244 research outputs found

    Towards digital society management and 'capitalism 4.0' in contemporary Russia

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    AbstractConceptualizing the complexities of the Russian political economy strikingly illustrates the challenging but essential role of the State in the new process of capitalist reforms initiated in the 1990s. A missing ingredient in this discourse has been considering the extraordinary impact technology has on society and how it affects the process. Accordingly, this paper focuses on the current development of culturally unique capitalist theory in Russia, together with the practical application of proven quantitative landmarks and policy implications for managing digital society's development to optimize capitalism in Russia. The paper performs a quantitative analysis of the considerable influence that the digital society has on Russian capitalism and how the latter can be systemically optimized through the former's development. This contribution's originality lies in its consideration of the consequences of digital culture on the unique model of capitalism shaping contemporary Russia. Currently, Russia is implementing a particular and unique model of capitalism model where the digital society's influence is limited and contradictory. We argue that the Russian model of capitalism could experience rapid development in the foreseeable future with effective digital society management

    New scenarios of joint crises fighting in socio-economic sphere of Russia and Greece

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    The purpose of the article is to verify this hypothesis and to determine the newest scenarios of joint overcoming of crises in socio-economic sphere of Russia and Greece. The work uses the method of statistical analysis, with the help of which the authors study the dynamics of socio-economic development of Russia and Greece in 2008-2014 and determine common tendencies and regularities. As a result of the research, the authors found out that Russia and Greece are peculiar for common socio-economic problems which cause similar crises, which leads to expedience of unification of efforts of both countries for their joint effective solution. This research distinguishes three most perspective directions of fighting crises in socio-economic sphere and offers three possible scenarios of joint crisis fighting in socio-economic sphere of Russia and Greece: innovations-oriented, business-oriented, and institution-oriented scenario, with development of the authors’ concept of joint crises fighting in socio-economic sphere of Russia and Greece.peer-reviewe


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    The paper analyzes revenue-yielding bonds as an efficient tool of governmental and municipal management. Conditions required for issue of  security papers have considered in the paper. The paper describes main  stages of the infrastructure bonded loan implementation. The global experience in financing construction and upgrading of infrastructure facilities through the bond issue has been investigated in the paper. The contains an analysis of risks while executing infrastructure projects and proposes methods for their minimization.Проанализированы инфраструктурные облигации как эффективный инструмент государственного и муниципального управления. Изучены условия выпуска данных ценных бумаг. Рассмотрены потенциальные эмитенты облигаций. Определены основные этапы реализации инфраструктурных облигационных займов. Исследован мировой опыт финансирования строительства и модернизации инфраструктурных объектов за счет выпуска облигаций. Проведен анализ рисков при реализации инфраструктурных проектов и предложены способы их минимизации

    Potential of international project activity for digitalization of northern regions

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    In the northern areas, the implementation of digital technologies is of particular relevance, given the specific environment in which they operate. This article uses the example of NArFU to discuss the role of international cooperation and cross-border projects towards intensification of digital technology implementation

    University as a think-tank for international projects activity in the artic

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    The article underlines the consolidating role of universities in enhancing international scientific collaboration in the Arctic by fundraising practices and international projects implementation benefitting the northern communities at large. In particular, the authors provide the case of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University and address the enhancing international cooperation in the Arctic Region

    Relevant Aspects of International Legal Regulation of the Arctic Shipping

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    The critical aspects of the international legal regulation of shipping in the Arctic discussed on the interna-tional Arctic agenda are analyzed. The authors examine the specifics of the Northern Sea Route legal status from the perspective of the leading role of the Arctic coastal states and the possibilities for countries to specify at the national and regional levels the universal norms of international maritime law at the national and regional levels. The authors devoted much attention to the study of the UNCLOS 1982, Art. 234, which gives coastal states the right to adopt national laws and regulations to control pollution of the marine environment in ice-covered areas within exclusive economic zones. The article is one of the leading international legal grounds for the Russia's establishment of control over the NSR shipping. The Polar Code, entered into force in 2017, is examined separately. The article also presents expert opinions on navigation forecasts in the Arctic region

    Potential of international project activity for digitalization of northern regions

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    In the northern areas, the implementation of digital technologies is of particular relevance, given the specific environment in which they operate. This article uses the example of NArFU to discuss the role of international cooperation and cross-border projects towards intensification of digital technology implementation

    University as a think-tank for international projects activity in the artic

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    The article underlines the consolidating role of universities in enhancing international scientific collaboration in the Arctic by fundraising practices and international projects implementation benefitting the northern communities at large. In particular, the authors provide the case of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University and address the enhancing international cooperation in the Arctic Region

    Development of professional-pedagogical focus of a teacher in vocational training

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    Nowadays, the requirements of the state and society for the training of a vocational education teacher have undergone significant changes and have indicated the need for highly educated competent specialists. The purpose of the article is to conduct a study to identify the development of professional-pedagogical focus of the teacher of vocational training in a pedagogical university. The essence of the professional-pedagogical focus in close interconnection with the professional competence of future graduates is revealed in the work. The analysis of scientific literature made it possible to identify the components of the studied trend: motivational, value, cognitive, reflective. The development of each component was considered in the process of preparing a teacher for vocational training at a pedagogical university. Students apply the obtained theoretical knowledge during the projects development, participation in games, discussions and solving case assignments. The project method is used as the most commonly used method in the professional focus development. To contribute to it students carry out a project in the course "Pedagogical technologies." The features of preparing students in these conditions are highlighted. The analysis showed that the methods used for the focus development help to achieve success in  interest creation as well as professional competence, further improvement of this process will achieve better results in preparation of a teacher of vocational training