169 research outputs found

    An insight into the role of Vihara for Dhatusamyata

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    The main objective of Ayurveda is maintenance of Dhatusamyata, which inturn causes health. The concept of Trisutra i.e., Hetu, Linga and Oushadha has been specified for the fulfillment of very aim of maintaining the health of healthy individual and to cure the disease of patient. There is need to emphasize Trisutra of Swastha, as the primary objective of Ayurveda is Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshana. It is said that nothing exists if one is not healthy, so one should take care of himself neglecting anything else. Hence the knowledge of Trisutra of Swastha is the best way to prevent the disease and to protect the health in healthy individuals. The function or main aim of Swasthyaparipalana is to maintain the status of Swastha Lakshanas. All the phenomenon present in universe are contained in individual and vice versa. Loka-Purusha have mutual understanding in regulation of one another which is established by Loka-Purusha Siddhantha. Loka regulates the Purusha through Desha, Kala etc. The Ahara, Vihara of an individual plays important role in state of health. So Vihara of Purusha interlinked with or dependent upon surrounding environment like Desha, Kala and so on. Attainment of Dhatusamya for healthiness or wellbeing in individual is determined by Shareerika and Manasika Karma which are practiced in day to day activities with respect to Ahara, Vihara, Achara, which are the components of Swasthya Hetu. These components determine the Swasthya Avastha (health status) of Purusha. For Arogya or Swasthya Nimittha, always should have Hita Sevana relating to Ahara (diet), Aachara (conduct), Chesta (action). So here an attempt is made to throw a light on role of Vihara i.e., Dinacharya, Ratricharya and Ritucharya, which is one among the prime component of Swasthya Hetu in Swasthya Rakshana

    An Insight into the Samprapti of Apasmara w.r.t. Shatkriyakala

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    Apasmara is a disease entity described in all classics of Ayurveda with significant importance and it has been described among the Maharoga. Apasmara has striking similarities with epilepsy and has an incidence of 5-10 per every 1000 persons. It has the dubious distinction of affecting all the walks of life of an individual suffering from the disease. It is one of the disease which affects both Shareera and Manas. Both Shareerika Doshas i.e., Vata, Pitta and Kapha as well as Manasika Doshas i.e., Rajas and Tamas plays equal role in the manifestation of disease Apasmara. The factors responsible for the susceptibility to the disease have been emphasised giving them prime importance. The mutual dependence and involvement of Shareerika and Manasika Doshas are highlighted revealing the intricate nature of the Samprapti. Shatkriyakala is the process of understanding the pathogenesis of disease in consecutive stages. So here an attempt has been made to understand and highlight the Samprapti of Apasmara based on the stages of Shatkriyakala

    Sensor System for Autonomous Detection of Mold Spore Contamination

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    An autonomous sensor system for monitoring mold spore contaminations inside archives at desired time intervals is presented. Presence of airborne mold spores in the indoor environment not only damages organic material but it is also a potential threat to human health. To avoid this risk a sensor system for monitoring mold spore concentrations is of great importance. In this thesis, a mold sensor system with a replaceable bioreactor array for autonomous detection of the airborne spores has been investigated. The sensor system consists of a bioreactor cartridge to analyze the mold growth, an air sampling unit for distributing the mold spores into the bioreactors and a control unit to automatize the detection process. Each bioreactor is sealed with a sacrificial silicon nitride membrane, which can be opened on demand. Once activated, the membrane gets opened and the spores present in the air sample get in contact with the culture medium and start to germinate. The mold detection is performed by using an integrated approach of impedance and colorimetric principles

    Optimization of Loss Minimization Using FACTS in Deregulated Power Systems

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    Losses are an important parameter of consideration for mitigation and thereby enhancing the Available Transfer Capability of Power Systems. Loss mitigation is a two stage process the first stage is the Planning phase and the second stage is the Operational phase. The paper discusses briefly the Planning phase activities. The various methods of mitigating the losses in the Operational phase have been presented in the paper with emphasis on one technique the Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System devices. The Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System Devices are the latest power electronics devices by which losses can be reduced and transfer capability enhanced. Thyristor Control Series Compensator is used to reduce losses. The method is tested on IEEE 9 bus, 14 Bus and 30 bus systems and validated. Results have been presented and analyzed in this paper. Keywords: Available Transfer Capability, B- Loss Coefficients, Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems, Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator

    Squared Law Algorithms: Theory and Applications.

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    This dissertation focuses on a new approach for a hardware implementation of the cyclic convolution operation. The cyclic convolution operation is the core of several functions used in applications related to digital signal processing and error control. Since the operation is multiplication intensive and the cost of a multiplication operation is very high, most of the present research effort attempts to reduce the number of multiplications. Our approach, however, aims at obtaining an efficient implementation by relying on the properties of the special case of multiplication, namely, the squaring operation. Due to the properties exhibited by the squaring operation the hardware cost and time delay of a squarer unit is both cheaper and faster than that of a multiplication unit. This is true for both memory and non-memory based implementations. In this dissertation we have developed all the necessary theory required to express the cyclic convolution of two n-point sequences, where n is a power of 2, in terms of the elementary arithmetic operations add, square, and subtract. Our algorithms require fewer squaring operations than multiplication operations required by a traditional implementation of the cyclic convolution operation, do not introduce any round-off errors, place no restriction on word length, and are valid when the number of points to be convolved is a power of two. We then clearly demonstrate that our algorithms are also more hardware efficient for both memory and non-memory based implementations. Further, schemes to multiply two numbers based on the cyclic convolution operation are presented. Finally, efficient ways of computing the squaring operation when arithmetic is performed in modular rings are developed

    Paracentral acute middle maculopathy progressing to central retinal artery occlusion following coronavirus disease vaccination: a multimodal imaging report

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    Background: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccines can cause adverse ocular effects, including vascular insults, acute macular neuroretinopathy, paracentral acute middle maculopathy (PAMM), ophthalmic vein thrombosis, Graves’ disease, arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (A-AION), and nonarteritic AION. Here, we report a case of unilateral PAMM progressing to central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) after COVID-19 vaccination, identified using multimodal imaging. Case Presentation: A 24-year-old healthy man presented with unilateral progressive blurring of vision in the right eye. He had a recent history of fever without rashes 2 weeks after coronavirus disease vaccination. He was diagnosed with PAMM in the right eye at a local hospital and treated with a tapering dose of oral steroids. At presentation, he showed progressive blurring of vision in the right eye and the best-corrected distance visual acuity (BCDVA) was 20/60. The anterior segment was normal. Fundus examination revealed a pale optic disc with arteriolar attenuation and barrage laser scarring at the inferotemporal periphery. CRAO was diagnosed based on the right eye findings. The patient underwent multimodal imaging, including wide-field fundus photography using Optos® (Optos Carfornia®, Optos Inc., Dunfermline, United Kingdom), multicolor imaging with Spectralis™ (Heidelberg Retinal Angiograph; Heidelberg Engineering, Inc., Dossenheim, Germany), fundus fluorescence angiography (Heidelberg Retinal Angiograph; Heidelberg Engineering, Inc., Dossenheim, Germany), and optical coherence tomography angiography (ANGIOVUE, OPTOVUE, Inc., Fremont, CA, USA) using the split-spectrum amplitude-decorrelation angiography algorithm. The condition progressed from PAMM to CRAO during the oral steroid treatment course. At the 2-month follow-up, the right eye BCDVA had improved to 20/50, with fundus findings remaining the same as at the previous visit. Conclusions: This was the first report of a young patient with PAMM presenting with focal vascular occlusion that evolved to global occlusion in the form of CRAO in the absence of systemic vascular risk factors and with a normal coagulation profile. This case suggests that arterial occlusion may exert a temporary effect secondary to COVISHIELD™ vaccination. Randomized controlled trials and case – control studies on the role of vaccination in precipitating thromboembolic events in healthy individuals would provide insight into the causation

    Magnetic and palaeomagnetic studies as an aid in deciphering groundwater flow: a case study from deccan traps

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    This paper reports the utility of palaeomagnetic investigations first time in the ground water studies. The magnetic anomalies along with palaeomagnetic studies are used to locate barriers obstructing groundwater flow in a basaltic terrain. Magnetic anomalies in an area of around 4 sq. km in the university campus, Nanded, Maharashtra, India brought out two distinct anomaly closures that can be attributed to bodies with different directions of magnetizations. Palaeomagnetic investigations reveal that the basalts are almost uniformly magnetized, asserting that the anomalies come form the subsurface and the anomalous sources are attributed to weathering of basal basaltic flows. The difference between the measured palaeomagnetic directions of the surface rocks and the observed magnetic anomalies, in corroboration with local geomorphologic conditions and thenature of the basaltic flows in thin basaltic terrains suggest that subsurface weathering plays a major role in the ground water movement. This paper presents a novel idea on the utilization of the palaeomagnetic studies coupled with ground magnetic anomalies in deciphering groundwater flow

    The Many Electron Ground State of the Adiabatic Holstein Model in Two and Three Dimensions

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    We present the complete ground state phase diagram of the Holstein model in two and three dimension considering the phonon variables to be classical. We first establish the overall structure of the phase diagram by using exact diagonalisation based Monte Carlo (ED-MC) on small lattices and then use a new ``travelling cluster'' approximation (TCA) for annealing the phonon degrees of freedom on large lattices. The phases that emerge include a Fermi liquid (FL), with no lattice distortions, an insulating polaron liquid (PL) at strong coupling, and a charge ordered insulating (COI) phase around half- filling. The COI phase is separated from the Fermi liquid by a regime of phase coexistence whose width grows with increasing electron-phonon coupling. We provide results on the electronic density of states, the COI order parameter, and the spatial organisation of polaronic states, for arbitrary density and electron-phonon coupling. The results highlight the crucial role of spatial correlations in this strong coupling problem.Comment: Final versio

    NSAIDs-Related Pyloroduodenal Obstruction and Its Endoscopic Management

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    Endoscopic balloon dilatation (EBD) has important role in the management of benign gastric outlet obstruction. Although there are many reports on the role of EBD in the management of corrosive-induced and peptic benign GOO, there is scanty data on its role in the management of NSAID-induced GOO. We report 10 cases of NSAID-induced pyloroduodenal obstruction and their endoscopic management. The most common site of involvement was duodenum (5/10) followed by both pylorus and duodenum (4/10) and pylorus (1/10). Most of the strictures were short web-like, and the mean (SD) number of stricture was 2.0 (0.94). Endoscopic balloon dilatation was successful in 90% (9/10) cases requiring mean (SD) of 2.0 (1.6) sessions of dilatation to achieve target diameter of 15 mm and mean (SD) of 5.3 (2.7) sessions to maintain it over a treatment period of 4.5 months (IQR 2–15 months). There was no procedure-related complication or mortality
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