66 research outputs found
Nitric oxide in pregnancy and lactation : hormonal regulation and fuctional significance
In female rats, the capacity for nitric oxide (NO) production within the hypothalamus is regulated by reproductive state and by the ovarian and peptidergic hormonal pattern that simulates late pregnancy. The first series of experiments described in this thesis examined the interaction of prolactin and oxytocin in upregulating nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity and oxytocin gene expression within the hypothalamus in steroid-primed rats. Prolactin was found to upregulate NOS and this effect was mediated by oxytocin receptor activation. In addition, increased prolactin was associated with an increase in oxytocin mRNA within both the paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei. The second set of experiments explored the inhibitory role of NO within the hypothalamic neurohypophysial system. The results demonstrated that NO modulated the activity of neurons in discrete nuclei in the hypothalamus and that this modulation was stimulus specific and varied with reproductive state. Central oxytocin administration induced more Fos expression within the SON and PVN in lactating than in nonlactating rat; but the opposite effect was seen following urethane administration. Inhibiting NO production increased Fos induction following central oxytocin administration in lactating rats whereas in nonlactating rats NOS inhibition decreased Fos-lir following both types of stimulation. The third series of experiments investigated a role for NO in milk ejections and the regulation of established maternal behavior. Data from these studies revealed that central inhibition of NO production disrupted pup retrieval and maternal aggression on both Day 4 and Day 10 of lactation. Together the experiments described in this thesis show that prolactin and oxytocin interact to upregulate NOS within the PVN and SON. Moreover, the increase in capacity to produce NO during lactation has a restraining effect on the activation of oxytocin neurons by oxytocin. Finally, NO has also been shown to play an important role in maternal retrieval and aggression
NADPH-d staining in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei increases in late pregnant and lactating rats and is influenced by ovarian steroids and central oxytocin levels
Previous research has demonstrated that staining for NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) a histochemical marker for nitric oxide synthase is increased in the supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei in late pregnancy. This work was extended to investigate whether increases in staining were evident at other times during pregnancy and lactation. The number of cells in the SON and PVN that stained for NADPH-d in rats on Day 4, 12, 16, and 22 of pregnancy and on Day 4, 12, and 20 of lactation was compared to that in virgin females. In other studies, the influence of ovarian hormones and central oxytocin infusion on NADPH-d staining in these nuclei was examined. Staining in the SON and PVN was compared among ovariectomized (ovex) animals exposed to either a steroid hormone regimen that mimics late pregnancy (estrogen (E) + progesterone (P) treatment followed by P removal), E alone, E + P, or cholesterol alone. A second study compared NADPH-d staining in ovex animals exposed to either chronic E or cholesterol treatment and infused with oxytocin or vehicle into the third ventricle for 7 days. On the appropriate day, all animals were perfused and the brains were processed for NADPH-d histochemistry. In both the SON and PVN the number of densely stained cells present on Days 12 and 22 of pregnancy and 4 and 12 of lactation was greater than that seen in virgin females. Both the steroid treatment that mimicked late pregnancy and chronic i.c.v. oxytocin infusion in E-primed animals increased NADPH-d staining in ovex animals. These data suggest that, in general, NADPH-d staining in the SON and PVN is increased at times when oxytocin cells in these areas are activated and that the hormonal state associated with late pregnancy is sufficient to up-regulate NADPH-d in these region
Effect of vegetable fat on the texture, colour and sensory properties of Macedonian white brined cheese
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti utjecaj zamjene mliječne masti palminom masti na sastav, prinos i tehnološku kvalitetu bijelog sira, makedonskog tradicionalnog sira. U ovom istraživanju, punomasni bijeli sir u salamuri služio je kao kontrolni uzorak (WC), dok su eksperimentalni uzorci bili pripremljeni od kravljeg mlijeka uz dodatak biljne masti (WV) i nemasni sir (WL). Sirevima su određivana fizikalno-kemijska svojstva (kiselost, pH, mast, kiselost masti, proteini), parametri teksture pomoću odgovarajuće aparature, parametri boje (L, a, b), te senzorska svojstva nakon 1, 20 i 60 dana. WV sirevi pokazali su značajno (P<0,05) niži stupanj pH i veću titracijsku kiselost od WC i WL uzoraka sira. Sir koji je sadržavao biljnu mast pokazao je niže vrijednosti za stupanj lipolize, koji je određivan preko stupnja kiselosti prilikom senzorske ocjene dobio je značajno (P<0,05) više ocjene za izgled, imao je najveću vrijednost tvrdoće (5226,98 N) i najveće rezultate prinosa sira u usporedbi s ostalim uzorcima.This study aimed to investigate the influence of substitution of milk fat with palm fat on the composition, yield and technological quality of White cheese, a Macedonian traditional cheese. In this study, full-fat white brined cheese was used as a control sample (WC), while experimental cheeses were prepared from cow milk with vegetable fat (WV) addition and low-fat cheese (WL), respectively. The cheeses have been analysed for physicochemical (acidity, pH, fat, fat acidity, protein), instrumental texture and colour properties (L, a, b) as well as the sensory properties after 1, 20 and 60 days. WV cheeses showed a significantly (P<0.05) lower degree of pH and higher titratable acidity than the WC and WL cheese samples. Cheese that contained vegetable fat showed lower degrees of lipolysis, as assessed by the acid-degree value and received significantly (P<0.05) better appearance, highest hardness value (5226.98 N) and cheese yield scores compared to other samples
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Expression of Peer Loss Through Typography and Combined Media
The purpose of this honors creative thesis is to gain a general understanding of the emotional consequences experiencing the loss of a peer can pose for an individual and then expressing these findings through a typographic and mixed media body of artwork. I conducted an anonymous survey that was distributed through social media, which asked various questions regarding the memory of those who have passed away and the changing perceptions of death. After conducting the survey, I compiled and sorted through the responses to create seven typographic posters, each focusing on poignant words or phrases extracted from a selection of the participants' answers. Subsequently, I experimented with and utilized an everyday material to hand create the letters in each of the prints. These posters will be installed in an art exhibit at the Cosmoart Studio on 4th Ave. Tucson, AZ on December 10th and 11th of 2015. In addition to the posters, I designed and bound a book that both literally and symbolically represents another selection of the survey responses through typographic and graphic experimentation. Lastly, I sculpted a series of silicone ears accompanied by a sound component to be installed within the art studio
Sound insulation properties of structure designed from apparel cutting waste
In this paper an insulation structure from apparel cutting waste was designed and its sound insulation properties were investigated. Shredded polyester apparel cuttings were used as the raw material for an insulation structure. The obtained results show that the insulation structure made from apparel cutting waste has good sound absorption compared to standard sound and thermal insulators. The average sound absorption of the samples was from 54.7% to 74.7%, for a frequency range of 250-2000Hz. The research demonstrates a way to decrease environmental pollution by using polyester apparel cuttings waste for insulation purposes in roof construction and internal walls.
Key Words: apparel cutting waste, building insulation materials, sound insulatio
Left atrial thrombosis in patients with atrial fibrillation during uninterrupted oral anticoagulation
Предсърдното мъждене (ПМ) е най-честата аритмия при възрастни и при наличие на рискови фактори, изисква трайна антикоагулантна терапия. Въпреки това при немалък дял от пациентите се установява наличие на левопредсърдна (ЛП) тромбоза на фона на перорална антикоагулантна терапия. Целта ни беше да установим честотата на ЛП тромбоза на фона на непрекъснат орален антикоагулант (ОАК) при пациенти с ПМ и да установим демографски, клинични, ехокардиографски и компютър-томографски параметри, които се асоциират с нея. Материал и методи: Ретроспективно са проучени 702 хоспитализации при 582-ма пациенти (397 мъже, 68,2%) с ПМ и/или предсърдно трептене, приемали непрекъснато ОАК за поне 3 седмици и оценени за наличие на ЛП тромбоза посредством трансезофагеална ехокардиография и/или компютърна томография на сърце. При статистическите анализи приехме за сигнификантна вероятностна стойност p ‹ 0,05. Резултати: Установи се честота на ЛП тромбоза в 6,2% от пациентите, без значима разлика между лекуваните с директен ОАК (ДОАК) и тези, приемащи аценокумарол (ВКА). Установи се асоциация между непристъпeн характер на аритмията и откриването на ЛП тромб, OR 0,369, 95% CI 0,159-0,857, p = 0,02. При пациенти, приемащи ВКА, субтерапевтичен INR се установи при 30,7%, докато при пациенти, приемащи ДОАК, дозата е била твърде ниска при 9,7%, OR 4,1, 95% CI 2,7-6,23, р ‹ 0,001. Не бе намерена сигнификантна връзка между морфологичния тип на ЛП ухо и наличието на ЛП тромбоза. В рамките на проследяване с медиана 30 дни нов инсулт/транзиторна исхемична атака (ТИА)/системен емболизъм (СЕ) се установи при 7 пациенти (1,34%), нито един от които не е имал ЛП тромбоза. Заключение: Честотата на ЛП тромбоза в проучената кохорта български пациенти е съпоставима с данните от литературата и изглежда няма връзка с вида на ОАК. Честотата на мозъчен инсулт/ТИА/СЕ е ниска на фона на непрекъсната орална антикоагулация при краткосрочно проследяване, като липсва асоциация между наличната ЛП тромбоза и последващ тромбоемболичен инцидент. Atrial fi brillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in adults and requires permanent anticoagulation in the presence of risk factors. Left atrial (LA) thrombus is found in a signifi cant minority of patients despite anticoagulant treatment. We aimed to estimate the prevalence of LA thrombosis on uninterrupted oral anticoagulation (OAC) in AF patients and to determine associated demographic, clinical, echocardiographic and tomographic parameters. Material and methods: We present retrospective study of 702 hospitalizations in 582 patients (397 males, 68.2%) with AF and/or atrial fl utter on uninterrupted OAC for at least 3 weeks, assessed for LA thrombosis with transoesophageal echocardiography and/or cardiac computed tomography. Probability value of p ‹ 0.05 was considered signifi cant for all statistical analyses. Results: The prevalence of LA thrombosis was 6.2%, without signifi cant difference between patients on direct OAC (DOAC) or acenocoumarol (VKA). Non-paroxysmal arrhythmia was signifi cantly associated with LA thrombus, OR 0.369, 95% CI 0.159-0.857, p = 0.02. The proportion of patients on VKA with subtherapeutic INR was signifi cantly higher (30.7%), than the proportion of patients receiving too low dose of DOAC (9.7%), OR 4.1, 95%, CI 2 CI 2.7-6.23, р ‹ 0.001. No association was found between the LA appendage morphology type and the presence of LA thrombus. During a median follow-up of 30 days new stroke/transitory ischemic attack (TIA)/systemic embolism (SE) was registered in seven patients (1.34%), none of them with LA thrombus. Conclusion: The prevalence of LA thrombosis in the studied cohort is comparable to the published data and seemingly had no association with the OAC type. The incidence of stroke/TIA/SE was low on uninterrupted oral anticoagulation during short-term follow-up and there was no association between the presence of LA thrombus and thromboembolic event on follow-up.
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