21 research outputs found

    Psychological factors of propensity for alcoholism (social anxiety, hostility, Machiavellianism) in depressive patients.

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    Based on the analysis of psychosocial models of alcoholism and depression the general and specific factors of occurrence and course of illness are identified in the present study. The authors put forward hypotheses regarding the mechanisms of activation of psychological addiction to alcohol as an ineffective coping strategy. The necessity of empirical research needed to refine the techniques and targets of patient care within the psychiatric and psychological care is justified. The results of the pilot study show that depressed patients who are subject to alcohol dependence feature marked distress in interpersonal relations, coupled with hostility and aim at gaining profit and pleasure by manipulating other people. These patients are hostile to others, while in interpersonal relationships personal safety is important to them, so they may be more likely to resort to manipulation. In their attitudes with respect to health the communication of these patients is characterized by hedonistic tendencies and histrionic traits in interpersonal contacts

    Complementarity of hydrophobic/hydrophilic properties in ONRs (Sll–hydrophobic-hydrophobic buried surface area in ONR intersubunit contacts, Shh–hydrophilic-hydrophilic buried surface area between subunits, Sburied–total area of contact between subunits (buried surface area), Stotal–total surface area, Sasa–surface accessible area).

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    <p>Complementarity of hydrophobic/hydrophilic properties in ONRs (Sll–hydrophobic-hydrophobic buried surface area in ONR intersubunit contacts, Shh–hydrophilic-hydrophilic buried surface area between subunits, Sburied–total area of contact between subunits (buried surface area), Stotal–total surface area, Sasa–surface accessible area).</p

    Structural adaptations of octaheme nitrite reductases from haloalkaliphilic <i>Thioalkalivibrio</i> bacteria to alkaline pH and high salinity - Fig 4

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    <p>Intersubunit contacts in GsNiR (the trimer contact (A, B, E, F,) and the dimer contact (I, J,)) and TvNiR (the trimer contact (C, D, G, H) and the dimer contact (K, L)); hydrophobic regions are highlighted in red, hydrophilic are blue. The inset in the center of the figure shows localization of contacts in the hexamer. The intersubunit contacts in GsNiR and TvNiR are shown with relative electrostatic surface potentials on left (A, E, I) and right (D, H, L) respectively.</p

    Shape of ONR from <i>Tv</i>. <i>nitratireducens</i> [5] (multiscale models of macromolecular assembly were generated with USCF Chimera).

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    <p>The figure shows the trimer (top view and view at the base) and the hexamer (side view). Subunits in the hexamer are designated by letters. Central axis is shown as a dotted line. Intersubunit contacts (trimers and dimers) and solvent-accessible protein surface are shown in yellow, hemes of the C subunit are numbered. Secondary structure of the B-subunit (cartoon representation) is shown in blue.</p

    DataSheet1_Mechanism of curaxin-dependent nucleosome unfolding by FACT.pdf

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    Human FACT (FACT) is a multifunctional histone chaperone involved in transcription, replication and DNA repair. Curaxins are anticancer compounds that induce FACT-dependent nucleosome unfolding and trapping of FACT in the chromatin of cancer cells (c-trapping) through an unknown molecular mechanism. Here, we analyzed the effects of curaxin CBL0137 on nucleosome unfolding by FACT using spFRET and electron microscopy. By itself, FACT adopted multiple conformations, including a novel, compact, four-domain state in which the previously unresolved NTD of the SPT16 subunit of FACT was localized, apparently stabilizing a compact configuration. Multiple, primarily open conformations of FACT-nucleosome complexes were observed during curaxin-supported nucleosome unfolding. The obtained models of intermediates suggest “decision points” in the unfolding/folding pathway where FACT can either promote disassembly or assembly of nucleosomes, with the outcome possibly being influenced by additional factors. The data suggest novel mechanisms of nucleosome unfolding by FACT and c-trapping by curaxins.</p