114 research outputs found

    Loop and surface operators in N=2 gauge theory and Liouville modular geometry

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    Recently, a duality between Liouville theory and four dimensional N=2 gauge theory has been uncovered by some of the authors. We consider the role of extended objects in gauge theory, surface operators and line operators, under this correspondence. We map such objects to specific operators in Liouville theory. We employ this connection to compute the expectation value of general supersymmetric 't Hooft-Wilson line operators in a variety of N=2 gauge theories.Comment: 60 pages, 11 figures; v3: further minor corrections, published versio

    Boundary Liouville theory at c=1

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    The c=1 Liouville theory has received some attention recently as the Euclidean version of an exact rolling tachyon background. In an earlier paper it was shown that the bulk theory can be identified with the interacting c=1 limit of unitary minimal models. Here we extend the analysis of the c=1-limit to the boundary problem. Most importantly, we show that the FZZT branes of Liouville theory give rise to a new 1-parameter family of boundary theories at c=1. These models share many features with the boundary Sine-Gordon theory, in particular they possess an open string spectrum with band-gaps of finite width. We propose explicit formulas for the boundary 2-point function and for the bulk-boundary operator product expansion in the c=1 boundary Liouville model. As a by-product of our analysis we also provide a nice geometric interpretation for ZZ branes and their relation with FZZT branes in the c=1 theory.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figure. Minor error corrected, slight change in result (1.6

    Rolling Tachyons from Liouville theory

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    In this work we propose an exact solution of the c=1 Liouville model, i.e. of the world-sheet theory that describes the homogeneous decay of a closed string tachyon. Our expressions are obtained through careful extrapolation from the correlators of Liouville theory with c > 25. In the c=1 limit, we find two different theories which differ by the signature of Liouville field. The Euclidean limit coincides with the interacting c=1 theory that was constructed by Runkel and Watts as a limit of unitary minimal models. The couplings for the Lorentzian limit are new. In contrast to the behavior at c > 1, amplitudes in both c=1 models are non-analytic in the momenta and consequently they are not related by Wick rotation.Comment: 22 page

    Non-Perturbative Topological Strings And Conformal Blocks

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    We give a non-perturbative completion of a class of closed topological string theories in terms of building blocks of dual open strings. In the specific case where the open string is given by a matrix model these blocks correspond to a choice of integration contour. We then apply this definition to the AGT setup where the dual matrix model has logarithmic potential and is conjecturally equivalent to Liouville conformal field theory. By studying the natural contours of these matrix integrals and their monodromy properties, we propose a precise map between topological string blocks and Liouville conformal blocks. Remarkably, this description makes use of the light-cone diagrams of closed string field theory, where the critical points of the matrix potential correspond to string interaction points.Comment: 36 page

    Penrose limit and string quantization in AdS_3 \times S^3

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    We consider corrections to the Penrose limit of AdS_3 \times S^3 with NS-NS flux which are due to the terms next to leading order in inverse radius expansion. The worldsheet theory of a lightcone string is interacting due to the presence of quartic terms in the action. Perturbative corrections to the spectrum are shown to agree with the results from the exact quantization in AdS_3 \times S^3.Comment: 18 pages v2: typos fixed, reference added, to appear in JHE

    Timelike Boundary Liouville Theory

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    The timelike boundary Liouville (TBL) conformal field theory consisting of a negative norm boson with an exponential boundary interaction is considered. TBL and its close cousin, a positive norm boson with a non-hermitian boundary interaction, arise in the description of the c=1c=1 accumulation point of c<1c<1 minimal models, as the worldsheet description of open string tachyon condensation in string theory and in scaling limits of superconductors with line defects. Bulk correlators are shown to be exactly soluble. In contrast, due to OPE singularities near the boundary interaction, the computation of boundary correlators is a challenging problem which we address but do not fully solve. Analytic continuation from the known correlators of spatial boundary Liouville to TBL encounters an infinite accumulation of poles and zeros. A particular contour prescription is proposed which cancels the poles against the zeros in the boundary correlator d(\o) of two operators of weight \o^2 and yields a finite result. A general relation is proposed between two-point CFT correlators and stringy Bogolubov coefficients, according to which the magnitude of d(\o) determines the rate of open string pair creation during tachyon condensation. The rate so obtained agrees at large \o with a minisuperspace analysis of previous work. It is suggested that the mathematical ambiguity arising in the prescription for analytic continuation of the correlators corresponds to the physical ambiguity in the choice of open string modes and vacua in a time dependent background.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure, v2 reference and acknowledgement adde

    Branes, Rings and Matrix Models in Minimal (Super)string Theory

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    We study both bosonic and supersymmetric (p,q) minimal models coupled to Liouville theory using the ground ring and the various branes of the theory. From the FZZT brane partition function, there emerges a unified, geometric description of all these theories in terms of an auxiliary Riemann surface M_{p,q} and the corresponding matrix model. In terms of this geometric description, both the FZZT and ZZ branes correspond to line integrals of a certain one-form on M_{p,q}. Moreover, we argue that there are a finite number of distinct (m,n) ZZ branes, and we show that these ZZ branes are located at the singularities of M_{p,q}. Finally, we discuss the possibility that the bosonic and supersymmetric theories with (p,q) odd and relatively prime are identical, as is suggested by the unified treatment of these models.Comment: 72 pages, 3 figures, improved treatment of FZZT and ZZ branes, minor change

    D-brane Decay in Two-Dimensional String Theory

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    We consider unstable D0-branes of two dimensional string theory, described by the boundary state of Zamolodchikov and Zamolodchikov [hep-th/0101152] multiplied by the Neumann boundary state for the time coordinate tt. In the dual description in terms of the c=1c=1 matrix model, this D0-brane is described by a matrix eigenvalue on top of the upside down harmonic oscillator potential. As suggested by McGreevy and Verlinde [hep-th/0304224], an eigenvalue rolling down the potential describes D-brane decay. As the eigenvalue moves down the potential to the asymptotic region it can be described as a free relativistic fermion. Bosonizing this fermion we get a description of the state in terms of a coherent state of the tachyon field in the asymptotic region, up to a non-local linear field redefinition by an energy-dependent phase. This coherent state agrees with the exponential of the closed string one-point function on a disk with Sen's marginal boundary interaction for tt which describes D0-brane decay.Comment: 19 pages, harvmac, minor change