59 research outputs found

    Network Effects in Technology Acceptance: Laboratory Evidence

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    This research analyzes network effects in technology acceptance on the hypothesis that the larger the user network, the more likely technology acceptance is. Still today, empirical measurement of network effects is challenging and there is a lack of experimental evidence, particularly in technology acceptance research. To overcome this limitation we reproduce a particular class of technology acceptance processes in a laboratory experiment, controlling for the user network size to verify if it can make a difference in user perceptions and, ultimately, in acceptance decisions. We measured user perceptions and analyzed the data set using standard technology acceptance models. The experiments confirm our working hypothesis, showing a significant role of network effects on key user perceptions influencing technology acceptance

    Data Analytics and Machine Learning paradigm to gauge performances combining classification, ranking and sorting for system analysis

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    We consider the problem of measuring the performances associated with members of a given group of homogeneous individuals. We provide both an analysis, relying on Machine Learning paradigms, along with a numerical experience based on three conceptually different real applications. A keynote aspect in the proposed approach is represented by our data–driven framework, where guidelines for evaluating individuals’ performance are derived from the data associated to the entire group. This makes our analysis and the relative outcomes quite versatile, so that a number of real problems can be studied in view of the proposed general perspective


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    La media dimensione d’impresa è caratterizzata da innovazioni organizzative interessanti che ne sostengono la proiezione nell’economia globale. Le multinazionali italiane competitive sui mercati globali – pur non grandi rispetto alle concorrenti americane, asiatiche ed europee – possono avere carte importanti da giocare nel contesto della nuova globalizzazione? Quanto contano le soluzioni organizzative adottate nel rispettivo modello di business? E quali politiche industriali servono per sostenere queste aziende


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    This paper illustrates a framework and empirical results of an investigation to understand how and why MMNEs (Medium-size Multinational Enterprise) internationalization strategies deviate from the more established strategies of multinational and global companies (MNEs). We study a sample of Italian MMNEs, analyzing the strategic and governance models adopted in Chinese businesses and markets and the relationship between the headquarters and the overseas branches in China. The qualitative analysis complies with the research requirement to collect evidences on a precise point in time (2012) and over a more extended period of time (time of entry in China). This paper investigates the specificities of medium size international firms focusing on two particular factors: “mirroring effects” and “acquainted markets”. The “mirroring effects” refer to the adaptation process and in the our sample, the governance forms are strongly affected by the following features: first, the size does not fit the potential or actual dimension of market (size factor); Second, the “acquainted markets” decreases the difficulties to access to the countries’ markets. Our results show that MMNEs are prone to mirror home and existing organizational forms. They tend to replicate their existing business models to enter into “informed” and “experienced” markets. Our study explains the international strategies of MMNEs leveraging the capabilities to replicate organizational and business models, and availability of accustomed and informed markets. It follows that most successful MMNEs tend to implement a second mover strategy in Chinese markets. This paper contributes to the international management studies with the following results: i. Observations of the managerial paradoxes of SMEs in large markets and how MMNEs are emerging as a critical player in the global economic scenario; ii. Development of a framework tested on preliminary evidences, fostering the interest on “size paradigm” in international competition

    Perché le aziende venete devono puntare ai mercati asiatici

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    Il senso di questo contributo è capire in che cosa consiste per le aziende italiane e venete essere diventate internazionali, considerando anche le implicazioni meno evidenti, poiché la stessa competitività oggi dipende sempre di più dalla capacità di perseguire una vocazione internazionale. In sintesi le scelte di internazionalizzazione sono un terreno sul quale testare, provare, sperimentare nuovi modelli d’impresa, sono un forte motore di rinnovamento di un sistema di imprese. Vengono così analizzate le motivazioni evidenti, che sono generalmente note e soprattutto quelle non evidenti che intervengono nelle strategie di mercato e riguardano quattro opportunità di ripensamento strategico: a) percepire diversamente il mercato e i suoi comportamenti; b) riformulare le politiche di marca; c) ricostruire le dimensioni di valore per il cliente; d) appropriarsi di un motore di innovazione strategica. Il capitolo affronta poi la necessità di organizzare per l’internazionalizzazione rinnovata, dove un primo aspetto riguarda le politiche di gestione del personale, un secondo aspetto si riferisce all’assetto istituzionale e normativo di regolazione dei rapporti di lavoro, un terzo il mercato del lavoro. Le evidenze e le osservazioni delle ricerche indicano come spesso l’ingresso in un mercato internazionale avviene tramite una replicazione del modello di business, che successivamente, per effetto delle specificità di contesto e di mercato, può richiedere un adattamento. Questo primo livello di apprendimento può avere un effetto (mirroring back) di ulteriore apprendimento che modifica il modello di business originario adottato nei mercati domestici e consolidati, producendo innovazione strategica.The purpose of this contribution is to understand what implies for Italian companies, focusing on the Venetian ones, to become international, also considering the less obvious implications, since today competitiveness increasingly depends on the ability to pursue an international vocation. In summary, the choice of internationalization creates a field on which to test and experiment new business models, a major engine of renewal for a system of enterprises. The Chapter analyses the evident reasons, which are generally known, and especially those are not evident, affecting market strategies and opportunities, concerning four strategic afterthoughts: a) perceiving differently the market and its behaviour; b) reformulating brand strategies; c) reconstructing the dimensions of customer value; d) taking a strategic innovation engine. The chapter then analyses the need to organise the company for the renewed internationalization, where a first aspect concerns the human resources management, a second aspect refers to the institutional and regulatory framework, a third one the labour market. The results and evidences of the research indicate how often the entry mode in a new market is done through a replication of the business model, which subsequently, due to the specificity of context and market, may require adaptation leading to a learning process that can generate an renewal effect (mirroring back) on the original business model adopted in the domestic markets, producing strategic innovation

    Working with Tweets: The Effectiveness of Lean Communication in Collaborative Problem-Solving

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    Among social network sites and tools, Twitter and other microblogging tools are characterized by their particularly "lean" communication form, based on quick and short messages, particularly appealing for personal use by the so called "generation Y". In this paper we investigate whether lean communication - and particularly Twitter - can be used as a tool for teamwork in organizations. Therefore, our research question is focused on whether Twitter could represent a viable communication tool in the future enterprise for collaborative problem solving. More specifically, whether the 140 characters limit would actually make a difference. To answer this research question, we propose here a comparative study of Twitter, a well-known SNS for microblogging, and Skype, a typical communication platform for individuals and organizations. The laboratory experiment method was selected in order to conduct a rigorous comparison with well- defined measurements. Different teams of the same size carry out a well structured problem- solving task communicating via Twitter or Skype. Comparative group performance is measured in terms of task completion time. Our results show that the lower volume of information exchanged via Twitter does not negatively affect group performance: Twitter teams are just as effective as Skype teams. These results can be partly explained in terms of media richness theory, but more interestingly they may be related to the different group dynamics within teams using different systems, and to further dimensions of investigation including the subjects, the task, the technological features and the organizational coordination modes, disclosing new paths for further research
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