120 research outputs found

    Educación y competencias interculturales en la escuela: resultados de un estudio exploratorio en Italia

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    The present time of globalization, interdependence and multicultural societies has brought about both opportunities and crisis that concern all fields involved with social welfare, especially education (Portera, 2020, 2006). Within the school environment, there is a growing need for intercultural education and competences at the cognitive, emotional and relational levels, which will endow teachers and students with the abilities to operate in linguistically and culturally complex contexts (UNESCO, 2015; Portera, 2013; Deardorff, 2009). However, the concepts of ‘Intercultural Education’ and ‘Intercultural Competences’ are often misunderstood and require more precise definition. The authors review the scientific literature on the aforementioned concepts and then report the results of a study carried out by the Centre for Intercultural Study at the University of Verona (Italy) which examines how teachers who work in different types of schools define and apply the concept of ‘intercultural competences’ in their praxis. The study uses a qualitative research methodology that includes a process of ‘triangulation’. Specifically, a series of semi-structured interviews, focus groups and participant observations were conducted in order to explore teachers’ intercultural competences, especially through the analysis of critical incidents. After discussing the results, the authors outline impplications for teacher education and school praxis in intercultural perspective.La época actual de la globalización, la interdependencia y las sociedades multiculturales ha traído consigo oportunidades y crisis que afectan a todos los ámbitos relacionados con el bienestar social, especialmente la educación (Portera, 2020, 2006). En el entorno escolar, por lo tanto, existe una creciente necesidad de educación y competencias interculturales a nivel cognitivo, emocional y relacional, que doten a profesores y estudiantes de la capacidad de operar en contextos lingüística y culturalmente complejos (UNESCO, 2015; Portera, 2013; Deardorff, 2009). Sin embargo, los conceptos de ‘educación intercultural’ y ‘competencias interculturales’ a menudo se malinterpretan y requieren una definición más precisa. Los autores, a partir de un trabajo de revisión de la literatura científica sobre los conceptos antes mencionados, presentan los resultados de un estudio realizado por el Centro de Estudios Interculturales de la Universidad de Verona (Italia) se centró en cómo los profesores que trabajan en diferentes tipos de escuelas definen y aplican el concepto de ‘competencias interculturales’ en la práctica. El estudio se basa en una metodología de investigación cualitativa que implica un proceso de ‘triangulación’. En concreto, se realizaron una serie de entrevistas semiestructuradas, grupos focales y observaciones de los participantes con el fin de explorar las competencias interculturales de los docentes, especialmente a través del análisis de incidentes críticos. Después de discutir los resultados, los autores esbozan impulsos para la formación docente y la praxis escolar en una perspectiva intercultural

    A status report on school intercultural mediation in europe

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    This paper provides results of an investigation into the research literature of intercultural mediation and how intercultural mediation has been implemented in Europe. To this end, a systematic quantitative literature review was conducted, which identified 77 conceptual and empirical manuscripts for this study. The review showed that little agreement exists on precisely what intercultural mediation is and how it should be structured and supported as a profession. The empirical works identified in this study can be characterized as ad hoc in nature, capitalizing on circumstances. The result is a patchwork of concepts and studies that collectively do not provide sufficient support or foundation for the use of intercultural mediation. In order to move the field forward, we argue that an immediate next step should be the development of a well-thought, systematic research program, grounded in the existing literature. A strong recommendation found in the literature is the use of evaluation to illustrate the value of intercultural mediation. Evaluation can provide data that could help those in authority make defensible decisions about policy support for intercultural mediation. Finally, considering the current situation in European schools, we propose that in the field of mediation the intercultural approach be implemented

    Social cohesion and intercultural studies in the educational community

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    The article shows the important role of social cohesion as a social phenomenon, its impact on the development of society and intercultural communication. The social role of trust, in particular, in the development of social cohesion, is also shown. Social cohesion acquires acute relevance and importance in the current time of social transformations, as cohesion allows communities overcome various fluctuations and changes. The social cohesion as complex social phenomenon has been analyzed in the focus of intercultural studies. The aim of the research was to investigate the important spheres of social cohesion related to intercultural communication in the educational community, in particular, in the university community of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. The research conducted several times, including the crisis states of society – pan-demic and war conflict in Ukraine. This research continues social cohesion studies, which are conducted in the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University since 2016, and demonstrates one of the current stages. The methodological tool is an adaptation of the "Social Cohesion Radar" model at the university community level. The study is based on primary data from the author's questionnaire. The important role of social cohesion, trust and values in intercultural communication is demonstrated

    Risposta pedagogica interculturale per la società complessa

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    Za razliku od općeg mišljenja, pojava globalizacije i pluralnih društava nije samo utjecala na duboke i dramatične promjene u gospodarsko-radnom području, već se posebno odrazila na čovjeka u čitavoj njegovoj kompleksnosti: u odnosu na suživot, način spoznaje i razumijevanja znanja i kulture, odnosa, komunikacije i identiteta. Slijedom sve češćih migracija i stvaranja multietničkih i multikulturalnih društava, svjedoci smo i sve učestalijih sukoba i krize vrijednosti, koji, čini se, dotiču svakog pojedinca, neovisno o zemlji u kojoj živi. Ova kriza, posebno se odražava na odgojnom području (sve više zamijenjena pojmovima spontanosti i “carpe diem”) i pedagogije (čemu služi znanost o odgoju ako su, kako se čini, odgoj i planiranje izgubili smisao i vrijednost?) Temeljna postavka ovoga rada polazi od toga, da ukoliko želimo prepoznati i bolje upravljati promjenama i izazovima globalizacije i multikulturalnim društvima, kako bismo dostigli postavljeni cilj i svrhu, od osobite je važnosti započeti od odgoja i pedagogije. Umjetnost odgoja nije urođena, već se usvaja samo tijekom dugog osposobljavanja, a pedagogija je jedina teorijska disciplina koja svoje određenje temelji na odgojivosti pojedinca, utvrdivši cilj, metode, sredstva, načine interakcije, okolinu.In contrast to the popular opinion, the phenomena of globalisation and plural societies have caused not only fundamental and dramatic changes in the fields of economy and employment, but have particularly influenced our entirety as human beings: our attitude towards coexistence, our ways of cognition and understanding of knowledge and culture, relationships, communication and identity. Alongside more frequent migration patterns and the creation of multi-ethnic and multi-cultural societies, we are witnessing an increased frequency of confl icts and value crises affecting, it seems, every individual regardless of where they live. This crisis is particularly refl ected in the area of education (increasingly replaced by the concepts of spontaneity and carpe diem) and pedagogy (what is the purpose of the science of education if, as it seems, education and planning have lost their meaning and value?) The fundamental thesis of this paper is the belief that if we want to identify and manage the changes and challenges of globalisation and of our multicultural societies in a better way, so as to achieve the set goals, it is particularly important to start with education and pedagogy. Th e art of educating is not given by birth, but is acquired over a long period of training, and pedagogy is the only theoretical discipline whose definition is based on the educability of an individual by means of determining the goals, methods, means, ways of interaction and the environment.Im Gegensatz zu der allgemeinen Meinung hatte das Aufk ommen von Globalisierung und pluralen Gesellschaft en nicht nur einen tiefgreifenden Einfluß auf dramatische Veränderungen im wirtschaft lichen und beruflichen Umfeld, sondern wirkte auf den Menschen in seiner ganzen Komplexität zurück und beeinflusste seine Formen vom Zusammenleben, seine Erkenntnisweise und sein Verständnis von Wissen und Kultur, von Beziehungen, Kommunikation und Identität. Infolge von immer häufi geren Migrationen und Entstehung von multiethnischen und multikulturellen Gesellschaften, sind wir alle Zeugen von immer häufigeren Konfl ikten und Wertkrisen, die – so scheint es – jeden Einzelnen betreff en, ohne Rücksicht auf sein Heimatland. Diese Krise hat besonders schwerwiegende Folgen für den Bereich der Erziehung (die immer mehr durch die Begriffe von Sponataneität und carpe diem ersetzt wird) und der Pädagogik (wozu dient die Erziehungswissenschaft , wenn die Erziehung und Planen anscheinend jeglichen Sinn und Wert verloren haben?). Den Ausgangspunkt dieser Arbeit bildet die Grundannahme, dass es sehr wichtig ist, falls wir die Herausforderungen der Globalisierung und multikulturellen Gesellschaft en sowie dadurch bedingte Veränderungen erkennen und besser steuern wollen, bei der Erziehung und Pädagogik anzusetzen, um die erwünschten Ziele und Zwecke zu erreichen. Die Kunst der Erziehung ist nicht angeboren, sondern wird im Laufe eines längeren Befähigungsprozesses angeeignet, und die Pädagogik ist die einzige theoretische Disziplin, die ihre Bestimmung auf der Erziehbarkeit des Einzelnen gründet, indem sie dazu Ziele, Methoden, Mittel, Interaktionsarten, Umgebung bestimmt.A diff erenza del pensiero comune, la globalizzazione e all’avvento di società pluralistiche non hanno determinato solamente dei profondi e drastici mutamenti sul piano economico-lavorativo, ma investono in maniera profonda e determinante la persona umana nella sua interezza: il piano della convivenza, il modo di intendere il sapere e la cultura, le modalità di relazione, la comunicazione e l’identità. Da più fonti, anche in seguito alle crescenti migrazioni e al costituirsi di società sempre più multietniche e multiculturali, si registra un aumento di confl itti e una forte crisi di valori e di orientamento, che sembra colpire ogni essere umano, a prescindere dal paese in cui vive. In modo particolare tale crisi si ripercuote nel settore dell’educazione (sempre più sostituita con i concetti dello spontaneismo e del “carpe diem”) e della pedagogia (a cosa serve una scienza dell’educazione se l’educazione e la progettualità sembrano aver perso signifi cato e valore?) La tesi centrale del presente contributo è che, per riconoscere e gestire meglio i cambiamenti e le sfide della globalizzazione e dell’avvento della società multiculturale, per il raggiungimento di molti obiettivi tesi a cogliere anche le opportunità insite in tali cambiamenti, è di precipua importanza proprio ricominciare dall’educazione e dalla pedagogia. L’arte di educare non è innata, ma si apprende solo dopo lunga formazione; e la pedagogia va intesa come l’unica disciplina teorica che fonda il suo discorso interamente sull’educabilità dell’essere umano, individuando fi ni, metodi, mezzi, modalità interattive, ambiente

    La migración, la discapacidad intelectual y la educación intercultural. Un estudio cualitativo de los jóvenes inmigrantes de origen italiano en Alemania

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    The paper summarizes the results of a qualitative study that aimed to identify the positive outcomes and opportunities, as well as the risks related with migration and living in a multicultural context. Research consisted of a 7-year longitudinal case study, during which the life-stories, conflicts, crises, and problem-solving strategies of 23 young people of Italian origin with migration experiences - some of which were still living in southern Germany and some of which had returned to southern Italy – were observed. The sample was composed of both adolescents with intellectual disabilities or other psychological and social disorders and adolescents who seemed to have benefited from living and growing up in a different culture. The results suggest that education can play an important role in determining whether subjects experience enrichment and growth or increasing difficulties or mental illnesses and social disorders. Therefore the paper takes the position that education can be an effective preventive measure against the mental health issues experienced by young migrants living in complex societies. Given the research results and the ongoing phenomenon of globalization, intercultural education, as developed and applied in a European context, might be the most appropriate method. The paper proposes further research to verify the application of the intercultural approach as a preventive measure against intellectual disabilities and other psychological and social disorders.El documento resume los resultados de un estudio cualitativo que tuvo como objetivo identificar los resultados y oportunidades positivas, así como los riesgos relacionados con la migración en un contexto multicultural. La investigación consistió en un estudio de caso longitudinal de 7 años, en el que se analizó las historias de vida, los conflictos, la crisis y las estrategias de resolución de problemas de 23 jóvenes de origen italiano con experiencias migratorias (algunos de los cuales todavía estaban viviendo en el sur de Alemania y algunos habían regresado al sur de Italia). La muestra se compone de dos adolescentes con discapacidad intelectual y adolescentes que parecían haberse beneficiado de vivir y crecer en una cultura diferente psicológica y socialmente. Los resultados sugieren que la educación puede desempeñar un papel importante en la determinación de si los sujetos experimentan el enriquecimiento y el crecimiento o, el aumento de las dificultades, las enfermedades mentales y los trastornos sociales. Por tanto, el documento adopta la posición de que la educación puede ser una medida preventiva eficaz contra los problemas de salud mental que experimentan los jóvenes inmigrantes que viven en sociedades complejas. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados de la investigación y el fenómeno actual de la globalización, la educación intercultural, desarrollada y aplicada en un contexto europeo, podría ser el método más adecuado. El documento propone una mayor investigación para verificar la aplicación del enfoque intercultural como una medida preventiva contra los otros trastornos psicológicos y sociales relacionados con la migración

    Global learning experience: developing intercultural competence through virtual exchange

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    It becomes clearer every day that the world faces a broad array of global challenges that will likely be solved if people – especially young people – from a wide range of backgrounds holding diverse beliefs and practices, develop the competences to sit with those different from themselves to solve problems – or they will not be solved. An evidence-based practice to help mitigate this challenge in higher education has been the proliferation of Information and Communications (ICT) and e-learning strategies. A virtual exchange program, the Global Learning Experience (GLE), provided an ample opportunity to structure collaborative international learning experiences, and thus foster the development of intercultural competence, amongst graduate level counseling and social work students. Using a qualitative paradigm, the authors examined students’ general perceptions about the GLE, how it both benefited students and posed challenges, and, importantly, how it impacted students’ development of intercultural competence


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    The relevance of the research topic is that modern societies are diverse and face several challenges that appear to threaten sustainable community development. Many of them are related to diversity and intercultural communication issues. The purpose of the article is to determine the main aspects and practical applications of diversity and intercultural competence in the focus of community sustainable development. The objectives are to look through recent publications dedicated to the various aspects of intercultural competence and diversity competence; to analyze and summarize the models of intercultural communication and competence described in recent publications, as well as diversity competences; to formulate the basic principles of diversity management for sustainable development of educational and business communities. Study results. The article outlines the main features of different models of intercultural and diversity competence. The main approaches to intercultural and diversity competence in the educational and business spheres are investigated. A set of key values and key diversity competencies is presented. Part of the study of social cohesion was the change in the parameters of intercultural and diversity competence in a crisis society. Methodology of the research. The theoretical foundations of diversity management are based on a comparative analysis of recent publications on this issue and the results of modern social practice of organizations in the field of diversity management. The methodological and practical foundations of the above research are based on the previous intercultural and social cohesion studies at the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (now Ukrainian State Dragomanov University). The Social Cohesion Radar Model has been adopted for practical research in the educational community. This made it possible to present some indicators of social cohesion – "acceptance of diversity" and "trust" as key factors for successful communication, social relations, and, consequently, community development. This model provides an understanding of "acceptance of diversity" and "trust" as key components of social cohesion and monitoring their status in different situations of social challenges, including the challenges of the war in Ukraine and the pandemic. A working analogy of the Diversity Radar model for monitoring and assessing diversity intelligence in a community is presented. Practical significance of the research. The study identified the level of acceptance of multicultural diversity in the community and outlined weaknesses for further strengthening with appropriate social and educational tools. The article collects and analyzes various diversity competencies and practical steps to develop diverse and sustainable communities, especially educational ones

    Social cohesion and intercultural studies in the educational community

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    The article shows the important role of social cohesion as a social phenomenon, its impact on the development of society and intercultural communication. The social role of trust, in particular, in the development of social cohesion, is also shown. Social cohesion acquires acute relevance and importance in the current time of social transformations, as cohesion allows communities overcome various fluctuations and changes. The social cohesion as complex social phenomenon has been analyzed in the focus of intercultural studies. The aim of the research was to investigate the important spheres of social cohesion related to intercultural communication in the educational community, in particular, in the university community of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. The research conducted several times, including the crisis states of society – pan-demic and war conflict in Ukraine. This research continues social cohesion studies, which are conducted in the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University since 2016, and demonstrates one of the current stages. The methodological tool is an adaptation of the "Social Cohesion Radar" model at the university community level. The study is based on primary data from the author's questionnaire. The important role of social cohesion, trust and values in intercultural communication is demonstrated

    Intercultural Education and Competences: challenges and Answers for the Global World

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    This book analyses the current situation in intercultural education and intercultural competences, and addresses the challenges to, and possible ways of dealing with, different perspectives in intercultural education

    Intercultural and Multicultural Education: Epistemological and Semantical Aspect

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    Il saggio analizza le possibili risposte ai drastici e, per certi aspetti, drammatici cambiamenti che investono la societ\ue0 attuale e che sono legati ai fenomeni della globalizzazione, della complessit\ue0, della new economy e della vita in una societ\ue0 multiculturale. In un periodo di crisi di valori, nel quale soprattutto la scuola e la famiglia sembrano essere incapaci di affrontare i rischi e le opportunit\ue0 connessi alla nuova situazione, abbiamo bisogno di investire in educazione. Le persone umane e la loro crescita integrale dovrebbero essere poste al centro della prospettiva economica, politica e sociale, invece dell'esaltazione del profitto, dell'interesse, delle conquiste tecnologiche, dell'audience televisivo. Il testo fornisce le basi epistemologiche e semantiche per comprendere il concetto di educazione interculturale, distinguendolo da quelli di educazione multiculturale e transculturale. Lo studio muove da una prospettiva storica degli scambi e delle relazioni tra persone di diversa appartenenza linguistica, religiosa, culturale o etnica. L'analisi prende in considerazione le prospettive teoretiche e le esperienze pratiche, soprattutto nel contesto europeo e nel campo educativo. Dopo aver delineato lo scenario degli sviluppi storici, dei contenuti essenziali, dei metodi e degli obiettivi, e aver indicato i limiti della prospettiva dell'educazione interculturale e del suo impiego pratico, l'autore formula la tesi che l'educazione nel suo significato interculturale (e non multi o transculturale) costituisca attualmente la risposta pi\uf9 appropriata alla globalizzazione e all'interdipendenza planetaria