224 research outputs found

    Mechanism of Oxygen Redistribution During Ultra-shallow Junction Formation in Silicon

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    The transport of dissolved oxygen in the Czochralski silicon towards the arsenic-doped ultra-shallow junction was investigated. Ultra-shallow junction was formed by low-energy As+ ion implantation with the subsequent furnace annealing at 750 C-950 C temperatures for the dopant activation. Oxygen and arse-nic redistributions were investigated by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) technique. The peculiari-ties of defect creation and transformation were studied by the X-ray diffuse scattering technique (XDS). It was found that oxygen concentration in the arsenic redistribution region is increased a few times already after 1 minute of annealing. Increase of annealing time leads to decrease of oxygen accumulation as a re-sult of oxygen transportation to the SiO2/Si interface. As a result the thickness of screen silicon oxide is in-creased by 0.5 nm. This effect is related with the oxygen gettering from the wafer bulk. A physical mecha-nism of the oxygen transfer is discussed. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3527

    Современное состояние производства овощей в Российской Федерации

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    In present article the current condition of vegetable cultures manufacture in territory of the Russian Federation in 2000-2005 is considered. The analysis of total gathering, areas under crops and productivity, both in dynamics, and on regions is carried out. Attempt to estimate riskiness of vegetable cultures manufacture both on districts, and on regions in these districts becomes. Attempt to generate group of regions on rates of a gain of productivity and areas under crops becomes.В настоящей статье рассматривается текущее состояние производства овощных культур на территории Российской Федерации в 2000-2005 гг. Проводится анализ валовых сборов, посевных площадей и урожайности, как в динамике, так и по регионам. Делается попытка оценить рискованность производства овощных культур как по округам, так и по регионам внутри этих округов. Делается попытка сформировать группы регионов по темпам прироста урожайности и посевных площадей

    Оценка производства бамии в мире

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    In the article the okra manufacturing in the world is considered. Volumes of manufacture both in the world, and on the basic regions and the countries-manufacturers are analyzed. Areas under crops of the given culture are considered. Their dynamics are studied. Productivity influence of okra on regions and the countries-manufacturers is defined. Their dynamics are studied. On a basis of trend analysis attempt of the forecast of dynamics of productivity and areas under crops of okra till 2014 is become. Attempt to define type of manufacture of the given culture is become also. Riskiness of manufacture is studied.В статье рассматривается производство бамии в мире. Анализируются объемы производства как в мире в целом, так и по основным регионам и странам-производителям. Рассматриваются посевные площади данной культуры. Изучается их динамика. Определяется влияние урожайности бамии по регионам и странам-производителям. Изучается их динамика. На основе трендового анализа делается попытка прогноза динамики урожайности и посевных площадей бамии до 2014 г. Делается попытка определить тип производства данной культуры, изучается рискованность производства

    Оценка современного состояния производства гороха

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    In article the modern condition of peas manufacture is analyzed. The structure and dynamics of areas are analyzed. 10 countries-leaders on areas under crops are allocated. Productivity is analyzed, and 10 countries-leaders on the given indicator are resulted. Total gathering on territory are considered. The countries taking in the lead positions in peas gathering are resulted.В статье рассматривается современное состояние производства овощного и лущильного гороха. Анализируется структура и динамика просевных площадей как лущильного, так и овощного гороха. Выделяются 10 стран - лидеров по посевным площадям овощного и лущильного гороха. Анализируется урожайность лущильного и овощного гороха и приводятся 10 стран - лидеров по данному показателю. Рассматриваются валовые сборы по территориям

    Hidden Symmetries and Integrable Hierarchy of the N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Equations

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    We describe an infinite-dimensional algebra of hidden symmetries of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory. Our derivation is based on a generalization of the supertwistor correspondence. Using the latter, we construct an infinite sequence of flows on the solution space of the N=4 SYM equations. The dependence of the SYM fields on the parameters along the flows can be recovered by solving the equations of the hierarchy. We embed the N=4 SYM equations in the infinite system of the hierarchy equations and show that this SYM hierarchy is associated with an infinite set of graded symmetries recursively generated from supertranslations. Presumably, the existence of such nonlocal symmetries underlies the observed integrable structures in quantum N=4 SYM theory.Comment: 24 page

    Ecological monitoring in the region of Akademik Vernadsky Antarctic station

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    The issues of organization and carrying out of ecological monitoring in the region of the Ukrainian Antarctic Station “Akademik Vernadsky” are taken up in the report. The information about the basic circulation flows, temporal (daily and annual) and spatial changeability of hydrological & hydrochemical ingredients as well as the vertical hydrological & hydrochemical water structure are presented on the basis of 1997-1998 experimental data. The description of the modern state of the chemical pollution of the basic elements of the Argentina Archipelago Islands` shallow water ecosystem. The broad spectrum of pollutants, such as different components of oil pollution, including carcinogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons, highly toxic chlorinated hydrocarbons, heavy metals have been found in the majority of the ecosystem`s elements under analysis. The local areas of oil pollution have been found in the region of Galindez Isles. The obtained results are the part of the experimental data base for solving fundamental and applied problems including the problem of environmental protection. It is necessary to continue such investigations for studying the tendencies, for forecasting the vulnerable Antarctic ecosystems` state and for working up measures to protect ecosystems from the further pollution.У доповіді розглянуті питання організації і виконання екологічного моніторингу в районі української антарктичної станції Академік Вернадський. На основі експериментальних даних 1997-1998 рр. представлені дані про основні циркуляційні потоки, тимчасову (добову, міжрічну) і просторову мінливість гідролого-гідрохімічних інгредієнтів, вертикальну гідролого-гідрохімічну структуру вод. Наведено характеристику сучасного стану хімічного забруднення основних елементів екосистеми шхерного мілководдя. У більшості аналізованих елементів екосистеми виявлений широкий спектр забруднюючих речовин: різні компоненти нафтового забруднення, включаючи канцерогенні поліароматичні вуглеводні, високотоксичні хлоровані вуглеводні, важкі метали. Виявлено локальні ділянки нафтового забруднення в районі острова Галіндез. Отримані результати є частиною експериментальної бази даних для рішення фундаментальних і прикладних, у тому числі природоохоронних задач. Продовження цих досліджень необхідно для вивчення тенденцій, прогнозування стану уразливих антарктичних екосистем і розробки заходів щодо запобігання їхнього подальшого забруднення

    Analytical approximation of the stress-energy tensor of a quantized scalar field in static spherically symmetric spacetimes

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    Analytical approximations for {} and {} of a quantized scalar field in static spherically symmetric spacetimes are obtained. The field is assumed to be both massive and massless, with an arbitrary coupling ξ\xi to the scalar curvature, and in a zero temperature vacuum state. The expressions for {} and {} are divided into low- and high-frequency parts. The contributions of the high-frequency modes to these quantities are calculated for an arbitrary quantum state. As an example, the low-frequency contributions to {} and {} are calculated in asymptotically flat spacetimes in a quantum state corresponding to the Minkowski vacuum (Boulware quantum state). The limits of the applicability of these approximations are discussed.Comment: revtex4, 17 pages; v2: three references adde

    Comparison studies of tile/fiber systems manufactured from Kharkov injection molded and Kuraray SCSN-81 scintillators

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    We present the results from measurements of light output, light yield uniformity, and recovery after radiation damage of tile/fiber systems made from the scintillator produced by the injection molding technique in Kharkov. The tiles were trapezoidal in shape, 131x90x122 mm3, with a Kuraray Y11 multi-clad WLS read-out. The results are compared with those obtained using the tile/fiber systems manufactured from the Kuraray SCSN-81 scintillator and tested under the same conditions. The light yield uniformity is found to be improved by masking. Effects of milling, polishing, painting of tile edges and mirroring the fiber end were studied

    NSC KIPT participation in the CMS (CERN) collaboration

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    In conformity with the Agreement of 03.04.1993 between the Government of Ukraine and CERN, the National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics & Technology (NSC KIPT) takes part in the international CMS program. Its collaboration duties include: the manufacture of scintillation elements for the forward hadron calorimeter and investigation of their characteristics; the simulation of physical processes in the CMS detector; the preparation for processing experimental results

    Spontaneous magnetostriction in the Gd-Y system: analysis of phase transformations

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    The transformations of magnetic and lattice subsystems states of Gd₁₀₀₋xYx (x=0, 5.5, 7.5, 10.2) alloys have been studied at temperatures 5-370 K in magnetic fields up to 4 kOe. The temperature dependences of elastic modules, thermal expansion, low field magnetization and magnetic anisotropy parameters were obtained. The linear spontaneous striction ΔL(T)/L=xh² was analized, and the effective order parameters η and magnetostrictive parameters ξ were evaluated for the four magnetic phases (canted ferromagnetic, deforming ferromagnetic helix, ferromagnetic helix, and the ferromagnetic cone, respectively): ξcf=2.2×10⁻⁵, ξdh=- 5.3×10⁻⁵, ξfh=7.1×10⁻⁵, ξfc=1.4×10⁻³