação de interesse social de Pequeri, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    O trabalho expõe o processo desencadeado para a elaboração do Plano Habitacional para Pequeri através de convênio estabelecido entre a Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora e a Prefeitura Municipal de Pequeri/MG. Este projeto se insere nas atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão dos Núcleos GEPUR (Grandes Projetos Urbanos) e URBANISMOMG (Urbanismo em Minas Gerais) da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. O projeto encontra?se em desenvolvimento de maneira multidisciplinar envolvendo docentes e discentes da UFJF, bem como servidores públicos e a própria comunidade de Pequeri/MG. O projeto visa o apoio à elaboração do Plano Local de Habitação de Interesse Social ? PLHIS no Município de Pequeri/MG, tendo em vista que o mesmo garante a adesão da cidade ao Sistema Nacional de Habitação de Interesse Social ? SNHIS. Esta iniciativa tem como objetivo compreender a situação habitacional do município, que apresenta aproximadamente 3 mil habitantes, com enfoque na questão da Habitação de Interesse Social. Através desta compreensão por meio de leituras técnicas e comunitárias serão definidas para o planejamento habitacional nas áreas urbana e rural. Serão feitos levantamentos de dados e informações técnicas obtidas com a colaboração dos setores públicos, privados, associativos, sindicais e acadêmicos relacionados ao setor urbano. Durante as etapas, estão previstas audiências públicas, para a mobilização da comunidade e a divulgação por meio digital e impresso

    Pelas Cidades: apoio à elaboração de plano local de habitação de interesse social de Pequeri, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    O trabalho expõe o processo desencadeado para a elaboração do Plano Habitacional para Pequeri através de convênio estabelecido entre a Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora e a Prefeitura Municipal de Pequeri/MG. Este projeto se insere nas atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão dos Núcleos GEPUR (Grandes Projetos Urbanos) e URBANISMOMG (Urbanismo em Minas Gerais) da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. O projeto encontra?se em desenvolvimento de maneira multidisciplinar envolvendo docentes e discentes da UFJF, bem como servidores públicos e a própria comunidade de Pequeri/MG. O projeto visa o apoio à elaboração do Plano Local de Habitação de Interesse Social ? PLHIS no Município de Pequeri/MG, tendo em vista que o mesmo garante a adesão da cidade ao Sistema Nacional de Habitação de Interesse Social ? SNHIS. Esta iniciativa tem como objetivo compreender a situação habitacional do município, que apresenta aproximadamente 3 mil habitantes, com enfoque na questão da Habitação de Interesse Social. Através desta compreensão por meio de leituras técnicas e comunitárias serão definidas para o planejamento habitacional nas áreas urbana e rural. Serão feitos levantamentos de dados e informações técnicas obtidas com a colaboração dos setores públicos, privados, associativos, sindicais e acadêmicos relacionados ao setor urbano. Durante as etapas, estão previstas audiências públicas, para a mobilização da comunidade e a divulgação por meio digital e impresso