1,377 research outputs found

    The Cytotoxic Effects of Betulin-Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles as Stable Formulations in Normal and Melanoma Cells

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    Gold nanoparticles are currently investigated as theranostics tools in cancer therapy due to their proper biocompatibility and increased efficacy related to the ease to customize the surface properties and to conjugate other molecules. Betulin, [lup-20(29)-ene-3β, 28-diol], is a pentacyclic triterpene that has raised scientific interest due to its antiproliferative effect on several cancer types. Herein we described the synthesis of surface modified betulin-conjugated gold nanoparticles using a slightly modified Turkevich method. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging, dynamic light scattering (DLS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) were used for the characterization of obtained gold nanoparticles. Cytotoxic activity and apoptosis assessment were carried out using the MTT and Annexin V/PI apoptosis assays. The results showed that betulin coated gold nanoparticles presented a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect and induced apoptosis in all tested cell lines

    Long-range-transported Canadian smoke plumes in the lower stratosphere over northern France

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    Long-range-transported Canadian smoke layers in the stratosphere over northern France were detected by three lidar systems in August 2017. The peaked optical depth of the stratospheric smoke layer exceeds 0.20 at 532&thinsp;nm, which is comparable with the simultaneous tropospheric aerosol optical depth. The measurements of satellite sensors revealed that the observed stratospheric smoke plumes were transported from Canadian wildfires after being lofted by strong pyro-cumulonimbus. Case studies at two observation sites, Lille (lat 50.612, long 3.142, 60&thinsp;m&thinsp;a.s.l.) and Palaiseau (lat 48.712, long 2.215, 156&thinsp;m&thinsp;a.s.l.), are presented in detail. Smoke particle depolarization ratios are measured at three wavelengths: over 0.20 at 355&thinsp;nm, 0.18–0.19 at 532&thinsp;nm, and 0.04–0.05 at 1064&thinsp;nm. The high depolarization ratios and their spectral dependence are possibly caused by the irregular-shaped aged smoke particles and/or the mixing with dust particles. Similar results are found by several European lidar stations and an explanation that can fully resolve this question has not yet been found. Aerosol inversion based on lidar 2α+3β data derived a smoke effective radius of about 0.33&thinsp;µm for both cases. The retrieved single-scattering albedo is in the range of 0.8 to 0.9, indicating that the smoke plumes are absorbing. The absorption can cause perturbations to the temperature vertical profile, as observed by ground-based radiosonde, and it is also related to the ascent of the smoke plumes when exposed in sunlight. A direct radiative forcing (DRF) calculation is performed using the obtained optical and microphysical properties. The calculation revealed that the smoke plumes in the stratosphere can significantly reduce the radiation arriving at the surface, and the heating rate of the plumes is about 3.5&thinsp;K&thinsp;day−1. The study provides a valuable characterization for aged smoke in the stratosphere, but efforts are still needed in reducing and quantifying the errors in the retrieved microphysical properties as well as radiative forcing estimates.</p

    Surgical treatment of obesity in the presence of abdominal wall eventrations

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    Spitalul Clinic Militar Central al Armatei Naționale, Chişinău, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Actualitatea temei: țesutul adipos pe peretele abdomenului cu herniile peretelui abdominal sau chiar fiind un factor etiologic în apariția lor necesită o conduită chirurgicală modernă nu doar etio-patogenetică ci şi estetică. Materiale şi metode: S-au luat în calcul datele activitătii chirurgicale de 4 ani. Procedeele de hernioplastii utilizate: cu plasă sintetică, cu țesuturi proprii , dermolipectomii şi abdomenoplastii. Rezultate obținute: Între 2008-2011 în secția chirurgie generală a SCMC s-au tratat- 130 pacienți cu obezitate: supraponderali cu indicele de masă corporală-27- 30kgmp-80(61%); obezitate moderată-30-40kgmp- 30(23%); şi obezitate morbidă peste- 40kgmp-20(15%) pacienți. Bărbați-55(42%), femei-75(57%). Vîrsta medie-65 ani.Cu hernii ale peretelui abdominal-68(52%) pacienți. Eventrații postoperatorii-45(34%). La acest lot s-a efectuat şi hernioplastia cu utilizarea meşelor sintetice. Asocierea herniilor ombelicale cu sau fără diastaza recților abdominali s-a înregistrat în-23(17,6%) cazuri. În-15(11,5%) cazuri s-a efectuat hernioplastia cu țesuturi proprii. Hernioplastia cu plasă de prolen a fost executată în 53(39,2%) cazuri.În toate cele-68(52%) cazuri s-a efectuat corecția cosmetică a peretelui abdominal. În-24(18,4%) cazuri s-a efectuat dermolipectomia- îndepărtarea excesului cutanat şi a țesutului adipos subiacent. În-20(15,3%) cazuri s-a executat abdomenoplastia, adică corectarea peretelui anterior prin înlăturarea lamboului cutaneo adipos, menajarea ombilicului şi omfaloplastia. În-24(18,4%) cazuri la pacienții cu flaciditate cutanată extremă „abdomen ptozat” s-a efectuat dermolipectomia cu omfalectomia. Anestezia generală s-a utilizat în-58(%) cazuri, în rest peridurală şi intravenoasă. Complicații majore nu s-au înregistrat, doar-7 cazuri cu seroame între 7-20 de zile. Cazuri de liposucțiune nu au fost.Concluzii:Operațiile cu scop estetic şi reparator ale peretelui abdominal sunt practicate de chirurgi pregătiți cu echipament corespunzător. Procedeele de abdominoplastie, dermolipectomie cu reinserția ombilicului sînt indicate candidaților cu o stare bună de sănătate.Novelty: The fat tissue on the abdominal wall with abdominal wall hernias being an etiological factor in their occurrence requires modern surgical management both etiopathogenetic and aesthetic. Materials and methods: Data within 4 years of surgical activity have been analyzed. The following procedures of hernioplasties were used: synthetic mesh, the body proper tissues, dermolipectomies, and abdomenoplasties. Results: 130 patients suffering from obesity were treated in the Department of General Surgery of SCMC between 2008-2011. Categories of patients included: overweight patients with body mass index-27-30 kgmp - 80(61%); moderate obesity 30-40 kgmp - 30(23%); morbid obesity over 40 kgmp - 20 (15%) patients. There were 55 (42%) men and 75 (57%) women. The average age was 65 years. Abdominal wall hernias were revealed in 68 (52%) patients. Postoperative eventrations were recorded in 45 (34%) patients. This lot underwent hernioplasty using synthetic mesh. Association of umbilical hernias with or without diastase of the abdominal recti was revealed in-23 (17.6%) cases. Hernioplasty using the body proper tissues was performed in 15 (11.5%) cases. Hernioplasty with mesh was performed in 53 (39.2%) cases. In all 68 (52%) cases cosmetic correction of the abdominal wall was performed. Dermolipectomy-removal of excess skin and underlying fat tissue was performed in 24 (18.4%) cases. In 20 (15.3%) cases abdominoplasty, i.e. correction of the anterior wall by removing the cutaneous fat flap, taking care of the navel, and omphalloplasty, was performed. In 24 (18.4%) cases in patients with extreme skin flaccidity “ abdomen ptosis “was performed dermolipectomy with omphalectomy. General anesthesia was used in 58 (%) cases, otherwise epidural and intravenous ones. No major complications were recorded, only 7 cases with seromas between 7-20 days. There were no cases of liposuction. Conclusions: Aesthetic and repairing surgeries are performed by well-trained and experienced surgeons with appropriate equipment to restore the abdominal wall. Abdominoplasty procedures, dermolipectomy with navel reinsertion are indicated to patients in good health