162 research outputs found

    Helicity-selective phase-matching and quasi-phase matching of circularly polarized high-order harmonics: Towards chiral attosecond pulses

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    Phase matching of circularly polarized high-order harmonics driven by counter-rotating bi-chromatic lasers was recently predicted theoretically and demonstrated experimentally. In that work, phase matching was analyzed by assuming that the total energy, spin angular momentum and linear momentum of the photons participating in the process are conserved. Here we propose a new perspective on phase matching of circularly polarized high harmonics. We derive an extended phase matching condition by requiring a new propagation matching condition between the classical vectorial bi-chromatic laser pump and harmonics fields. This allows us to include the influence of the laser pulse envelopes on phase matching. We find that the helicity dependent phase matching facilitates generation of high harmonics beams with a high degree of chirality. Indeed, we present an experimentally measured chiral spectrum that can support a train of attosecond pulses with a high degree of circular polarization. Moreover, while the degree of circularity of the most intense pulse approaches unity, all other pulses exhibit reduced circularity. This feature suggests the possibility of using a train of attosecond pulses as an isolated attosecond probe for chiral-sensitive experiments

    Polarization-sensitive coherent diffractive imaging using HHG

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    High harmonic generation (HHG) from lasers have attractive properties for probing ultrafast dynamics at the nanoscale. The spectral range of high harmonics at the extreme-UV and soft-X-rays (λ∌ 100 nm–1 nm, ℏω∌ 10 eV–1 keV) enables element specificity, the short wavelengths combined with high spatial coherence allows for imaging with nanometric spatial resolution, the extremely short pulse durations provide access to dynamics faster than a femtosecond (1 fs=10−15 s), and all that, on a compact system. In this chapter, we focus on experimental aspects of imaging with high harmonics. First, we present the experimental system and the image reconstruction procedure. Second, we show experimental results from the various configurations that were used throughout this project. Finally, we discuss mechanisms that played an important role in this imaging effort, and would contribute to the advancement of nanoscale imaging

    High-harmonic generation: taking control of polarization

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    The ability to control the polarization of short-wavelength radiation generated by high-harmonic generation is useful not only for applications but also for testing conservation laws in physics

    Picosecond ionization dynamics in femtosecond filaments at high pressures

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    We investigate the plasma dynamics inside a femtosecond-pulse-induced filament generated in an argon gas for a wide range of pressures up to 60 bar. At higher pressures, we observe ionization immediately following a pulse, with up to a threefold increase in the electron density within 30 ps after the filamentary propagation of a femtosecond pulse. Our study suggests that this picosecond evolution can be attributed to collisional ionization including Penning and associative ionizations and electron-impact ionization of excited atoms generated during the pulse. The dominance of excited atoms over ionized atoms at the end of the pulse also indicates an intrapulse inhibition of avalanche ionization. This delayed ionization dynamics provides evidence for diagnosing atomic and molecular excitation and ionization in intense laser interaction with high-pressure gases

    Ultrafast modulation of the chemical potential in BaFe2_2As2_2 by coherent phonons

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    Time- and angle-resolved extreme ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy is used to study the electronic structure dynamics in BaFe2_2As2_2 around the high-symmetry points Γ\Gamma and MM. A global oscillation of the Fermi level at the frequency of the A1gA_{1g}(As) phonon mode is observed. It is argued that this behavior reflects a modulation of the effective chemical potential in the photoexcited surface region that arises from the high sensitivity of the band structure near the Fermi level to the A1gA_{1g} phonon mode combined with a low electron diffusivity perpendicular to the layers. The results establish a novel way to tune the electronic properties of iron pnictides: coherent control of the effective chemical potential. The results further suggest that the equilibration time for the effective chemical potential needs to be considered in the ultrafast electronic structure dynamics of materials with weak interlayer coupling.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with optimized high-harmonic pulses using frequency-doubled Ti:Sapphire lasers

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    Time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (trARPES) using femtosecond extreme ultraviolet high harmonics has recently emerged as a powerful tool for investigating ultrafast quasiparticle dynamics in correlated-electron materials. However, the full potential of this approach has not yet been achieved because, to date, high harmonics generated by 800 nm wavelength Ti:Sapphire lasers required a trade-off between photon flux, energy and time resolution. Photoemission spectroscopy requires a quasi-monochromatic output, but dispersive optical elements that select a single harmonic can significantly reduce the photon flux and time resolution. Here we show that 400 nm driven high harmonic extreme-ultraviolet trARPES is superior to using 800 nm laser drivers since it eliminates the need for any spectral selection, thereby increasing photon flux and energy resolution to < 150 meV while preserving excellent time resolution of about 30 fs. © 2014 The Authors

    Electron correlation and interference effects in strong-field processes

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    Several correlation and interference effects in strong-field physics are investigated. We show that the interference of continuum wave packets can be the dominant mechanism of high-harmonic generation (HHG) in the over-the-barrier regime. Next, we combine HHG with resonant x-ray excitation to force the recolliding continuum electron to recombine with a core hole rather than the valence hole from that it was previously tunnel ionized. The scheme opens up perspectives for nonlinear xuv physics, attosecond x-ray pulses, and spectroscopy of core orbitals. Then, a method is proposed to generate attochirp-free harmonic pulses by engineering the appropriate electron wave packet. Finally, resonant photoionization mechanisms involving two atoms are discussed which can dominate over the direct single-atom ionization channel at interatomic distances in the nanometer range.Comment: to be published in Springer Proceedings "Multiphoton Processes and Attosecond Physics
