15 research outputs found

    Opioid misuse in patients with cancer pain: an integrative systematic review of the literature

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    Introducci贸n: los opioides son ampliamente utilizados para el control del dolor oncol贸gico y no oncol贸gico. Existe mucha informaci贸n sobre el uso inadecuado de opioides (UIO) en pacientes no oncol贸gicos, sin embargo en pacientes oncol贸gicos existe menos evidencia. Objetivos: identificar, analizar y sintetizar la evidencia disponible sobre la epidemiolog铆a, los factores de riesgo, instrumentos cl铆nicos y evoluci贸n del UIO en pacientes con dolor oncol贸gico. Material y m茅todos: revisi贸n sistem谩tica integradora de la literatura con extracci贸n de datos y s铆ntesis narrativa. Las fuentes utilizadas para buscar art铆culos publicados hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2017 fueron las bases de datos PubMed, Web of Science y PsychINFO. Se eligieron aquellos art铆culos que siguieran los siguientes criterios de inclusi贸n: 1) publicados en lengua inglesa, espa帽ola o francesa, y 2) que incluyesen informaci贸n sobre la prevalencia o incidencia del UIO en pacientes con dolor oncol贸gico, o/y 3) que aportasen informaci贸n sobre factores de riesgo, mortalidad, duraci贸n del UIO y su remisi贸n. Resultados: De la b煤squeda surgieron 3520 art铆culos, de los cuales 40 cumplieron los criterios de inclusi贸n. Se identificaron cuatro 谩reas tem谩ticas: 1) epidemiolog铆a, 2) factores de riesgo, 3) opini贸n de pacientes y profesionales, y 4) pol铆ticas espec铆ficas. Los resultados obtenidos fueron muy heterog茅neos, identific谩ndose una prevalencia que oscila entre el 0 y el 26 % en el UIO y entre el 12 y el 85 % en las conductas aberrantes relacionadas con opioides. Se identificaron diferentes factores de riesgo de UIO, destacando la edad joven y la presencia de antecedentes psiqui谩tricos o de abuso de sustancias, y se describieron diferentes instrumentos dirigidos a la evaluaci贸n del riesgo o bien al diagn贸stico del UIO. En cuanto a la opini贸n de los profesionales, parece haber un incremento de la sensibilizaci贸n al respecto, pero las pol铆ticas de los centros en relaci贸n con esta problem谩tica suelen ser casi inexistentes. Conclusiones: A pesar de que existe una mayor sensibilizaci贸n de los profesionales acerca del UIO en pacientes oncol贸gicos, la informaci贸n de que disponemos es muy heterog茅nea y no nos permite extraer conclusiones claras. Por esta raz贸n ser谩 necesaria la realizaci贸n de nuevos estudios intentando homogeneizar criterios y establecer mejores protocolos y pol铆ticas de detecci贸n e intervenci贸n frente al UIO

    Have we improved pain control in cancer patients? A multicenter study of ambulatory and hospitalized cancer patients

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    Background: Pain in cancer patients is recognized as a major health problem, yet few studies of both inpatient and outpatient populations have been carried out. Objective: The study objective was to assess the frequency, type, and characteristics of pain in adult cancer patients, including both inpatients and outpatients. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 1064 adult cancer patients (437 outpatients and 627 inpatients) from 44 hospitals and/or long-term-care centers in Catalonia, Spain. Cancer patients suffering from pain of any etiology for >_2 weeks and/or under analgesic treatment >_2 weeks were enrolled. Demographic and pain data were collected. The Spanish version of the Brief Pain Inventory was used to assess pain. Results: Pain frequency was 55.3%. Pain was less frequent in outpatients than inpatients (41.6% versus 64.7%; p<0.001), although median pain duration was longer in outpatients (20 versus 6 weeks; p<0.001). Pain was assessable in 333 patients, and intensity was similar in both out- and inpatients; however, outpatients reported less improvement, less pain interference with daily life, and less pain related to the cancer per se. In both groups, patients with multiple myeloma (73%), breast (65%), and lung cancer (61%) were most likely to report pain. Conclusions: Pain in cancer patients, both ambulatory and hospitalized, remains a challenge for health care professionals, health administrators, and stakeholders. Our study reveals the high level of pain and distress that cancer patients continue to suffer, a problem that is particularly notable in outpatients due to the intensity and duration of the pain

    Quality improvement in palliative care services and networks: preliminary results of a benchmarking process in Catalonia

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    Background: a wide range of palliative care services has been implemented in Catalonia over the past 20 years. Quantitative and qualitative differences in the organization of palliative care services between districts and settings can result in wide variability in the quality of these services, and their accessibility. Methods: we implemented a benchmark methodology to compare dimensions of care and organization, to identify aspects requiring improvement, and to establish indicators to measure progress. The overall aim was to generate a consensus document for submission to the Department of Health (DoH) of the Government of Catalonia. Results: a Steering Committee convoked a meeting in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) and representatives (n = 114) of all the 37 districts within our health care remit (rural, urban, intermediate, and metropolitan) and settings of the health care system (hospitals, social health centers, community, and nursing homes) attended and took part in plenary sessions and workshops to define areas that, in their experience, were considered weak. Twenty-one consensus recommendations achieving high levels of consensus were generated for submission to the DoH. These included the formal definition of the model of care and organization of palliative care services at all levels in the region, the implementation of measures for improvement in different settings and scenarios, systems for continuous care, and facilities for the continuing training of health care personnel. These proposals have since been implemented in a trial region and, depending on the outcomes, will be applied throughout our health service. Conclusion: we conclude that benchmark methodology is valuable in acquiring data for use in improving palliative care organization for patients' benefit

    Herramientas para la evaluaci贸n multidimensional de uso para m茅dicos de cuidados paliativos: proyecto ICO-Tool Kit

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    Introducci贸n: el paciente y su familia presentan una serie de necesidades f铆sicas, emocionales, sociales y espirituales que requieren ser evaluadas. Estas necesidades han de quedar registradas ya que han de permitir la fijaci贸n de objetivos asistenciales, la revisi贸n de los resultados y su reevaluaci贸n posterior. La evaluaci贸n de estas necesidades con instrumentos comunes facilita la transmisi贸n de la informaci贸n entre los distintos profesionales sanitarios implicados en el proceso de atenci贸n. Objetivo: consensuar distintos instrumentos para una evaluaci贸n multidimensional en el paciente oncol贸gico avanzado que deber铆an incluirse en cualquier valoraci贸n m茅dica de equipo de cuidados paliativos de la red asistencial del Institut Catal脿 d'Oncologia. Material y m茅todo: t茅cnica de consenso entre los distintos participantes mediante grupo de discusi贸n. Acuerdo interobservador en grupo de discusi贸n basado en la valoraci贸n tanto de la bibliograf铆a existente sobre los instrumentos analizados, como de la experiencia pr谩ctica diaria de los miembros de los equipos en su empleo. El equipo de trabajo estuvo formado por una muestra representativa de los 3 centros participantes y constituida por 5 m茅dicos, 4 psico-onc贸logos y 4 trabajadores sociales. Todos con experiencia en cuidados paliativos y dedicaci贸n completa. De los distintos instrumentos analizados, se emple贸 para su valoraci贸n tanto la bibliograf铆a existente de los mismos, as铆 como la experiencia pr谩ctica de los equipos con su empleo. Se obten铆a una puntuaci贸n y un grado de acuerdo que sirvi贸 para la elecci贸n de los instrumentos que se consideraban m谩s 煤tiles y formar铆an parte del kit de evaluaci贸n. Resultado y conclusiones: tras discusi贸n y an谩lisis de los resultados, se seleccionaron los instrumentos que se consideraron m谩s adecuados para la evaluaci贸n. Se defini贸 un conjunto de instrumentos para la evaluaci贸n de las 3 dimensiones exploradas: f铆sica (antecedentes, estado funcional, dependencia, listado de s铆ntomas y supervivencia), emocional (s铆ntomas emocionales, incluyendo espiritualidad y cuidados al final de la vida) y social mostrando el porcentaje de acuerdo alcanzado para cada una de ellas

    An International Consensus Definition of the Wish to Hasten Death and Its Related Factors

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    Background: The desire for hastened death or wish to hasten death (WTHD) that is experienced by some patients with advanced illness is a complex phenomenon for which no widely accepted definition exists. This lack of a common conceptualization hinders understanding and cooperation between clinicians and researchers. The aim of this study was to develop an internationally agreed definition of the WTHD. Methods: Following an exhaustive literature review, a modified nominal group process and an international, modified Delphi process were carried out. The nominal group served to produce a preliminary definition that was then subjected to a Delphi process in which 24 experts from 19 institutions from Europe, Canada and the USA participated. Delphi responses and comments were analysed using a pre-established strategy. Findings: All 24 experts completed the three rounds of the Delphi process, and all the proposed statements achieved at least 79% agreement. Key concepts in the final definition include the WTHD as a reaction to suffering, the fact that such a wish is not always expressed spontaneously, and the need to distinguish the WTHD from the acceptance of impending death or from a wish to die naturally, although preferably soon. The proposed definition also makes reference to possible factors related to the WTHD. Conclusions: This international consensus definition of the WTHD should make it easier for clinicians and researchers to share their knowledge. This would foster an improved understanding of the phenomenon and help in developing strategies for early therapeutic intervention

    An international consensus definition of thewish to hasten death and Its related factors

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    Abstract Background The desire for hastened death or wish to hasten death (WTHD) that is experienced by some patients with advanced illness is a complex phenomenon for which no widely accepted definition exists. This lack of a common conceptualization hinders understanding and cooperation between clinicians and researchers. The aim of this study was to develop an internationally agreed definition of the WTHD. Methods Following an exhaustive literature review, a modified nominal group process and an international, modified Delphi process were carried out. The nominal group served to produce a preliminary definition that was then subjected to a Delphi process in which 24 experts from 19 institutions from Europe, Canada and the USA participated. Delphi responses and comments were analysed using a pre-established strategy. Findings All 24 experts completed the three rounds of the Delphi process, and all the proposed statements achieved at least 79% agreement. Key concepts in the final definition include the WTHD as a reaction to suffering, the fact that such a wish is not always expressed spontaneously, and the need to distinguish the WTHD from the acceptance of impending death or from a wish to die naturally, although preferably soon. The proposed definition also makes reference to possible factors related to the WTHD. Conclusions This international consensus definition of the WTHD should make it easier for clinicians and researchers to share their knowledge. This would foster an improved understanding of the phenomenon and help in developing strategies for early therapeutic intervention

    Evoluci贸n y resultados de la consulta externa de Cuidados paliativos en el Institut Catal脿 d'Oncologia : 2001-2005

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    Objetivo: describir el proceso de citaci贸n en la consulta externa y sus principales resultados cl铆nicos del Servicio de Cuidados Paliativos del Institut Catal脿 d'Oncolog铆a, para el periodo 2001-2005. Pacientes y m茅todos:pacientes consecutivos por los que se consult贸 y se visitaron en las consultar externas durante el periodo de estudio. Cada paciente por el que se consult贸 fue evaluado y programado para visita siguiendo un protocolo claramente definido. En cada visita se registraron variables demogr谩ficas y cl铆nicas y se evaluaron el dolor, anorexia, estre帽imiento, insomnio, debilidad, ansiedad y depresi贸n. La eficacia en el control sintom谩tico se analiz贸 para aquellos pacientes que fueron capaces de hacer tres visitas consecutivas. Resultados: referente al proceso de citaci贸n fueron evaluables 2.385 pacientes. El 80% de los pacientes programados vinieron a visita y la mediana de tiempo entre la demanda y la visita fueron de 10 d铆as. La evaluaci贸n del control sintom谩tico fue posible para 553 pacientes, mostrando un significativo buen control de todos los s铆ntomas con excepci贸n de la astenia. El 55% de los pacientes requirieron opioides para el dolor, observ谩ndose un cambio en el patr贸n pasando de morfina a fentanilo TTS. Conclusiones: la carga asistencial, en nuestro centro, en la consulta externa de cuidados paliativos es alta. Los resultados del proceso de citaci贸n muestran un alto cumplimiento con un m铆nimo tiempo de espera entre la petici贸n y la visita. Los resultados cl铆nicos muestran un buen control global de los s铆ntomas con excepci贸n de la astenia. Tambi茅n se observa un cambio en el patr贸n de la perscripci贸n de opioides. Este estudio ha de ser considerado como la l铆nea basal para futuros estudios de nuestro centro o en otros de caracter铆sticas similare

    Evoluci贸n y resultados de la consulta externa de Cuidados paliativos en el Institut Catal脿 d'Oncologia : 2001-2005

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    Objetivo: describir el proceso de citaci贸n en la consulta externa y sus principales resultados cl铆nicos del Servicio de Cuidados Paliativos del Institut Catal脿 d'Oncolog铆a, para el periodo 2001-2005. Pacientes y m茅todos:pacientes consecutivos por los que se consult贸 y se visitaron en las consultar externas durante el periodo de estudio. Cada paciente por el que se consult贸 fue evaluado y programado para visita siguiendo un protocolo claramente definido. En cada visita se registraron variables demogr谩ficas y cl铆nicas y se evaluaron el dolor, anorexia, estre帽imiento, insomnio, debilidad, ansiedad y depresi贸n. La eficacia en el control sintom谩tico se analiz贸 para aquellos pacientes que fueron capaces de hacer tres visitas consecutivas. Resultados: referente al proceso de citaci贸n fueron evaluables 2.385 pacientes. El 80% de los pacientes programados vinieron a visita y la mediana de tiempo entre la demanda y la visita fueron de 10 d铆as. La evaluaci贸n del control sintom谩tico fue posible para 553 pacientes, mostrando un significativo buen control de todos los s铆ntomas con excepci贸n de la astenia. El 55% de los pacientes requirieron opioides para el dolor, observ谩ndose un cambio en el patr贸n pasando de morfina a fentanilo TTS. Conclusiones: la carga asistencial, en nuestro centro, en la consulta externa de cuidados paliativos es alta. Los resultados del proceso de citaci贸n muestran un alto cumplimiento con un m铆nimo tiempo de espera entre la petici贸n y la visita. Los resultados cl铆nicos muestran un buen control global de los s铆ntomas con excepci贸n de la astenia. Tambi茅n se observa un cambio en el patr贸n de la perscripci贸n de opioides. Este estudio ha de ser considerado como la l铆nea basal para futuros estudios de nuestro centro o en otros de caracter铆sticas similare

    Have we improved pain control in cancer patients? A multicenter study of ambulatory and hospitalized cancer patients

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    Background: Pain in cancer patients is recognized as a major health problem, yet few studies of both inpatient and outpatient populations have been carried out. Objective: The study objective was to assess the frequency, type, and characteristics of pain in adult cancer patients, including both inpatients and outpatients. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 1064 adult cancer patients (437 outpatients and 627 inpatients) from 44 hospitals and/or long-term-care centers in Catalonia, Spain. Cancer patients suffering from pain of any etiology for >_2 weeks and/or under analgesic treatment >_2 weeks were enrolled. Demographic and pain data were collected. The Spanish version of the Brief Pain Inventory was used to assess pain. Results: Pain frequency was 55.3%. Pain was less frequent in outpatients than inpatients (41.6% versus 64.7%; p<0.001), although median pain duration was longer in outpatients (20 versus 6 weeks; p<0.001). Pain was assessable in 333 patients, and intensity was similar in both out- and inpatients; however, outpatients reported less improvement, less pain interference with daily life, and less pain related to the cancer per se. In both groups, patients with multiple myeloma (73%), breast (65%), and lung cancer (61%) were most likely to report pain. Conclusions: Pain in cancer patients, both ambulatory and hospitalized, remains a challenge for health care professionals, health administrators, and stakeholders. Our study reveals the high level of pain and distress that cancer patients continue to suffer, a problem that is particularly notable in outpatients due to the intensity and duration of the pain