8 research outputs found


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    У статті наведені дані про вплив додаткового введення вітаміну А у формі масляного розчину ретинілацетату у дозах 2500 ІО і 5000 ІО/кг корму до раціону самок коропів у переднерестовий період на процеси пероксидного окиснення ліпідів (ПОЛ). Встановлено зменшення кількості гідропероксидів ліпідів та ТБК-активних продуктів у крові та скелетних м’язах коропів. Виняток становить лише їх вміст у печінці самок третьої групи, очевидно, більша доза вітаміну А призводить до посилення синтезу полі ненасичених жирних кислот (ПНЖК), які є основним субстратом процесів ПОЛ. Результати наших досліджень показали, що процеси ПОЛ значною мірою залежать від кількості вітаміну А у раціоні риб, що можна пояснити антиоксидантними властивостями цього вітаміну.В статье приведены данные о влиянии дополнительного введения витамина А в форме масляного раствора ретинилацетата в дозах 2500 ИЕ и 5000 ИЕ/кг корма в рацион самок карпов в преднерестовый период на процессы перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ). Установлено уменьшение количества гидропероксидов липидов и ТБК-активных продуктов в крови и скелетных мышцах карпов. Исключение составляет лишь их содержание в печени самок третьей группы, очевидно, большая доза витамина А приводит к усилению синтеза полиненасыщенных жирных кислот (ПНЖК), которые являются основным субстратом процессов ПОЛ. Результаты наших исследований показали , что процессы ПОЛ в значительной степени зависят от количества витамина А в рационе рыб, можно объяснить антиоксидантными свойствами этого витамина.The article presents a data on the impact of additional vitamin A in the form of oil solution retynilatsetatu doses in 2500 and 5000 IU/kg of feed in the diet of female carp during before-spawning period on the processes of lipid peroxidation (LPO). Established reducing the number of lipid hydroperoxides and TBA-active products in the blood and skeletal muscles of carp. The only exception is their content in the liver of females third group is obviously higher dose of vitamin A leads to increased synthesis field of unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which are the main substrate LPO. Our results showed that LPO processes largely depend on the amount of vitamin A in the diet of fish, which can be attributed antioxidant properties of this vitamin

    Methodological Basis for the Formation of a Motivational Mechanism of Environmental Resource Management in Ukraine

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    The author’s definition, semantic and functional filling of the motivational mechanism for the implementation of the basic principles of environment-oriented managerial influence within the urbanized space is presented. The psychoemotional and economic basis of the phenomenon “motivation” in the context of the formation of an environment-oriented behavioral model are indicated. The classification characteristic of the process of stakeholder motivation according to the source of activation of the motivation factors and the emotional coloring of the response to the applied measures of external influence is given. The economic and environmental potential and expediency of the measures on financial stimulation of stakeholders concerning the implementation of principles of environmental resource management at the local level are revealed

    Geoinformational components of mobile appliances for «Smart City” problem solution: current state and prospects

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    The results of the investigation of geoinformational technologies application and their component in “Smart City” projects for planning and effective operation control of the city engineering communications by urban infrastructure and geospatial data flow are analyzed. The usefulness of information-technology appliances creation for complex information support of the local engineering communication network function control using the possibilities of geoinformational components is explained

    РезульТаТ впровадженнЯ сИстемИ ресурсозбереженнЯ В АПК

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    The object of research is the result of the introduction of resource saving in the agro-industrial complex (AIC), in particular in the first area – machine building for agriculture. One of the most problematic places is the systematic implementation of resource-saving in the agro-industrial complex. To overcome this problem, the authors propose a scheme for selecting a resource-saving project for the maintenance of the agro-industrial complex in order to assess the effectiveness of resource-saving technologies.The aim of the authors is analyze the effectiveness of implementing resource-saving measures in the complex of the first sphere of the agro-industrial complex. To detail the aim, a task was set to approbate a scheme for selecting a resource-saving project for the maintenance of the agro-industrial complex for analyzing resource efficiency in enterprises, and determining the effectiveness of resource-saving measures. As a result, the multi-criteria rationale for increasing the resource efficiency of agribusiness enterprises is assessed as such, which is adequate for assessing the efficiency of production and the level of resource saving.The technology of fuel-air mixture optimization, optimally depleted fuel-air mixture with an excess air factor a≥1.1–1.15 ensures the operation of the gasoline engine with the minimum content of harmful components in the exhaust gases. In particular, the NOx concentration is significantly lower than when the mixture is mixed with a stoichiometric mixture.The economic efficiency of the resource-saving technology of the sowing device with the reserve dosing device is calculated. The average annual increase in profit from the introduction of a modernized precision seeding machine for the main tilled crops (corn, sunflower, soybeans, beets) is 1216.45 c. u. on sowing one hectare. The total annual income for a seed drill for the year is 956 thousand c.u. On the example of sowing one of the crops, maize yields the greatest economic effect – 1600,000 in a year, the smallest – sunflower (266 thousand c. u.). At the same time, the best prototype shows itself when soybean was sown, reducing losses by 99 % in value terms