3,958 research outputs found

    Pseudo + quasi SU(3): Towards a shell-model description of heavy deformed nuclei

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    The pseudo-SU(3) model has been extensively used to study normal parity bands in even-even and odd-mass heavy deformed nuclei. The use of a realistic Hamiltonian that mixes many SU(3) irreps has allowed for a successful description of energy spectra and electromagnetic transition strengths. While this model is powerful, there are situations in which the intruder states must be taken into account explicitly. The quasi-SU(3) symmetry is expected to complement the model, allowing for a description of nucleons occupying normal and intruder parity orbitals using a unified formalism.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, invited talk at Computational and Group Theoretical Methods in Nuclear Physics, Playa del Carmen, Mexico, February 18-21, 200

    Analysis of the interdependence between gross domestic product (GDP), steel production and iron production (10 states of European Union)

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    Given the intensification of the world economy globalization, the production represents one of the factors characterizing the development of a country and its performance. In this context, this paper aims to establish and analyze the influence of the crude steel production and blast furnace iron production on the gross domestic product, using the multiple linear regression model. Data subject to the study are related to the period 2004 – 2014, and the research refers to the first ten countries producing crude steel and blast furnace iron, members of the European Union

    Weak Riemannian manifolds from finite index subfactors

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    Let NMN\subset M be a finite Jones' index inclusion of II1_1 factors, and denote by UNUMU_N\subset U_M their unitary groups. In this paper we study the homogeneous space UM/UNU_M/U_N, which is a (infinite dimensional) differentiable manifold, diffeomorphic to the orbit O(p)={upu:uUM} {\cal O}(p) =\{u p u^*: u\in U_M\} of the Jones projection pp of the inclusion. We endow O(p){\cal O}(p) with a Riemannian metric, by means of the trace on each tangent space. These are pre-Hilbert spaces (the tangent spaces are not complete), therefore O(p){\cal O}(p) is a weak Riemannian manifold. We show that O(p){\cal O}(p) enjoys certain properties similar to classic Hilbert-Riemann manifolds. Among them, metric completeness of the geodesic distance, uniqueness of geodesics of the Levi-Civita connection as minimal curves, and partial results on the existence of minimal geodesics. For instance, around each point p1p_1 of O(p){\cal O}(p), there is a ball {qO(p):qp1<r}\{q\in {\cal O}(p):\|q-p_1\|<r\} (of uniform radius rr) of the usual norm of MM, such that any point p2p_2 in the ball is joined to p1p_1 by a unique geodesic, which is shorter than any other piecewise smooth curve lying inside this ball. We also give an intrinsic (algebraic) characterization of the directions of degeneracy of the submanifold inclusion O(p)P(M1){\cal O}(p)\subset {\cal P}(M_1), where the last set denotes the Grassmann manifold of the von Neumann algebra generated by MM and pp.Comment: 19 page

    Heterocyst placement strategies to maximize growth of cyanobacterial filaments

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    Under conditions of limited fixed-nitrogen, some filamentous cyanobacteria develop a regular pattern of heterocyst cells that fix nitrogen for the remaining vegetative cells. We examine three different heterocyst placement strategies by quantitatively modelling filament growth while varying both external fixed-nitrogen and leakage from the filament. We find that there is an optimum heterocyst frequency which maximizes the growth rate of the filament; the optimum frequency decreases as the external fixed-nitrogen concentration increases but increases as the leakage increases. In the presence of leakage, filaments implementing a local heterocyst placement strategy grow significantly faster than filaments implementing random heterocyst placement strategies. With no extracellular fixed-nitrogen, consistent with recent experimental studies of Anabaena sp. PCC 7120, the modelled heterocyst spacing distribution using our local heterocyst placement strategy is qualitatively similar to experimentally observed patterns. As external fixed-nitrogen is increased, the spacing distribution for our local placement strategy retains the same shape while the average spacing between heterocysts continuously increases.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Physical Biology. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher-authenticated version will be available onlin

    Fragmentation cross sections of Fe^{26+}, Si^{14+} and C^{6+} ions of 0.3-10 A GeV on CR39, polyethylene and aluminum targets

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    New measurements of the total and partial fragmentation cross sections in the energy range 0.3-10 A GeV of Fe^{26+}, Si^{14+} and C^{6+} beams on polyethylene, CR39 and aluminum targets are presented. The exposures were made at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), USA, and Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC), Japan. The CR39 nuclear track detectors were used to identify the incident and survived beams and their fragments. The total fragmentation cross sections for all targets are almost energy independent while they depend on the target mass. The measured partial fragmentation cross sections are also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 eps figures. Talk given at the 24th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, Bologna, Italy, 1-5 September 200

    Fragmentation studies of high energy ions using CR39 nuclear track detectors

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    We report on the measurements of the total charge changing fragmentation cross sections in high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions using Fe, Si and Pb incident ions. Several stacks of CR39 nuclear track detectors with different target combinations were exposed at normal incidence to high energy accelerator beams to integrated densities of about 2000 ions/cm^2. The nuclear track detector foils were chemically etched, and ion tracks were measured using an automatic image analyzer system. The cross section determination is based on the charge identification of beam ions and their fragments and on the reconstruction of their path through the stacks.Comment: 5 pages, 4 EPS figures. Corrected Eq. 3 and Table 1. Presented at the 10th Inter. Symp. Radiat. Phys., Coimbra, Portugal, 17-22 Sept. 200

    Single spin measurement using spin-orbital entanglement

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    Single spin measurement represents a major challenge for spin-based quantum computation. In this article we propose a new method for measuring the spin of a single electron confined in a quantum dot (QD). Our strategy is based on entangling (using unitary gates) the spin and orbital degrees of freedom. An {\em orbital qubit}, defined by a second, empty QD, is used as an ancilla and is prepared in a known initial state. Measuring the orbital qubit will reveal the state of the (unknown) initial spin qubit, hence reducing the problem to the easier task of single charge measurement. Since spin-charge conversion is done with unit probability, single-shot measurement of an electronic spin can be, in principle, achieved. We evaluate the robustness of our method against various sources of error and discuss briefly possible implementations.Comment: RevTeX4, 4 pages, some figs; updated to the published versio

    The SPOrt Project: Cosmological and Astrophysical Goals

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    We present the cosmological and astrophysical objectives of the SPOrt mission, which is scheduled for flying on the International Space Station (ISS) in the year 2002 with the purpose of measuring the diffuse sky polarized radiation in the microwave region. We discuss the problem of disentangling the cosmic background polarized signal from the Galactic foregrounds.Comment: 10 pages; 5 PS figures; requires aipproc2.cls, aipproc2.sty, epsfc.tex; to appear in Proc. of ``3K Cosmology'', Rome 5-10 Oct. 199