1,190 research outputs found

    Ballistic accretion on a point seed

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    We carefully discuss the two-dimensional ballistic aggregation process. Studying the microscopic discrete process, we theoretically derive the probability density function describing the single-particle accretion. Using this function, we describe the properties of the “fan”, obtained for ballistic aggregation on the single seed, and we predict its mean density and its opening angle. We discuss the shadowing effect on a microscopic scale, between the single particles and, on a larger scale, between grown structures, deriving the columnar microstructure direction law. Comparisons with numerical experiments are shown

    Self-propagating reactions for environmental protection: Treatment of wastes containing asbestos

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    A thermochemical process based on the occurrence of self-propagating reactions that is able to convert asbestos fibers into harmless, nonfibrous species is proposed. Specifically, a mixture consisting of a waste (containing about 85 wt % of chrysotile), ferric oxide, and magnesium is able, once locally ignited by a thermal source, to generate a self-propagating reaction that travels through the mixture without requiring additional energy. The process is accompanied by a dramatic change in the material from both the chemical and microstructural points of view. In addition, front velocity and maximum combustion temperature decrease as the amount of waste in the starting mixture increases, with the self-propagating character being maintained if the waste content is equal to or below 60 wt %. It is also observed that, when nonasbestos (nontoxic) materials, i.e., sepiolite and glass fibers, are used instead of the hazardous waste, the front velocity, combustion temperature, propagation limits, and apparent activation energies are found to be very similar to those observed in the case of asbestos

    Reinstatement of Cortical Outcome Representations during Higher-Order Learning

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    Naturalistic learning scenarios are characterized by infrequent experience of external feedback to guide behavior. Higher-order learning mechanisms like second-order conditioning (SOC) may allow stimuli that were never experienced together with reinforcement to acquire motivational value. Despite its explanatory potential for real-world learning, surprisingly little is known about the neural mechanism underlying such associative transfer of value in SOC. Here, we used multivariate cross-session, cross-modality searchlight classification on functional magnetic resonance imaging data obtained from humans during SOC. We show that visual first-order conditioned stimuli (CS) reinstate cortical patterns representing previously paired gustatory outcomes in the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). During SOC, this OFC region showed increased functional covariation with amygdala, where neural pattern similarity between second-order CS and outcomes increased from early to late stages of SOC. Our data suggest a mechanism by which motivational value is conferred to stimuli that were never paired with reinforcement

    Regional Distribution of GHG Emissions from Livestock Enteric Fermentation and Manure Management in the Republic of Macedonia in the Period 2007-2012

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    The estimation of GHG emission from domestic livestock in the Republic of Macedonia during the period from 2007-2012 is performed according to the IPCC Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories applying the Tier 1 method for calculation of emissions. This article has accepted the following gasses: Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide and CO2-eq from the domestic livestock sub sector using data sources from the official Statistical Yearbooks of the Republic of Macedonia. According to available data for livestock species, distribution of total annual methane emission and nitrogen excretion was calculated in each planning region for the period 2007-2012. In the analyzed period two regions showed continuously highest (Southeast region) and lowest (Vardar region) CH4 emission and nitrogen excretion. In the period 2007-2012 CH4 emission ranged between 26.43 Gg (2007) and 23.78 Gg (2012), with the lowest value in 2012 (23.78 Gg). Depending on the animal waste management system the highest value for nitrogen excretion (solid storage and drylot) was observed in 2010 (kt/N/yr). Almost similar value for nitrogen excretion from pasture and paddock was observed in 2007 and 2008, 9.54 and 9.53 kt/N/yr respectively, with the lowest value for analyzed period noted in 2009 (8.82 kt/N/yr). In this period the highest value (3.32 kt/N/yr) for other type of AWMS was recorded in 2007. Separation of certain regions in the country regarding GHG emission can be clearly noted. Data for the period 2007-2012 show a downward trend in GHG emission. Applications of modern breeding technology, balanced feed as well as better feed quality in the future are the main objectives in order to reduce GHGs emission from this subsector

    An experimental approach for in-situ characterization of dynamic dissipative properties of road pavements

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    The dissipative properties of road pavements may have beneficial effects to reduce vehicle vibrations, traffic noise, vehicles-structure dynamic interaction, and degradation of pavement materials. Assessing the dissipative capacity and the damping properties of road pavements is, therefore, of critical importance. Such assessment has been mainly conducted in recent years by laboratory-scale dynamic experiments, while little effort has been devoted to insitu tests. The latter are, in fact, cumbersome for practical reasons and typically require a more advanced data analysis when highly coupled modes of vibration are involved. Due to the heterogeneity of the road structure, classical methods are not capable of accurately estimating the road damping properties. The present study proposes an alternative experimental approach based on recording signals from accelerometers embedded in the road, which is impacted by an instrumented hammer. The data are analyzed both in the frequency and in the time domains through the combined use of stabilization diagrams and energy decay tools. Multi-mode fitting algorithms are employed to construct stabilization diagrams for the identification of resonance frequencies, while energy decay curves allow for a robust evaluation of the damping values at the identified frequencies. The effectiveness of the approach was assessed on an asphalt road structure

    Chemical Profile and Biological Activity of Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) and Atemoya (Annona atemoya) Leaves

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    Annona cherimola (Cherimoya) and Annona atemoya (Atemoya) are tropical plants known for their edible fruit. Scientific data suggest that their leaves, used in traditional medicine in the form of teas or infusions without evidence of toxicity, contain several bioactive compounds. However, only Annona muricata among all the Annona species is currently used in the nutraceutical field, and its dried leaves are marketed for tea preparation. In this work, we explored the nutraceutical potential of Atemoya and Cherimoya leaves, by evaluating their chemical profile and functional properties. Phytochemical analyses showed large amounts of phenolic compounds, in particular proanthocyanidins, and identified 18 compounds, either flavonoids or alkaloids. Concerning biological activity, we found antioxidative properties correlated with polyphenols, and antiproliferative activity against HeLa and HepG2 cell lines correlated with alkaloids. The obtained results demonstrate the potential use of Annona cherimola leaves for the preparation of dietary supplements aimed to promote the physiological redox balance. Moreover, the varietal comparison suggests that two commercial cultivars (Campas and White) and the local Torre 1, better suit this purpose. On the other hand, among the studied cultivars, Campas and Torre 1 are also the richest in alkaloids and, in consideration of the anti-proliferative properties of their extracts, dietary supplements based on these cultivars might also have chemo-preventive effects

    Study of macular and optic disk blood flow by angio‐OCT in Glucose‐6‐Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficient men and age‐related G6PD‐normal subjects

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    Purpose: The reported prevalence of Glucose‐6‐Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency in Sardina, Italy, ranges from 8% to 15%. Hemizygous males have totally deficient erythrocytes. Evidence indicates that patients with G6PD deficiency are protected against ischemic heart and cerebrovascular disease, colorectal cancer, retinal vein occlusion, and nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. The purpose of this study was to study the macular and optic disk blood flow by angio‐OCT in G6PD‐deficient men and age‐related G6PD‐normal subjects and ascertain whether, or not, there are statistically significant differences between the two groups Methods: 22 G6PD‐deficient men and 22 perfectly age‐matched G6PD‐normal controls were examined at the Ophthalmology Unit, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy. A complete review of the medical history and a complete ophthalmological examination, including ETDRS best corrected visual acuity, slit‐lamp biomicroscopy of the anterior segment, applanation tonometry, and fundus examination, was carried out. An HD 6‐mm Angio‐Retina and a 4.5‐mm Angio Disk (RT‐Vue, Optovue XR‐100 with Angio Vue, CA) examination were also performed Results: Only 1 eye per patients was included in the analysis, for a total of 22 eyes in each group. All the exported parameters about retinal and disk flow were evaluated. No statistical differences between the two groups were found, even after controlling for the effects of age, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia (p = 0.9). Conclusions: Results suggest that G6PD‐deficient and G6PD‐normal men have similar macular and optic disk blood flow. Larger scale studies are necessary to confirm these findings
