81 research outputs found

    Testing the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis on land use: The case of Romania

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    The aim of the present study is to test empirically the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis for 42 Romanian counties over the 2000-2014 period. Specifically, we investigate the existence of an inverted U-shaped curve relationship between residential built-up land and economic development in a low-income EU country undergoing rapid and profound transition. We do so by making innovative use of spatial panel econometric techniques. Contrary to our expectations, the results indicate an inverted EKC, implying that higher levels of residential built-up area occur for higher levels of wealth. Moreover, we find that the built-up land in Romania mainly reflects processes of urban expansion, such as sprawl or suburbanization, that may have harmful environmental and social consequences. Spatial spill-overs in terms of built-up land arise and spread, albeit to a limited extent, to neighbouring locations. These findings are of potential significance for policy makers, because they highlight the need for coordination among neighbours. Furthermore, strengthening the institutional framework and local tax management, and planning urban regeneration better could curb and even reverse the extensive built-up land expansion and real estate speculation

    Tangible, intangible assets and labour productivity growth

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    PurposeThe aim of this study is to investigate the contribution of tangible and intangible investments in driving labour productivity growth in the European Union over the period 2000-2017 and their role in the short and medium run. Additionally, heterogeneity across countries is accounted for by performing estimates separately for Eastern and Western European countries.Design/methodology/approachThe methodology used to conduct the analysis of the determinants of productivity is the two-way fixed-effect and the system generalised method of moments. We also include country-specific dummies in place of our variable on national innovative capacity as a means to further reduce the number of instruments.FindingsThe results reveal a long-term relationship of investment in intangible assets with labour productivity growth, more specifically of investment in R&D. This relationship holds both when considering the whole set of European countries and for Western European countries, demonstrating that R&D is key to enhancing labour productivity growth. On the contrary, the effect for Eastern countries is negative, probably due to the lack of capacity to turn this investment into an efficient and effective way to foster productivity.Originality/valueBesides confirming the well-known role of tangible and intangible assets in productivity, the heterogeneity shown in our analysis highlights the need for improving capabilities in Eastern countries. Diversifying the decisions on the investments in European countries, depending on the specific needs and their heterogeneity, could help bridge the productivity gap and enhance specific capabilities of the country systems

    Ecosystem degradation and the spread of Covid-19

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    The linkages between the emergence of zoonotic diseases and ecosystem degradation have been widely acknowledged by the scientific community and policy makers. In this paper we investigate the relationship between human overexploitation of natural resources, represented by the Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production Index (HANPP) and the spread of Covid-19 cases during the first pandemic wave in 730 regions of 63 countries worldwide. Using a Bayesian estimation technique, we highlight the significant role of HANPP as a driver of Covid-19 diffusion, besides confirming the well-known impact of population size and the effects of other socio-economic variables. We believe that these findings could be relevant for policy makers in their effort towards a more sustainable intensive agriculture and responsible urbanisation

    The spatial aspects of fairness

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    As well as their family background, an individual's chances in life are determined by the opportunities available to them in their geographical context. This chapter therefore deals with the spatial aspects of fairness. It focuses, firstly, on socio-economic factors which are not randomly distributed in space (i.e. they have a geographical pattern). Secondly, it focuses, not on first nature geographical differences which cannot be changed (such as the presence of mountains), but on second nature geographical factors (such as access to basic services or hospitals) which can be altered and which are important in overcoming a region's natural disadvantages. It then links the two

    Endothelial Dysfunction and Specific Inflammation in Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity. What moderate chronic hypoventilation adds to obesity on systemic inflammation and endothelial dysfunction remains unknown. QUESTION: To compare inflammatory status and endothelial function in OHS versus eucapnic obese patients. METHODOLOGY: 14 OHS and 39 eucapnic obese patients matched for BMI and age were compared. Diurnal blood gazes, overnight polysomnography and endothelial function, measured by reactive hyperemia peripheral arterial tonometry (RH-PAT), were assessed. Inflammatory (Leptin, RANTES, MCP-1, IL-6, IL-8, TNFalpha, Resistin) and anti-inflammatory (adiponectin, IL-1Ra) cytokines were measured by multiplex beads immunoassays. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: OHS exhibited a higher PaCO(2), a lower forced vital capacity (FVC) and tended to have a lower PaO(2) than eucapnic obese patients. (HS)-CRP, RANTES levels and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) were significantly increased in OHS (respectively 11.1+/-10.9 vs. 5.7+/-5.5 mg x l(-1) for (HS)-CRP, 55.9+/-55.3 vs 23.3+/-15.8 ng/ml for RANTES and 7.3+/-4.3 vs 6.1+/-1.7 for HbA1c). Serum adiponectin was reduced in OHS (7606+/-2977 vs 13,660+/-7854 ng/ml). Endothelial function was significantly more impaired in OHS (RH-PAT index: 0.22+/-0.06 vs 0.51+/-0.11). CONCLUSIONS: Compared to eucapnic obesity, OHS is associated with a specific increase in the pro-atherosclerotic RANTES chemokine, a decrease in the anti-inflammatory adipokine adiponectin and impaired endothelial function. These three conditions are known to be strongly associated with an increased cardiovascular risk. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00603096

    Challenges and Opportunities to Regional Renewal in the European Union

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    The strength of the 2008 financial and economic crisis and the resulting degree of resilience were heterogeneous among and within the European Union countries. Challenges and opportunities driven by regional-specific differences determined the ability to overshoot the precrisis levels of growth. Focusing upon Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics 2 (NUTS 2) European regions, we explore a novel conceptual framework related to regional economic resilience, namely the renewal capacity. Precisely, we concentrate on the capacity of regional economies to “renew” their growth paths in the labor market in the aftermath of the recent global crisis. We find some well-identified spatial patterns of regional employment renewal and we identify a set of territorial assets that allow regions to bounce back faster and more comprehensively than others to the economic downturn. Furthermore, there are significant differences between the drivers of the regional renewal of Old and New Member States. Our findings suggest potential policy directions at all levels for enhancing regional resilience

    Four Essays on the Productivity Convergence of the European Regions

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    La tesi punta a verificare empiricamente se esiste e quali caratteristiche assuma il processo di convergenza della produttivit\ue0 regionale a livello Europeo. Nel fare questo viene posta particolare attenzione al ruolo degli effetti spaziali e della politica di Coesione Europea. Da un punto di vista metodologico, vengono quindi utilizzati dei modelli econometrici capaci di gestire i fenomeni di dipendenza spaziale, consentendoci di ottenere delle stime affidabili. Inoltre, l'effetto della politica di Coesione \ue8 valutato attraverso l'introduzione di variabili relative alla spesa regionale per i Fondi Strutturali. La tesi \ue8 strutturata in quattro capitoli. Il primo capitolo indaga la convergenza totale e settoriale della produttivit\ue0 del lavoro per le regioni NUTS-3 dell'UE a 12 membri nel periodo 1980-2010. Vengono utilizzate la \u3b2 e \u3c3-convergenza ed i filtri spaziali di Getis che permettono di scomporre ogni variabile nelle sue componenti spaziali e a-spaziali garantendo quindi la loro indipendenza spaziale. Le stime evidenziano un processo di \u3c3 e \u3b2-convergenza delle economie regionali. Inoltre, si osserva che i) la forza lavoro espulsa dal settore agricolo non \ue8 completamente assorbita dai settori dei servizi e dal manifatturiero, ii) la produttivit\ue0 del settore dei servizi e del manifatturo aumenta nelle regioni in ritardo di sviluppo con la conseguente diminuzione della varianza, e che iii) \ue8 in atto un processo di \u3b2-convergenza della produttivit\ue0 sia a livello settoriale che totale. Infine, si \ue8 notato che, iv) i servizi pi\uf9 produttivi tendono a concentrarsi in alcune citt\ue0 e regioni. Il secondo capitolo si propone di valutare, mediante un modello cross-section di crescita ed un'analisi econometrica spaziale, se i Fondi Strutturali sono stati efficaci per la convergenza regionale della produttivit\ue0 del lavoro tra le regioni NUTS-2 dell'Unione Europea tra il 1989 ed il 2006, e quali fattori ne influenzeranno l'efficacia. Nel modello di \u3b2-convergenza, accanto ai Fondi Strutturali e ad altre variabili esplicative, \ue8 stato incluso un termine di interazione relativo alla qualit\ue0 istituzionale regionale ed ai Fondi Strutturali, al fine di valutare la loro significativit\ue0 congiunta rispetto alla crescita. Gli effetti dei Fondi Strutturali sulla convergenza sono valutati attraverso una tecnica di filtraggio spaziale che gestisce sia la dipendenza spaziale nei residui che l'eventuale esistenza di molteplici stati stazionari. Questo approccio, anche se \ue8 un metodo economicamente a-teoretico, porta ad una generalizzazione del modello di crescita di Solow in cui ogni regione segue questo modello, ma le loro funzioni di produzione aggregate ed i loro stati stazionari sono liberi di variare. Le conclusioni principali mostrano che, in primo luogo, i Fondi Strutturali per l'Obiettivo 1 accelerano il processo di convergenza. In secondo luogo, il termine di interazione tra la qualit\ue0 istituzionale regionale ed i Fondi Strutturali per l'Obiettivo 1 ha un effetto significativo e positivo sulla crescita della produttivit\ue0 regionale. In terzo luogo, le regioni europee hanno diversi percorsi di crescita, e in questo studio sono stati definiti gruppi di regioni con tassi di convergenza omogenei. Nel terzo capitolo, sono esaminate le componenti riferite della crescita della produttivit\ue0 dovute al cambiamento strutturale e intrasettoriale. L'analisi parte dall'idea secondo cui le regioni, per riuscire a migliorare i loro standard di vita, devono essere in grado di diversificarsi rispetto ai settori tradizionali, al fine di concentrarsi su quelli pi\uf9 avanzati. La velocit\ue0 con cui questa diversificazione avviene determina il successo o il fallimento di una regione. Nella prima parte del capitolo, un'analisi esplorativa spaziale ci mostra che sia la variazione strutturale che intrasettoriale sono fortemente clusterizzate nello spazio. Successivamente, attraverso un modello econometrico Spatial Durbin in grado di includere esplicitamente gli effetti degli spillover spaziali, sono stimati i fattori che influenzano il cambiamento strutturale ed intrasettoriale. La stima empirica mostra che il cambiamento strutturale \ue8 promosso dalla variabile relativa al potenziale di mercato tramite gli spillover spaziali mentre \ue8 influenzato negativamente da una elevata specializzazione regionale, dalle diseconomie di scala e da condizioni locali eterogenee. La presenza iniziale di settori a bassa produttivit\ue0, nonch\ue9 le economie di agglomerazione non hanno alcun impatto ed i Fondi Strutturali, insieme con le istituzioni, svolgono un ruolo nella promozione della variazione strutturale. Infine, il cambiamento strutturale \ue8 un fattore chiave per attutire la caduta della produttivit\ue0 tra il 2008 ed il 2009. Il quarto capitolo esamina l'impatto dei Fondi Strutturali sulla crescita della produttivit\ue0 delle regioni spagnole nel periodo compreso tra 1989 e 2006 attraverso un modello Spatial Durbin con dati panel. I nostri principali risultati riguardano l'impatto non uniforme dei Fondi Strutturali per l'Obiettivo 1. Le risorse dedicate al supporto alle imprese ed al sostegno agricolo hanno un impatto positivo sulla produttivit\ue0. Al contrario, le risorse per le infrastrutture giocano un ruolo negativo, probabilmente perch\ue9 accentuano le debolezze delle regioni con una scarsa dotazione iniziale. Lo stesso effetto negativo \ue8 prodotto dai fondi destinati al capitale umano in quanto questi non si traducono in una efficace crescita della produttivit\ue0. Infine, gli effetti dei Fondi Strutturali tendono a scomparire molto presto nel tempo.The thesis aims to empirically verify if it exists and what features assume the process of regional productivity convergence at the European level. In doing this, we pay particular attention to the role of spatial effects and European cohesion policy. Under a methodological point of view, we use econometric models capable of handling the phenomena of spatial dependence, allowing us to obtain reliable estimates. Moreover, the effect of Cohesion policy is evaluated through the introduction of variables relating to regional expenditure for the Structural Funds. The PhD thesis is organized in four chapters. The first chapter investigates the total and sectoral convergence of labour productivity between NUTS-3 regions of EU-12 over the period 1980-2010. A \u3b2 and \u3c3-convergence approach is adopted along with a methodology based on Getis\u2019 spatial filters that allows decomposing each variable into its spatial and a-spatial components ensuring the spatial independence. The estimates highlight a process of \u3c3 and \u3b2-convergence in regional economies. Furthermore, it is observed that i) the employees expelled from agricultural sector are not fully absorbed by services and manufactory sectors, ii) the productivity of services and manufactory sectors is increasing in lagging regions with the consequent decreasing variance, and iii) the \u3b2-convergence process is in act within sectors and for the overall productivity. Finally, it has been found that iv) higher productivity services are rather concentrated in some cities and regions. The second chapter aims to evaluate, by means of cross-sectional growth modelling and spatial econometric analysis, whether Structural Funds were effective for regional convergence of labour productivity among regions of the European Union from 1989 to 2006, and what factors affect the effectiveness. In the \u3b2-convergence model, beside Structural Funds and conditioning variables, it has been included an interaction term comprised of regional institutional quality in conjunction with provision of Structural Funds, in order to evaluate their joint returns on growth. The effects of Structural Funds upon convergence are assessed through a spatial filtering technique that manages both spatial dependence in the residuals and the possible existence of multiple steady states. This approach, although it is an economic a-theoretical method, leads to a generalization of the Solow growth model in which each region follows this model, but their aggregate production functions and their steady states are free to vary. Three main conclusions have been reached. First, Structural Funds for Objective 1 help to accelerate the process of convergence. Second, the interaction of regional institutional quality and Structural Funds for Objective 1 has a significant and positive effect upon regional productivity growth. Third, European regions have varying paths of growth, and in this study clusters of regions with homogeneous convergence rates have been delineated. In the third chapter, the structural and within components of productivity growth are examined. The analysis starts from the idea that regions that manage to improve their living standards need to be able to diversify away from traditional sectors in order to focus in more advanced. The speed at which this diversification takes place determines the success, or failure, of a region. In the first part of the chapter, an exploratory spatial analysis leads to observe that the structural and within variation are strongly geographically clustered. The estimation of the factors that affect the within and structural change is then performed through a Spatial Durbin econometric model able to explicitly include the spatial spillover effects. Empirical estimation shows that the structural change is promoted by market potential via spatial spillovers and it is negatively affected by high regional specialisation, diseconomy of scale and heterogeneous local conditions. The initial presence of low productivity sectors as well as the agglomeration economies do not have any impact and the Structural Funds, along with institutions, have a role in promoting the structural variation. Finally, the structural change is a key factor in order to cushion the fall of productivity between 2008 and 2009. The fourth chapter examines the impact of the Structural Funds on the productivity growth of the Spanish regions over the period 1989-2006 adopting a Spatial Durbin panel model. Our main findings regard the mixed impact of Structural Funds for Objective 1. The resources devoted to business and agricultural support have a positive impact on productivity. At the opposite, the resources for infrastructures play a negative role on productivity, probably because they accentuate the weaknesses of the regions with low endowment. The same negative impact is produced from Funds on human capital since these do not translate into an effective productivity growth. Finally, the effects of Structural Funds tend to vanish soon over the time

    The Determinants of Subjective Well‑Being in a Developing Country: The Ecuadorian Case

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    In this study, we identify some individual and contextual factors potentially affecting subjective well-being in developing countries and check their effect in the Ecuadorian case. Ecuador is an oil country where attempts have been made to overcome deep social and territorial inequalities by placing human well-being at the core of public policy through the National Plan for Good Living. By means of ordinary least squares and ordered logit with clustered standard errors, as well as multilevel ordered logit models, we find that oil-dependent territories negatively affect well-being. Moreover, women and indigenous people report lower well-being, while personal income, education, housing quality, institutional trust, health insurance and social relationships can improve it. From a policy perspective, we find that basic unmet needs still need to be fulfilled to increase well-being, and further improvements of the institutional framework, redistributive system and inclusion policies are required. In this respect, we observe that Good Living-based policy accurately addresses these elements and, therefore, has great potential for application in other countries with similar characteristics
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