109 research outputs found

    The role of vegetal products in antiulcerous therapy

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    Catedra de farmacognozie și botanică farmaceutică, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie ”Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Ulcerul gastroduodenal reprezintă leziune a mucoasei stomacale, situată în porțiunea inferioară a esofagului sau în prima parte a intestinului subțire, iar plantele medicinale își aduc aportul prin proprietăți antiinflamatorii, antibacteriene și cicatrizante. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea produselor vegetale și a principiilor active utilizate în tratamentul ulcerului gastroduodenal. Material și metode. Studiul și sinteza datelor literaturii științifice despre produse vegetale și principii active cu proprietăți antiulceroase (45). Rezultate. Se estimează că 10% din populația R. Moldova face ulcer gastroduodenal în anumite perioade ale vieții, patologie cauzată de alimentația incorectă, diete dezechilibrate, stres, sedentarism, abuz de alcool, medicamente. Tratamentul ulcerului poate fi combinat cu produse vegetale cu conținut de mucilagii: Lini semina, Plantaginis majoris folia; derivați antracenici: Aloe arborescens folia, Hyperici herba; taninuri: Bergeniae rhizomata, Tormentillae rhizomata; saponozide: Glycyrrhizae glabrae radices; uleiuri volatile: Anisi vulgaris fructus, Calami rhizomata, Carvi fructus, Coriandri fructus, Foeniculi fructus; substanțe amare: Absinthii herba, Cichorii radices, Gentianae radices, Millefolii herba, Taraxaci radices. Din 5646 de produse medicamentoase incluse în Nomenclatorul de Stat al Medicamentelor (2019), ponderea fitopreparatelor antiulceroase constituie 1,1%. Concluzii. Fitopreparatele utilizate în tratamentul ulcerului gastroduodenal dețin doar 1,1% din numărul total de produse farmaceutice, conform Nomenclatorului de Stat al Medicamentelor (2019). Cuvinte cheie: ulcer gastroduodenal, produse vegetale, fitopreparate.Introduction. Gastroduodenal ulcer represents a lesion of the stomach mucosa, located in the lower portion of the esophagus or in the first part of the small intestine, and medicinal plants can contribute with their antiinflammatory, antibacterial and scarring properties. The aim of the study. Evaluation of vegetal products and active principles used in the treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer. Material and methods. Study and synthesis of the scientific literature data about vegetal products and active principles with antiulcerous properties (45). Results. It is estimated that 10% of the population of the R. of Moldova has gastroduodenal ulcer in certain periods of life, pathology caused by incorrect nutrition, unbalanced diets, stress, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol abuse, drugs. The treatment of ulcer could be combined with vegetal products with mucilages: Lini semina, Plantaginis majoris folia; anthracene derivatives: Aloe arborescens folia, Hyperici herba; tannins: Bergeniae rhizomata, Tormentillae rhizomata; saponozide: Glycyrrhizae glabrae radices; volatile oils: Anisi vulgaris fructus, Calami rhizomata, Carvi fructus, Coriander fructus, Foeniculi fructus; bitter substances: Absinthii herba, Cichorii radices, Gentianae radices, Millefolii herba, Taraxaci radices. From 5646 medicinal products included in the State Nomenclature of Medicines (2019), the proportion of antiulcerous phytopreparations constitutes 1,1%. Conclusions. Phytopreparation used in the treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer hold only 1,1% of the total number of pharmaceutical products, according to the State Nomenclature of Medicines (2019)

    Extragastric manifestations of Helicobacter Pylori infection in Romanian population

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    "luliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Otorhinolaryngology Department, Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaIntroduction: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is one of the most frequent causes of gastrointestinal infections worldwide. It is known that the immunological response evoked by the bacterium is an important determinant of gastric mucosal damage. Epidemiological studies have investigated H. Pylori as a pathogenic determinant of some extragastric disorders due tolow-grade inflammatory state, molecular mimicry mechanisms, interference with the absorbance of nutrients and drugs possibly influencing the occurrence or the evolution of many diseases. The main burden of infection is in the developing countries possibly reflecting the presence of geographical variability in the prevalence of both H. pylori infection and the considered extradigestive disorders. Purpose and objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of systemic hypertension (HTA), ischemic cardiomyopathy (IC), dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in a series of patients with Helicobacter Pylori infection and explore the possible etiopathogenetic link between them. Materials and method: A total of 100 participants were divided into two groups according to the presence (n=45) or absence (n=55) of Helicobacter Pylori infection. The detection of bacteria was assessed by upper endoscopic gastric biopsies. The presence of HTA, IC, dyslipidemia, T2DM and COPD were investigated in the medical history of both groups. Results: One hundred patients (47 men, 53 women), aged 30-85 years (the mean 58.1) were included; 55% of patients were positive for H. pylori infection. Twenty-two (51%) of patients with H. Pylori infection presented HTA, compared to 24 (42%) subjects of H. Pylori negative, without semnificative difference between the two groups. (p=0.65). The presence of IC was significantly higher (46%) in H. Pylori positive group than (25%) of the group without infection (p=0.003). Nineteen patients (34%) H. pylori positive had T2DM, while 10 patients (23%) were found in the H. Pylori negative group, the difference being statistically insignificant (p=0.58). The most frequent extragastric manifestation for patients infected with H. Pylori was dyslipidemia (29.7%). The patients with H. Pylori had significantly higher levels of dyslipidemia (62%) compared with the non-infected group (25%) (p=0.002). Sixteen (25%) cases of COPD were found in H. Pylori positive group and 10 (26%) in the H. Pylori negative group without reaching statistically significant levels (p=0.71). Conclusion: The association between H. pylori infection and ischemic cardiomyopathy and dyslipidemia was revealed in this study. Although some authors found convincing evidence of the involvement of Helicobacter pylori as one possible cause of systemic hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, our results have failed to confirm the existence of this etiological association. Hence, the precise processes remain unclear and require further studies

    The effects of different inhibitory pathways of prostaglandine 2 biosynthesis on renomedullary in terstitial cells in rats

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    Introduction: Renomedullar interstisial cells (RMiCs) are the prevalent cells in inner medulla. The multiple lipid granules found in their cytoplasm are believed to be storage units for precursors of prostaglandins (PGs), prostacyclins and medullipin, particulary PGE2. The aim of the study was to examine the effects due to the inhibition of PGE2 synthesis via different pathways on the RMIC function, the number of lipid granules, medullary hyaluronan (HA) content and cell viability. Materials and Methods: Thirty-two adult male Wistar albino rats, 180-200g, were randomly divided into four groups (n=8): The control group was treated with intraperitonal (ip) 0.9% isotonic salt water; the second group was injected with dexamethasone (DEX) (3 mg/kg, 10 days), inhibiting AA release and PG synthesis by PLA2; the third group was treated with ip indomethasine (IND) (1 mg/kg, 10 days) to inhibit non-specific COX; the fourth group was injected with ip celecoxib (CXB) (1 mg/kg, 10 days) to examine selective COX-2 inhibition. Ten days later, the dissected renal medullas of sacrificed animals were analyzed with light and electron microscopy. The lipid granules were counted in 50 random RIMCs for each animal (x 6.000 magnification). Results: The morphometric analysis showed that the number of lipid granules is significantly decreased in DEX group, and it is significantly increased in IND and CXB groups when compared to the control group. Moreover, medullary HA content and CD44 immunoreactivity were significantly increased in DEX, IND and CXB groups compared to control group. Regarding cell viability, we found that RMIC apoptosis was significantly higher in PGE2 inhibited groups when compared to control group. Coclusions: These results suggest that lipid granules may be numerical and functionally influenced by PGE2 changes. The functional changes in RMICs through PGE2 may influence HA amount of medulla interstitium, the granules might be storage units of AA and finally, PGE2 inhibition may lead to RMIC apoptosis. Besides, 24 hours urine values collected on the 10th day were significantly increased in DEX and IND groups, but similar to the values of control group in CXB group

    Микрососудистая коронарная дисфункция: актуальные аспекты

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    Disfuncția microvasculară coronariană este responsabilă pentru morbiditatea și mortalitatea în multe boli car-diovasculare diferite, inclusiv pentru ischemia miocardică în absența stenozei arteriale coronare semnificative he-modinamic. Până la 65% din pacienții supuși angiografiei coronariene diagnostice pe motiv de suspecție de leziuni arteriale coronariene obstructive, prezintă artere epicardice normale sau non-obstructive. Actualmente, disfuncția microvasculară coronariană nu mai este considerată a fi o afecțiune benignă, având rol în agravarea semnificativă a pronosticului cardiovascular, în apariția anginei pectorale microvasculare, sindromului coronarian acut, inclusiv a infarctului miocardic acut fără obstrucție coronariană epicardică, determinând imperativul unei considerații speciale pe plan diagnostic, clinic, terapeutic și gestionar. Articolul respectiv reprezintă o sinteză de anumite aspecte actua-lizate patofiziologice, clinice, diagnostice și terapeutice, asupra problemei disfuncției microcirculației coronariene.Coronary microvascular dysfunction is responsible for the morbidity and mortality in many different cardio-vascular diseases, including the myocardial ischemia in the absence of hemodynamically significant coronary artery stenosis. Up to 65% of patients undergoing the diagnostic coronary angiography for the reason of suspected obstruc-tive coronary impairment, are with normal or non-obstructive epicardial arteries. Currently, coronary microvascular dysfunction is no longer considered being a benign condition, since playing role in significantly aggravating the cardiovascular prognosis, in the occurrence of microvascular angina, in acute coronary syndrome, including acute myocardial infarction without epicardial coronary obstruction, which determines the need for a special consider-ation on its diagnostic, clinical, therapeutic and managing issues. This article represents the synthesis of some up-dated pathophysiological, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of the coronary microcirculatory dysfunction.Микрососудистая коронарная дисфункция является ответственной за заболеваемость и смертность в различных сердечно-сосудистых патологиях, в том числе за ишемию миокарда в отсутствии гемодинамически значимого стеноза коронарных артерий. До 65% пациентов, перенесших диагностическую коронарную ангиографию по причине подозрения на обструктивные поражения коронарных артерий, обладают нормальными эпикардиальными артериями или их необструктивным поражением. В настоящее время, коронарная микроциркуляторная дисфункция более не считается клинически благоприятной формой, будучи вовлечен-ной в значительное ухудшение сердечно-сосудистого прогноза, в развитие микрососудистой стенокардии, острого коронарного синдрома, в том числе острого инфаркта миокарда без обструкции эпикардиальных артерий, определяя необходимость особого к себе внимания в плане диагностического, клинического и терапевтического менеджмента. В этой обзорной статье приведены некоторые обновленные патофизиологические, классификационные, клинические, диагностические и терапевтические аспекты коронарной микроциркуляторной дисфункции

    Микрососудистая коронарная дисфункция: актуальные аспекты

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    Microvascular coronary disorder: summary of updated aspectsDisfuncția microvasculară coronariană este responsabilă pentru morbiditatea și mortalitatea în multe boli cardiovasculare diferite, inclusiv pentru ischemia miocardică în absența stenozei arteriale coronare semnificative hemodinamic. Până la 65% din pacienții supuși angiografiei coronariene diagnostice pe motiv de suspecție de leziuni arteriale coronariene obstructive, prezintă artere epicardice normale sau non-obstructive. Actualmente, disfuncția microvasculară coronariană nu mai este considerată a fi o afecțiune benignă, având rol în agravarea semnificativă a pronosticului cardiovascular, în apariția anginei pectorale microvasculare, sindromului coronarian acut, inclusiv a infarctului miocardic acut fără obstrucție coronariană epicardică, determinând imperativul unei considerații speciale pe plan diagnostic, clinic, terapeutic și gestionar. Articolul respectiv reprezintă o sinteză de anumite aspecte actualizate patofiziologice, clinice, diagnostice și terapeutice, asupra problemei disfuncției microcirculației coronariene.Микрососудистая коронарная дисфункция: актуальные аспект

    Мульти-маркерная панель у больных без подъема сегмента ST: аспекты патогенеза и диагностики

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    Aim. Assessment within the multi-marker panel applied to patients with NSTEMI of admission levels of the main markers of cardiovascular pathology in order to disentangle the pathogenetic interface and identify diagnostic predictors. Material and methods. The research was carried out on a group of 87 patients with NSTEMI, exposed to angioplas-ty, in which the admission values of 2 morphofunctional markers of endothelial dysfunction were determined, as well as the serum levels of 53 biochemical markers with reference to: inflammation, oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, cell injury, hemostasis disorder, myocardial and extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling. The control group has consisted of 40 apparently healthy people.Results. The analysis of the multi-makrer panel revealed significant deviations of the majority of the explored markers compared to the control level. Endothelial dysfunction was marked by the increase of thickness of the medial-intima complex of the carotid artery and the decrease of the flow-mediated dilation of brachial artery in association with a 7694% raise of endothelial cell fragments (EF), phospholipase A2 (PhA2) and angiopoietin 2 (Ang 2). Among 16 markers of inflammation, the elevation of myeloperoxidase (MPO) by 156% is remarkable as a specific marker of NETosis. Activated oxidative stress is the result of the impairment of the antioxidant defense, and hemostasis disorder must be underlined by double increase of fibrin monomers (FM). From a pathogenetic point of view, the multiple increase (more than 8 times) of cardiac myosin-binding protein (cMyBP-C) is important and understandable, and the markers of myocardial and ECM remodeling basically demonstrated an activation of several types of metalloproteinases. Conclusion. From the spectrum of the multi-marker panel applied to patients with NSTEMI, markers with plausible diagnostic value due to inteligibly reflected pathogenetic mechanism are highlighted as: MPO, PhA2, Ang 2, EF, FM, and cMyBP-C.Scop. Aprecierea în cadrul panoului multi-marker aplicat la pacienții cu NSTEMI a valorilor de admitere ale markerilor principali ai patologiei cardiovasculare pentru demarcarea interfeței patogenetice și identificarea predictorilor de diagnostic. Material și metode. Cercetarea s-a realizat pe un lot de 87 de pacienți cu NSTEMI, expuși angioplastiei, la care s-a determinat valoarea de admitere a 2 markeri morfofuncționali ai disfuncției endoteliale, precum și nivelul seric al 53 de markeri biochimici cu referire la: inflamație, stresul oxidativ, disfuncția endotelială, leziunea celulară, hemostazei, remodelării miocardului și a matricei extracelulare (MEC). Lotul de control a fost format din 40 de persoane aparent sănătoase. Rezultate. Analiza panoului multi-makrer evidențiat devieri semnificative ale majorității markerilor explorați față de nivelul control. Disfuncția endotelială a fost marcată predilect prin creșterea grosimii complexului medie-intimă a a.carotide și diminuarea ratei de dilatarea a arterei brahiale mediate de flux în sintonie cu majorarea în limitele 76-94% a fragmentelor endoteliocitare (FE), fosfolipazei A2 (PhA2) și angiopoietinei 2 (Ang 2). În setul celor 16 markeri ai inflamației se impune în deosebi elevarea cu 156% a mieloperoxidazei (MPO) la conotația markerului specific al NETozei. Stresul oxidativ activat este rezultatul deprecierii defensivei antioxidante, iar hemostaza excelează prin majorarea dublă a monomerilor de fibrină (MF). Pe plan patogenetic este importantă și inteligibilă creșterea multiplă (peste 8 ori) a proteinei ce leagă miozina cardiacă (cMyBP-C), iar markerii remodelării miocardului și MEC au catalogat activarea mai multor tipuri de metaloproteinaze. Concluzie. Din spectrul panoului multi-marker aplicat la pacienții cu NSTEMI, care a angrenat 55 de markeri, pot fi evidențiați markeri cu valoare diagnostică plauzibilă sub aspectul mecanismului patogenetic inteligibil reflectat: MPO, PhA2, Ang 2, FE, MF și cMyBP-C.Цель. Определение в рамках мульти-маркерной панели уровня при поступлении основных маркеров сердеч-но-сосудистой патологии у пациентов с ИМбпСT для выявления патогенетических особенностей и предикторов диагностики.Материал и методы. Исследование проведено на 87 больных ИМбпСT, подвергшихся ангиопластике, у которых определяли 2 морфофункциональных маркера эндотелиальной дисфункции, а также сывороточный уровень 53-х биохимических маркеров, имеющих отношение к: воспалению, окислительному стрессу, эндотелиальной дисфункции, нарушению гемостаза, ремоделированию миокарда и межклеточного матрикса (ECM). Контрольную группу составили 40 практически здоровых людей.Результаты. Анализ мульти-маркерной панели выявил достоверные отклонения большинства исследованных маркеров по сравнению с контрольным уровнем. Эндотелиальная дисфункция проявилась увеличением толщины комплекса медиа-интима сонной артерии, снижением реактивной дилатации плечевой артерии и увеличением на 76-94% фрагментов эндотелиальных клеток (EF), фосфолипазы А2 (PhA2) и ангиопоэтина 2 (Ang 2). В спектре 16 маркеров воспаления следует выделить повышение миелопероксидазы (MPO) на 156%, как специфический маркера гибели инфильтрированных в миокард нейтрофилов (NETosis). Активация окислительного стресса является результатом снижения антиоксидантной защиты, а нарушение гемостаза характеризовалось двухкратным увеличением мономеров фибрина (FM). С патогенетической точки зрения важно отметить многократное увеличение(более чем в 8 раз) белка, связывающего сердечный миозин (cMyBP-C), в то время как маркеры ремоделирования миокарда и ECM свидетельствовали об активации нескольких типов металлопротеиназ.Вывод. Из спектра мульти-маркерной панели, примененной к пациентам с NSTEMI, выделены маркеры, имеющие вероятную диагностическую ценность в силу отраженного патогенетического механизма: MPO, PhA2, Ang 2, EF, FM и cMyBP-C

    НЕТ-оз и острый инфаркт миокарда без подъема сегмента ST: патофизиологическая значимость и циркулирующие маркеры

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    Purpose. Evaluation of the role of neutrophil death (NET-osis) in the evolution of non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) by assessing circulating levels of in-patient admission of markers that are pathophysiologically related to this phenomenon. Material and methods. The research was carried out on a group of 54 patients with NSTEMI, undergoing coronary angioplasty in the laboratory of interventional cardiology within the scientific project of the State Program, in which the serum content of 7 biochemical markers was determined by the ELISA method: Selectin E, the molecule of intercellular adhesion 1 (ICAM-1), phospholipase 2 (PhA2), interleukin 8 (IL-8), neutrophil elastase (EN), myeloperoxidase (MPO) and metalloproteinase 8 (MMP-8). The control group consisted of 30 apparently healthy people. Results. The obtained results indicate the presence of significant incremental deviations of all explored markers in patients with NSTEMI compared to the control. The more specific markers of NETosis (MPO, NE and MMP-8) had a highest raising ratio, detected in a range of 88-151%. The other markers had a rate of circulating levels increase in a range of 50-74%. Conclusion. The admission circulating levels of specific markers of NETosis, myeloperoxidase, neutrophil elastase and MMP-8 are elevated in patients with NSTEMI by 88-151% compared to control, evidence, that indicates the pathogenetic role of NETosis as well as the plausible diagnostical and prognostical value of these markers.Scop. Evaluarea rolului morții neutrofilelor (NET-ozei) în evoluția infarctului miocardic acut fără elevarea segmentului ST (NSTEMI) prin aprecierea nivelurilor circulante de admitere în staționar ale markerilor care au în plan fiziopatologic tangență la acest fenomen. Material și metode. Cercetarea s-a realizat pe un lot de 54 de pacienți cu NSTEMI, supuși angioplastiei coronariene în laboratorul de cardiologie intervențională în cadrul proiectului științific din cadrul Programului de stat, la care prin metoda ELISA s-a determinat conținutul seric al 7 markeri biochimici: Selectina E, moleculei de adeziune intercelulare 1(ICAM-1), fosfolipaza 2(PhA2), interleukina 8 (IL-8), elastaza neutrofilelor ( EN), mieloperoxidaza (MPO) și metaloproteinaza 8 (MMP-8). Lotul de control a fost format din 30 de persoane aparent sănătoase. Rezultate. Rezultatele obținute indică prezența devierilor incrementale semnificative ale tuturor markerilor explorați la pacienții cu NSTEMI în comparație cu nivelul control. Markerii mai specifici ai NETozei (MPO, EN și MMP-8) au excelat prin rata maximă de elevare în ser, decelată în limitele 88-151%. Ceilalți markeri au avut o rată de creștere a nivelurilor lor circulante de 50-74%. Concluzie. La pacienții cu NSTEMI nivelurile circulante de admitere ale markerilor specifici ai NET-ozei, mieloperoxidaza, elastaza neutrofilelor și MMP-8 sunt elevate cu 88-151% față de control, fapt ce indică asupra rolului patogenetic al NET-ozei și, totodată, invocă plauzibil acestor markeri valoare predictivă diagnostică și prognostică.Цель. Оценка роли смерти нейтрофилов (НЕТ-оза) в развитии острого инфаркта миокарда без подъема сегмента ST (ОИМбпST) путем оценки циркулирующих уровней маркеров при поступлении в стационар, патофизиологически связанных с этим явлением. Материал и методы. Исследование проведено на группе из 54 пациентов с ИМбпST, перенесших коронарную ангиопластику в лаборатории интервенционной кардиологии в рамках научного проекта Государственной программы, в котором методом ИФА определяли содержание в сыворотке крови 7 биохимических маркеров: Селектин Е, молекула межклеточной адгезии 1 (ICAM-1), фосфолипаза 2 (PhA2), интерлейкин 8 (IL-8), нейтрофильная эластаза (EN), миелопероксидаза (MPO) и металлопротеиназа 8 (MMP-8). Контрольную группу составили 30 практически здоровых людей. Результаты. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о достоверном повышении всех исследованных маркеров в группе больных с ОИМбпST по сравнению с контролем. Тем не менее, наиболее значимое увеличение было выявлено в отношении специфических маркеров НЕТоза (МПО, ЭН и ММП-8), прирост которых по отношению к контролю составил 88–151%. Прирост циркулирующего уровня остальных маркеров находился в пределах 50–74%. Вывод. У больных с ОИМбпST циркулирующие уровни при поступлении специфических маркеров НЕТоза, миелопероксидазы, нейтрофильной эластазы и ММП-8 повышены на 88–151% по сравнению с контролем, что свидетельствует о патогенетической роли НЕТоза и, в то же время, указывают на возможную диагностическую и прогностическую ценность этих маркеров

    Роль кишечного дисбиоза в развитии эндотелиальной дисфункции у больных с микрососудистой стенокардией

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    Purpose. Evaluation of circulating levels of lipopolysaccharide and zonulin in conjunction with markers of endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, and oxidative stress in patients with microvascular angina (MА). Material and methods. The study was carried out in a group of 58 patients with MA hospitalized in the Institute of Cardiology. The determination of circulating levels of 20 biomarkers was carried out in cooperation with the laboratory investigation center of Sapienza University (Italy). All functional and biochemical markers were also determined in 48 apparently healthy people (control group) with the values of which the markers of MA patients were compared. Results. Endothelial dysfunction in patients with MA excelled by increasing the thickness of the intima-media complex of the carotid artery by 41%, as well as by reducing of flow-mediated brachial artery dilatation (FMD) by 31,6%. The presence of dysbiosis was manifested by an 80% increase in the serum content of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and by doubling of zonulin (1,8±0,3 vs 3,6±0,7 ng/ml). Endothelial dysfunction and dysbiosis evolved in association with oxidative stress activation estimated by means of 6 markers and increased serum content of 6 important pro-inflammatory markers (hsCRP, IL-6, TNF-α, etc.) Conclusions. 1. In patients with MA, elevated circulating levels of LPS and zonulin more than twice compared to the control value were found, which indicates the presence of intestinal dysbiosis. 2. LPS and zonulin correlate robustly with morphofunctional and biochemical markers of endothelial dysfunction, as well as with markers of its main pathogenetic factors, inflammation and oxidative stress.Scop. Evaluarea nivelurilor circulante ale lipopolizaharidei și zonulinei în contiguitate cu markerii disfuncției endoteliale, inflamației și stresului oxidativ la pacienții cu angină microvasculară (AM). Material și metode. Studiul s-a realizat pe un lot de 58 de pacienți cu AM spitalizați în Institutul de Cardiologie. Determinarea nivelurilor circulante ale 20 de biomarkeri s-a realizat în cooperare cu centrul de investigare de laborator din Universitatea Sapienza (Italia). Toți markerii funcționali și biochimici menționați au fost determinați și la 48 de persoane aparent sănătoase (lotul control) cu valorile cărora s-au comparat markerii pacienților cu AM. Rezultate. Disfuncția endotelială la pacienții cu AM a excelat prin creșterea grosimii complexului intimă-medie a a.carotide cu 41%, precum și reducerea valorii dilatării arterei brahiale mediate de flux (FMD) cu 31,6%. Prezența disbiozei s-a manifestat prin creșterea cu 80% a conținutului seric al lipopolizaharidelor și prin dublarea zonulinei (1,8±0,3 vs 3,6±0,7 ng/ml). Disfuncția endotelială și disbioza au evoluat pe fundalul activării stresului oxidativ estimat prin intermediul a 6 markeri și majorarea conținutului seric al 6 importanți markeri proinflamatori (hsCRP, IL-6, TNF-α, etc.) Concluzii. 1. La pacienții cu AM s-au constatat niveluri circulante elevate mai mult ca dublu ale LPZ și zonulinei față de valoarea control, fapt ce indică asupra prezenței disbiozei intestinale. 2. LPZ și zonulina se corelează robust cu markerii morfofuncționali și biochimici ai disfuncției endoteliale, precum și cu markerii factorilor patogenetici principali ai acesteia, inflamației și stresului oxidativ.Роль кишечного дисбиоза в развитии эндотелиальной дисфункции у больных c микрососудистой стенокардией. Цель. Определение циркулирующих уровней липополисахарида и зонулина в сочетании с маркерами эндотелиальной дисфункции, воспаления и оксидативного стресса у больных микрососудистой стенокардией (МС). Материал и методы. Исследование было проведено на 58 больных с МС, госпитализированных в Институте кардиологии. Определение циркулирующих уровней 20 биомаркеров было проведено совместно с лабораторным исследовательским центром Университета Сапиенца (Италия). Все функциональные и биохимические маркеры также определяли у 48 практически здоровых людей (контрольная группа), с величинами которых сравнивали маркеры больных МС. Результаты. Эндотелиальная дисфункция у больных с МС проявлялась увеличением толщины комплекса интима-медиа сонной артерии на 41%, а также снижением величины реактивной дилатации плечевой артерии (FMD) на 31,6%. О наличии дисбиоза свидетельствовало увеличение содержания липополисахаридов (ЛПС) в сыворотке крови на 80%, а также удвоение сывороточного содержания зонулина (1,8±0,3 vs 3,6±0,7 нг/мл). Эндотелиальная дисфункция и дисбактериоз развивались на фоне активации оксидативного стресса, оцениваемого по характеру изменения 6-и маркеров, а также повышения сывороточного содержания 6-и значимых провоспалительных маркеров (hsCRP, IL-6, TNF-α и др.). Выводы. 1. У больных МC выявлено повышение циркулирующих уровней ЛПC на 81% и зонулина более чем в 2 раза по сравнению с контролем, что свидетельствует о наличии дисбактериоза кишечника. 2. ЛПС и зонулин тесно коррелируют с морфофункциональными и биохимическими маркерами эндотелиальной дисфункции, а также с маркерами её основных патогенетических факторов воспаления и оксидативного стресса

    Open volume defects in ultra-thin TiO2 layers embedded in VMCO-like samples studied with positron annihilation spectroscopy

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    Positron annihilation signals from VMCO-like samples grown by atomic layer deposition at different temperatures are utilized for the characterization of differences in open volume defects in TiN/TiO2/a-Si heterostructures. Doppler and coincidence Doppler mode of positron annihilation spectroscopy combined with a monoenergetic positron beam were used for this study. Differences observed in the Doppler parameters indicate differences in the positron trapping states of the TiO2 epilayers grown at different temperatures. Furthermore, the coincidence-Doppler results show that these differences cannot be due to intermixing of the TiO2 and a-Si layers and formation of thin SiO2 layers at the interface during the growth process. The results indicate that the amount of open volume defects in the TiO2 layer of the VMCO-structure seems to increase with an increase in the growth temperature. Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.Peer reviewe