152 research outputs found

    Clump Distance to the Magellanic Clouds and Anomalous Colors in the Galactic Bulge

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    I demonstrate that the two unexpected results in the local Universe: 1) anomalous intrinsic (V-I)_0 colors of the clump giants and RR Lyrae stars in the Galactic center, and 2) very short distances to the Magellanic Clouds (LMC, SMC) as inferred from clump giants, are connected with each other. The (V-I)_0 anomaly is partially resolved by using the photometry from the phase-II of the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) rather than phase-I. The need for V- or I-magnitude-based change in the bulge (V-I)_0 is one option to explain the remaining color discrepancy. Such change may originate in a coefficient of selective extinction A_V/E(V-I) smaller than typically assumed. Application of the (V-I)_0 correction (independent of its source) doubles the slope of the absolute magnitude - metallicity relation for clump giants, so that M_I(RC) = -0.23 + 0.19[Fe/H]. Consequently, the estimates of the clump distances to the LMC and SMC are affected. Udalski's (1998c) distance modulus of mu_{LMC} = 18.18 +/- 0.06 increases to mu_{LMC} = 18.27 +/- 0.07. The distance modulus to the SMC increases by 0.12 to mu_{SMC} = 18.77 +/- 0.08. I argue that a more comprehensive assessment of the metallicity effect on M_I(RC) is needed.Comment: accepted by ApJ Letters, brief review of the short distance scale dropped, discussion of the absolute magnitude - metallicity relation for clump giants shortened and made more qualitative, results basically unchange

    Systematics of RR Lyrae Statistical Parallax III: Apparent Magnitudes and Extinctions

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    We sing the praises of the central limit theorem. Having previously removed all other possible causes of significant systematic error in the statistical parallax determination of RR Lyrae absolute magnitudes, we investigate systematic errors from two final sources of input data: apparent magnitudes and extinctions. We find corrections due to each of ~0.05 mag, i.e., ~1/2 the statistical error. However, these are of opposite sign and so roughly cancel. The apparent magnitude system that we previously adopted from Layden et al. was calibrated to the photometry of Clube & Dawe. Using Hipparcos photometry we show that the Clube & Dawe system is ~0.06 mag too bright. Extinctions were previously pinned to the HI-based map of Burstein & Heiles. We argue that A_V should rather be based on new COBE/IRAS dust-emission map of Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis. This change increases the mean A_V by ~0.05 mag. We find M_V=0.77 +/- 0.13 at [Fe/H]=-1.60 for a pure sample of 147 halo RR Lyraes, or M_V=0.80 +/- 0.11 at [Fe/H]=-1.71 if we incorporate kinematic information from 716 non-kinematically selected non-RR Lyrae stars from Beers & Sommer-Larsen. These are 2 and 3 sigma fainter than recent determinations of M_V from main sequence fitting of clusters using Hipparcos measurements of subdwarfs by Reid and Gratton et al. Since statistical parallax is being cleared of systematic errors and since the chance of a >2 sigma statistical fluctuation is <1/20, we conclude that these brighter determinations may be in error. In the course of three papers, we have corrected 6 systematic errors whose absolute values total 0.20 mag. Had these, contrary to the expectation of the central limit theorem, all lined up one way, they could have resolved the conflict in favor of the brighter determinations. In fact, the net change was only 0.06 mag.Comment: submitted to ApJ, 21 pages, 2 tables, 4 figure

    The Absolute Magnitude of RRc Variables From Statistical Parallax

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    We present the first definitive measurement of the absolute magnitude of RR Lyrae c-type variable stars (RRc) determined purely from statistical parallax. We use a sample of 247 RRc selected from the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) for which high-quality light curves, photometry and proper motions are available. We obtain high-resolution echelle spectra for these objects to determine radial velocities and abundances as part of the Carnegie RR Lyrae Survey (CARRS). We find that M_(V,RRc) = 0.52 +/- 0.11 at a mean metallicity of [Fe/H] = -1.59. This is to be compared with previous estimates for RRab stars (M_(V,RRab) = 0.75 +/- 0.13 and the only direct measurement of an RRc absolute magnitude (RZ Cephei, M_(V, RRc) = 0.27 +/- 0.17). We find the bulk velocity of the halo to be (W_pi, W_theta, W_z) = (10.9,34.9,7.2) km/s in the radial, rotational and vertical directions with dispersions (sigma_(W_pi), sigma_(W_theta), sigma_(W_z)) = (154.7, 103.6, 93.8) km/s. For the disk, we find (W_pi, W_theta, W_z) = (8.5, 213.2, -22.1) km/s with dispersions (sigma_(W_pi), sigma_(W_theta), sigma_(W_z)) = (63.5, 49.6, 51.3) km/s. Finally, we suggest that UCAC2 proper motion errors may be overestimated by about 25%Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 11 pages including 6 figure

    Microlensing Maps for the Milky Way Galaxy

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    At any instant, there are roughly 1000 ongoing microlensing events to sources brighter than 20th magnitude in the Milky Way Galaxy. Large-scale maps of the microlensing optical depth and the mean timescale are constructed for a number of models of the Galactic bar and disk, incorporating the effects of streaming and spiral structure. Freudenreich's model can reproduce the high optical depths towards the Bulge. It is also in good agreement with the data towards the spiral arms (except for the gamma Norma field). Spiral structure tends to increase the optical depth by about 20% and the mean timescale by about 100%. Different bar morphologies give characteristically different shaped contours, especially at low Galactic latitudes (|b| < 2 degrees). These could be traced out with a K band microlensing survey, consuming about 100 minutes per night on a telescope like VISTA.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, ApJ (Letters) in pres

    An inner ring and the micro lensing toward the Bulge

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    All current Bulge-Disk models for the inner Galaxy fall short of reproducing self-consistently the observed micro-lensing optical depth by a factor of two (>2σ> 2\sigma). We show that the least mass-consuming way to increase the optical depth is to add density roughly half-way the observer and the highest micro-lensing-source density. We present evidence for the existence of such a density structure in the Galaxy: an inner ring, a standard feature of barred galaxies. Judging from data on similar rings in external galaxies, an inner ring can contribute more than 50% of a pure Bulge-Disk model to the micro-lensing optical depth. We may thus eliminate the need for a small viewing angle of the Bar. The influence of an inner ring on the event-duration distribution, for realistic viewing angles, would be to increase the fraction of long-duration events toward Baade's window. The longest events are expected toward the negative-longitude tangent point at \ell\sim -22\degr . A properly sampled event-duration distribution toward this tangent point would provide essential information about viewing angle and elongation of the over-all density distribution in the inner Galaxy.Comment: 9 pages, 7(15) figs, LaTeX, AJ (accepted

    The MACHO Project HST Follow-Up: The Large Magellanic Cloud Microlensing Source Stars

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFPC2 photometry of 13 microlensed source stars from the 5.7 year Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) survey conducted by the MACHO Project. The microlensing source stars are identified by deriving accurate centroids in the ground-based MACHO images using difference image analysis (DIA) and then transforming the DIA coordinates to the HST frame. None of these sources is coincident with a background galaxy, which rules out the possibility that the MACHO LMC microlensing sample is contaminated with misidentified supernovae or AGN in galaxies behind the LMC. This supports the conclusion that the MACHO LMC microlensing sample has only a small amount of contamination due to non-microlensing forms of variability. We compare the WFPC2 source star magnitudes with the lensed flux predictions derived from microlensing fits to the light curve data. In most cases the source star brightness is accurately predicted. Finally, we develop a statistic which constrains the location of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) microlensing source stars with respect to the distributions of stars and dust in the LMC and compare this to the predictions of various models of LMC microlensing. This test excludes at > 90% confidence level models where more than 80% of the source stars lie behind the LMC. Exotic models that attempt to explain the excess LMC microlensing optical depth seen by MACHO with a population of background sources are disfavored or excluded by this test. Models in which most of the lenses reside in a halo or spheroid distribution associated with either the Milky Way or the LMC are consistent which these data, but LMC halo or spheroid models are favored by the combined MACHO and EROS microlensing results.Comment: 28 pages with 10 included PDF figures, submitted to Ap

    Can CCM law properly represent all extinction curves?

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    We present the analysis of a large sample of lines of sight with extinction curves covering wavelength range from near-infrared (NIR) to ultraviolet (UV). We derive total to selective extinction ratios based on the Cardelli, Clayton and Mathis (1989, CCM) law, which is typically used to fit the extinction data both for diffuse and dense interstellar medium. We conclude that the CCM law is able to fit most of the extinction curves in our sample. We divide the remaining lines of sight with peculiar extinction into two groups according to two main behaviors: a) the optical/IR or/and UV wavelength region cannot be reproduced by the CCM formula; b) the optical/NIR and UV extinction data are best fit by the CCM law with different values of R_V. We present examples of such curves. The study of both types of peculiar cases can help us to learn about the physical processes that affect dust in the interstellar medium, e.g., formation of mantles on the surface of grains, evaporation, growing or shattering.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, in "Light, dust and chemical evolution", Journal of Physics: Conference Serie