8 research outputs found

    Avoidance Response in Goldfish: Emotional and Temporal Involvement of Medial and Lateral Telencephalic Pallium

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    The hippocampus and the amygdala are involved in avoidance learning in mammals. The medial and lateral pallia of actinopterygian fish have been proposed as homologous to the mammalian pallial amygdala and hippocampus, respectively, on the basis of neuroanatomical findings. This work was aimed at studying the effects of ablation of the medial telencephalic pallia (MP) and lateral telencephalic pallia (LP) in goldfish on the retention of a conditioned avoidance response previously acquired in two experimental conditions. In the first experiment, fish were trained in nontrace avoidance conditioning. In the second experiment, fish were trained in trace avoidance conditioning in which temporal cues were crucial for the learning process. An MP lesion affected the retention of the avoidance response in both procedures; in contrast, an LP lesion impaired the retention only in the trace-conditioning procedure. These data support the presence of two different systems of memory in fish, based on discrete telencephalic areas: the MP, involved in an emotional memory system; and the LP, involved in a spatial, relational, or temporal memory system. Moreover, these differential effects were similar to those produced by amygdalar and hippocampal lesions in mammals. We conclude that these specialized systems of memory could have appeared early during phylogenesis and could have been conserved throughout vertebrate evolution.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a BF-I2001-3178Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a I2000-0315Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a I2003-0029Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a PB-96-1334Junta de Andaluc铆a CVI-24

    Animal models of maladaptive traits: disorders in sensorimotor gating and attentional quantifiable responses as possible endophenotypes

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    Traditional diagnostic scales are based on a number of symptoms to evaluate and classify mental diseases. In many cases, this process becomes subjective, since the patient must calibrate the magnitude of his/her symptoms and therefore the severity of his/her disorder. A completely different approach is based on the study of the more vulnerable traits of cognitive disorders. In this regard, animal models of mental illness could be a useful tool to characterize indicators of possible cognitive dysfunctions in humans. Specifically, several cognitive disorders such as schizophrenia involve a dysfunction in the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system during development. These variations in dopamine levels or dopamine receptor sensibility correlate with many behavioral disturbances. These behaviors may be included in a specific phenotype and may be analyzed under controlled conditions in the laboratory. The present study provides an introductory overview of different quantitative traits that could be used as a possible risk indicator for different mental disorders, helping to define a specific endophenotype. Specifically, we examine different experimental procedures to measure impaired response in attention linked to sensorimotor gating as a possible personality trait involved in maladaptive behaviors.Ministerio de Econom铆a y Competitividad PSI2012- 3244

    Localizaci贸n neuroel茅ctrica de procesos cognitivos

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    Recording techniques of electrical cerebral activity with surface electrodes are shown and supported as a valid choice of a physiological study of the cognitive function of the human brain. Likewise, we describe the techniques of topographical representation of neuroelectrical potentials, as well as the current source density analysis and the localization of cerebral generators by evoked potentials. We conclude that it is possible to determine the localization of active cortical zones during perception, motor and cognitive processes, starting from a limited number of physiological hypotheses, in relation to the electrical behaviour of the cortical neurons and according to an electrical model of the head.Se presentan y defienden las t茅cnicas de registro de la actividad el茅ctrica cerebral con electrodos de superficie como una alternativa v谩lida para el estudio fisiol贸gico de la funci贸n cognitiva del cerebro humano. Asimismo, se describen las t茅cnicas de representaci贸n topogr谩fica de potencial neuroel茅ctrico, as铆 como las de an谩lisis de densidad de corriente y de localizaci贸n de generadores cerebrales de potenciales evocados. Se concluye que es posible determinar la localizaci贸n de zonas corticales activas durante procesos de percepci贸n, motores y cognitivos, partiendo de un n煤mero limitado de hip贸tesis fisiol贸gicas, en relaci贸n al comportamiento el茅ctrico de las neuronas corticales y seg煤n un modelo el茅ctrico de la cabeza.DGICYT TM90-15

    Innovaci贸n de las estrategias de ense帽anza en Psicolog铆a Fisiol贸gica. Dise帽o de pr谩cticas experimentales.

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    Se describe la innovaci贸n docente introducida por los profesores del equipo docente de PSicolog铆a Fisiol贸gica para mejorar la calidad de las clases pr谩cticas. Se han dise帽ado pr谩cticas que se constituyen como un instrumento de interrelaci贸n e integraci贸n de los temas de las Unidades Did谩cticas en las que se organiza el programa de la asignatura. Se han perfeccionado los materiales did谩cticos para optimizar el proceso de aprendizaje y aumentar la motivaci贸n. Se describe una pr谩ctica modelo sobre dimorfismo sexual en el sistema nervioso

    Innovaci贸n did谩ctica en la asignatura de Psicolog铆a Fisiol贸gica: autoestudio y autoevaluaci贸n

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    En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo del an谩lisis de los puntos d茅biles y fuertes de un plan de Innovaci贸n docente puesto en marcha desde 1995. Se proponen puntos de mejora y acctuaciones