334 research outputs found

    Pathogenesis of otitis externa and otitis media in dogs and cats

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    Diseases of the outer and middle ear (Otitis externa and Otitis media) are a frequent clinical problem which is mostly approached in the wrong way. We believe that the approach to a diseased ear in dogs or cats by practicing veterinarians in our country is most often incorrect. Namely, the conventional approach to inflammation of the outer ear is narrowed down to cleaning the ear, usually with cotton wool and hydrogen peroxide, and then by applying ear drops for veterinary or human use over the next few days. A somewhat more conscientious approach implies treatment using antibiotics, topical and/or systemic, but based on an antibiogram. If the presence of a foreign body is suspected, the veterinarian will use an otoscope, and this is where the entire diagnostic approach in our conditions usually ends. Such procedures most often fail to resolve the problem, so that the disease recurs after a certain time or becomes chronic recurrent Otitis externa, which is one of the biggest problems in dog dermatology. Experience shows that veterinarians here are generally not familiar with the pathogenesis of outer and middle ear infection, and that this is the reason why they approach diagnostics and therapy in the wrong way. The most important thing is to have in mind that bacteria and fungi linked with a pathological process in the ear canal are merely opportunistic microorganisms, and never primary pathogens, themselves responsible for Otitis externa. Antibiotic or antimycotic treatment does not cure the basic disease which led to the inflammation, but only its consequences. A large number of factors involved in the inflammation of the outer or middle ear are traditionally divided into primary, predisposing, secondary, and underlying. The basis for the successful treatment of Otitis externa and Otitis media is the recognition, elimination or control of the primary factors (atopy, nutritive allergy, keratinization disorders, parasitic infestations). The predisposing factors should be observed in order to reduce the incidence of recurrence. The most frequent predisposing factor are hairs in the ear canal or on the concave side of pendulous ear conches. There are also frequent damages or excessive humidity in the canal as a consequence of irregular treatment of the outer ear. Among the predisposing factors are also abnormalities in the structure of the ear canal, such as stenosis which is often present in shar-pei-dogs. Secondary factors - bacteria and fungi, are in our conditions wrongly considered causes of ear inflammations. Their control leads to a clinical improvement, but not to the lasting cure of the process of this disease. Supportive factors are the main reason for the poor response to therapy. They are expressed as progressive pathological changes in the outer ear canal itself, changes in the tympanic membrane, and changes in the middle ear. The effect of therapy can be positive only provided the listed factors, which participate in the ear inflammation to a greater or smaller degree, are kept in mind and treated as such, but, unfortunately, this is often not the case

    Ekonomski aspekti ovčarske proizvodnje na porodičnom gazdinstvu Pešterske visoravni

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    Sheep production on the Pešter plateau is mainly traditional and semi-intensive. Sheep are bred in flocks ranging from 50 to 200 head, but there is a small number of growers who grow over 300 head. The aim of this work is to study the economic aspects of sheep production or, in other words, to analyze the revenue and expenses generated by this type of production. The production of sheep cheese and lamb meat are traditional occupations and also the main source of income family farms. This paper presents an analysis of the income and expenses involved in the sale of cheese and lamb meat. The analysis is based on a family farm that has 340 head of Sjenica improved Pramenka breed which at the time of milking provide a sufficient amount of milk to brew 3,000 kg of quality Sjenica sheep cheese. Fertility of the sheep is between 110% and 130%, so that this farm's sheep lamb a total of 400 lambs. A certain number of lambs is left for reconstruction or renewal of the flock, and some are sold as breeding animals or to slaughterhouses.Ovčarska proizvodnja na Pešterskoj visoravni je uglavnom tradicionalna i poluintenzivna. Ovce se gaje u stadima koja broje od 50 do 200 ovaca, ali je mali broj odgajivača koji gaje preko 300 grla. Cilj ovog rada je proučavanje ekonomskih aspekata ovčarske proizvodnje, odnosno analiza prihoda i troškova koje se ovom proizvodnjom ostvaruju. Proizvodnja ovčijeg sira i jagnjećeg mesa su tradicionalna zanimanja koja predstavljaju osnovni izvor prihoda porodičnih gazdinstava. U radu je prikazana analiza prihoda i troškova koji se ostvaruju od prodaje sira i mesa, na primeru jednog porodičnog gazdinstva koje raspolaže sa 340 grla sjeničke oplemenjene pramenke i koje u periodu muže daju dovoljnu količinu mleka za spravljenje 3.0 kg kvalitetnog sjeničkog ovčijeg sira. Plodnost ovaca je između 110% i 130%, tako da ovce na ovom gazdinstvu ojagnje ukupno 400 jagnjadi. Pored ostavljanja određenog broja jagnjadi za obnovu ili remont stada, jagnjad se prodaju kako priplodna grla, a prodaju se i klanicama

    Economic aspects of sheep farming on the family farm models in the hilly-mountain regions of Serbia

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    The hilly-mountain villages are important factor in food production and rural development of Serbia. The sheep production is in the fourth place of importance among branches of livestock production in Serbia, behind the cattle, pig and poultry productions. The aim of the paper is to analyze economic indicators of the sheep farming on family farms in Serbian hilly-mountain regions on the basis of 4 models which differ in intensity of crop and sheep production and to consider possibilities for improvement. The analysis has been done on the basis of data collected on 30 family farms. The economic indicators have been calculated on the basis of Direct costing calculation method and gross margins. The results have shown that production of lamb meat and sheep cheese represent the main source of the family farms' income in the hilly-mountain regions. The Model D with intensive crop and sheep production obtained the best economic results

    A geometric analysis of the Lagerstrom model problem

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    AbstractLagerstrom's model problem is a classical singular perturbation problem which was introduced to illustrate the ideas and subtleties involved in the analysis of viscous flow past a solid at low Reynolds number by the method of matched asymptotic expansions. In this paper the corresponding boundary value problem is analyzed geometrically by using methods from the theory of dynamical systems, in particular invariant manifold theory. As an essential part of the dynamics takes place near a line of non-hyperbolic equilibria, a blow-up transformation is introduced to resolve these singularities. This approach leads to a constructive proof of existence and local uniqueness of solutions and to a better understanding of the singular perturbation nature of the problem. In particular, the source of the logarithmic switchback phenomenon is identified

    Profiti gospodarenja srnećom divljači u lovištima središnje Srbije

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    SummaryThe aim of this paper is to analyze the total breeding stock market in 2021/2022, an estimate of the value of the stock of this type of game, the culling value and income per 100 ha of total hunting areas of all hunting grounds in Central Serbia. This research covered the roe deer breeding stock in the hunting grounds of central Serbia. Based on the analysis, the directions and possibilities for increasing the income in all hunting areas of Serbia has been considered. The assessment of the value of the roe deer breeding stock was determined according to the Rulebook (Official Gazette, No. 18/19), while the income from roe deer culling was calculated using the market price list given by the Hunting Association of Serbia for 2021/2022. It was determined that the value of the male roe deer stock is 6.506.000 €, while the value of the female and offspring stock is approximately 3.615.000€. Total income of culled game in 2017/2018 was 480.626 €, while the income per 100 ha of the total area of all hunting areas is 9€. The highest total income is generated by the Central Hunting ground and it amounts to 191.785 €. In order to achieve a higher profit from the management of roe deer at the hunting grounds of central Serbia, it is necessary to completely fulfill the planned culling with an increased inclusion of roebucks that have higher trophy mass.SažetakIstraživanjem je obuhvaćen fond srneće divljači, u lovištima središnje Srbije. Cilj rada je analiziranje ukupnog matičnog fonda u 2021/2022. godini, procijena vrijedosti fonda ove vrste divljači, vrijednost odstrela i prihoda na 100 hektara ukupne površine lovišta u svim lovnim područjima središnje Srbije. Na osnovi analize razmotrit će se smjernice i mogućnosti za uvećanje prihoda u svim lovnim područjima Srbije. Procjena vrijednosti matičnog fonda srneće divljači utvrđena je prema Pravilniku (Službeni glasnik, br. 18/19), dok je prihod od odstrela srna izračunat je po tržišnom cjeniku koji propisuje Lovački savez Srbije za lovnu 2021/2022. godinu. Utvrđeno je da vrijednost fonda mužjaka koji iznosi 6.506.000 eura, te vrijednosti fonda ženki i podmladka oko 3.615.000 eura. Ukupan prihod odstrijeljene divljači u 2017/2018. iznosi 480.626 eura, dok je prihod na 100 hektara ukupne površine svih lovnih područja 9 eura. Najveći ukupan prihod ostvaruje Središnjo lovno područje i iznosi 191.785 eura. Prihodi po jedinici površine se razlikuju između različitih lovnih područja Srbije i dosta ovisi od intenziteta gospodarenje populacijama srneće divljači. Kako bi se ostvario veći profit od gospodarenja srnom običnom u lovištima središnje Srbije, potrebno je u potpunosti ostvariti planirani odstrel s povećanim učešćem srndaća veće trofejne mase

    Horizontalni pristup mrežnim industrijama u Hrvatskoj

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    More than two decades ago in the European Union law, competition has started entering economic activities, organised traditionally under the concept of services of general economic interest. Special and exclusive rights have gradually been abolished in important industries like telecommunications, postal services, energy or railways. European Union policy has opted to prioritize efficiency over social issues in those industries by adopting liberalisation agendas. Previous monopolies have undertaken long restructuring processes to meet upcoming competition. However, entering and positioning in the market has not proven to be a short process for new-comers either. Although network industries display differences among themselves, there are common trans-sector issues which allow a horizontal approach. This brings into focus the actual role of different national regulatory and competition authorities in different stages of market regulation and the ways of coordinating their function in multisector patternsin the future. In this respect and as a way to move ahead, we propose an integrated institutional pathway, allowing more expertise sharing (shared services) among national regulators and their better positioning in the Croatian society and economy.Prije više od dva desetljeća u pravu Europske unije konkurencija se počela uvoditi u niz gospodarskih aktivnosti koje se nazivaju službama od općeg gospodarskog interesa. Posebna i isključiva prava države su postupno ukinuta u važnim industrijama kao što su telekomunikacije, pošta, energija ili željeznice. Politika liberalizacije Europske unije je dala prioritet učinkovitosti nad socijalnim pitanjima. Prijašnji državni monopoli su morali proći dugačke procese restrukturiranja kako bi bili sposobni odgovoriti zahtjevima nadolazeće konkurencije. Ulazak i pozicioniranje na tržištu se nije pokazalo kao brz postupak niti za novopridošle aktere. Iako između raznih mrežnih industrija postoje razlike, ipak postoje zajedničke transektorske karakteristike koje omogućuju horizontalni pristup. On dovodi do skretanja pažnje na ulogu nacionalnih regulacijskih tijela u raznim fazama regulacije tržišta i načina koordinacije njihovih funkcija u ovom multisektorskom području. Kao način način unaprijeđenja stanja u radu se predlaže jedan integrirani institucionalni put koji bi omogućio širu razmjenu znanja (kroz zajedničke službe) među nacionalnim regulatorima, a time i njihovo bolje pozicioniranje u hrvatskom društvu i gospodarstvu

    Okrugli stol regulacijskih tijela tržišta željezničkih usluga jugoistočne Europe

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