40 research outputs found

    Masnokiselinski profili fosfolipida i parametri oksidativnog stresa u krvi i jetri pacova Wistar soja tretiranih ribljim uljem

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    Polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and dosahexanoic acid (DHA) which are the content of fish oil and belong to the n-3 fatty acid family. n-3 are known to have effect on physiological parameters. The balance of the n-6/n-3 ratio in phospholipids, as well as the balance between reactive oxygen species and reactive nitric species on the one side and on the anti oxidative defense on the other is important for the normal function of organism. Wistar rats (3 and 22 months) were supplemented with fish oil (EPA+DHA and vitamin E) over the period of 6 weeks. Biochemical parameters in plasma, fatty acid phospholipids profiles and the parameters of oxidative stress in blood and liver were examined. In young rats plasma concentrations of cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides in plasma were increased compared to aged rats. Fish oil treatment increased HDL-cholesterol, uric acid and LDL-cholesterol in both groups of animals (3 and 22 months). Treatment decreased triglycerides concentrations in young rats and decreased plasma cholesterol in aged rats. Senescence increased LA, AA and n-6 FA. Fish oil treatment increased EPA, DPA, decreased AA in plasma phospholipids in both group of animals. In young rats treatment increased oleic acid while in aged it increased DGLA. Senescence decreased n-3 FA and the n-6/n-3 ratio in liver phospholipids. Treatment increased EPA, DPA, n-3 and decreased AA in liver phospholipids in both group of animals. In young rats, treatment increased MUFA while in aged rats it increased SFA and PUFA. Senescence also increased lipid peroxidation in liver cells, as well as SOD activity and nitrite concentration while the activity of PON1 in plasma is increased in young rats compared to aged Wistar rats. Fish oil treatment in both groups of rats (3 and 22 months) decreased lipid peroxidation, concentration of plasma nitrite and LDH5 and increased SOD, CAT, PON1 activity in blood. Treatment decreased lipid peroxidation, nitrite concentration in liver of both groups of rats. In young rats treatment also decreased CAT activity and increased PON1. In aged rats treatment increased CAT, SOD activity, concentration of SH groups while PON activity decreased compared to control...Polinezasićene masne kiseline, posebno eikozapentaenska (EPA) i dokozaheksaenska (DHA) masna kiselina koje ulaze u sastav ribljeg ulja i pripadaju n-3 familiji masnih kiselina, imaju efekte na čitav niz fizioloških parametara. Značaj balansa odnosa n-6/n-3 masnih kiselina u fosfolipidima kao i balans izmeñu produkcije reaktivnih kiseoničnih vrsta i reaktivnih azotnih vrsta s jedne i antoksidativne zaštite s druge strane je od važnosti za normalno funkcionisanje organizma. Suplementirali smo pacove Wistar soja dve starosne dobi (3 i 22 meseca) u trajanju od 6 nedelja sa ribljim uljem (EPA+DHA i vitamin E). Ispitivani su biohemijski parametri plazme, masnokiselinski profili fosfolipida plazme i jetre kao i parametri oksidativnog stresa u krvi i jetri pomenutih životinja. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali više vrednosti holesterola, HDL- holesterola i triglicerida u plazmi mladih pacova u odnosu na stare. Tretman ribljim uljem doveo je do povišenja HDL-holesterola, koncentracije mokraćne kiseline i sniženja LDL-holesterola kod obe grupe tretiranih životinja dok je kod mladih tretman izazvao sniženje koncentracije triglicerida a kod starih sniženje holesterola. Starenjem, povećava se sadržaj linolne, arahidonske kiseline kao i ukupnih n-6 MK. Tretman ribljim uljem, doveo je do povećanja sadržaja EPA, DPA, sniženja koncentracije arahidonske kiseline u fosfolipidima plazme u obe starosne grupe životinja. Sadržaj oleinske kiseline je kod mladih pacova tretmanom povižen, dok je kod starih pacova došlo do povećanja dihomo-γ- linolenske kiseline. Starenjem, snižava se i sadržaj ukupnih n-3 MK i odnos n-6/n-3 u fosfolipidima jetre. Tretman u životinja obe starosne dobi doveo je do povećanja sadržaja EPA, DPA, ukupnih n-3, smanjenja sadržaja arahidonske kiseline u fosfolipidima jetre. Kod mladih tretman je povećao sadržaj MUFA, a kod starih SFA i PUFA. Starenjem, povećava se lipidna peroksidacija u hepatocitima, kao i aktivnost SOD i koncentracija nitrita, dok je aktivnost PON1 u plazmi veća kod mladih pacova što je u korelaciji sa višim vrednostima HDL-holesterola u odnosu na stare pacove. Tretman ribljim uljem kod pacova obe starosne dobi doveo je do sniženja lipidne peroksidacije, koncentracije plazma nitrita i zastupljenosti LDH5 izoenzimskog oblika a do povišenja aktivnosti SOD, CAT i PON1 u krvi tretiranih životinja u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu..

    Fatty acids phospholipids profiles and parameters of oxidative stress in blood and liver in Wistar rats treated with fish oil

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    Polinezasićene masne kiseline, posebno eikozapentaenska (EPA) i dokozaheksaenska (DHA)masna kiselina koje ulaze u sastav ribljeg ulja i pripadaju n-3 familiji masnih kiselina, imajuefekte na čitav niz fizioloških parametara. Značaj balansa odnosa n-6/n-3 masnih kiselina ufosfolipidima kao i balans izmeñu produkcije reaktivnih kiseoničnih vrsta i reaktivnih azotnihvrsta s jedne i antoksidativne zaštite s druge strane je od važnosti za normalno funkcionisanjeorganizma.Suplementirali smo pacove Wistar soja dve starosne dobi (3 i 22 meseca) u trajanju od 6 nedeljasa ribljim uljem (EPA+DHA i vitamin E). Ispitivani su biohemijski parametri plazme,masnokiselinski profili fosfolipida plazme i jetre kao i parametri oksidativnog stresa u krvi i jetripomenutih životinja.Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali više vrednosti holesterola, HDL- holesterola i triglicerida u plazmimladih pacova u odnosu na stare. Tretman ribljim uljem doveo je do povišenja HDL-holesterola,koncentracije mokraćne kiseline i sniženja LDL-holesterola kod obe grupe tretiranih životinjadok je kod mladih tretman izazvao sniženje koncentracije triglicerida a kod starih sniženjeholesterola.Starenjem, povećava se sadržaj linolne, arahidonske kiseline kao i ukupnih n-6 MK. Tretmanribljim uljem, doveo je do povećanja sadržaja EPA, DPA, sniženja koncentracije arahidonskekiseline u fosfolipidima plazme u obe starosne grupe životinja. Sadržaj oleinske kiseline je kodmladih pacova tretmanom povižen, dok je kod starih pacova došlo do povećanja dihomo-γ-linolenske kiseline. Starenjem, snižava se i sadržaj ukupnih n-3 MK i odnos n-6/n-3 u fosfolipidima jetre. Tretman u životinja obe starosne dobi doveo je do povećanja sadržaja EPA,DPA, ukupnih n-3, smanjenja sadržaja arahidonske kiseline u fosfolipidima jetre. Kod mladihtretman je povećao sadržaj MUFA, a kod starih SFA i PUFA.Starenjem, povećava se lipidna peroksidacija u hepatocitima, kao i aktivnost SOD i koncentracijanitrita, dok je aktivnost PON1 u plazmi veća kod mladih pacova što je u korelaciji sa višimvrednostima HDL-holesterola u odnosu na stare pacove. Tretman ribljim uljem kod pacova obestarosne dobi doveo je do sniženja lipidne peroksidacije, koncentracije plazma nitrita izastupljenosti LDH5 izoenzimskog oblika a do povišenja aktivnosti SOD, CAT i PON1 u krvitretiranih životinja u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu...Polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and dosahexanoic acid(DHA) which are the content of fish oil and belong to the n-3 fatty acid family. n-3 are known tohave effect on physiological parameters. The balance of the n-6/n-3 ratio in phospholipids, aswell as the balance between reactive oxygen species and reactive nitric species on the one sideand on the anti oxidative defense on the other is important for the normal function of organism.Wistar rats (3 and 22 months) were supplemented with fish oil (EPA+DHA and vitamin E) overthe period of 6 weeks. Biochemical parameters in plasma, fatty acid phospholipids profiles andthe parameters of oxidative stress in blood and liver were examined.In young rats plasma concentrations of cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides in plasmawere increased compared to aged rats. Fish oil treatment increased HDL-cholesterol, uric acidand LDL-cholesterol in both groups of animals (3 and 22 months). Treatment decreasedtriglycerides concentrations in young rats and decreased plasma cholesterol in aged rats.Senescence increased LA, AA and n-6 FA. Fish oil treatment increased EPA, DPA, decreasedAA in plasma phospholipids in both group of animals. In young rats treatment increased oleicacid while in aged it increased DGLA. Senescence decreased n-3 FA and the n-6/n-3 ratio inliver phospholipids. Treatment increased EPA, DPA, n-3 and decreased AA in liverphospholipids in both group of animals. In young rats, treatment increased MUFA while in agedrats it increased SFA and PUFA.Senescence also increased lipid peroxidation in liver cells, as well as SOD activity and nitriteconcentration while the activity of PON1 in plasma is increased in young rats compared to agedWistar rats. Fish oil treatment in both groups of rats (3 and 22 months) decreased lipidperoxidation, concentration of plasma nitrite and LDH5 and increased SOD, CAT, PON1 activity in blood. Treatment decreased lipid peroxidation, nitrite concentration in liver of bothgroups of rats. In young rats treatment also decreased CAT activity and increased PON1. In agedrats treatment increased CAT, SOD activity, concentration of SH groups while PON activitydecreased compared to control..

    Uticaj endotelina i L-NAME na koncentraciju mokraćne kiseline i uree u plazmi kod Wistar pacova

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    Effects of endothelins, which include vasoconstriction and vasodilatation are possible by different molecular mechanisms. Endothelins induce increased synthesis of nitric oxide which in turn inhibits the synthesis of endothelin. Changes in biochemical parameters connected with the increased and decreased synthesis of nitric oxide are not thoroughly examined yet. In a series of experiments we compared the effects of endothelin (ET-1) on the inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), as well as the effects of L-nitro arginin metal estar (L-NAME) on plasma urea and uric acid concentration. Experiments were performed on anesthetized female adult Wistar rats. The experimental groups received an i. v. bolus of ET-1, L-NAME or saline. All parameters, heamodynamic and biochemical, were measured before the animals were sacrificed. L-NAME increased the mean arterial pressure, decreased renal blood flow and increased vascular resistance in carotid and renal arteries and increased in plasma uric acid and urea concentrations. ET- 1 significantly decreased uric acid concentration in the plasma but did not effect plasma urea concentration compared to the control group. These differences show complex relations of nitric oxide with cellular signalization compared to the basic NO-cGMP pathway.Efekti endotelina koji uključuju vazokonstrikciju I vazodilataciju ostvaruju se različitim molekularnim mehanizmima. Endotelin indukuje povećanu sintezu azotnog oksida za koji se smatra da povratno inhibira sintezu endotelina. Promene biohemijskih parametara vezanih za povećanu i smanjenu sintezu NO nisu dovoljno proučene. U ovom radu su upoređeni efekti endotelina (ET-1) i inhibitora NOS-a, L-NAME na koncentraciju mokraćne kiseline i uree u plazmi. Eksperimenti su izvedeni na anesteziranim odraslim NW pacovima, ženskog pola. Eksperimentalne životinje su u i.v. bolusu primale ET-1, L-NAME ili fiziološki rastvor. Svi hemodinamski i biohemijski parametri su mereni pre žrtvovanja. L-NAME dovodi do povećanja srednjeg arterijskog pritiska smanjenja renalnog protoka i povećanja vaskularnog otpora u karotidnoj i renalnoj arteriji i povećanja koncentracije mokraćne kiseline i uree u plazmi. ET-1 značajno smanjuje koncentraciju mokraćne kiseline u plazmi ali ne utiče na koncentraciju uree u odnosu na kontrolu. Ove razlike pokazuju kompleksnije relacije NO-a sa ćelijskom signalizacijom u odnosu na osnovni NO-cGMP put

    Lipidni status trkačkih konja nakon fizičkog opterećenja različitog intenziteta i trajanja

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    The aim of this research was to determine the effects of physical activity on the lipid status in racehorses in a gallop race and a forty-kilometre endurance ride. Two groups of healthy 3-5-year-old full-blooded racehorses were assessed. The first one ran a 2 400-m gallop race, which is considered a short-lasting, intense physical activity; lipid status was assessed prior to, and 48 and 72 h after the race. The second group ran a forty-kilometre endurance ride, which is a long-lasting moderate physical activity; the lipid status was assessed immediately before, soon after and 48, 72, 96, 120 and 144 h after finishing the race. In intense physical activity the parameters of lipid status (total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, free cholesterol and triglycerides) remained stable at all times assessed in comparison with basal concentrations (p>0.05). Following the long-lasting moderate physical activity a slight, although statistically insignificant (p>0.05), increase in the concentrations of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, free cholesterol and LDL cholesterol was noticed immediately after the endurance ride in comparison to the values before the ride. By contrast, the concentration of LDL cholesterol increased immediately after the gallop race, which was followed by its significant decrease (p lt 0.05) 96, 120 and 144 h after the ride in comparison to the values both before and immediately after the ride. Unlike in the gallop race, immediately after the 40-km endurance ride there was a plummet in triglyceride concentration (p lt 0.01), but was followed by its statistically significant increase (p lt 0.05 and p lt 0.01) at all sampling times in comparison to the value on finishing the ride. In horses which ran the gallop race there was a high positive correlation between the concentrations of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides before, 72 and 96 h after the race (r = 0.9278, p lt 0.001). In those which ran the endurance ride a high positive correlation between the concentrations of total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol was noticed on finishing the ride (r=0.7395 p lt 0.01), as well as at all sampling times which followed. In addition, there was a positive correlation between the concentrations of HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol 72 h (r=0.6843, p lt 0.01) after the ride. Aerobic exercise decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, partly because it is accompanied by the moderate increase in serum concentration of HDL cholesterol, decrease in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which all result in the improvement in lipid profile in horses which completed the endurance ride.Cilj ovog rada je bio utvrđivanje efekata fizičkog opterećenja različitog intenziteta tokom galopske trke i endjurans trke, na lipidni status trkačkih konja. U ispitivanju su učestvovali zdravi punokrvni trkački konji, starosti 3-5 godina, podeljeni u dve grupe. Prva grupa trkačkih konja podvrgnuta je kratkotrajnom fizičkom opterećenju visokog intenziteta tokom galopske trke na 2400 m, i lipidni status je određivan pre učešća u trci, 48 h i 72 h posle istrčane trke. Druga grupa trkačkih konja podvrgnuta je prolongiranom fizičkom opterećenju niskog intenziteta tokom endjurans trke na 40km, a lipidni status je određivan pre učešća u trci, neposredno posle istrčane trke, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h, 120 h i 144 h posle istrčane trke. Kod fizičkog vežbanja visokog intenziteta parametri lipidnog statusa (ukupni holesterol, HDL-holesterol, LDL-holesterol, slobodni holesterol i trigliceridi) ostaju stabilni u svim ispitivanim vremenskim intervalima u odnosu na bazalne koncentracije (p>0,05). Nakon dugotrajnog fizičkog vežbanja niskog intenziteta uočen je blagi porast koncentracije ukupnog holesterola, HDL-holesterola, slobodnog holesterola i LDL-holesterola odmah nakon endjurans trke na 40km u odnosu na vrednosti pre trke, mada dobijeni rezultati nisu pokazali statističku značajnost (p>0,05). Nasuprot njima, koncentracija LDL-holesterola se povećala neposredno nakon trke, a potom se statistički značajano smanjivala u uzorcima uzetim 96 h, 120 h i 144 h nakon trke u odnosu na vrednost pre trke i neposredno nakon trke (p lt 0,05). Za razliku od galopske trke, neposredno nakon endjurans trke na 40 km došlo je do naglog statistički značajnog pada koncentracije triglicerida (p lt 0,01), a potom je u svim narednim ispitivanim vremenskim intervalima dokazan njihov statistički značajan porast (p lt 0,05 i p lt 0,01) u odnosu na vrednosti triglicerida neposredno nakon trke. Kod galopske trke ustanovljena je međusobna visoka pozitivna korelacija između koncentracije ukupnog holesterola, koncentracije HDL-holesterola i koncentracije triglicerida pre, 72 h i 96 h posle trke (r = 0,9278, p lt 0,001). Kod endjurans trke ustanovljena je medjusobna visoka pozitivna korelacija između koncentracije ukupnog holesterola i HDL-holesterola neposredno nakon trke (r = 0,7395, p lt 0,01), kao i u svim ispitivanim vremenskim intervalima posle endjurans trke. Dokazana je i pozitivna korelacija između koncentracije HDL- holesterola i LDL-holesterola 72 h (r = 0,6843, p lt 0,01) nakon trke. Aerobnim vežbanjem se smanjenje rizik od razvoja kardiovaskularnih bolesti, delimično usled pratećeg umerenog povećanja serumske koncentracije HDL-holesterola uz redukciju ukupnog holesterola, LDL-holesterola i triglicerida, što sve zajedno rezultira poboljšanjem lipidnog profila krvi konja koji su trčali endjurans trku

    Antihyperlipidemic, antioxidant and weight-lowering effects of "Vitalplant"

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    BACKGROUND: "VITALPLANT" medicinal plant mixture, aimed at body weight regulation and metabolism enhancement was formulated in order to be incorporated as an ingredient in functional food formulations on the basis of known biological activity of the alder buckthorn bark, peppermint, caraway and parsley. METHODOLOGY: The body weight-lowering potential, hypolipidemic effects and antioxidant activity of "Vitalplant" mixture were examined on five groups of male Wistar rats on different food regimes for 14 weeks. RESULTS: "Vitalplant" mixture supplementation caused an increase in food intake, but induced a decrease in body weight gain. The lipid status and atherogenic index (AI) were significantly improved in "Vitalplant" mixture supplemented hyperlipidemic (HF) groups in comparison to HF group. "Vitalplant" mixture was able to influence the activity of antioxidant enzymes and to protect erythrocytes of the rats fed the HF diet from oxidative damage, which was indicated by significantly lower malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in "Vitalplant"- HF groups in comparison to the HF group. CONCLUSION: "Vitalplant" mixture seemed to be beneficial for the reduction of body weight and improvement of antioxidant status of the erythrocytes, and its antihyperlipidemic property was highly active for enhancing the profile of plasma lipids in rats

    Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects of buckwheat leaf and flower mixture in hyperlipidemic rats

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    As a source of biologically active compounds, buckwheat has beneficial effects in nutrition due to its high content of flavonoids, particularly rutin. Aim of our study was to examine effects of buckwheat on plasma lipid status and phospholipids fatty acids composition, histological and parameters of oxidative stress in Wistar rats fed a high-fat diet. This study showed that buckwheat leaf and flower (BLF) mixture supplementation significantly reduce weight gain, plasma lipid concentrations and atherogenic index in rats fed a high-fat diet. Treatment of the high-fat group of animals with buckwheat significantly increased percentage of n-6 fatty acids as well as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and decreased percentage of saturated fatty acids (SPA) and oleic acid. Buckwheat antioxidant effects diminished negative influence of high-fat diet in hyperlipidemic rats, while pathohistological analysis of liver confirmed changes after high-fat consumption. Our results showed hypolipidemic, antiatherogenic and antioxidative features of buckwheat leaf and flower mixture, and these parts of the plant with the highest rutin content could be beneficial in prevention and curing of hyperlipidemia

    Mleko u ljudskoj ishrani - poređenje profila masnih kiselina

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    Milk and milk products are very important in human nutrition. Fatty acids (FA), which are the major component of milk lipids, have different effects on human health. The aim of this study was to determine and compare fatty acid composition of human milk, infant formula and cow's milk most often consumed in Serbian population. Samples were analyzed by gas chromatography. Our results showed that saturated FA were predominant in all types of milk, particularly in cow's milk with more than 70%. Monounsaturated oleic acid was significantly higher in human milk (36%) than in infants formula (30%) and cow's milk (26%). Although polyunsaturated FA content of cow's milk was very low (3.6%) compared with infant formula (15%) and human milk (19%), cow's milk had the most desirable n6/n3 ratio, and content of n-3 precursor α-linolenic acid. Low content of n-3 FA may be due to a relatively low consumption of marine foods in Serbian population. Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are important in infant development and maintenance of overall human health, were detected only in human milk. These results suggest that human milk is the most desirable food in infants' nutrition, but low content of n-3 FA indicates that supplementation of lactating women with n-3 FA is highly recommendable.Mleko i mlečni proizvodi su od velikog značaja za ljudsku ishranu. Masne kiseline (MK), koje su glavna komponenta lipida mleka, imaju različite efekte na zdravlje. Iz tog razloga, cilj ove studije je bio da se odredi i uporedi sastav masnih kiselina u humanom mleku, formuli za ishranu novorođenčadi i kravljem mleku, koji se uobičajeno konzumiraju u Srbiji. Uzorci su analizirani gasnom hromatografijom. Naši rezultati su ukazali da su zasićene MK najzastupljenije u svim tipovima mleka, posebno u kravljem, gde čine više od 70% ukupnih MK. Mononezasićena oleinska kiselina bila je značajno zastupljenija u humanom mleku (36%) nego u formuli (30%) i kravljem mleku (26%). Mada su polinezasićene MK u kravljem mleku zastupljene u vrlo niskom procentu (3.6%) u poređenju sa formulom (15%) i humanim mlekom (19%), kravlje mleko je imalo najpoželjniji odnos n6/n3 MK, i sadržaj n-3 prekursora α-linoleinske kiseline. Nizak sadržaj n-3 MK u humanom mleku je posledica slabe zastupljenosti morskih plodova u ishrani u Srbiji. Dugolančane polinezasićene MK, koje su od izuzetnog značaja za razvoj novorođenčadi i očuvanje zdravlja uopšte, detektovane su samo u humanom mleku. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da je humano mleko najpoželjnija hrana za novorođenčad, ali nizak sadržaj n-3 MK ukazuje da je suplementacija dojilja preparatima n-3 MK veoma preporučljiva

    Profili masnih kiselina i antioksidativna svojstva sirovih i sušenih oraha

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    Background: Walnuts consumption produces beneficial effects on human health. Health-promoting benefits are dedicated to its desirable fatty acid profile and high content of antioxidants. Heat treatment of walnuts may alter their fatty acid composition and antioxidant capacity. Aim: In general the aim of this work was to compare fatty acids profiles and antioxidative properties of raw and dried walnuts at 60 °C for 12 hours. Methodology and results: FA profiles were analyzed using gas chromatography. Antioxidative capacities of walnut samples were determined by DPPH and ABTS tests. There were no significant differences in fatty acid profiles comparing dried and raw walnuts. The most abundant fatty acid was linoleic with mean content of 61.38 ± 1.11% in raw and 62.40 ± 0.99% in dried walnuts. Walnuts oil contained 10.64 ± 0.46% and 10.49 ± 0.81% of a-linolenic acid (ALA) in raw and dried walnuts, respectively. Antioxidative capacity of methanolic extracts showed no difference comparing raw and dried walnut by DPPH and ABTS test. Heat treatment at 60 °C for 12h induced no change in fatty acid profiles of walnuts and led to minor decrease in antioxidative capacity measured only by ABTS test. Conclusion: We suggest that drying process in our experiment did not decreased nutritional capacity which is mostly mediated by conservation of fatty acids content in walnuts.Dijetarni unos oraha povezuje se sa brojnim pozitivnim efektima na zdravlje. Svoj efekat na zdravlje orasi ostvaruju zahvaljujući povoljnom masnokiselinskom sastavu i visokom sadržaju antioksidanasa. Zagrevanje oraha moglo bi dovesti do promena u masnokiselinskom sastavu i uticati na antioksidativni kapacitet. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se uporede masnokiselinski profili i antioksidativni status svežih i oraha sušenih na 60 °C u trajanju od 12 sati. Masnokiselinski sastav analiziran je gasnom hromatografijom. Antioksidativni kapaciteti uzoraka oraha odreðivani su DPPH i ABTS testovima. Utvrðeno je da nije bilo promena u masnokiselinskim profilima posle sušenja oraha na 60 °C u trajanju od 12 sati. Najzastupljenija masna kiselina bila je linolna sa sadržajem od 61.38 ± 1.11% u sirovim i 62.40 ± 0.99% kod sušenih oraha. Ulje oraha sadržalo je 10.64 ± 0.46% i 10.49 ± 0.81% a-linolenske kiseline (ALA) u svežim i sušenim orasima, respektivno. DPPH testom nije utvrđeno da postoje razlike u antioksidativnom potencijalu metanolnih ekstrakata oraha sušenih u odnosu na sveže kao ni sa ABTS testom. Naš eksperimet je pokazao da proces sušenja oraha nije smanjio njihov nutritivni kapacitet što je verovatno posredovano očuvanjem sadržaja masnih kiselina

    Fatty Acid Composition and Oxidative Stress Parameters in Plasma after Fish Oil Supplementation in Aging

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    Fish oil affects oxidative stress parameters and changes in phospholipids fatty acids profiles in plasma, erythrocytes and tissues. We examined the effects of fish oil supplementation in young and old male Wistar rats (3 and 22 months old) on plasma phospholipids fatty acids profiles and blood oxidative stress parameters. Twenty young and twenty aged Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups (ten animals each): two control groups and two supplemented groups treated for 6 weeks with fish oil capsules containing 45 mg eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and 30 mg docosahexanoic acid (DHA). Fish oil supplementation changed the percentage of long chain fatty acids (FAs): the elevated percentage of eicosatrienoic acid (ETA, 20:3), eicosapentanoic (EPA, 20:5), docosapentanoic acid (DPA, 22:5), n-3 fatty acids and decreased arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4). However, there were no age-related changes in total SH groups, the percentages of palmitic (16:0), palmitoleic (16:1), oleic (18:1 (n-9)) and linoleic acid (18:2) in plasma phospholipids and MUFA and they were neither reversed nor prevented by fish oil supplementation. Results showed that fish oil supplementation increased SOD and CAT activities in erythrocytes, and PON activity in the blood plasma of both young and aged rats. Furthermore, fish oil supplementation decreased lipid peroxidation (MDA) and nitrite levels in both young and aged rats implying better antioxidant protection and a lower level of oxidative pressure after fish oil supplementation. Our results suggest that fish oil supplementation is beneficial regarding better antioxidant protection in both young and aged rats, while applied treatment differs in plasma phospholipids FAs composition

    Efekti hrane obogaćene ribljim brašnom i mlekom u prahu na antioksidativne enzime i lipidnu peroksidaciju u jetri ženki pacova Wistar soja - pilot studija

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    Background/Aim. Recently, there has been an increased interest in novel dietary antioxidants, including omega-3 fatty acids and bioactive proteins present in milk. The aim of this study was to examine potential antioxidant effects of four-weeks long fish-based and milk-based diets in female Wistar rats. Methods. Four-months old rats were divided into three groups receiving either: control diet, diet enriched with fish meal, or diet enriched with milk. The activities of antioxidant enzymes: glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), and concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were determined in liver homogenates obtained at the end of the treatment period. Results. Statistically significant higher activities of GPx (3.52 ± 0.73 U/mg) and CAT (147.25 ± 15.93 U/mg) were detected in rats fed with fishbased meal in comparison with both the control (GPx: 1.93 ± 0.11 U/mg; CAT: 99.37 ± 10.03 U/mg) and the group fed with milk-based diet (GPx: 1.72 ± 0.52 U/mg; CAT: 104.18 ± 37.49 U/mg). Despite somewhat lower concentration of TBARS in the milk-treated group (0.88 ± 0.23 nmoL/mg), no significant differences were detected in comparison with other groups (the control group: 1.00 ± 0.08 nmoL/mg; the fish-based diet group: 1.13 ± 0.15 nmoL/mg). Conclusion. Diet enriched with fish could improve one's oxidative status by enhancing activities of antioxidant enzymes in the liver tissue. On the contrary, we failed to obtain results suggesting that milk could serve as a source of dietary antioxidants.Uvod/Cilj. U poslednje vreme povećano je interesovanje za istraživanja novih antioksidanasa u ishrani, uključujući omega-3 masne kiseline i bioaktivne proteine prisutne u mleku. Cilj ove studije bio je ispitivanje potencijalnih antioksidativnih efekata hrane obogaćene ribljim brašnom i hrane obogaćene mlekom u prahu kod ženki Wistar pacova, u trajanju od četiri nedelje. Metode. Pacovi, starosti četiri meseca, podeljeni su u tri grupe koje su bile hranjene standardnom hranom (kontrolna grupa), hranom obogaćenom ribljim brašnom i hranom obogaćenom mlekom u prahu. U homogenatima jetre, posle četiri nedelje, određene su aktivnosti antioksidativnih enzima: glutation peroksidaze (GPx), superoksid dismutaze (SOD) i katalaze (CAT), kao i koncentracija reaktivnih supstanci tiobarbiturne kiseline (TBARS). Rezultati. Statistički značajno veće aktivnosti GPx (3,52 ± 0,73 U/mg) i CAT (147,25 ± 15,93 U/mg) nađene su kod pacova koji su dobijali hranu obogaćenu ribljim brašnom u odnosu na kontrolu (GPx: 1,93 ± 0,11 U/mg; CAT: 99,37 ± 10,03 U/mg) i grupu koja je hranjena hranom obogaćenom mlekom u prahu (GPx: 1,72 ± 0,52 U/mg; CAT: 104,18 ± 37,49 U/mg). Uprkos nešto nižoj koncentraciji TBARS u grupi koja je primala hranu obogaćenu mlekom u prahu (0,88 ± 0,23 nmoL/mg), nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u poređenju sa drugim grupama (kontrola: 1,00 ± 0,08 nmoL/mg; grupa na ishrani obogaćenoj ribljim brašnom: 1,13 ± 0,15 nmoL/mg). Zaključak. Ishrana bogata ribom mogla bi delovati povoljno na oksidativni status preko poboljšanja aktivnosti antioksidativnih enzima jetre. Sa druge strane, rezultati ne pokazuju da bi mleko moglo biti dobar izvor dijetarnih antioksidanasa