2,883 research outputs found
Vagal tone as an index of mental state
The utility of monitoring oscillations in the heart rate pattern as a window to the brain is discussed as an index of general central nervous system status. Quantification of the amplitude of respiratory sinus arrhythmia provides an accurate index of cardiac vagal tone. A number of studies have demonstrated the validity of this measure; the relationship between flight performance and vagal tone has also been studied. In general, the vagal tone index appears to monitor global states of the central nervous system and may be useful in screening the general state of pilots
Live-timer method of automatic dead-time correction for precision counting
Automatic correction for dead time losses in nuclear counting experiments is implemented by a simple live timer arrangement in which each counting interval is extended for compensation for the dead time during that interval. this method eliminates repetitious manual calculations, source of error, and dependence upon paralysis shifts
Theodor Wolff, the Writer in Exile 1933-1943
Abstract This study examines the effect of exile on Theodor Wolff’s writings from 1933 to 1943. Wolff, a highly assimilated German Jew and renowned journalist and editor-in-chief of the ‘Berliner Tageblatt’ from 1906-1933, was one of the most influential cultural and liberal political commentators during World War I and the Weimar Republic. His political life and influence has been extensively researched, whereas his life in exile has not been explored. Enforced sudden exile in 1933 represented a turning point in Wolff’s life. Following the temporal sequence of Wolff’s ten years in exile, this study is divided into four chapters, starting with the early exile years from 1933 to 1936, followed by the immediate pre World War II period. The third chapter covers the German invasion and occupation of France in 1940. The last chapter sheds light on the two final years from 1942 to 1943. These four periods reflect his exile experience and gradual decline in living conditions, mood, and fundamental changes in his approach to writing. In exile Wolff devotes his time and effort to historical accounts and fiction – a difficult genre for a publicist and journalistic writer. He also embarks on autobiographical writings and during his final years in exile deals with the Jewish catastrophe unfolding in Nazi controlled Europe, raising issues concerning the so called ‘Jewish Problem’. This study draws attention to the effect exile had on an important German- Jewish writer, who in 1943 fell victim to the Holocaust. Wolff’s works, especially his exile writings survived the war and remain relevant today. The findings of this research provide some insight into a turbulent period in German and European history that drastically changed many lives. It also makes a significant contribution to the study of Theodor Wolff and to exile studies in general
Chemical Transformations by Acetobacter
The enzymatic systems elaborated by micro-organisms permit them to catalyze chemical transformations some of which are difficult or impossible to effect by ordinary chemical methods. Although organisms induce chemical changes, the successful application of such enzymatic transformations on a practical scale necessitates, in addition to other factors, the selection of the organism appropriate for the desired reaction and the determination of the optimum conditions. The possible utilization of the fermentation products of the Acetobacter has stimulated interest in the transformations brought about by this group of bacteria. Without going into a detailed discussion, this paper indicates some activities exhibited by this group of micro-organisms. These acetic acid bacteria are motile or non-motile rod-shaped cells, which frequently occur in chains, and have been combined into the genus Acetobacter (1). The present confused state of classification is made apparent by recent studies on the physiological activities of the Acetobacter and a reclassification of this genus is necessary in order to definitely identify the species and thus permit better interpretations of the reported studies
Manganese-56 coincidence-counting facility precisely measures neutron-source strength
Precise measurement of neutron-source strength is provided by a manganese 56 coincidence-counting facility using the manganese-bath technique. This facility combines nuclear instrumentation with coincidence-counting techniques to handle a wide variety of radioisotope-counting requirements
Abstenerse del terror: la paradoja de la no violencia en el Sáhara Occidental
En el Sáhara Occidental, antigua colonia española ocupada por Marruecos desde 1975, no ha habido prácticamente ninguna resistencia violenta por parte del pueblo indÃgena saharaui desde el final de la guerra de 1975-1991 entre Marruecos y el Frente Polisario. La ausencia de violencia sorprende por varios factores: amplio apoyo de la población a la independencia, disparidades sociales y económicas entre marroquÃes y saharauis, asà como una brutal represión de Marruecos de la cultura, la resistencia y las manifestaciones del sentimiento independentista saharaui. Este artÃculo analiza la lógica de la violencia –y de su ausencia–, asà como la resistencia, y extrae lecciones del Sáhara Occidental. Además de avanzar en el desarrollo teórico, se realiza un aporte metodológico al estudio de la resistencia y una mejor comprensión del conflicto del Sáhara Occidental mediante un trabajo de campo que incluyó unas 60 entrevistas con activistas saharauis realizadas durante el verano de 2014
"Rasse-Konzepte" in deutschen Biologielehrbüchern im Kontext gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse
Im Jahr 2019, anlässlich der 112. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft (DZG), wurde in Jena eine wissenschaftliche Stellungnahme verlesen, die das „Konzept der Rasse“ sowie den Rassismus in den Wissenschaften und der Öffentlichkeit kritisch und aktuell hinterfragt. Die Kernaussage des Papiers ist, dass es für die Verwendung des Begriffs der „Rasse“ im Zusammenhang mit menschlichen Gruppen keine biologische Begründung gibt und auch nie gegeben hat: „Das Konzept der Rasse ist das Ergebnis von Rassismus und nicht dessen Voraussetzung“ (Fischer u. a. 2019, 399; vgl. auch Fischer u.a. 2020, 2021). Die kontroversen Reaktionen, die der Jenaer Erklärung insbesondere in den sozialen Netzwerken folgten, weisen auf deutliche Wissenslücken in Teilen der Bevölkerung hin (vgl. Hoßfel u. a. 2024). Dies verwundert nicht, denn Rassentheorien, wenn auch nicht als rassistische Segregation intendiert, wurden noch bis Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts im Biologieunterricht verpflichtend behandelt. Hier schließt der Beitrag an und reflektiert exemplarisch den Widerhall rassistischer bzw. rassentheoretischer Vorstellungen in den deutschen Schullehrbüchern für das Fach Biologie. (DIPF/Orig.
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