111 research outputs found


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    In this paper, we consider various methods for finding approximate and exact solutions of a particular Newell-Whitehead-Segel equation: Laplace transform method, differential transform method and homotopy perturbation method. The numerical solution is found by replacing the second-order partial derivatives with a centered difference approximation. The equation presented herein is aimed also at demonstrating the use of Scilab in numerical solutions to PDEs


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          The Drăgăşani vineyard has a favorable climate to ensure the ripening of the grapes as well as the strings necessary for next year's fruit. Being located in the Getic plateau, the vineyard has a temperate Mediterranean climate with oceanic influence. The study was carried out at the Research and Development Station for viticulture and vinification Drăgăşani on Olt Hill in 2019. The objective of the study was to monitor the influence of the climatic profile on the physico-chemical parameters in the grape ripening process. For the evaluation of the area, the active and useful balance, the real insolation, the sum of precipitations, the heliothermal index, hydrothermal coefficient, the bioclimatic index of the vine and the oenoclimatic aptitude index during the vegetation and development period were calculated

    Repere ale luptei împotriva corupţiei în sectorul privat european

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    The fight against corruption has become one of the priorities of the international world. Most national states and international organisations are supporting the fight against different forms of corruption, among which bribing foreign officials in order to secure an economic advantage on a particular market. European countries, including EU members, are facing this challenge, as well, taking attitude under the impulse of OECD and EU. However, the results are not remarkable due to the lack of political will, the lack of initiative and constancy while facing this huge task

    Automated Multilingual Detection of Pro-Kremlin Propaganda in Newspapers and Telegram Posts

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    The full-scale conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine generated an unprecedented amount of news articles and social media data reflecting opposing ideologies and narratives. These polarized campaigns have led to mutual accusations of misinformation and fake news, shaping an atmosphere of confusion and mistrust for readers worldwide. This study analyses how the media affected and mirrored public opinion during the first month of the war using news articles and Telegram news channels in Ukrainian, Russian, Romanian, French and English. We propose and compare two methods of multilingual automated pro-Kremlin propaganda identification, based on Transformers and linguistic features. We analyse the advantages and disadvantages of both methods, their adaptability to new genres and languages, and ethical considerations of their usage for content moderation. With this work, we aim to lay the foundation for further development of moderation tools tailored to the current conflict

    Water Quality, Essential Condition Sustaining the Health, Production, Reproduction in Cattle. A Review

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    The main component of the body: the water, alongside with many function which it has,represents a constituent in the diet of animal. There are many and various factors that influence the daily water requirements of animals: some dependent on animal: and others dependent on the environment. Water quality administered to livestock must meet the requirements for potability prerequisite to maintaining the health, externalization full productive potential and sustaining breeding. Knowing the importance of water quality consists in the negative action which can exert on the body to exceeding certain thresholds translated through: reducing water consumption simultaneously with the decrease milk production, decreased feed conversion rate and average daily gain, degradation of health status by reducing the local resistance, decrease overall body resistance, metabolic, digestive, skeletal disorders and impaired reproduction sphere translated through:decreasing fertility, abortions; elements interfering with the absorption of other essential water body, producing chronic or acute poisoning. The water composition plays essential role depending on which is supplemented or not as the case the quantity of the macro and trace minerals from feedingstuff  according to the synergism or antagonism action between  the minerals present

    Assessing the Chemical Status of Water from Wells Which Supply Farms Located on Romania's territory. Part I

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    Aim of this study was to assess the chemical status of water by point of view of the indicators parameters coming from the decentralized system of water supply (wells) and which supply the water of dairy farms performed in 63 wells from the same number of  farms from 5 located in: S-E, N-W and central of Romania at the request of farmers. It has been studied the parameters that indicate the status of water acidification: pH (SRISO 10523/97); indicator parameters having as landmark the minimum list of parameters monitored by the laboratories of profile from county public health department: hardness (STAS 3326/76), iron (STAS 3086/68), CCOMn (STAS:3002/85), ammonia (spectrometry), parameters indicative of saline inclusions: chlorides (STAS 3049/88), sulfates (SRISO 10523/97). Characterization of the chemical state of water: good or poor was done after the values that define the worst condition. The limit values for each parameter are compared to those required by the L.107/1996, L.458/2002, 311/2004, O.621/2012. Were recorded values which attesting good quality status for 21 wells:[ 1 Buzău (BZ),12 Cluj (CJ),2 Mureș (MS),6 Sălaj (SJ)] and 42 wells whose water quality status it is poor (6 AB, 5 BZ,17 CJ, 7 MS). Exceeding the limits values were found at the parameters: CCOMn (CJ: 05.29±3.87mgO2/dm3, 10.59±2.04 mgO2/dm3 AB); ammonia: (AB: 0.56±0.08 mg/dm3, MS: 0.51±0.1 mg/dm3), iron (BZ: 0.85±1.05 mg/dm3, CJ: 0.37±0.47 mg/dm3, MS: 0.62±0.57mg/dm3), chlorides (AB: 330.42±208.8 mg/dm3, MS: 243.18±164.8 mg/dm3). Contamination risk score of wells in the studied areas is medium (3 point)