7 research outputs found

    The relationship between myometrial activity and sleep state and breathing in fetal sheep throughout the last third of gestation

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    Between 106 and 144 days' gestation, periods of uterine electromyographic (EMG) activity and associated increases in uterine tone (contractures) were accompanied by a change in fetal ocular activity in 294 (63%) of 467 cases. In 260 (88.4%) of the changes, there was a switch from the active to nonactive state. The incidence of this change was significantly greater (

    Electromyographic activity of the nonpregnant and pregnant sheep uterus

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    Myometrial electromyograms were studied in nonpregnant ewes, pregnant ewes throughout the second half of gestation, and during labor and delivery in normal spontaneous vaginal delivery and premature delivery induced by the continuous infusion of synthetic adrenocorticotropin 1-24, 1 μg . h, to the fetus at 120 and 130 days' gestation. The bursts of electromyographic (EMG) activity during estrus were very similar to those seen in the pregnant ewe in the second half of gestation. In the second half gestation, the bursts of EMG activity lasted a mean of 6.7 minutes and occurred at intervals of 54.7 minutes in utero, without an incision for fetal instrumentation, and were 7.2 minutes in duration, occurring every 46.6 minutes when the uterus had been incised. EMG activity occurred simultaneously at most recording sites within the uterus. There was no evidence to support the view that a uterine pacemaker exists with a fixed location. As delivery approached, the mean duration of each EMG burst began decreasing more than 24 hours before delivery, and the frequency of the bursts increased, demonstrating that the recording of uterine electromyograms provides a precise and sensitive method for the study of the early changes that lead to labor and delivery

    Utilizing stability criteria in choosing feature selection methods yields reproducible results in microbiome data

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    Feature selection is indispensable in microbiome data analysis, but it can be particularly challenging as microbiome data sets are high dimensional, underdetermined, sparse and compositional. Great efforts have recently been made on developing new methods for feature selection that handle the above data characteristics, but almost all methods were evaluated based on performance of model predictions. However, little attention has been paid to address a fundamental question: how appropriate are those evaluation criteria? Most feature selection methods often control the model fit, but the ability to identify meaningful subsets of features cannot be evaluated simply based on the prediction accuracy. If tiny changes to the data would lead to large changes in the chosen feature subset, then many selected features are likely to be a data artifact rather than real biological signal. This crucial need of identifying relevant and reproducible features motivated the reproducibility evaluation criterion such as Stability, which quantifies how robust a method is to perturbations in the data. In our paper, we compare the performance of popular model prediction metrics (MSE or AUC) with proposed reproducibility criterion Stability in evaluating four widely used feature selection methods in both simulations and experimental microbiome applications with continuous or binary outcomes. We conclude that Stability is a preferred feature selection criterion over model prediction metrics because it better quantifies the reproducibility of the feature selection method

    Consumo e digestibilidade aparente total dos nutrientes e ganho de peso de bovinos de corte alimentados com silagem de Brachiaria brizantha e concentrado em diferentes proporções Intake and apparent digestibility of the nutrients and weight gain of beef cattle fed diets with different proportions of Brachiaria brizantha silage and concentrate

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    Avaliaram-se o consumo e as digestibilidades aparentes totais dos nutrientes e o ganho de peso de bovinos de corte recebendo dietas contendo concentrado e silagem de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu nas seguintes proporções: 20:80, 35:65, 50:50 e 65:35, com base na matéria seca. Foram utilizados vinte e quatro animais castrados Holandês x Zebu, com peso vivo inicial médio de 364 kg, distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos casualizados. Por ocasião da ensilagem, procedeu-se o tratamento do capim com o inoculante enzimo-bacteriano Nutroeste 50 t. Para o cálculo da matéria seca fecal, utilizou-se a fibra em detergente ácido indigestível (FDAI) como indicador. Os animais foram alojados em baias individuais e alimentados ad libitum. O ensaio teve duração de 84 dias, divididos em três períodos de 28 dias após 15 dias de adaptação. Os consumos médios de matéria seca (MS), matéria orgânica (MO), proteína bruta (PB), extrato etéreo (EE) e carboidratos totais (CHO) e as digestibilidades aparentes totais de MS, MO, CHO e carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF) elevaram linearmente com o aumento dos níveis de concentrado nas dietas. Comportamento semelhante foi observado para o ganho de peso médio diário, estimando-se incrementos de 0,0184 kg/unidade de concentrado adicionado. Contudo, as digestibilidades aparentes de PB, EE e fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) não foram influenciadas pelas dietas, registrando-se, respectivamente, valores médios de 77, 88 e 60%. Silagem de Brachiaria brizantha não-emurchecida, constituindo 50% da dieta de bovinos H x Z, promoveu ganhos de peso em torno de 1,0 kg/dia.<br>Intake and total apparent digestibilities of the nutrients and average daily gains (ADG) by beef cattle fed diets based on concentrate and Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu silage in the following proportions: 20:80, 35:65, 50:50 and 65:35, in dry matter basis were evaluated. Twenty-four crossbred (Holstein x Zebu) steers, with initial live weight of 364 kg were allotted to a randomized blocks design. At the ensiling process, an enzyme-bacterial inoculant Nutroeste 50 t was applied to the forage. For the determination of fecal dry matter, indigestible acid detergent fiber was used as a marker. The animals were housed in individual pens and fed ad libitum. The experiment lasted 84 days, divided in three periods of 28 days after 15 days of adaptation. The dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE) and total carbohydrates (CHO) average intakes increased linearly with the increment of the concentrate in the diets. The total apparent digestibility of DM, OM, CHO and non fiber carbohydrates also increased linearly with the increment of the concentrate levels in the diets. Similar behavior was observed for ADG, with increments of 0.0184 kg/unit of concentrate added. However, apparent digestibilities of CP, EE and digestibility of neutral detergent fiber were not affected by the diets, showing values of 77, 88 and 60%, respectively. No wilted Brachiaria brizantha silage in the 50:50 concentrate to forage ratio for beef cattle Holstein x Zebu steers, promoted average weight gain close to 1.0 kg/day