81 research outputs found

    Evaluation quality of life after apicoectomy using two defferent flap design

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    INTRODUCTION. Apicectomy has become an integral part of a comprehensive dental treatment. The primary objective of apicectomy is to eradicate the etiological agents of periapical pathoses and to restore the periodontium to a state of biologic and functional health. The aim of this study was to evaluate patient experience of quality of life following apicoectomy using two different flap design gingival (envelope) and semilunar. MATERIAL AND METHOD. The study consisted of 60 patients referred for oral surgical treatment - apicoectomy with periapical osteotomy on frontal teeth. One operator were carried out the treatments. All patients were given a questionnaire with 15 questions to evaluate their quality of life for 7 days after the oral surgery interventions. The patient’s answers were referred as: not at all -1; very little -2; some- 3; quite a bit – 4; very much-5). An equal number of patients were assigned to each group. Group 1 was treated by apicoectomy with gingival flap design and Group 2 was treated by apicoectomy with semilunar flap design. The statistical evaluation included descriptive and analytical methods. RESULTS. The average time needed for completion the surgical procedure was approximately 45 minutes. The results showed that patients in Group 1 reported significantly more pain and took significantly more analgesics on day 3. On days 1 and 2, patients of the Group 2 reported significantly more difficulty in mouth opening, mastication, and the ability to speak. CONCLUSION. High incidence of symptoms were reported by the patients in both groups. There were no significant differences found in the distribution of patients according to age, gender, periradicular diagnosis, and site of operation between the two groups. The apicoectomy procedure using semilunar flap design provided significantly less postoperative pain, but more difficulties in mouth opening, mastication, and the ability to speak immediately postoperatively. Key words: oral surgery, apicoectomy, quality of life, flap design, pai

    Attitudes toward continuous learning and new communication technologies

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    In this study, based on a representative sample of 1000 respondents, we analyzed the attitude of active population in the Republic of Macedonia toward continuous learning and new communication technologies. Starting from the definition that learning is a process of creation of a relatively permanent change in attitude towards the future, for the promotion of the way of thinking and as a special importance, the attitude of the active population toward continuous learning occurs. A positive attitude toward learning is the basic premise for the introduction of lifelong learning in entrepreneurship development. Attitude toward new communication technologies is also important as for the continuous learning as well for start up, sustainability and gaining a competitive advantage in the entrepreneurial businesses. First, we analyzed the correlation between the preferences of autonomous work, technology and continuous learning, then, the differences derived from age, ethnicity, education, and socioeconomic status. The results show that there is a correlation between the preferences of autonomous work, new technology and continuous learning. The results allow creation of specific approach to formal and informal education for improving of the entrepreneurial mindset

    Influence of Hyaluronic Acid in Periodontal Tissue Regeneration

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    Hyaluronic acid is a high molecular weight polysaccharide - glycosaminoglycan, which plays a vital role in the functioning of extracellular matrices, including those of mineralized and non-mineralized periodontal tissues. Hyaluronic acid is also important because of its numerous actions in the mechanisms associated with inflammation and the wound healing process. Hyaluronic acid has been identified in all periodontal tissues in varying quantities, being more prominent in the non-mineralized tissues, such as gingiva and periodontal ligament, compared to mineralized tissues, such as the cement and alveolar bone. Preliminary evidence suggests that hyaluronic acid is a very promising candidate as a mediator of periodontal tissue regeneration and periodontal disease treatment, by promoting a rapid remission of symptoms, not only to the marginal gingiva, but also to the deeper seated periodontal tissues. However, further researches for the therapeutic effects of hyaluronic acid in periodontal disease are essential for realization of true benefits of hyaluronic administration in periodontal tissue regeneration. Keywords: Hyaluronic Acid; Gingival Inflammation; Periodontal Disease; Periodontal Reparatio

    Does competitive strategy moderate the linkage between HRM practices and company performance

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating role of competitive strategies (CS) in the relationship between HRM practices and company performance (CP). Although the existing literature adequately addresses HRM practices and CS, there is limited empirical evidence linking internal resources and strategies with CP. Therefore, using the contingency approach, this study uncovers the role of CS in realizing the potential impact of HRM practices on CP. The data used to test, explore, and develop the moderating role of CS were collected from 157 manufacturing companies and analyzed using hierarchical linear regression. The results show a positive effect of HRM practices and CS on CP. The results also show that cost leadership strategy and differentiation strategy moderate the relationship between HRM practices and CP. The theoretical and managerial implications of these results are discussed

    Quality of Oral Health in Patients on Standard Hemodialysis and Patients on Hemodiafiltration

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    Oral hygiene in patients undergoing hemodialysis is inadequate, as indicated by the large number of data from the literature. Every dentist working with these patients should focus on raising patients' self-awareness of the importance of their oral health and maintaining oral hygiene.The aim of this research is to make a comparison of oral health in patients with terminal chronic kidney disease who are on a standard hemodialysis program and on hemodiafiltration. The examined sample includes a total of 75 adult patients with Chronic Kidney Disease stage 5, on a chronic hemodialysis program. The patients are divided into two groups: standard hemodialysis patients and hemodiafiltration patients. A questionnaire was used for the preparation of this research. From the obtained results we can conclude: the patients treated with hemodiafiltration visited the dentist insignificantly more often. The state of oral health is associated with the state of the kidneys insignificantly more often by patients on hemodiafiltration treatment and patients on HD treatment. Patients from both groups usually brush their teeth with fluoride paste. Patients treated with hemodiafiltration rated their oral health as good and had pain in the mouth or teeth significantly more often than patients treated with standard hemodialysis. Patients treated with HDF had dry mouth, chewing difficulties and impaired taste significantly more often. The difference between smokers in the groups was at the border of statistical significance, and the difference in alcohol consumption once a week or more between patients with hemodiafiltration and patients treated with classical hemodialysis treatment did not show a statistically significant difference. Patients from both groups did not differ significantly in terms of the quality of oral health, that is, the type of hemodialysis modality has no significant impact on the quality of life in terms of oral health. Keywords: oral health, hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration

    Assessment of Clinical Examination Validity in Oral Cancer Risk Patients

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    Background/Aim: Oral cancer is one of the ten most common cancers in the world, recently positioned as a sixth one, unfortunately with poor prognosis after treatment because of the late diagnostics in advanced stages of the disease. Aim of this study was to present the basic criteria in assessment the accuracy/efficacy, specificity and sensitivity, the positive and negative predicted values of the conventional oral examination (COE) as the easiest and most acceptable procedure in detection of the early changes of the suspicious oral tissue changes compared to the diagnostic gold standard – tissue biopsy in two different groups of examinees. Material and Methods: Sixty patients divided into two study groups (one with potentially malignant oral lesions and a second consisted of clinically suspicious oral cancer lesions) were examined with COE and subjected to histopathological confirmation - tissue biopsy. All examined patients underwent the diagnostic protocol by the American Joint Commission on Cancer, selected under certain inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Sensitivity of COE in the group of examinees with oral potentially malignant lesions is 83.33%, its specificity is 20.83%, the positive predictive value is 20.83% and the negative predictive value is 83.33%. The accuracy of the COE method is 33.33%. The sensitivity, in the group of patients with oral cancer is 96.43%,specificity is 0%, the positive predictive value is 93.10% and the negative predictive value is 0%. The accuracy of this method is 90%. Conclusions: The accuracy reaches a value over 90% for the group with lesions with highly suspected malignant potential – oral cancer, and sets the thesis that COE as screening method for oral cancer or premalignant tissue changes is more valuable for the patients with advanced oral epithelial changes, but is recommended to be combined with some other type of screening procedure in order to gain relevant results applicable in the everyday clinical practice. Key words: Oral Examination, Potentially Malignant Lesions, Oral Cancer, Diagnostic

    Surgical procedures for soft tissue ridge augmentation - interposition grafting procedure

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    Background: Numerous surgical grafting procedures designed to reconstruct a partially toothless ridge or ridge defects have been described in the literature over the years. The procedures can be grouped according to the means used to increase the ridge such as soft and hard tissue augmentation procedures. To illustrate the different approaches to utilizing soft tissue augmentation, the following procedures will be discussed: Pedicle graft, Roll graft and Free graft procedures (Pouch graft, Interposition graft and Onlay graft procedure). Description of the procedure: In interpositional graft procedures, there is no need to remove the epithelium from the surface of the donor tissue. If augmentation is required in both buccolingual and apico-coronary direction, part of the graft must be placed above the surface of the tissue around the recipient site. Some of the grafted connective tissue surfaces will be exposed in the oral cavity. "Envelope" or partial thickness flap with relaxing incisions, is prepared on the vestibular surface of the defective area. An appropriate donor site is selected at the palate or in the area of the maxillary tubercle, and a free epithelial-connective tissue graft is harvested. If enlargement of the ridge height is not required, the epithelial surface of the graft is placed with the surrounding epithelium. The graft is sutured all over the tissue at the recipient site. The temporary bridge is positioned to serve as a reference when estimating the amount of tissue needed to fill the defect. Outcomes: The newly formed granulation tissue during healing will make a border between the graft and the adjacent tissue, smooth and properly epithelialized. Edema, which occurs postoperatively, will help contour the ridge. Conclusions: Class III ridge defects are a major challenge for the dentists, as the ridge needs to be enlarged in both vertical and horizontal dimensions. The combined procedures can be used successfully in such situation

    Lifelong learning for best adaptation to the 21. century changes in the world of work

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    Budući da je cjeloživotno učenje prepoznato je kao jedan od prioriteta potreba za pojedinca, organizacije i društva i mnogo različitih metoda učenja, tehnika i aktivnosti se stalno stvara i primjenjuje za izgradnju i razvoj potrebnih znanja, vještina i kompetencija, pitanje koje se nameće je: Kakav oblik cjeloživotnog učenja je najprikladniji za najbolju prilagodbu na brze promjene u 21.stoljeću u svijetu rada? Ili više specifično: Što ljudi misle i / ili očekuju od cjeloživotnog učenja, tako da se može smatrati učinkovito i najprikladnije? Za tu je svrhu, ovaj rad dijeli saznanja iz istraživanja provedenog na studentima postdiplomskog studija Upravljanje ljudskim resursima u okvirima Instituta za sociološka, politička i pravna istraživanja kao formalni tip obrazovanja i dio cjeloživotnog učenja u području organizacijskih / poslovnih studija.Since the lifelong learning has been recognized as a high priority need for the individual, organization and society and many different learning methods, techniques and activities are constantly being created and applied in order to build and develop the necessary knowledge, skills and competences, the question that arises is: what kind of lifelong learning is most adequate for best adaptation to the 21.century rapid changes in the world of work? Or more specific: what do people think and/or expect from the lifelong learning, so it can be considered effective and most appropriate? So for that purpose, this paper shares the findings form a research conducted on postgraduate students on Human Resources Management in the frames of the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research as a formal type of education and part of the lifelong learning process in the field of organizational/ business studies

    Implant-prosthetic therapy failure in smoker and nonsmoker patients

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    Introduction: Implant-prosthetic therapy has predictable success, and the complications are associated with a lot of factors. Smoking cigarettes is reason for different oral diseases, bone loss, loss of soft tissue and teeth, appearance of periimplantitis and implant loss. The corellation of smoking and implant-prosthetic therapy failure was examined in the clinical study. Materials and method: Fifty patients with FDP on 61 implants in frontal and molar region were investigated. They were divided in two groups: smokers and nonsmokers. Thirty four patients were smokers, and sixteen didn’t smoke cigarettes in the last two years. Criteria data for the success of the therapy were mobility of the implant, pain, peri-implant bone loss higher than 1.5 mm, absence of technical complications and function and aesthetics appeal. Control checkups were made after six months, one and two years. Patients had questionnaires, clinical examination and X-ray. Results: There is a statistically significant difference between smokers and nonsmokers in the failure rates of dental implants. During first year 0,5 mm of bone was lost around eleven implants, and 0,05 mm next years.Total seven implants failed, five in smoker group at the beginning of the first year, and 2 in nonsmoker group during second year. Conclusion: Results showed that smoking habit can increase the risk of early implants loss two times more often in smokers. For some complications like periimplantitis, local factors have greater influence. Smoking does not increase the risk of late implant loss, but the implants at patients with smoking habit, in correlation with several different local risk factors, is contraindicated. Early complications are results of smoking, while quality and quantity of surrounding bone are responsible for late complications.The results from the investigation, also give informations for proper treatment planning, and patient education for quiting their harmfull habit. Keywords Implants, therapy failure, smoking, periimplantitis

    Influence of Certain Nutritional Products On Periodontal Status

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    Material and Method: 60 patients within the age range of 35-65 years were included. The selection of the respondents was made by a simple random method.  As a criterion in the research sample, the depth of the periodontal pockets was taken into account, which was from 3 to 5 mm, according to which a selection was made.  Chronic periodontal disease with a clinically manifest stage was diagnosed in all patients. Each of the respondents had the opportunity to estimate the frequency of personal consumption of 6 selected food items (vegetables, fast food, fish, meat, fruits, and desserts) by choosing one of three possible answers (never, infrequently and often consumed). For the clinical part of the study, 4 parameters were measured, namely: GI-gingival inflammation, PI-plaque index, PPD-depth of periodontal pockets, and CAL-clinical loss of attachment. The findings were statistically processed. Results: For the male and female respondents, the average age was 39.8 ± 5.3 with min/pop of 30/53 years and 41.2 ± 6.3 with min / pop of 32/55 years, respectively. The analysis showed that, for p> 0.05, the frequency of consumption of vegetables significantly decreased, and the consumption of fast food insignificantly increased the values of the four clinical parameters (GI, PI, PPD, CAL). Conclusion: Consumption of fish, meat, and vegetables reduces the values of clinical parameters (PI, GI, PPD, CAL). This is in contrast to fast food and dessert which indicated an increase in the values of PPD and CAL