691 research outputs found

    Digital Evidence Education in Schools of Law

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    An examination of State of Connecticut v. Julie Amero provides insight into how a general lack of understanding of digital evidence can cause an innocent defendant to be wrongfully convicted. By contrast, the 101-page opinion in Lorraine v. Markel American Insurance Co. provides legal precedence and a detailed consideration for the admission of digital evidence. An analysis of both cases leads the authors to recommend additions to Law School curricula designed to raise the awareness of the legal community to ensure such travesties of justice, as in the Amero case, don’t occur in the future. Work underway at the University of Washington designed to address this deficiency is discussed. Keywords: digital forensics, law education, ESI, admissibility, evidenc

    Digital Evidence Education in Schools of Law

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    An examination of State of Connecticut v. Julie Amero provides insight into how a general lack of understanding of digital evidence can cause an innocent defendant to be wrongfully convicted. By contrast, the 101-page opinion in Lorraine v. Markel American Insurance Co. provides legal precedence and a detailed consideration for the admission of digital evidence. An analysis of both cases leads the authors to recommend additions to Law School curricula designed to raise the awareness of the legal community to ensure such travesties of justice, as in the Amero case, don’t occur in the future. Work underway at the University of Washington designed to address this deficiency is discussed

    Die "Tristan" Gedichte Else Lasker-Schülers

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    Diese Arbeit untersucht die „Tristan“ Gedichte Else-Lasker-Schülers. Diese Gedichte wurden posthum dem Dichter Hans-Ehrenbaum-Degele gewidmet. Im ersten Kapitel befindet sich seine Biografie, im darauf folgenden Kapitel eine Darstellung des Verhältnisses Lasker-Schülers mit Ehrenbaum-Degele. Es wird versucht, die Methodik der Textanalyse darzulegen, bevor dann die Texte selbst im Hauptteil betrachtet und untersucht werden. Im ersten Abschnitt bildet die Grammatik den Ausgangspunkt der getätigten Analysen, wobei eine Verbindung zwischen linguistischen Teilbereichen und semantischen Inhalten erreicht werden soll. Der zweite Abschnitt will diese Beobachtungen weiterführen, indem diese konkretisiert und vertieft werden. Die, in den Texten verwendete Metaphorik und bestimmte Metaphernbilder werden auf ihren symbolischen Gehalt hin dargestellt. Zentrum der Betrachtung bilden das lyrische Ich und Du, welche mittels der Symbolbedeutungen charakterisiert und zudem ihre Rollen und Aufgaben herausgearbeitet und schließlich interpretiert werden. Auf diese Weise soll einer Gesamtinterpretation dieser „Tristan“ Gedichte näher gekommen und semantische Kohärenzen innerhalb der Texte aufgezeigt werden

    New buffer bloat mitigation alternatives: infrastructure versus congestion control

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    This paper studies the use of Palermo receiver side congestion control as an alternative to Active Queue Management (AQM) for end users needing to improve latency and fair sharing in their incoming traffic. Because of the end users lacking administrative access to ISP devices in order to tune their incoming bottleneck queue, this alternative results in a valid option to increase performance.Comunicación Oral.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    El diseño experimental y los métodos de Taguchi: Conceptos y aplicaciones en la industria farmacéutica

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    Los orígenes del diseño experimental se remontan a las primeras décadas del siglo XX, cuando Ronald Fisher introdujo el concepto de aleatorización y el análisis de varianza. En estos últimos años, la teoría y aplicaciones del diseño de experimentos se consolidaron y expandieron y, en varias industrias, las contribuciones de Gen'ichi Taguchi, abrieron el camino de aplicaciones rutinarias. En este documento de trabajoi se presentan ejemplos hipotéticos del empleo de estas técnicas en la industria farmacéutica, tanto en situaciones de diseño como de manufactura y de servicios. El objetivo es motivar y consolidar el interés de los profesionales por estos temas, así como difundir las ideas de Taguchi sobre el diseño robusto y la función de pérdida cuadrática. El trabajo está organizado del siguiente modo. La sección I destaca el papel del diseño experimental en la mejora de los procesos y la importancia básica del análisis de varianza. La sección II es una revisión del análisis de varianza que, a través de ejemplos numéricos, procura dar una perspectiva intuitiva de los conceptos. La sección III introduce los experimentos factoriales, con aplicaciones farmacéuticas de diseño y de servicio. El enfoque de Taguchi se esboza en la sección IV y se lo compara con los métodos tradicionales. La sección V brinda breves recomendaciones para el uso de estos métodos.

    Update on autologous donation and transfusions

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    Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI) Caused by Red Blood Cell Transfusion Involving Residual Plasma Anti-HLA Antibodies: A report on two Cases and General Considerations

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    TRALI is considered a serious hazard among immune complications of blood transfusion and its occurrence is admitted to be globally underestimated. Each type of blood product is likely to cause TRALI. We report here on two consecutive observations of TRALI caused by red blood cell concentrates, in which anti-HLA class I and class II antibodies resulting from post-gravitational allo-immunization were evidenced in donors. HLA class I and II antigenic community between recipients and donors' husbands were found and strong reacting IgG antibodies directed at several of those common antigens were detected in the donors' serum. Both donors had more than 3 pregnancies, raising the issue of blood donor selection or of plasma reduction for cellular products

    Generation and Handling of Hard Drive Duplicates as Piece of Evidence

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    An important area in digital forensics is images of hard disks. The correct production of the images as well as the integrity and authenticity of each hard disk image is essential for the probative force of the image to be used at court. Integrity and authenticity are under suspicion as digital evidence is stored and used by software based systems. Modifications to digital objects are hard or even impossible to track and can occur even accidentally. Even worse, vulnerabilities occur for all current computing systems. Therefore, it is difficult to guarantee a secure environment for forensic investigations. But intended deletions of dedicated data of disk images are often required because of legal issues in many countries. This article provides a technical framework on the protection of the probative force of hard disk images by ensuring the integrity and authenticity using state of the art technology. It combines hardware-based security, cryptographic hash functions and digital signatures to achieve a continuous protection of the image together with a reliable documentation of the status of the device that was used for image creation. The framework presented allows to detect modifications and to pinpoint the exact area of the modification to the digital evidence protecting the probative force of the evidence at a whole. In addition, it also supports the deletion of parts of images without invalidating the retained data blocks. Keywords: digital evidence, probative force hard disk image, verifiable deletion of image data, trusted imaging softwar

    Justifying the need for forensically ready protocols: a case study of identifying malicious web servers using client honeypots

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    Client honeypot technology can find malicious web servers that attack web browsers and push malware, so called drive-by-downloads, to the client machine. Merely recording the network traffic is insufficient to perform an efficient forensic analysis of the attack. Custom tools need to be developed to access and examine the embedded data of the network protocols. Once the information is extracted from the network data, it cannot be used to perform a behavioral analysis on the attack, therefore limiting the ability to answer what exactly happened on the attacked system. Implementation of a record / replay mechanism is proposed that allows the forensic examiner to easily extract application data from recorded network streams and allows applications to interact with such data for behavioral analysis purposes. A concrete implementation of such a setup for HTTP and DNS protocols using the HTTP proxy Squid and DNS proxy pdnsd is presented and its effect on digital forensic analysis demonstrated

    To the question about international legal regulation of transnational corporation activities

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    Popovsky D. To the question about international legal regulation of transnational corporation activities / D. Popovsky // Міжнародні читання з міжнародного права пам’яті професора П. Є. Казанського : матеріали четвертої міжнар. наук. конф. (м. Одеса, 8–9 лист. 2013 р.) / відп. за випуск к.ю.н., доц. М. І. Пашковський; Національний університет "Одеська юридична академія". – Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. – С. 374-375