335 research outputs found

    Evolution of the atomic and molecular gas content of galaxies in dark matter haloes

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    We present a semi-empirical model to infer the atomic and molecular hydrogen content of galaxies as a function of halo mass and time. Our model combines the SFR-halo mass-redshift relation (constrained by galaxy abundances) with inverted SFR-surface density relations to infer galaxy H I and H2 masses. We present gas scaling relations, gas fractions, and mass functions from z = 0 to z = 3 and the gas properties of galaxies as a function of their host halo masses. Predictions of our work include: 1) there is a ~ 0.2 dex decrease in the H I mass of galaxies as a function of their stellar mass since z = 1.5, whereas the H2 mass of galaxies decreases by > 1 dex over the same period. 2) galaxy cold gas fractions and H2 fractions decrease with increasing stellar mass and time. Galaxies with M* > 10^10 Msun are dominated by their stellar content at z < 1, whereas less-massive galaxies only reach these gas fractions at z = 0. We find the strongest evolution in relative gas content at z < 1.5. 3) the SFR to gas mass ratio decreases by an order of magnitude from z = 3 to z = 0. This is consistent with lower H2 fractions; these lower fractions in combination with smaller gas reservoirs correspond to decreased present-day galaxy SFRs. 4) an H2-based star- formation relation can simultaneously fuel the evolution of the cosmic star-formation and reproduce the observed weak evolution in the cosmic HI density. 5) galaxies residing in haloes with masses near 10^12 Msun are most efficient at obtaining large gas reservoirs and forming H2 at all redshifts. These two effects lie at the origin of the high star-formation efficiencies in haloes with the same mass.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS, 20 pages, 16 figures (+ 1 figure in appendix), data files are accessible through http://www.eso.org/~gpopping/Gergo_Poppings_Homepage/Data.htm

    The nature of the ISM in galaxies during the star-formation activity peak of the Universe

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    We combine a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation, tracking atomic and molecular phases of cold gas, with a three-dimensional radiative-transfer and line tracing code to study the sub-mm emission from atomic and molecular species (CO, HCN, [CI], [CII], [OI]) in galaxies. We compare the physics that drives the formation of stars at the epoch of peak star formation (SF) in the Universe (z = 2.0) with that in local galaxies. We find that normal star-forming galaxies at high redshift have much higher CO-excitation peaks than their local counterparts and that CO cooling takes place at higher excitation levels. CO line ratios increase with redshift as a function of galaxy star-formation rate, but are well correlated with H2 surface density independent of redshift. We find an increase in the [OI]/[CII] line ratio in typical star-forming galaxies at z = 1.2 and z = 2.0 with respect to counterparts at z = 0. Our model results suggest that typical star-forming galaxies at high redshift consist of much denser and warmer star-forming clouds than their local counterparts. Galaxies belonging to the tail of the SF activity peak at z = 1.2 are already less dense and cooler than counterparts during the actual peak of SF activity (z = 2.0). We use our results to discuss how future ALMA surveys can best confront our predictions and constrain models of galaxy formation.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Hierarchical Bayesian inference of the Initial Mass Function in Composite Stellar Populations

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    The initial mass function (IMF) is a key ingredient in many studies of galaxy formation and evolution. Although the IMF is often assumed to be universal, there is continuing evidence that it is not universal. Spectroscopic studies that derive the IMF of the unresolved stellar populations of a galaxy often assume that this spectrum can be described by a single stellar population (SSP). To alleviate these limitations, in this paper we have developed a unique hierarchical Bayesian framework for modelling composite stellar populations (CSPs). Within this framework we use a parameterized IMF prior to regulate a direct inference of the IMF. We use this new framework to determine the number of SSPs that is required to fit a set of realistic CSP mock spectra. The CSP mock spectra that we use are based on semi-analytic models and have an IMF that varies as a function of stellar velocity dispersion of the galaxy. Our results suggest that using a single SSP biases the determination of the IMF slope to a higher value than the true slope, although the trend with stellar velocity dispersion is overall recovered. If we include more SSPs in the fit, the Bayesian evidence increases significantly and the inferred IMF slopes of our mock spectra converge, within the errors, to their true values. Most of the bias is already removed by using two SSPs instead of one. We show that we can reconstruct the variable IMF of our mock spectra for signal-to-noise ratios exceeding \sim75.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 16 pages, 8 figure

    Examining alternatives to wavelet de-noising for astronomical source finding

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    The Square Kilometre Array and its pathfinders ASKAP and MeerKAT will produce prodigious amounts of data that necessitate automated source finding. The performance of automated source finders can be improved by pre-processing a dataset. In preparation for the WALLABY and DINGO surveys, we have used a test HI datacube constructed from actual Westerbork Telescope noise and WHISP HI galaxies to test the real world improvement of linear smoothing, the {\sc Duchamp} source finder's wavelet de-noising, iterative median smoothing and mathematical morphology subtraction, on intensity threshold source finding of spectral line datasets. To compare these pre-processing methods we have generated completeness-reliability performance curves for each method and a range of input parameters. We find that iterative median smoothing produces the best source finding results for ASKAP HI spectral line observations, but wavelet de-noising is a safer pre-processing technique. In this paper we also present our implementations of iterative median smoothing and mathematical morphology subtraction.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 3 colour figures. Accepted as part of the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia's special issue on source finding and visualisatio

    Damped Ly{\alpha} Absorption Systems in Semi-Analytic Models with Multiphase Gas

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    We investigate the properties of damped Ly{\alpha} absorption systems (DLAs) in semi-analytic models of galaxy formation, including partitioning of cold gas in galactic discs into atomic, molecular, and ionized phases with a molecular gas-based star formation recipe. We investigate two approaches for partitioning gas into these constituents: a pressure-based and a metallicity-based recipe. We identify DLAs by passing lines of sight through our simulations to compute HI column densities. We find that models with "standard" gas radial profiles - where the average specific angular momentum of the gas disc is equal to that of the host dark matter halo - fail to reproduce the observed column density distribution of DLAs. These models also fail to reproduce the distribution of velocity widths {\Delta}v, overproducing low {\Delta}v relative to high {\Delta}v systems. Models with "extended" radial gas profiles - corresponding to gas discs with higher specific angular momentum - are able to reproduce quite well the column density distribution of absorbers over the column density range 19 < log NHI < 22.5 in the redshift range 2 < z < 3.5. The model with pressure-based gas partitioning also reproduces the observed line density of DLAs, HI gas density, and {\Delta}v distribution at z < 3 remarkably well. However all of the models investigated here underproduce DLAs and the HI gas density at z > 3. If this is the case, the flatness in the number of DLAs and HI gas density over the redshift interval 0 < z < 5 may be due to a cosmic coincidence where the majority of DLAs at z > 3 arise from intergalactic gas in filaments while those at z < 3 arise predominantly in galactic discs. We further investigate the dependence of DLA metallicity on redshift and {\Delta}v, and find reasonably good agreement with the observations, particularly when including the effects of metallicity gradients (abbrv.).Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, submitted to MNRA

    The art of modelling CO, [C I], and [C II] in cosmological galaxy formation models

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    The advent of new sub-millimetre (sub-mm) observational facilities has stimulated the desire to model the sub-mm line emission of galaxies within cosmological galaxy formation models. This is typically done by applying sub-resolution recipes to describe the properties of the unresolved interstellar medium (ISM). While there is freedom in how one implements sub-resolution recipes, the impact of various choices has yet to be systematically explored. We combine a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation with chemical equilibrium networks and numerical radiative transfer models and explore how different choices for the sub-resolution modelling affect the predicted CO, [C I], and [C II] emission of galaxies. A key component for a successful model includes a molecular cloud mass–size relation and scaling for the ultraviolet and cosmic ray radiation field that depend on local ISM properties. Our most successful model adopts a Plummer radial density profile for gas within molecular clouds. Different assumptions for the clumping of gas within molecular clouds and changes in the molecular cloud mass distribution function hardly affect the CO, [C I], and [C II] luminosities of galaxies. At fixed star formation rate, the [C II]–SFR ratio of galaxies scales inversely with the pressure acting on molecular clouds, increasing the molecular clouds density and hence decreasing the importance of [C II] line cooling. We find that it is essential that a wide range of sub-mm emission lines arising in vastly different phases of the ISM are used as model constraints in order to limit the freedom in sub-grid choices

    The ESO UVES Advanced Data Products Quasar Sample - VI. Sub-Damped Lyman-α\alpha Metallicity Measurements and the Circum-Galactic Medium

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    The Circum-Galactic Medium (CGM) can be probed through the analysis of absorbing systems in the line-of-sight to bright background quasars. We present measurements of the metallicity of a new sample of 15 sub-damped Lyman-α\alpha absorbers (sub-DLAs, defined as absorbers with 19.0 < log N(H I) < 20.3) with redshift 0.584 < zabs\rm z_{abs} < 3.104 from the ESO Ultra-Violet Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) Advanced Data Products Quasar Sample (EUADP). We combine these results with other measurements from the literature to produce a compilation of metallicity measurements for 92 sub-DLAs as well as a sample of 362 DLAs. We apply a multi-element analysis to quantify the amount of dust in these two classes of systems. We find that either the element depletion patterns in these systems differ from the Galactic depletion patterns or they have a different nucleosynthetic history than our own Galaxy. We propose a new method to derive the velocity width of absorption profiles, using the modeled Voigt profile features. The correlation between the velocity width delta_V90 of the absorption profile and the metallicity is found to be tighter for DLAs than for sub-DLAs. We report hints of a bimodal distribution in the [Fe/H] metallicity of low redshift (z < 1.25) sub-DLAs, which is unseen at higher redshifts. This feature can be interpreted as a signature from the metal-poor, accreting gas and the metal-rich, outflowing gas, both being traced by sub-DLAs at low redshifts.Comment: 64 pages, 31 figures, 27 tables. Submitted to MNRA