47 research outputs found

    Comparative Invasion Ecology of Carpobrotus From Four Continents: Responses to Nutrients and Competition

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    [Abstract] Two key hypotheses in invasion biology are that certain traits underlie invasiveness in introduced species, and that these traits are selected for during or after introduction. We tested these hypotheses by focusing on two traits likely to confer invasiveness, high increase in growth in response to increase in nutrients and low decrease in growth in response to competition. We compared four species of Carpobrotus that differ in invasiveness, using species from four continents: Africa, Australia, Europe and North America. To test for selection for these traits in Carpobrotus edulis, a highly invasive species, we compared plants from its native range in South Africa to plants from the other three regions, where C. edulis has been introduced. Plants were propagated in a common garden. Offspring were then grown alone with or without added nutrients, and together with another species of Carpobrotus or with the grass Ammophila arenaria (a co-occurring native species in Europe) without added nutrients. Response to nutrients did not differ between species of Carpobrotus, nor was competitive response less negative in more invasive species. However, increase in growth in response to added nutrients was greater in introduced than in native C. edulis. Moreover, fresh mass per ramet at the start of treatments was higher in the two invasive species than in the two non-invasive ones. We provide new evidence that introduction can select for response to nutrient enrichment in invasive species and add to the evidence for an association between size and invasiveness in introduced plants.[摘要] 四大洲食用昼花属的比较入侵生态学:对养分和竞争的响应 入侵生物学的两个关键假设是,某些特征是外来物种入侵的基础,且这些特征是在引入期间或之后选择的。我们通过关注两个可能赋予入侵性的特征来检验这些假设,即营养增加引起的较高生长加速和竞争引起的较低生长减速。我们对采自非洲、澳洲、欧洲和北美洲的4个食用昼花属(Carpobrotus)品 种进行了比较。为了测试高入侵物种莫邪菊(Carpobrotus edulis)对这些特征的选择,我们将原产于南非 的植株与入侵其他3个地区的植株进行了比较。在一个同质园中繁殖植株。然后,在添加或不添加养分的情况下单独培育子代,并在不添加养分的情况下将子代与另一个食用昼花属品种一起、或与欧洲的一种共生本土物种马兰草(Ammophila arenaria)一起培育。不同品种的食用昼花属对营养物质的反应并无差异,在入侵性更强的物种中,竞争反应的负面性也没有减弱。然而,与本土莫邪菊相比,添加营养物质引起外来莫邪菊更高的生长加速。此外,在处理开始时,两种入侵物种每分株的鲜质量高于两种非入侵物种。我们的研究结果表明,引种可以选择入侵物种对营养富集的反应进行选择,也证明了外来植物的体积和入侵性之间的关联。Australian samples were collected under licenses SW018396 and CE005442 issued by the Western Australian Department of Parks and Wildlife. This paper is a contribution from the Alien Species Network (Ref. ED431D 2017/20—Xunta de Galicia, Autonomous Government of Galicia). Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant CGL2013-44519-R, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, to S.R.R.) and CSIRO Julius Career Award (to B.L.W.)Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/2

    Child-OIDP index in Brazil: Cross-cultural adaptation and validation

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    Background: Oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) measures are being increasingly used to introduce dimensions excluded by normative measures. Consequently, there is a need for an index which evaluates children's OHRQoL validated for Brazilian population, useful for oral health needs assessments and for the evaluation of oral health programs, services and technologies. The aim of this study was to do a cross-cultural adaptation of the Child Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (Child-OIDP) index, and assess its reliability and validity for application among Brazilian children between the ages of eleven and fourteen. Methods: For cross-cultural adaptation, a translation/back-translation method integrated with expert panel reviews was applied. A total of 342 students from four public schools took part of the study. Results: Overall, 80.7% of the sample reported at least one oral impact in the last three months. Cronbach's alpha was 0.63, the weighted kappa 0.76, and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.79. The index had a significant association with self-reported health measurements (self-rated oral health, satisfaction with oral health, perceived dental treatment needs, self-rated general health; all p < 0.01). Conclusion: It was concluded that the Child-OIDP index is a measure of oral health-related quality of life that can be applied to Brazilian children

    Incorporating costs, thresholds and spatial extents for selecting stream bioindicators in an ecotone between two Brazilian biodiversity hotspots

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    Biomonitoring is critical for characterizing and monitoring status, spatial patterns, and long-term trends in the ecological condition of freshwater ecosystems. The selection of cost-effective bioindicators is a critical step in establishing such monitoring programs. Key indicator considerations are a reliable response to anthropogenic disturbances, a high benefit-cost-ratio and sensitivity at multiple spatial extents. We evaluated non-linear responses of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) and fish to the effects of native vegetation loss within buffers of 100 m and 1000 m and assessed the sampling and processing costs involved for each assemblage. We sampled 37 neotropical stream sites in the Formoso River network, a karstic region of the Bodoquena Plateau, midwest Brazil, lying in the ecotone between the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest biological hotspots. We used TITAN (threshold indicator taxa analysis) to identify six indicator taxa, four EPT genera and two fish species. The four EPT genera had low negative thresholds to native vegetation loss, whereas the two fish species had positive thresholds. Thresholds were lower for the 100 m buffers than the 1000 m buffers for EPT. The most sensitive taxon (Macronema, Trichoptera) had a threshold of 0% native vegetation loss in the 100 m buffers and nearly 40% in the 1000 m buffers. For taxa richness, we found no non-linear response to the effects of native vegetation loss for buffer extent nor assemblage. The total cost for EPT biomonitoring was US3,616;whereasforfish,thetotalwasUS 3,616; whereas for fish, the total was US 1,901. Although fish were less expensive than EPT, they did not respond negatively to native vegetation loss and their positive threshold started at 48%, a level of vegetation loss that was highly disruptive of EPT. Therefore, we do not recommend using fish to monitor the effects of native vegetation loss on headwater streams in the Bodoquena Plateau. Although EPT monitoring costs 52% more than fish assemblage monitoring, it detected earlier impacts of the effects of native vegetation loss on stream biota, especially in the 100 m buffer. Therefore, EPT are more cost-effective early warning indicators for monitoring the effects of native vegetation loss in Bodoquena Plateau headwaters

    Computationally efficient design of directionally compliant metamaterials

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    Designing mechanical metamaterials is overwhelming for most computational approaches because of the staggering number and complexity of flexible elements that constitute their architecture—particularly if these elements don’t repeat in periodic patterns or collectively occupy irregular bulk shapes. We introduce an approach, inspired by the freedom and constraint topologies (FACT) methodology, that leverages simplified assumptions to enable the design of such materials with ~6 orders of magnitude greater computational efficiency than other approaches (e.g., topology optimization). Metamaterials designed using this approach are called directionally compliant metamaterials (DCMs) because they manifest prescribed compliant directions while possessing high stiffness in all other directions. Since their compliant directions are governed by both macroscale shape and microscale architecture, DCMs can be engineered with the necessary design freedom to facilitate arbitrary form and unprecedented anisotropy. Thus, DCMs show promise as irregularly shaped flexure bearings, compliant prosthetics, morphing structures, and soft robots

    Computationally efficient design of directionally compliant metamaterials

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    Designing mechanical metamaterials is overwhelming for most computational approaches because of the staggering number and complexity of flexible elements that constitute their architecture—particularly if these elements don’t repeat in periodic patterns or collectively occupy irregular bulk shapes. We introduce an approach, inspired by the freedom and constraint topologies (FACT) methodology, that leverages simplified assumptions to enable the design of such materials with ~6 orders of magnitude greater computational efficiency than other approaches (e.g., topology optimization). Metamaterials designed using this approach are called directionally compliant metamaterials (DCMs) because they manifest prescribed compliant directions while possessing high stiffness in all other directions. Since their compliant directions are governed by both macroscale shape and microscale architecture, DCMs can be engineered with the necessary design freedom to facilitate arbitrary form and unprecedented anisotropy. Thus, DCMs show promise as irregularly shaped flexure bearings, compliant prosthetics, morphing structures, and soft robots


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    Objetivou-se avaliar relações sociais e íntimas de pessoas idosas com hanseníase. Abordagem quantitativa, com 60 idosos em dois Programas de Controle da Hanseníase, em uma capital do nordeste brasileiro, utilizando o Domínio das Relações Sociais do World Health Organization Quality of Life – bref e a faceta Intimidade do World Health Organization Quality of Life – older adults, com análise estatística descritiva. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre dezembro de 2012 e junho de 2013. No Domínio das Relações Sociais, a satisfação foi de 85% nas relações pessoais, 78,3% no suporte social e 60% em atividade sexual. Na Faceta Intimidade, os idosos apresentaram menor satisfação. As Relações Sociais dos idosos com hanseníase apresentou alto escore devido à rede de apoio social, trazendo expressiva satisfação e se refletindo na sua qualidade de vida. Conclui-se sobre a importância da Enfermagem articular estratégias de práticas educativas e de cuidados à pessoa idosa e com hanseníase.The aim of this study was to assess social and intimate relationships of elderly individuals with Hansen’s disease. This study has a quantitative approach, with 60 elderly individuals from two Hansen’s Disease Control Programs in the capital city of a Brazilian Northeastern state, using the Social Relationships domain of the World Health Organization Quality of Life – bref and the Intimacy facet of the World Health Organization Quality of Life – older adults, with descriptive statistical analysis. Data were collected between December 2012 and June 2013. In the Social Relationships domain, satisfaction was found at 85% in personal relationships, 78.3% in social support and 60% in sexual activity. The elderly individuals presented lower satisfaction in the Intimacy facet. The Social Relationships of elderly individuals with Hansen’s disease presented a high score due to the social support network, which presented significant satisfaction and reflected on quality of life. In conclusion, it is important that nursing coordinates strategies for educational and care practices for elderly individuals affected by Hansen’s disease.El objetivo fue evaluar relaciones sociales así como íntimas de personas ancianas con enfermedad de Hansen. Abordaje cuantitativo, con 60 ancianos en dos Programas de Control de la enfermedad de Hansen, en una capital del nordeste brasileño, utilizando el Dominio de las Relaciones Sociales del World Health Organization Quality of Life – bref y la categoría Intimidad del World Health Organization Quality of Life – older adults, con análisis estadístico descriptivo. Los datos fueron obtenidos entre diciembre de 2012 y junio de 2013. En el Dominio de las Relaciones Sociales, la satisfacción fue de 85% en las relaciones personales, 78,3% en el apoyo social y 60% en actividad sexual. En la categoría Intimidad, los ancianos presentaron menor satisfacción. Las Relaciones Sociales de los ancianos con enfermedad de Hansen presentó alto escore a causa de la red de apoyo social, trayendo expresiva satisfacción y reflejando en su cualidad de vida. Se concluye que es muy importante que la Enfermería articule estrategias de prácticas educativas y de cuidados al anciano con enfermedad de Hansen

    PROCESSO DE LICITAÇÃO NA ADMINISTRAÇÃO PÚBLICA: Gestão e Fiscalização de Contratos Administrativos

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    Eis-me aqui, fazendo o prefácio de um livro muito especial. Ao contrário do que normalmente tenho feito, que é prefaciar obras de pesquisadores e professores vinculados aos grupos de pesquisa ou ao CNPQ, esse tem uma história que me enche de orgulho. Trata-se de uma obra construída com meus alunos, estudantes extremamente dedicados e comprometidos com o trabalho do curso de graduação em Gestão Pública. Fomos construindo, passo a passo, o conteúdo desse livro, concomitante à formação deles como pesquisadores. Resolvi então escrever sobre aquilo de que mais gostei no trabalho, que foi o processo. Entendo que, ao assumir o papel de orientadora de um grupo, assumimos o compromisso da dupla construção, como orientação de pessoas e também como pesquisadora no trabalho. Muitos esforços foram investidos nesta edificante missão. Foram vários encontros, discussões, leituras, devolutivas, crescimento, construção e, por fim, o sucesso comemorado, coletivamente, na conclusão e na defesa, com nota máxima, com aplausos e comemorações. Mas o coroamento veio quando os autores decidiram publicar a obra e juntos nos empenhamos na propositura da presente obra, o livro intitulado PROCESSO DE LICITAÇÃO NA ADMINISTRAÇÃO PÚBLICA: gestão e fiscalização de contratos administrativos. O livro apresenta uma análise do processo de licitação na perspectiva da fiscalização e da gestão de contratos administrativos e tem como objetivos específicos: contextualizar o processo licitatório na Gestão Pública; descrever os aspectos jurídicos da licitação em seus diferentes tipos (a Lei no 14.133/2021 passou a chamar de critérios de julgamento) e modalidades; e compreender o papel do gestor no âmbito da fiscalização dos contratos. O Processo licitatório é entendido como uma ferramenta substancial dentro da Gestão Pública, com consequências diretas a todas as áreas de interesse público e coletivo. Compreender como ocorre o processo de licitação é essencial para que gestores e fiscais de contratos administrativos consigam fiscalizar a execução dos convênios sob sua responsabilidade, zelando pelos gastos de verbas públicas, bem como pela observação e acompanhando dos trâmites e regras, 7 que devem ser aplicados da forma como foi previsto no Instrumento Convocatório, quando se buscou a proposta mais vantajosa (a Lei no 14.133/2021 deu uma nova concepção para esse objetivo, e passou a fazer seleção da melhor proposta a gerar o resultado de contratação mais vantajoso), de menor custo e melhor qualidade. A gestão de contratos é trabalho de natureza complexa, considerando as influências que podem surgir, sob o ponto de vista econômico, social e político, devendo, portanto, ser concretizada com precaução e atenção, de forma a atender a direitos e garantias legais, evitando desperdícios e irregularidades na execução dos mesmos, ou evitando, ainda, o mau uso do dinheiro público. O livro oferece subsídios aos gestores, estudiosos e curiosos sobre o tema. Elaborado de forma didática, o texto permite ao leitor a compreensão, de forma agradável, do processo licitatório na Gestão Pública. Enquanto escrevia o prefácio, deleitei-me com a releitura deste instigante trabalho, fruto de uma nova e criativa geração de pesquisadores da Nova Gestão Pública. Eunice Nóbrega Portela Doutora em Educação pela Universidade de Brasília; Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Católica de Brasília; e Administradora Educacional