586 research outputs found

    Evaluation quality of life after apicoectomy using two defferent flap design

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    INTRODUCTION. Apicectomy has become an integral part of a comprehensive dental treatment. The primary objective of apicectomy is to eradicate the etiological agents of periapical pathoses and to restore the periodontium to a state of biologic and functional health. The aim of this study was to evaluate patient experience of quality of life following apicoectomy using two different flap design gingival (envelope) and semilunar. MATERIAL AND METHOD. The study consisted of 60 patients referred for oral surgical treatment - apicoectomy with periapical osteotomy on frontal teeth. One operator were carried out the treatments. All patients were given a questionnaire with 15 questions to evaluate their quality of life for 7 days after the oral surgery interventions. The patient’s answers were referred as: not at all -1; very little -2; some- 3; quite a bit – 4; very much-5). An equal number of patients were assigned to each group. Group 1 was treated by apicoectomy with gingival flap design and Group 2 was treated by apicoectomy with semilunar flap design. The statistical evaluation included descriptive and analytical methods. RESULTS. The average time needed for completion the surgical procedure was approximately 45 minutes. The results showed that patients in Group 1 reported significantly more pain and took significantly more analgesics on day 3. On days 1 and 2, patients of the Group 2 reported significantly more difficulty in mouth opening, mastication, and the ability to speak. CONCLUSION. High incidence of symptoms were reported by the patients in both groups. There were no significant differences found in the distribution of patients according to age, gender, periradicular diagnosis, and site of operation between the two groups. The apicoectomy procedure using semilunar flap design provided significantly less postoperative pain, but more difficulties in mouth opening, mastication, and the ability to speak immediately postoperatively. Key words: oral surgery, apicoectomy, quality of life, flap design, pai


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    Dans leurs chroniques familiales, Marguerite Yourcenar et Luan Starova mettent en honneur le rôle bienfaisant de leurs pères respectifs. Bien qu’ils incarnent différents milieux sociaux (la bourgeoisie aisée dans le cas de Yourcenar, l’émigration intellectuelle dans le cas de Starova), ces pères ont exercé, directement ou indirectement, une influence déterminante dans la formation intellectuelle de leurs enfants. Possédant une vaste érudition, en grande partie acquise par l’autodidaxie, les deux pères ont insufflé aux futurs écrivains l’amour pour les livres. Les bibliothèques qu’ils possédaient et les lectures qu’ils proposaient à Marguerite et à Luan ont non seulement façonné le goût littéraire de ceux-ci mais les ont également préparés pour un affrontement lucide avec les hauts et les bas que leur offrirait la vie. Ces pères encourageaient les débuts littéraires de leur progéniture et, plus tard, autant que la durée de leur vie le leur permettrait, se sont montrés lecteurs assidus et commentateurs avisés des œuvres de leurs enfants devenus écrivains. Yourcenar et Starova dans leurs chroniques familiales vont bien au-delà de la mémoire personnelle et se plongent dans la mémoire familiale dans toutes ses manifestations : généalogique, référentielle, rituelle, corporelle, volontaire, involontaire... L’histoire familiale se montre ainsi une présence qui habite constamment ces auteurs et qui ressurgit dans leurs écrits par l’évocation des résonnances d’un passé plus ou moins éloigné

    The use of electronic money and its impact on monetary policy

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    E-money is the newest payment instrument. As a part of the new electronic payment system (possible future substitute of traditional payment), e-money raises the professional interest about its implications to further development of banking functions in the global and networked economy. Statistical evidence confirms the existence of e-money in the developed countries, which is understandable because of their high technological level and knowledge and the ability to absorb useful innovations of any kind. But, although electronic money has been present in their markets for more than 20 years, its use is still at a very low level. Countries from the region2 are in the early beginning. They are in the phase of accepting electronic banking, and putting into force the legislation for e-money. The reason could be found in the level of economic and technological development. One of the leading factors opposing the existence of e-money is the strong competition from the debit/ credit cards. The possible influence of e-money on the monetary policy is also a topic of professional interest overall. E -money has the potential to substitute currency in circulation, which is part of the monetary aggregates from the balance sheet of central banks. Now, the influence is not significant - central banks are recording very low decrease of currency in circulation as a result of increase of e-money. But still, having in mind that any innovation takes time to be accepted on the market, in the future central banks and experts need to follow the developments surrounding e-money more closely and more carefully

    Optimizations in Heterogeneous Mobile Networks

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    College Student Perceptions of Alcohol Use on University Campuses

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    The proposed study examined the effects of gender, sensation seeking, alcohol expectancies, and perceived peer norms on alcohol consumption among college students through a biopsychosocial framework, proposing biological, psychological and social sources of influence on student alcohol use. The individual effects of the predictor variables were examined in a multiple regression model and correlational relationships between the independent variables and alcohol consumption were computed. Alcohol expectancies and peer norms were found to have moderate effects on alcohol use, gender had a small effect and sensation seeking had no effect. In addition, alcohol expectancies were found to partially mediate the relationship between perceived peer norms and alcohol use, supporting previous models of both direct and indirect effects of alcohol expectancies on alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption rates along with the frequencies of 12 alcohol-related consequences were described for the current sample


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    This research contains results concerning the chemical composition of 15 introduced varieties of strawberries in Macedonia: Idea, Camarosa, Belrubi, Evita, Honeoye, Tethis, Chandler, Onda, Miranda, Paros, Elsanta, Eris, Madalene, Favette and Marmolada and two controll varieties: Pocahontas and Sengasengana. The analysis has been conducted on the following substances: soluble dry matter, sugars (total and reductive), acids, pulp’s pH, sugar/acid ratio, vitamin C, anthocyanins and mineral matters. The percentage of soluble dry matter is between 8.5% with the Eris variety and 11% with Idea. Idea has the highest concentration of sugars with 8.80% of total and 6.16% of reductive sugars. Eris has the lowest concentration of 6.80% total and 4.76% reductive sugars. Lowest amount of acids is 0.79% (Onda and Madalene) and highest is 0.94% (Evita). The range of pH value goes from 3.5 (Tethis) to 4.2 (Chandler and Pocahontas). The Marmolada variety has the highest sugar/acid ratio with 10.4 and Evita has the lowest of 8.1. The concentration of vitamin C goes between the range of 72.49mg% (Pocahontas) and 113.73mg% (Camarosa). The anthocyanins concentration with the Favette is to be the lowest with 37.06mg/kg, whereas the Elsanta reaches the highest content with 48.88mg/kg. The content of mineral matter within the fruit is between 0.52% (Chandler and Onda) and 0.94% (Tethis)

    Culture as a resource in nation-building: the case of Macedonia

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    Together with history, culture represents one of the most basic aspects of the fabric of everyday life. It gives us a sense of identity and tells us who we are, where we come from and where we are going. Cultural policy broadly defines the meaning of social practice, and deals with subjectivity and identity, thereby playing a central role in the building of a sense of self. In the era of globalization, culture transcends borders between countries and can play the role of the connective tissue of the "imagined nation". It is used in the voluntary and organic approach to defining the nation. While the organic approach emphasizes the role of culture in highlighting the specificity of the nation, voluntary discourse focuses on the culture's universal value. This paper will analyze how culture is being used as a resource in the construction of the contemporary Macedonian nation. (author's abstract


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    A study has been conducted on the rootstock cross area, trunk cross area and total growth with 195 selected plants, a primary effect product from Bigareau Burlat, Pobeda Krimska and Kozerska cherry varieties, during the first MV1 generation after the gamma radiation with Cz137. Graft branches were exposed to dosages of 25Gy, 35Gy and 45Gy at the Institute of Radiobiology and Radiopreservation in Sofia. The graft was taken during dormant buds onto a Prunus mahaleb rootstock. The average values of all study parameters with the selected plants are 10 to 50% smaller in comparison with the controls (plants not treated with radiation). The highest reduction of total plant growth is noticed at Kozerska variety. The average value is 40% smaller in contrast to the control. The average values for this characteristic provide statistical significant differences for all radiation dosages with the selected plants in contrast to the control. The highest difference was noticed with the dosage of 25 Gy, where the total growth is 50% smaller than the control. A very high positive correlation is determent between the rootstock and trunk cross area, as well as between the rootstock and trunk cross area and with the total growth in all of the tested varieties. Negative correlation between the radiation dosage and the total growth is detected for Pobeda Krimska and Kozerska. This kind of correlation is not present in Bigareau Burlat

    Process of Reconciliation in a Postconflict Macedonia

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    In this article we will consider reconciliation in a post-conflict Macedonia. When Ohrid Framework Agreement (OFA) was signed, the international community greeted the achievements of the international community as it was signed under specific circumstances. Since it stopped the conflict, it had achieved its goal. Legally, the country became a multiethnic one with a power-sharing government. Yet, the political and intellectual elite, which slightly differ from each other, did not invest intellectual and political capital when searching for a specific Macedonian (inter) national identity, which goes beyond the limitations of the ethnic definitions and mythology around them. Instead, the national discourse is emphasized. Using the terms such as multiculturalism, multhiethnicity and polylingualisam creates additional confusion. When media and politicians use these phrases and incorporate their own political discourses, the damage is done. Critical thinking is not on the agenda in the educational process and the young people are expected to listen rather than think. There is a need for a structural communication among the citizens, a social link but also a philosophical and maybe an ideological communication, so as to fill in the gaps and avoid further divisions. The only way to accomplish that is to have an open and inclusive society. In order to achieve this, the culture of dialog should be nurtured. It is not enough for Macedonians and Albanians to know each other’s folklore and cultural history. Coexistence requires knowing the modern reality. Structured communication is a key. Absence of public discourse has a positive effect on the society’s wellbeing. A debate is not a threat to the process of creating politics. Instead, it legalizes the decision-making process. The intellectual elite should take the lead, show its grandiosity, and view Macedonia as a whole in a joint narrative, which considers all the specifics of the different cultures living together and integrates them in a common goal. In that respect, the OFA was the first necessary step, and its treatment as a Holy Grail ignores the fact that the job is not done. Instead it has just started