596 research outputs found

    Modelling a Trusted Mechanism for Knowledge Sharing

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    Knowledge sharing has been identified as a major focus area for knowledge management. Efforts are made with a view to identify the most effective ways to share knowledge, as a step towards improving organizational performance. In this striving, various factors have been identified as impediments for knowledge sharing, including inadequate organizational structures, sharing unfriendly organizational cultures, and denominational segregation. Related problems may occur when information systems, such as intranets, distributed libraries, document management systems, or groupware applications, are introduced to support knowledge sharing. The extensive use of the IT&C has only added new questions on how to address issues of trust within the present knowledge -rich environment. This paper proposes a new way of approaching knowledge sharing in the context of information and communication technology development. The study provides an overview of the manner and extent in which information assurance concepts of integrity, authenticity, availability, non-repudiation and access-control may be employed to ensure a trusted and effective knowledge sharing process.knowledge sharing; sharing policy; access control; trusted knowledge sharing; barriers in knowledge sharing.

    The Challenge of Ensuring Business Security in Information Age

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    Every day, thousands of businesses rely on the services and information ensured by information and communication networks. As the dependence on information systems grows, so the security of information networks becomes ever more critical to any entity, no matter if it is a company or a public institution. The asymmetrical threat posed by cyber attacks and the inherent vulnerabilities of cyberspace constitute a serious security risk confronting all nations. For this reason, the cyber threats need to be addressed at the global level. Given the gravity of the threat and of the interests at stake, it is imperative that the comprehensive use of information technology solutions be supported by a high level of security measures and be embedded also in a broad and sophisticated cyber security culture. This paper provides arguments regarding the need to implement coherent information security policies at national level, based on cooperation between public and private sectors and in coordination with international initiatives in the field. Since information security is vital for developing and running an efficient business, this study may constitute a strategic approach to improve the information security posture of Romanian organizations.information security; information security risk management; security threats; confidentiality; integrity; availability.

    Study on Optical Fiber Insertion in Underground Telecommunication Networks Using Hydraulic Similarity

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    AbstractThe European regulations require a new approach of cities facilities networks, including the communication ones. In this respect, the communication providers generalize the underground networks, following the streets trails. The transmission support consists in a network of tubes, protecting a number of micro-tubes/microducts, which protect the real transmission facilitators made by optical fibers. Presently, the producers of this type of devices promote special norms of information on characteristics and installation of the product, but there are not reliable accepted standardized methods for optical fibers insertion in pre-installed micro-tubes/microducts and for the devices forces computation, necessary for underground communication networks. The micro-tubes are already installed in the protection cables and together are buried in the ground on different routes. It appears the necessity to introduce the fibers in the micro-tubes in this situation. Generally, it is a significant difference between the practical reality and the producers norms and indicators. In order to explain this situation, and considering the optical fibers dimensions, and the necessity to insert the fibers using specific lubricants, the paper propose a similarity model of the optical fibers insertion in the micro-tubes with the hydraulic model of laminar incompressible fluids flow in parallel or concentric micro- layers. In this phase, there are presented the results of experimental measurements and tests on in situ networks, composed by different types of materials and lubricants, as support for the hydraulic similitude

    The significance of the risk-related challenges in tourist destination choice

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    There are numerous pull forces that determine destination choice. In the contemporary turbulent conditions, safety and security risks have a growing role. This is particularly evident in the Mediterranean region, bearing in mind that the political crisis in the Arab world has reflected in this region as the largest receptive market. Therefore, the study has been conducted to determine which factors are the most important in the process of choosing a destination and whether the recent crises have affected travel habits. In addition to the descriptive statistics, the data obtained by the Likert scale were analyzed by independent samples t-test in SPSS. The results have revealed that price, service quality, and risk-related issues are the main parameters of destination choice. In this regard, the respondents expressed their understanding of contemporary security risks in the Mediterranean (terrorist acts, militant groups, migration crisis, etc.). The research also showed the influence of different sources of information on travel habits, primarily word-of-mouth process, and mass media. The crisis has affected the demand allocation, but not trip cancellation. Based on the abovementioned we can conclude that safety and security risks are not the only and decisive factor but represent an important parameter in the destination choice

    The impact of quality of loans on the performance of banks

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    The management of credit risk entails the necessity of the analysis of the way the quality of the credit portfolio evolves in time. The rating of the quality of assets reflects the potential risk of loans, of investment and of other assets, as well as of the off-balance sheet transactions. The evaluation of the quality of assets must be also analyzed depending on their level of provisions, also it is necessary to consider all other risks that can affect the capitalization of the assets of the bank, including the operational, market, reputation and strategy risks
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