10 research outputs found

    Movements of feral camels in central Australia determined by satellite telemetry

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    Movements of two female one-humped camels in central Australia were tracked using satellite telemetry between March 1986 and July 1987. During that time both animals travelled a minimum distance of over 1000 km within a radius of 125 km for one animal, and 200 km for the other. However, their movements were uite punctuated and both animals spent periods of up to several months in rleatively small areas before moving over longer distances to new areas. Both camels moved at greater rates overnight. An activity index, probably measuring feeding rate, declined during the study period for both animals. Patchy and sporadic rainfall may explain some of these results

    Trends in Numbers and Changes in the Distribution of Feral Goats (Capra Hircus) in the South Australian Pastoral Zone

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    Trends in numbers and changes in the distribution of feral goats in the South Australian pastoral zone (217,300 km2) during 1978-94 were determined by winter aerial surveys. Only the presence or absence of goats on sample units was scored between 1978 and 1988. On the assumption of a random distribution of goat groups, these indices were transformed to densities of goat groups. Between 1989 and 1994 actual goat numbers were recorded on each sample unit, allowing goat density to be estimated. Goats were consistently at their highest densities in the south-east of the pastoral zone, a region dominated by open mallee scrub and chenopod shrubland. Densities of goat groups fluctuated from a low in 1984, following a drought, to a peak in 1990, following above-average rainfalls, when there were an estimated 193,700 - 29,600 goats in the pastoral zone. This estimate is conservative because it is uncorrected for the visibility bias associated with sighting groups and undercounting their sizes. The estimate also excludes the Flinders Ranges for which a similar number of goats has been estimated

    2 Hydrogen-1 NMR. References

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