111 research outputs found

    Sargassum inspired, optimized calcium alginate bioplastic composites for food packaging

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    Plastic pollution, more specifically from food packaging and containers which account for the largest share of 36% of current plastic production, is one of the greatest threats to the natural environment and human health. Thus, the development of alternative renewable plastics are needed to complement a circular economy and reduce resource depletion. Seaweeds have been known to possess good film forming properties ideal for bioplastic production, and Sargassum natans-an invasive brown seaweed which has been inundating the shores of the Caribbean, has been shown to be an excellent candidate. This study presents, for the first time, the development of a novel optimized biodegradable alginate composite bioplastic as an alternative to traditional plastic packaging. The optimization process was carried out using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) resulting in a formulation of 6 wt% alginate, 0.263 wt% starch, 0.35 wt% CMC, 0.065 g/g sorbitol and 0.025 g/g PEG 200- with ultra-high oxygen barrier (OP - 0.2 cm3 μm m−2 d−1 kPa−1), good water vapor barrier (WVP - 2.18 × 10−12 g m/m2 s Pa) and high tensile modulus ( - 3.93 GPa)- with no migration of additives into a simulated aqueous food system in 10 days. Furthermore, composite films were found to fully degrade in 14 days and possessed better OP, higher WVP and comparable material properties to HDPE, PET and PLA. Ultimately, our results support alginate composite films as a viable alternative for food packaging best fitted for low moisture environments-encouraging the use of renewable materials for packaging innovation and supporting UNSDGs

    Rationing tests for drug-resistant tuberculosis - who are we prepared to miss?

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    BACKGROUND: Early identification of patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) increases the likelihood of treatment success and interrupts transmission. Resource-constrained settings use risk profiling to ration the use of drug susceptibility testing (DST). Nevertheless, no studies have yet quantified how many patients with DR-TB this strategy will miss. METHODS: A total of 1,545 subjects, who presented to Lima health centres with possible TB symptoms, completed a clinic-epidemiological questionnaire and provided sputum samples for TB culture and DST. The proportion of drug resistance in this population was calculated and the data was analysed to demonstrate the effect of rationing tests to patients with multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) risk factors on the number of tests needed and corresponding proportion of missed patients with DR-TB. RESULTS: Overall, 147/1,545 (9.5%) subjects had culture-positive TB, of which 32 (21.8%) had DR-TB (MDR, 13.6%; isoniazid mono-resistant, 7.5%; rifampicin mono-resistant, 0.7%). A total of 553 subjects (35.8%) reported one or more MDR-TB risk factors; of these, 506 (91.5%; 95% CI, 88.9-93.7%) did not have TB, 32/553 (5.8%; 95% CI, 3.4-8.1%) had drug-susceptible TB, and only 15/553 (2.7%; 95% CI, 1.5-4.4%) had DR-TB. Rationing DST to those with an MDR-TB risk factor would have missed more than half of the DR-TB population (17/32, 53.2%; 95% CI, 34.7-70.9). CONCLUSIONS: Rationing DST based on known MDR-TB risk factors misses an unacceptable proportion of patients with drug-resistance in settings with ongoing DR-TB transmission. Investment in diagnostic services to allow universal DST for people with presumptive TB should be a high priority

    Oncogene expression from extrachromosomal DNA is driven by copy number amplification and does not require spatial clustering in glioblastoma stem cells

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    Extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) are frequently observed in human cancers and are responsible for high levels of oncogene expression. In glioblastoma (GBM), ecDNA copy number correlates with poor prognosis. It is hypothesized that their copy number, size, and chromatin accessibility facilitate clustering of ecDNA and colocalization with transcriptional hubs, and that this underpins their elevated transcriptional activity. Here, we use super-resolution imaging and quantitative image analysis to evaluate GBM stem cells harbouring distinct ecDNA species (EGFR, CDK4, PDGFRA). We find no evidence that ecDNA routinely cluster with one another or closely interact with transcriptional hubs. Cells with EGFR-containing ecDNA have increased EGFR transcriptional output, but transcription per gene copy is similar in ecDNA compared to the endogenous chromosomal locus. These data suggest that it is the increased copy number of oncogene-harbouring ecDNA that primarily drives high levels of oncogene transcription, rather than specific interactions of ecDNA with each other or with high concentrations of the transcriptional machinery

    Functional dissection of the chickpea (Cicer arietinum l.) stay-green phenotype associated with molecular variation at an ortholog of mendel’s i gene for cotyledon color: Implications for crop production and carotenoid biofortification

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    “Stay-green” crop phenotypes have been shown to impact drought tolerance and nutritional content of several crops. We aimed to genetically describe and functionally dissect the particular stay-green phenomenon found in chickpeas with a green cotyledon color of mature dry seed and investigate its potential use for improvement of chickpea environmental adaptations and nutritional value. We examined 40 stay-green accessions and a set of 29 BC2F4-5 stay-green introgression lines using a stay-green donor parent ICC 16340 and two Indian elite cultivars (KAK2, JGK1) as recurrent parents. Genetic studies of segregating populations indicated that the green cotyledon trait is controlled by a single recessive gene that is invariantly associated with the delayed degreening (extended chlorophyll retention). We found that the chickpea ortholog of Mendel’s I locus of garden pea, encoding a SGR protein as very likely to underlie the persistently green cotyledon color phenotype of chickpea. Further sequence characterization of this chickpea ortholog CaStGR1 (CaStGR1, for carietinum stay-green gene 1) revealed the presence of five different molecular variants (alleles), each of which is likely a loss-of-function of the chickpea protein (CaStGR1) involved in chlorophyll catabolism. We tested the wild type and green cotyledon lines for components of adaptations to dry environments and traits linked to agronomic performance in different experimental systems and different levels of water availability. We found that the plant processes linked to disrupted CaStGR1 gene did not functionality affect transpiration efficiency or water usage. Photosynthetic pigments in grains, including provitaminogenic carotenoids important for human nutrition, were 2–3-fold higher in the stay-green type. Agronomic performance did not appear to be correlated with the presence/absence of the stay-green allele. We conclude that allelic variation in chickpea CaStGR1 does not compromise traits linked to environmental adaptation and agronomic performance, and is a promising genetic technology for biofortification of provitaminogenic carotenoids in chickpea

    Uloga testova otpuštanja interferona gama u nadzoru nad tuberkulozom

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    Tuberculosis is still one of the major global public health threats. Countries with low incidence must focus on exhausting the reservoir of future cases by preventing reactivation. Therefore, it is important to identify and effectively treat those individuals who have latent tuberculosis infection and who may develop active disease. The tuberculin skin test has been the standard for detection of immune response against M. tuberculosis since the beginning of the 20th century. The new millennium has brought advancement in the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection. The name of the new blood test is interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA). Croatia is a middle-incidence country with a long decreasing trend and developed tuberculosis control. To reach low incidence and finally eliminate tuberculosis, its tuberculosis programme needs a more aggressive approach that would include intensive contact investigation and treatment of persons with latent tuberculosis infection. This article discusses the current uses of IGRA and its role in tuberculosis control.Tuberkuloza je i danas jedan od vodećih javnozdravstvenih problema. Zemlje s niskom incidencijom fokusiraju se na iscrpljivanje rezervoara budućih slučajeva sprječavanjem reaktivacije bolesti. To se odnosi na traženje i učinkovito liječenje infi ciranih osoba, primarno onih koje su u riziku od obolijevanja nakon infekcije. Tuberkulinski test je od početka 20. stoljeća bio standard u otkrivanju imunosnog odgovora na kontakt s Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Novo tisućljeće donijelo je određeni napredak u obliku novih testova za dijagnozu latentne tuberkulozne infekcije, krvne testove otpuštanja interferona gama. Hrvatska je zemlja srednje incidencije tuberkuloze s dugogodišnjim silaznim trendom i razvijenim protutuberkuloznim aktivnostima. U težnji prema niskoj incidenciji i u konačnici eliminaciji tuberkuloze potrebne su opsežnije aktivnosti unutar državnog programa nadzora nad tuberkulozom, uključujući intenzivnu obradu kontakata i probir na postojanje latentne tuberkulozne infekcije. Ovaj rad razmatra trenutačnu uporabu IGRE (engl. interferon - gamma release assay) i njezinu ulogu u nadzoru nad tuberkulozom

    Systematic review of cost and cost-effectiveness of different TB-screening strategies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Interferon-γ release assays (IGRAs) for TB have the potential to replace the tuberculin skin test (TST) in screening for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). The higher per-test cost of IGRAs may be compensated for by lower post-screening costs (medical attention, chest x-rays and chemoprevention), given the higher specificity of the new tests as compared to that of the conventional TST. We conducted a systematic review of all publications that have addressed the cost or cost-effectiveness of IGRAs. The objective of this report was to undertake a structured review and critical appraisal of the methods used for the model-based cost-effectiveness analysis of TB screening programmes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using Medline and Embase, 75 publications that contained the terms "IGRA", "tuberculosis" and "cost" were identified. Of these, 13 were original studies on the costs or cost-effectiveness of IGRAs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The 13 relevant studies come from five low-to-medium TB-incidence countries. Five studies took only the costs of screening into consideration, while eight studies analysed the cost-effectiveness of different screening strategies. Screening was performed in high-risk groups: close contacts, immigrants from high-incidence countries and healthcare workers. Two studies used the T-SPOT.TB as an IGRA and the other studies used the QuantiFERON-TB Gold and/or Gold In-Tube test. All 13 studies observed a decrease in costs when the IGRAs were used. Six studies compared the use of an IGRA as a test to confirm a positive TST (TST/IGRA strategy) to the use of an IGRA-only strategy. In four of these studies, the two-step strategy and in two the IGRA-only strategy was more cost-effective. Assumptions about TST specificity and progression risk after a positive test had the greatest influence on determining which IGRA strategy was more cost-effective.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The available studies on cost-effectiveness provide strong evidence in support of the use of IGRAs in screening risk groups such as HCWs, immigrants from high-incidence countries and close contacts. So far, only two studies provide evidence that the IGRA-only screening strategy is more cost-effective.</p

    Rapid determination of anti-tuberculosis drug resistance from whole-genome sequences

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug resistance (DR) challenges effective tuberculosis disease control. Current molecular tests examine limited numbers of mutations, and although whole genome sequencing approaches could fully characterise DR, data complexity has restricted their clinical application. A library (1,325 mutations) predictive of DR for 15 anti-tuberculosis drugs was compiled and validated for 11 of them using genomic-phenotypic data from 792 strains. A rapid online ‘TB-Profiler’ tool was developed to report DR and strain-type profiles directly from raw sequences. Using our DR mutation library, in silico diagnostic accuracy was superior to some commercial diagnostics and alternative databases. The library will facilitate sequence-based drug-susceptibility testing