19 research outputs found


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    As a result of natural selection, management system, environment pressure, different populations of Pramenka sheep in South East Europe developed distinctive productive and phenotype characteristics which are sufficient to distinguish them. In this study, the informativeness of fifteen DNA microsatellite markers in the genome of 105 individuals from three indigenous sheep populations in the country (Sharplaninian, Karakachanian and Ovchepolian) was analysed. In overall population, 281 different alleles were observed. The average number of alleles per locus in total population was 18.73, the mean He in overall population was 0.824, so all loci were highly polymorphic with PIC value higher than 0.5. Mean number of alleles per locus, at population level, were 12.13, 11.53 and 13.27 alleles in the genome of Sharplaninian, Ovchepolian and Karakachanian sheep populations, respectively. Results from this research will improve knowledge of the sheep genetic resources in the country at DNA level and will provide appropriate information for further conservation


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    Trigeminal neuralgia (ТN) often known as „painful tick“ or „tic douloureux“ is a neurogenic disease that affects the facial segment. According to the intensity and clinical parameters of the pain, it is one of the most severe pain that the patient experiences on a daily basis. Botox therapy in trigeminal neuralgia is a relatively new strategy (innovative therapy for the treatment of orofacial pain), which is still in the experimental phase worldwide. Positive results have been reported in middle-aged and elderly patients who have been receiving conservative treatment (medications), despite skepticism regarding the side effects and complications of surgical treatment. The purpose of this case report is to describe the effect of botox therapy and improve the quality of life in a patient with idiopathic, unilateral trigeminal neuralgia which affects all three branches of the trigeminal nerve and is one of the most severe forms of this disease. Key words: Botox therapy, idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia, trigeminal nerve

    Therapeutical procedures in patients with trigeminal neuralgia - literature review

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    Trigeminal neuralgia (ТN) is the most common pathological condition of the cranial nerves and the most common cause of pain in the orofacial region. More and more literary data indicate that a in significant number of patients, ТN is caused by compression on the root of the trigeminal nerve, close to its entry into the pons in the aberrant arterial or venous loop leading to pathohistological changes in the nerve while in most of the same, the etiological factor for the pathology of TN remains a mystery. Numerous medical and surgical procedures are available, usually without a number of randomized clinical trials and studies of placebo-controlled groups. As a result, most patients experience refractory pain, which has a significant effect on reducing their quality of life. It is still unclear how available treatment methods can be best used. Medical treatment consists of anticonvulsant drugs, muscle relaxants and neuroleptic agents, alternative treatments with botulinum toxin. In patients resistant to drug therapy, promising i.е. recommended surgical procedures include microvascular decompression, gamma-knife surgery, and percutaneous techniques of the Gasser ganglion. In this paper we will present a systematic review of the literature and investigate the outcome of different types of therapeutic procedures in patients with trigeminal neuralgia. Keywords: Trigeminal neuralgia, anticonvulsant drugs, pain

    Impact of intensity modulated radiation therapy on the salivary glands function and saliva flow rate

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    In patients with head and neck cancer, the most common issue after radiation treatment is xerostomia and the consequences of that, which are affecting the quality of everyday life of the patient. Subjectively xerostomia is manifested as dryness in the oral cavity, followed with obstructed chewing and swallowing of the food. Mostly it happens because of the death of the cells in the gland that are supposed to be dividing, caused by the radiation. To improve patients’ life after treatment, IMRT approach has been considered to be a better solution for the gland tissue sparing during the radiation treatment, therefore, to decrease the severity and the intensity of the following xerostomia. The IMRT technique allows the chosen dose of radiation to be applied specifically on the tissue where it is supposed to be, sparing the surrounding healthy parts from the unnecessary radiation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the Intensity Modulated Radiation therapy (IMRT), with different intensity and dosage, on the function of salivary glands. For this study were analyzed total number of 87 surveys, 41 of them were used for detail analysis. This study is based on narrative review on published articles written in English language, reporting results related to the use of Intensity modulated radiation therapy treatment in patients with head and neck cancer. The wide research was done using the data bases of PubMed (Medline), NCBI (US National Library of Medicine), Medscape, Webmd, Mdconsult, Emedicine, Google scholar, and Cochrane Library. The gathered results have shown that the function of the salivary glands after radiation treatment can be in many cases protected during the treatment, or even restored to some level, therefore the resulting xerostomia can be reduced and its’ following negative effects affecting the patients’ life could be minimized by using the improved technique IMRT. In many studies the evaluated levels of xerostomia have been found to be significantly lower in the groups of patients treated with IMRT technique, compared with the other group of patients treated with conventional radiation therapy. Also, a big influence has the dosage of the radiation beams, on what depends on the outcome of the salivation function in patients treated with radiation therapy

    Ботокс (ботулински токсин тип а) третман на тригеминална неуралгија

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    Trigeminal neuralgia (ТN) is the most common pathological condition of the cranial nerves and the most common cause of pain in the orofacial region. More and more literary data indicate that a significant number of patients ТN is caused by compression on the root of the trigeminal nerve, close to its entry into the pons in the aberrant arterial or venous loop leading to pathohistological changes in the nerve while in most of the same etiological factor for pathology TN remains a mystery. Numerous medical and surgical procedures are available, usually without a number of randomized clinical trials and studies of placebo-controlled groups. As a result, most patients experience refractory pain, which has a significant effect on reducing their quality of life. It is still unclear how the available treatment methods can be best used. Conservative (medication) treatment consists of anticonvulsant drugs, muscle relaxants and neuroleptic agents. In patients resistant to drug therapy promising i.е. are recommended surgical procedures include microvascular decompression, gamma-knife surgery, and percutaneous techniques of the Gasser ganglion. In our research, we were able to evaluate the benefits, risks and complications from the use of the alternative, additional therapy of the use of (BoNT/A). The aim of the paper is to evaluate the benefits and complications of the use of alternative treatment, ie. TN pain managment model using BOTOX (botulinum toxin type A). We used a visual analog scale (VAS) to assess pain. From the obtained results we can conclude that Botox treatment is a safe and effective means of pain management in TN. Complications are mild and transient, with virtually no particular risk to patients' health and lives. Keywords: trigeminal neuralgia, botulinum toxin, pain

    Корелацијата помеѓу КЕП индексот на 12-годишни деца и концентрацијата на флуорот во водата за пиење од Југоисточниот регион на Република Македонија

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    The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between the DMFT (Decayed, Missing, Filling Teeth) index of 12-year-old children from the Southeast region of R. Macedonia and the concentration of fluorine in drinking water from the populated areas where children live. Material and methods: A total of 129 children from 2 central and 2 regional primary schools were enrolled in the examination, and the DMFT index was determined in these children. They live in 2 different cities and 2 different villages. Four water samples were taken from the examined area to determine the fluorine concentration by the electrochemical method using the pH / ISE meter-Thermo-Orion with a special F-electrode (Thermo Orion Ion Plus Fluoride Electrode) at the Institute for Public Health. Spearman's method was used to determine the correlation between the specified variables. Results: The total number of children in the examined sample was 129, of whom 70 (54.3%) were male and 59 (45.7%) were female. The average DMFT index in this group of children was 1.94, with a standard deviation of ± 2.5. Maximum concentration of fluorine in drinking water of 1.36 ppmF was determined in the village Bansko, and 0.36 ppmF in the village Murtino, while the minimum (0.08 ppmF) in the city of Strumica. Correlation of the DMFT index in 12-year-old children from the Southeast region and the concentration of fluorine in the drinking water had a negative, indirect correlation, with the value of the coefficient r = - 0.1655. Conclusion: The correlation between the DMFT index and the concentration of drinking water is a negative, indirect correlation, and statistically, this correlation is highly significant (p<0.05).Целта на оваа студија беше да се утврди корелацијата помеѓу КЕП (Кариес, Екстракција, Пломба) индексот на 12-годишни деца и концентрацијата на флуорот во водата за пиење од населените места каде што децата живеат. Материјал и методи: Во испитувањето беа опфатени 129 ученици од 2 централни и 2 подрачни основни училишта, на кои им се одреди КЕП индексот. Децата живеат во градот Струмица и 3 различни села. Деветнаесет примероци на вода беа земени од испитуваната област за да се одреди концентрацијата на флуор со помош на електрохемиски метод користејќи го јонометарот (pH/ISE meter-Thermo-Orion) со специјална Ф-електрода (Thermo Orion Ion Plus Fluoride Electrode) на Институтот за јавно здравје. За одредување на корелацијата помеѓу одредените варијабли беше користен Spearman-овиот метод. Резултати: Вкупниот број деца во испитуваниот примерок изнесуваше 129, од кои 59 (45,7%) беа од женски и 70 (54,3%) од машки пол. Просечниот КЕП индекс кај оваа група деца изнесуваше 1,94,  со стандардна девијација од ±2,5. Максимални концентрации на флуор во водата за пиење од 1,36 ppmF беа утврдени во селото Банско и од 0,36 ppmF во селото Муртино, додека минимални (0,08 ppmF) во градот Струмица. Корелацијата помеѓу вредноста на КЕП индексот кај децата на возраст од 12 години од Југоисточниот регион и концентрацијата на флуорот во водата за пиење постоеше негативна, индиректна корелација, со вредност на коефициентот r =-0,16. Заклучок: Корелацијата помеѓу КЕП индексот и концентрацијата на водата за пиење е негативна, индиректна корелација, и оваа корелација е статистички значајна (p˂ 0,05)

    Brown Tumour in the Mandible and Skull Osteosclerosis Associated with Primary Hyperparathyroidism – A Case Report

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    BACKGROUND: The hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is a condition in which the parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels in the blood are increased. HPT is categorised into primary, secondary and tertiary. A rare entity that occurs in the lower jaw in association with HPT is the so-called brown tumour, which an osteolytic lesion is predominantly occurring in the lower jaw. It is usually a manifestation of the late stage of the disease. Osteosclerotic changes in other bones are almost always associated with renal osteodystrophy in secondary HPT and are extremely rare in primary HPT. This article reports a rare case of a brown tumour in the mandible as the first sign of a severe primary HPT, associated with osteosclerotic changes on the skull.CASE REPORT: A brown tumour in the mandible was diagnosed in 60 - year old female patient with no previous history of systemic disease. The x - rays showed radiolucent osteolytic lesion in the frontal area of the mandible affecting the lamina dura of the frontal teeth, and skull osteosclerosis in the form of salt and pepper sign. The blood analyses revealed increased values of PTH, calcitonin and β – cross-laps, indicating a primary HPT. The scintigraphy of the parathyroid glands showed a presence of adenoma in the left lower lobe. The tumour lesion was surgically removed together with the lower frontal teeth, and this was followed by total parathyroidectomy. The follow - up of one year did not reveal any signs of recurrence.CONCLUSION: It is critical to ensure that every osteolytic lesion in the maxillofacial region is examined thoroughly. Moreover, a proper and detailed systemic investigation should be performed. Patients should undergo regular check-ups to prevent late complications of HPT

    Mandibular Movement Restoration in a Child with Bilateral Coronoid Hyperplasia: A Case Report

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    BACKGROUND: Coronoid process hyperplasia is an uncommon finding, characterized by an enlargement of the coronoid process, causing a mechanical obstacle by its interposing in the posterior portion of the maxilla or zygomatic arch.CASE PRESENTATION: The article presents a case report of a bilateral coronoid process hyperplasia in a 3-year-old girl demonstrated with inability to open the mouth and restricted jaw movement. Panoramic x-ray and 3-dimensional computed tomographic reconstruction showed bilateral elongation of the coronoid processes associated with deformation of the mandibular condyle with no involvement of the articular space. A coronoid resection by intraoral approach was done, followed by an aggressive physiotherapy. A considerable improvement in mouth opening of 30 mm was achieved. We strongly suggest early surgical treatment of coronoid hyperplasia to recover morphology and function consequently to reduce skeletofacial deformities in young patients.CONCLUSIONS: The article presents a clinical and surgical case of bilateral coronoidectomy in a 3-year-old girl, with retrognathic mandible. The diagnosis of bilateral coronoid process hyperplasia was confirmed, and the surgical treatment was under general anesthesia, with nasotracheal intubation guided by a nasofiber endoscope, using an intraoral approach

    Oncocytoma of the Deep Lobe of the Parotid Gland

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    BACKGROUND: Oncocytoma or oxyphilic adenoma is uncommon salivary gland tumour, occurs predominantly in the in patients older than 60 years of age. Clinically oncocytoma resemble other salivary tumours while histology is typically consisting of oncocytes with many hyperplastic mitochondria. It usually occurs in the parotid gland. Because the features of oncocytoma are similar to those of other benign and low-grade malignant salivary tumours, clinical diagnosis is often challenging.CASE PRESENTATION: This report presents the pathologic and imaging findings of an oncocytoma arising in the deep lobe of the right parotid gland in a 74-year-old male. Oncocytoma was diagnosed on the basis of histological, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), scintigraphic findings and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC).CONCLUSION: This case was unique because in the literature there are few articles about the rare presentation and deep lobe location of this type of parotid oncocytoma

    Geranylgeraniol Reverses the Toxicity Induced by Clinical Doses of Zoledronic Acid on Gingival Epithelial Cells and Gingival Fibroblasts

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    BACKGROUND: Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is of considerable concern among clinicians and researchers, with no clear pathology mechanism, preventive, or treatment protocols. AIM: This study aimed to assess the effects of geranylgeraniol (GGOH) on the toxicity induced by clinical doses of zoledronic acid (ZOL) on gingival epithelial cells and gingival fibroblasts in vitro. METHODS: Human gingival fibroblasts and gingival epithelial cells were treated with 5, 25, or 50 μM ZOL ± 50 μM GGOH for 3 days. Viability of the cells was determined using the 3-[4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay. Calculation of percentage of the control group, analysis of variance and Tukey post-hoc comparisons were performed to test the significance between groups, which was set at p = 0.05. Cell morphology was evaluated using light microscopy. RESULTS: ZOL significantly reduced the viability of both epithelial cells and fibroblasts at all concentrations (p < 0.05), with the exception of fibroblasts at concentration of 5 μM (p = 0.44). GGOH had positive effects on the viability of the cells treated with ZOL at all concentrations. However, statistically significant improvement was obtained only in epithelial cells at 5 and 25 μM ZOL. The cell morphology of both types of cells was improved after addition of GGOH. CONCLUSION: GGOH reverses the toxic effects of clinical doses of ZOL on gingival epithelial cells and has slightly positive, but not significant effects on gingival fibroblasts. This study suggests that GGOH may be effective in the prevention and treatment of MRONJ