4,496 research outputs found

    Experiment K-6-12. Morphometric studies of atrial or granules and hepatocytes. Part 1: Morphometric study of the liver; Part 2: The atrial granular accumulations

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    The livers of flight, F, rats from the Cosmos 1887 mission were markedly paler and heavier than those of the synchronous, S, and vivarium, V, controls. In the F group, microscopic study revealed extensive hepatocytic intracytoplasmic vacuolization which was moderate in the S and minimal in the V groups. The vacuoles were not sudanophilic and therefore were regarded as glycogenic in origin. To obtain objective data concerning the extent of the vacuolization, livers were examined by computer assisted morphometry. Measurements of profile area and perimeter of the hepatocyte nuclei and vacuoles were evaluated according to stereological principles. Results indicated that the volume density of the nuclei was less in the F group than in the S(p equal less than 0.0002) and V(p equal less than 0.001) groups. Mean volume of individual nuclei did not differ. Volume density of the vacuoles was greater in the F than in the V group (p equal less than 0.02) while their mean diameter was less (p equal less than 0.05). To ascertain the relationship between increase in liver weight of the flight animals and the results of this study, an assumption was made that the specific gravity of the vacuolar contents was similar to the other extranuclear components of the hepatocyte. On that basis, calculations showed that the elevated vacuolar volume density in the flight group did not cause the increased liver weight in those animals, but that the non-nuclear, non-vacuolar parenchymal compartment did contribute significantly. Factors that may have played a causal role in liver weight and vacuolar compartment increases are discussed

    Дослідження процесів тінізації в економіці України

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    Popova, L.M. (2015), “The Study of Shadowing Processes in the Economy of Ukraine” [“Doslidzhennia protsesiv tinizatsii v ekonomitsi Ukrainy”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 1, pp. 76–80.Попова, Л. М. Дослідження процесів тінізації в економіці України // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 1 (56). - С. 76-80.Розглянуто основні проблеми економічної безпеки України та чинники посилення тіньових процесів в Україні. Досліджено основні методики розрахунку рівня тіньової економіки та проаналізовано фактори, що впливають на обсяги тіньових операцій в окремих галузях господарства. Окреслено основні напрями усунення системних факторів тінізації національної економіки.The author considers the main threats to the economic security of Ukraine, such as the dependence of the domestic market from foreign economic conditions; ineffective use of the budget; lack of sufficient incentives for legalization ofincomes; scale processes of«shadowing» economic activities, etc. A number of specific factors of strengthening of shadow processes in Ukraine, which also led to a record (for last five years) deterioration of the whole range ofeconomic indicators is outlined. The basic methods of calculating the level of the shadow economy are studied. Thus, it is concluded that only integral index of«shadowing» level can serve as a comprehensive indicator, which would characterize the phenomenon of «shadow economy». The factors that affect the volumes of shadow operations in certain sectors of the economy are also analyzed. The basic directions of eliminating systemic factors of shadowing the national economy are outlined; it is concluded that it is impossible to eliminate them by introducing just administrative measures and strengthening control functions of the state. So legalization policy in Ukraine should be based on the principles ofpromotion and legitimate business. It is emphasized that the basis ofeffective policy is unconditional public trust to the authorities.Рассмотрены основные проблемы экономической безопасности Украины и факторы усиления теневых процессов в Украине. Исследованы основные методики расчёта уровня теневой экономики и проанализированы факторы, влияющие на объёмы теневых операций в отдельных отраслях хозяйства. Определены основные направления устранения системных факторов тенизации национальной экономики

    Priority areas of development of resources of hydrocarbons of Hlynskyi and Solokhivskyi oil and gas region of Dnipro and Donetsk basin

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    The resource potential of the Hlynsko-Solokhivskyi oil and gas region, selected area of oil and gas accumulation (OGA) was described. By means of graphical analysis the extent of the area resource potential development and selected areas of OGA was defined. The analysis of non-discovered resources (including localized) in areas, promising and producing complexes and deeps was made. The most promising areas were determined. The appropriate recommendations on further geology exploration for the purpose of improving the efficiency on oil and gas were given

    Optical spectra, crystal-field parameters, and magnetic susceptibility of the new multiferroic NdFe3(BO3)4

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    We report high-resolution optical absorption spectra for NdFe3(BO3)4 trigonal single crystal which is known to exhibit a giant magnetoelectric effect below the temperature of magnetic ordering TN = 33 K. The analysis of the temperature-dependent polarized spectra reveals the energies and, in some cases, symmetries and exchange splittings of Nd3+ 84 Kramers doublets. We perform crystal-field calculations starting from the exchange-charge model, obtain a set of six real crystal-field parameters, and calculate wave functions and magnetic g-factors. In particular, the values g(perpendicular) = 2.385, g(parallel) = 1.376 were found for the Nd3+ ground-state doublet. We obtain Bloc=7.88 T and |JFN|= 0.48 K for the values of the local effective magnetic field at liquid helium temperatures at the Nd3+ site and the Nd - Fe exchange integral, respectively, using the experimentally measured Nd3+ ground-state splitting of 8.8 cm-1. To check reliability of our set of crystal field parameters we model the magnetic susceptibility data from literature. A dimer containing two nearest-neighbor iron ions in the spiral chain is considered to partly account for quasi-one-dimensional properties of iron borates, and then the mean-field approximation is used. The results of calculations with the exchange parameters for Fe3+ ions Jnn = -6.25 K (intra-chain interactions) and Jnnn = -1.92 K (inter-chain interactions) obtained from fitting agree well with the experimental data.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 2 table


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    The author has proved the need for the involvement of economists to collect evidence of the commission of financial offenses. It has been noted that since the main sources of evidence of committing offenses in the financial sphere are information from primary accounting documents, accounting registers, financial and tax reporting, then there is a number of issues related to the collection and evaluation of evidence of offenses in the financial sector. It has been emphasized that the rules of the admissible proof take the special place in the assessment of proving; the author has provided the conditions for the admissibility of the evidence. The author states that the main types of evidence for the detection and investigation of financial offenses are documents, including the findings of audits and acts of financial control inspections with all appendices (primary accounting documents, accounting registers, etc.). In such circumstances, an expert in the field of economy must address a wide range of issues that belong to different areas of financial and economic knowledge. Therefore, he must have knowledge and skills in all the general theoretical economic disciplines to the extent necessary to accurately assess the eligibility of financing, lending, tax and accounting, internal control, financial, tax and statistical reporting of various business entities. The author has specified the requirements for a person being invited as a specialist; and has determined the rights and obligations assigned to the specialist during the execution of procedural actions. The author has characterized the cases of the need to involve a specialist in the sphere of economy to participate in investigative and judicial actions, namely: to detect, review and collect documents that will be used as evidence; to solve the issue of reference character in the finance field; to review accounting documents and registers that are already in the law enforcement agencies; to establish the value of the seized financial and accounting documents or their certain parts; cases when with the help of a specialist it is possible to collect materials for conducting forensic and economic examination, etc.Розглянуто докази, на підставі яких визначається наявність суспільно небезпечних діянь, визначено умови їх допустимості. Досліджено документи як особливий вид доказів фінансових правопорушень, наголошено на необхідності залучення спеціалістів-економістів для їх дослідження, окреслено права й обов’язки спеціалістів-економістів

    Folded modes in the infrared spectra of the spin-Peierls phase of CuGeO_3

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    Polarized far-infrared transmittance spectra of CuGeO_3 single crystals were measured at different temperatures (6K < T < 300K). Two spectral lines, at 284.2 cm-1 in E||c polarization and at 311.7 cm-1 in E||b polarization, appear at the temperature of the spin-Peierls transition and grow in intensity with decreasing temperature. Both of them are, most probably, folded modes of the dimerized lattice. We discuss a possible role of the spin-phonon interaction in the formation of the 311.7 cm-1 feature.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 1 table; Submitted to Phys.Rev.B Second revision. Figures and text were slightly change

    Методика контрольно-ревізійного процесу суб’єктів підприємницької діяльності

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    In the article the author notes that the financial control of all business entities is carried out with the help of certain specific techniques, and the set of these methodological and organizational methods that are carried out during inspections (revisions) and audits is a control and inspection process. The author distinguishes the following stages in this control and inspection process: organizational, research and the stage of generalization and implementation of the results of control. The author notes that the choice of the object of audit (inspection) is determined by the normative terms of conducting checks, as well as deviations of certain indicators of the business structure from the normative, which necessitates urgent control actions. The author pays particular attention to the issues of the formation of an inspection brigade, a preliminary acquaintance with the object of verification and primary actions on the object of control. The author examines the main documents, which are compiled on the basis of control and revision work and the order of implementation of the results of control.Визначено основні стадії контрольно-ревізійного процесу, особливу увагу приділено питанням формування ревізійної бригади, попереднього ознайомлення з об’єктом перевірки та першочергових дій на об’єкті контролю. Проаналізовано основні документи, які складають за підсумками контрольно-ревізійної роботи, та порядок реалізації результатів контролю

    Inversionless light amplification and optical switching controlled by state-dependent alignment of molecules

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    We propose a method to achieve amplification without population inversion by anisotropic molecules whose orientation by an external electric field is state-dependent. It is based on decoupling of the lower-state molecules from the resonant light while the excited ones remain emitting. The suitable class of molecules is discussed, the equation for the gain factor is derived, and the magnitude of the inversionless amplification is estimated for the typical experimental conditions. Such switching of the sample from absorbing to amplifying via transparent state is shown to be possible both with the aid of dc and ac control electric fields.Comment: AMS-LaTeX v1.2, 4 pages with 4 figure