44 research outputs found

    Extração extracapsular modificada versus facoemulsificação endocapsular : eventos intra e no pós-operatórios imediato

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    Compararam-se os eventos clínicos e as variações da pressão intra-ocular (PIO) das técnicas facoemulsificação endocapsular e extração extracapsular com modificações, no intra e no pós-operatório imediato. A facoemulsificação resultou em menor edema corneano, menor desconforto ocular e menos intercorrências no pós-operatório em relação à extração extracapsular modificada. É imperativo que se faça o monitoramento da PIO no pós-operatório, uma vez que ela ocorreu na facoemulsificação, e o uso de hipotensores oculares, quando os valores da PIO ultrapassarem os limites aceitáveis.The clinical events and variations in intraocular pressure (IOP) that occur in endocapsular phacoemulsification technique were compared to the modified extracapsular extraction technique during the intraoperative and immediate postoperative periods. Phacoemulsification technique caused less corneal edema, less ocular discomfort and fewer postoperative complications than the modified extracapsular extraction technique. The observed increase in postoperative IOP, especially in the case of phacoemulsification, makes pressure monitoring mandatory, as well as the use of ocular hypotensive agents when the IOP exceeds acceptable limits

    Weeds occurrence in areas submitted to distinct winter crops

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    In the Western Region of Brazil, it is usual to have two agricultural harvests in the same cropping season. Usually the first crop is soybean, followed by corn. In areas where corn is not planted due to a delayed harvest of soybean, farmers generally do not use winter crops. For these areas, the planting of winter oilseed crops aiming at the production of bio-fuels is one of the best alternatives; in addition, this would help in reducing the occurrence of weed species at the following summer crop. This study aimed to assessing the weed community in distinct winter crops post soybean crop, in terms of species composition, level of infestation and severity of occurrence. The following treatments were evaluated: agriculture under a no-till system with winter fallow, winter oilseed crops (crambe, radish, rapeseed) with no-till agriculture in the summer, and agriculture under a conventional tillage system with winter fallow. Phytosociological evaluations of all treatments were carried out 75 DAE of the oilseed crops, and the diversity indexes of Margalef, Menhinick, Simpson, and Shannon-Weiner were determined. Areas were also grouped by cluster analysis based on UPGMA applied at Jaccard's similarity matrix. Among the treatments with winter coverage, radish was the most efficient crop in suppressing the occurrence of weed species. The area with conventional tillage agriculture and winter fallow allowed for a higher occurrence of troublesome weeds. On the other hand, the area under fallow showed the highest absolute level of infestation. Overall, oilseed crops in the winter contribute to lower levels of infestation by weed species in these areas

    Classification Of Blue Pen Ink Using Infrared Spectroscopy And Linear Discriminant Analysis

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    Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy associated to linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was employed to perform classification of blue pen ink according to types and brands, in a nondestructive way. To build a representative data set, blue pens of 3 types, namely ballpoint (5 brands), roller ball (2 brands) and gel (3 brands) were purchased from local dealers. Ten different pens, representing the best seller of each brand, were purchased, making a total of 100 pens. Circular areas were painted five times with each pen and spectra were taken in 2 different locations, using a Universal Attenuated Total Reflectance accessory (UATR), within the range of 4000 to 650cm-1. Three types of paper were employed: two brands of A4 sulfite paper (paper 1 and paper 2) and one recycled paper (paper 3). The genetic algorithm (GA), stepwise formulation (SW) and successive projections algorithm (SPA) were employed to select spectral variables employed in LDA. LDA models were built using the blue pen ink spectra obtained from paper 1. Three test sets were employed using the blue pen ink spectra obtained from papers 1, 2 and 3, in order to evaluate the influence of the paper on the predictions. The LDA models used to classify the pens according to their type (gel, rollerball and ballpoint) achieved a correct classification rate of 100% in the test set composed of blue pen ink spectra obtained from paper 1, using GA and SPA. Using SW, the rate achieved was 99.5%. For paper 2, SPA, GA and SW provided 100%, 97.3% and 93.8% of correct classification, respectively. For paper 3, SPA, GA and SW achieved a correct prediction rate of 100%, 100% and 94.9%, respectively. LDA models for classifications of pens according to their brand were 100% correct in their classification when the test set was composed of blue pen ink spectra obtained from papers 1 and 2. For the test set composed of blue pen ink spectra obtained from paper 3, LDA-SPA, LDA-GA and LDA-SW classified them correctly at 91.3%, 100% and 100%, respectively. The method developed was able to differentiate successfully all brands of pen used on each type of paper and could be a helpful tool for detection and confirmation of counterfeits in documents of legal importance. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.109122127Góngora, J.M.G., Maguregui, I., Alonso, R., Analytical methods for dating modern writing instrument inks on paper, Magdalena Ezcurra (2010) Forensic Sci. Int., 197, pp. 1-20Thanasoulias, N.C., Parisis, N.A., Evmiridis, N.P., Multivariate chemometrics for the forensic discrimination of blue ball-point pen inks based on their Vis spectra (2003) Forensic Sci. Int., 138, pp. 75-84Adam, C.D., Sherratt, S.L., Zholobenko, V.L., Classification and individualization of black ballpoint pen inks using principal component analysis of UV-vis absorption spectra (2008) Forensic Sci. Int., 174, pp. 16-25Causin, V., Casamassima, R., Marega, C., Maida, P., Schiavone, S., Marigo, A., Villari, A., The discrimination potential of ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry, thin layer chromatography, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for the forensic analysis of black and blue ballpoint inks (2008) J. Forensic Sci., 53, pp. 1468-1473Zieba-Paulus, J., Kunicki, M., Application of micro-FTIR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and XRF method examination of inks (2006) Forensic Sci. Int., 158, pp. 164-172Wang, J., Luo, G., Sun, S., Wang, Z., Wang, Y., Systematic analysis of bulk blue ballpoint pen ink by FTIR spectrometry (2001) J. Forensic Sci., 46, pp. 1093-1097Ng, L., Lafontaine, P., Brazeau, L., Ballpoint pen inks: characterization by positive and negative ion-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for the forensic examination of writing inks (2002) J. Forensic Sci., 47, pp. 1238-1247Kher, A., Mulholland, M., Green, E., Reedy, B., Forensic classification of ballpoint pen inks using high performance liquid chromatography and infrared spectroscopy with principal component analysis and linear discriminate analysis (2006) Vib. Spectrosc., 40, pp. 270-277Adam, C.D., In situ luminescence spectroscopy with multivariate analysis for the discrimination of black ballpoint pen ink-lines on paper (2008) Forensic Sci. Int., 182, pp. 27-34Rouxa, C., Novotnyb, M., Evansc, I., Lennardd, C., A study to investigate the evidential value of blue and black ballpoint pen inks in Australia (1999) Forensic Sci. Int., 101, pp. 167-176Wilkinson, T.J., Perry, D.L., Martin, M.C., McKinney, W.R., Cantu, A.A., Use of synchrotron reflectance infrared spectromicroscopy as a rapid, direct, nondestructive method for the study of inks on paper (2002) Appl. Spectrosc., 56, pp. 800-803Jones, R.W., Cody, R.B., McClelland, J.F., Differentiating writing inks using direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry (2006) J. Forensic Sci., 51, pp. 915-918Denman, J.A., Skinner, W.M., Kirkbride, K.P., Kempson, I.M., Organic and inorganic discrimination of ballpoint pen inks by ToF-SIMS and multivariate statistics (2010) Appl. Surf. Sci., 256, pp. 2155-2163Chiang, L.H., Pell, R.J., Genetic algorithms combined with discriminant analysis for key variable identification (2004) J. Process. Control., 14, pp. 143-155Caneca, A.R., Pimentel, M.F., Galvão, R.K.H., Matta, C.E., Carvalho, F.R., Raimundo, I.M., Pasquini, C., Rohwedder, J.J.R., Assessment of infrared spectroscopy and multivariate techniques for monitoring the service condition of diesel-engine lubricating oils (2006) Talanta, 70, pp. 344-352Pontes, M.J.C., Galvão, R.K.H., Araújo, M.C.U., Moreira, P.N.T., Neto, O.D.P., José, G.E., Saldanha, T.C.B., The successive projections algorithm for spectral variable selection in classification problems (2005) Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst., 78, pp. 11-18Gambarra-Neto, F.F., Marino, G., Araujo, M.C.U., Galvao, R.K.H., Pontes, M.J.C., Medeiros, E.P., Lima, R.S., Classification of edible vegetable oils using square wave voltammetry with multivariate data analysis (2009) Talanta, 77, pp. 1660-1666Pontes, M.J.C., Cortez, J., Galvão, R.K.H., Pasquini, C., Araújo, M.C.U., Coelho, R.M., Chiba, M.K., Madari, B.E., Classification of Brazilian soils by using LIBS and variable selection in the wavelet domain (2009) Anal. Chim. Acta, 642, pp. 12-18Moreira, E.D., Pontes, M.J.C., Galvão, R.K.H., Araújo, M.C.U., Near infrared reflectance spectrometry classification of cigarettes using the successive projections algorithm for variable selection (2009) Talanta, 79, pp. 1260-1264Souto, U.T.C.P., Pontes, M.J.C., Silva, E.C., Galvão, R.K.H., Araújo, M.C.U., Sanches, F.A.C., Cunha, F.A.S., Oliveira, M.S.R., UV-Vis spectrometric classification of coffees by SPA-LDA (2010) Food Chem., 119, pp. 368-371Pontes, M.J.C., Pereira, C.F., Pimentel, M.F., Vasconcelos, F.V.C., Silva, A.G.B., Screening analysis to detect adulteration in diesel/biodiesel blends using near infrared spectrometry and multivariate classification (2011) Talanta, 85, pp. 2159-2165Fisher, R.A., The use of multiple measurements in taxinomic problems (1936) Ann. Eugenics, 7, pp. 179-188Araújo, M.C.U., Saldanha, T.C.B., Galvão, R.K.H., Yoneyama, T., Chame, H.C., Visani, V., The successive projections algorithm for variable selection in spectroscopic multicomponent analysis (2001) Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst., 57, pp. 65-73Galvão, R.K.H., Araújo, M.C.U., (2009) Comprehensive Chemometrics: Chemical and Biochemical Data Analysis, p. 233. , Elsevier, Oxford, S.D. Brown, R. Tauler, B. Walczak (Eds.)Pontes, M.J.C., Rocha, A.M.J., Pimentel, M.F., Pereira, C.F., Determining the quality of insulating oils using near infrared spectroscopy and wavelength selection (2011) Microchem. J., 98, pp. 254-259Goldberg, D.E., (1989) Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning, , Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc, BostonLeardi, R., Genetic algorithms in chemometrics and chemistry: a review (2001) J. 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