34 research outputs found

    Inventory in a card index form. Infatuation and sympathy: militancy and objectivity in anthroological research

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    Reflecting on the delicate position of the knowing subject who is, simultaneously, the subject and object of his or her inquiry, this paper proposes to discuss the pertinency of the debate conceming objecti vity in the social sciences. lt deals with problems which the author encountered as someone who, for a brief period, was involved in a movement which was the object of her study. A possible solution to some of the dilemmas which arise in situations such as this may lie in meticulous reflection by anthropologists and sociologists on the processes of constructing their research objects.Propõe-se a pensar sobre a pertinência do debate em tomo da objetividade nas ciências sociais, a partir da posição delicada do sujeito cognoscente que é, simultaneamente, sujeito e objeto de sua investigação. Reflete os problemas enfrentados pela autora, que, por breve período, estava inserida num movimento que ela própria começara a estudar. A possível saída para este problema estaria na reflexã o meticulosa, por parte do antropólogo e do sociólogo, sobre a construção do objeto de pesquisa em questão

    Cities, cultural production and gender

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    Centrado na apreensão das conexões empíricas e das inter-relações analíticas entre produção cultural, cidade e gênero, o artigo visa um tríplice objetivo: mapear alguns dos modelos teóricos utilizados na análise e interpretação desses fenômenos; discutir uma bibliografia específica sobre cidade, linguagem artística e experiência social; analisar o entrelaçamento dessas dimensões na cidade de São Paulo, nos anos de 1940 a 1960, com foco na dramaturgia e com o auxílio de exemplos retirados de Florença, Paris e Buenos Aires. Entendendo as cidades como arenas culturais, como “lugar de germinação, de experimentos e de combate cultural” (Morse), o artigo partilha a ideia de que “as cidades e suas representações se produzem mutuamente” (Gorelik), e defende o argumento de que determinadas manifestações culturais só acontecem em cidades específicas em função das condições sociais, do potencial e dos constrangimentos que enredam a criação, a autoria, a linguagem e as relações de gênero.Focusing on the empirical connections and on the analytical interrelations between cultural production, cities and gender, the article intends to achieve a triple purpose: to map some theoretical models being used in the analysis and in the interpretation of those realities; to argue about a specific bibliography concerning the cities, the artistic language and the social experience; to analyze the intertwining of such dimensions in the city of São Paulo, from 1940 to 1960, mainly through the dramatists in a comparative approach with Florence, Paris and Buenos Aires. Viewing the cities as cultural arenas, as "the place of birth, of experiments and of cultural struggle" (Morse), the article shares the idea that "the cities and their representations are entangled" (Gorelik) and upholds the argument that specific cultural manifestations happen in specific cities according to social conditions, to the potential resources and to the constraints involving the creation, the authorship, the language and the gender relations

    HIV/HCV coinfection at an university hospital in Recife, Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and risks factors associated with coinfection in HIV-positive individuals. METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with 343 HIV patients attended at a university hospital in Recife, Northeastern Brazil, from March to December 2003. A standardized questionnaire about risk factors was administered. Serum samples were analyzed for anti-HCV antibodies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), HCV-RNA using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and genotyping using the ABI 377 (PE Biosystems®). Univariate and multivariate analyses and multiple logistic regression were performed. RESULTS: HCV prevalence was 4.1% (14/343) using ELISA and 3.2% (11/343) using RT-PCR. The most common genotypes were 1b (45%), 3 (33%) and 1a (22%). Co-infection was higher among those aged 30 to 39 years, and predominantly in males (64.3 %). In the multiple logistic regression, the variable blood transfusion was the single remaining risk factor for HCV (OR=4.28; 95% CI 1.44;12.73). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of HIV/HCV coinfection was low. Blood transfusion was a risk factor and HCV genotype 1b was the most frequently found.OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de virus de hepatitis C (HCV) y factores de riesgo asociados con la coinfección en personas seropositivas para HIV. MÉTODOS: Estudio de tipo transversal, descriptivo y analítico, con 343 portadores de HIV atendidos en un hospital universitario de Recife (Noreste de Brasil), en el período de marzo a diciembre de 2003. Los pacientes fueron sometidos a un cuestionario estandarizado sobre los factores de riesgo. En las muestras de suero fueron pesquisados el anti-HCV por ELISA, el HCV-RNA por medio de la RT-PCR y la identificación de los genotipos fue realizada en el equipo ABI377 (PE Biosystems®). Los análisis estadísticos utilizados fueron la univariada, la multivariada y la regresión logística múltiple. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia encontrada para el HCV fue de 4,1% (14/343) por ELISA y de 3,2% (11/343) por RT-PCR. Los genotipos mas frecuentes fueron 1b (45%), 3 (33%) y 1a (22%). El rango de edad con mayor proporción de coinfectados fue la de 30-39 años, con predominio del sexo masculino (64,3%). Posterior a la regresión logística múltiple, sólo la variable transfusión sanguínea permaneció como factor de riesgo para el HCV (OR=4,28; IC 95%: 1,44; 12,73). CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia de la coinfección HIV/HCV fue baja, la transfusión sanguínea fue un factor de riesgo y el genotipo 1b de HCV fue el más frecuente.OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência do vírus da hepatite C (HCV) e fatores de risco associados com a co-infecção em pessoas soropositivas para HIV. MÉTODOS: Estudo do tipo transversal, descritivo e analítico, com 343 portadores do HIV atendidos em um hospital universitário de Recife (PE), no período de março a dezembro de 2003. Os pacientes foram submetidos a um questionário padronizado sobre os fatores de risco. Nas amostras de soro foram pesquisados o anti-HCV pelo ELISA, o HCV-RNA por meio da RT-PCR e a identificação dos genótipos foi realizada no equipamento ABI377 (PE Biosystems®). As análises estatísticas utilizadas foram a univariada, a multivariada e a regressão logística múltipla. RESULTADOS: A prevalência encontrada para o HCV foi de 4,1% (14/343) pelo ELISA e de 3,2 % (11/343) quando utilizada a RT-PCR. Os genótipos mais freqüentes foram 1b (45%), 3 (33%) e 1a (22%). A faixa etária com maior proporção de co-infectados foi a de 30 a 39 anos, com predomínio do sexo masculino (64,3%). Após regressão logística múltipla, apenas a variável transfusão sangüínea permaneceu como fator de risco para o HCV (OR=4,28; IC 95%: 1,44;12,73). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência da co-infecção HIV/HCV foi baixa, a transfusão sangüínea foi um fator de risco e o genótipo 1b do HCV foi o mais freqüente


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    Bee sting poisonings have great relevance for both human and veterinary medicine. The toxin components present harmful actions on tissues, especially on kidneys, and can lead to death, even when the inoculated dose is small. The early identification of this type of intoxication allows the implementation of appropriate therapeutic measures and improvement of the prognosis. Thus, the present study aimed to report the anatomopathological findings of two mixed-breed dogs, which were fatal victims of bee stings. The animals were litter brothers, one male and one female, with three years old and weighing about 30kg. The dogs were found dead at night, already in rigor mortis, which led to the suspicion that the death had occurred no more than five hours ago. The main macroscopic lesions were: cutaneous petechiae, some of them associated with bee stingers, generalized congestion, haemorrhage, necrosis, and oedema, as well as insects with morphology compatible with Apis mellifera dispersed in the gastrointestinal tract. Microscopically, degeneration, necrosis, and renal haemorrhages were the most relevant findings, in addition to marked pulmonary oedema, which was considered the causa mortis. Thus, the most important alterations in this type of intoxication are necrosis, haemorrhage, oedema, and congestion. Moreover, death can occur quickly, even with low doses of the toxin.As intoxicações por picadas de abelhas possuem grande relevância na medicina humana e veterinária. Os componentes da toxina apresentam ações lesivas aos tecidos, principalmente aos rins, e podem culminar com a morte, mesmo quando a dose inoculada é pequena. A identificação precoce desse tipo de intoxicação permite a implementação de medidas terapêuticas adequadas e a melhoria do prognóstico. Desta forma, o presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de relatar os achados anatomopatológicos observados em dois cães, sem raça definida, os quais foram vítimas fatais de picadas de abelhas. Os animais eram irmãos de ninhada, um macho e uma fêmea, com três anos de idade e com cerca de 30kg. Os cães foram encontrados mortos no período da noite, já em rigor mortis, o que conduziu à suspeita de que a morte havia ocorrido há, no máximo, cinco horas. As principais lesões macroscópicas observadas foram: petéquias cutâneas, algumas associadas à presença de ferrões; congestão generalizada; hemorragia; necrose e edema; assim como insetos com morfologia compatível com Apis mellifera dispersos no trato gastrointestinal. Microscopicamente, degeneração, necrose e hemorragias renais constituíram os achados de maior importância, além de acentuado edema pulmonar, ao qual foi atribuída a causa mortis. Assim, as alterações mais importantes neste tipo de intoxicação são necrose, hemorragia, edema e congestão. Além disso, o óbito pode ocorrer de forma rápida, mesmo com baixas doses da toxina

    Detection of Trypanosoma cruzi DTUs TcI and TcIV in two outbreaks of orally-transmitted Chagas disease in the Northern region of Brazi

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    This study describes the laboratory investigation of two acute Chagas disease outbreaks that occurred in the riverside communities of Marimarituba and Cachoeira do Arua, in the Santarem municipality, Para State, located in the Northern region of Brazil, and occurred in March 2016 and August 2017, respectively. The generation of data regarding the diversity of Trypanosoma cruzi parasites circulating in the Amazon region is key for understanding the emergence and expansion of Chagas disease. This study aimed to identify T. cruzi Discrete Typing Units (DTUs) involved in two outbreaks of acute Chagas disease (ACD) directly from the patient’s biological sample. Nested and multiplex PCR targeting the 24Sα (rRNA) and mini-exon genes, respectively, were used to identify T. cruzi DTU in blood samples from patients diagnosed with ACD. The samples with positive cPCR were submitted for analysis for T. cruzi DTUs, which included 13 samples from the patients with ACD by oral transmission and two samples collected from two newborns of two women with ACD, from Marimarituba and Cachoeira do Arua. The samples were classified as T. cruzi TcIV, from Marimarituba’s outbreak, and T. cruzi TcI, from Cachoeira do Arua’s outbreak. The molecular identification of T. cruzi may increase understanding of the role of this parasite in Chagas disease’s emergence within the Amazon region, contributing to the improvement of the management of this important, but also neglected, diseas

    Suspected vertical transmission of Chagas disease caused by DTU TcIV in an infection probably transmitted orally, during anoutbreak in the Brazilian Amazo

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    This study describes difficulties in the monitoring of a child born during an oral outbreak of Chagas disease, in which there are several indications that the transmission occurred through the congenital route: 1. the mother was in the third trimester of pregnancy when she was infected; 2. She presented high parasitemia at the time of delivery; 3. In both, the mother and her daughter, T. cruzi was classified as DTU TcIV. The parasites were not found in the blood at birth and the infection was detected only three months later in an asymptomatic infant. As the mother and her child live in a highly endemic area, vector transmission could not be excluded during this period

    A family resemblance: the Clima crowd

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    O artigo reconstitui a formação do grupo que criou a revista Clima (1941-44) e a singularidade de seus editores na cena cultural paulista, com o propósito de localizar o início da atividade de Antonio Candido como crítico literário.This text explains how it was shaped the group of intellectuals who created the cultural magazine Clima (1941-44), as well as the new contributions of its editors within the cultural field in São Paulo. The purpose being to locate the beginnings of Antonio Candido’s activities as a literary critic