170 research outputs found

    DNS, Enstrophy Balance, and the Dissipation Equation in a Separated Turbulent Channel Flow

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    The turbulent flows through a plane channel and a channel with a constriction (2-D hill) are numerically simulated using DNS and RANS calculations. The Navier-Stokes equations in the DNS are solved using a higher order kinetic energy preserving central schemes and a fifth order accurate upwind biased WENO scheme for the space discretization. RANS calculations are performed using the NASA code CFL3D with the komega SST two-equation model and a full Reynolds stress model. Using DNS, the magnitudes of different terms that appear in the enstrophy equation are evaluated. The results show that the dissipation and the diffusion terms reach large values at the wall. All the vortex stretching terms have similar magnitudes within the buffer region. Beyond that the triple correlation among the vorticity and strain rate fluctuations becomes the important kinematic term in the enstrophy equation. This term is balanced by the viscous dissipation. In the separated flow, the triple correlation term and the viscous dissipation term peak locally and balance each other near the separated shear layer region. These findings concur with the analysis of Tennekes and Lumley, confirming that the energy transfer terms associated with the small-scale dissipation and the fluctuations of the vortex stretching essentially cancel each other, leaving an equation for the dissipation that is governed by the large-scale motion

    Integrated Semiconductor Laser Optical Phase Lock Loops

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    An Optical Phase Lock Loop (OPLL) is a feedback control system that allows the phase stabilization of a laser to a reference laser with absolute but adjustable frequency offset. Such phase and frequency locked optical oscillators are of great interest for sensing, spectroscopy, and optical communication applications, where coherent detection offers advantages of higher sensitivity and spectral efficiency than can be achieved with direct detection. As explained in this paper, the fundamental difficulty in realising an OPLL is related to the limitations on loop bandwidth and propagation delay as a function of laser linewidth. In particular, the relatively wide linewidth of semiconductor lasers requires short delay, which can only be achieved through shortening of the feedback path, which is greatly facilitated through photonic integration. This paper reviews the advances in the development of semiconductor laser-based OPLLs and describes how improvements in performance have been enabled by improvements in photonic integration technology. We also describe the first OPLL created using foundry fabricated photonic integrated circuits and off-the-shelf electronic components. Stable locking has been achieved for offset frequencies between 4 and 12 GHz with a heterodyne phase noise below -100 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset. This is the highest performance yet reported for a monolithically integrated OPLL and demonstrates the attractiveness of the foundry fabrication approach

    Monolithically integrated optical phase lock loop with 1 THz tuneability

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    We have demonstrated a monolithically integrated optical phase lock loop based on a foundry fabricated photonic integrated circuit. The InP chip contains PIN photodiodes integrated with a 1.5 μm DBR laser which can be phase stabilised with respect to an external optical reference tone at all wavelengths throughout its 1 THz (8 nm) tuning range. The frequency offset between the two lasers can be set to any value between 4 GHz and 12 GHz. The phase noise of the heterodyne signal is also reported. Such an OPLL, together with an optical frequency comb and broad-bandwidth photodetector, could be used for high purity, tuneable mm-wave / THz signal generation

    Ultra-high-resolution software-defined photonic terahertz spectroscopy

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    A novel technique for high-resolution 1.5 µm photonics-enabled terahertz (THz) spectroscopy using software control of the illumination spectral line shape (SLS) is presented. The technique enhances the performance of a continuous-wave THz spectrometer to reveal previously inaccessible details of closely spaced spectral peaks. We demonstrate the technique by performing spectroscopy on LiYF4:Ho3+, a material of interest for quantum science and technology, where we discriminate between inhomogeneous Gaussian and homogeneous Lorentzian contributions to absorption lines near 0.2 THz. Ultra-high-resolution (<100 Hz full-width at half maximum) frequency-domain spectroscopy with quality factor Q > 2 × 109 is achieved using an exact frequency spacing comb source in the optical communications band, with a custom uni-traveling-carrier photodiode mixer and coherent down-conversion detection. Software-defined time-domain modulation of one of the comb lines is demonstrated and used to resolve the sample SLS and to obtain a magnetic field-free readout of the electronuclear spectrum for the Ho3+ ions in LiYF4:Ho3+. In particular, homogeneous and inhomogeneous contributions to the spectrum are readily separated. The experiment reveals previously unmeasured information regarding the hyperfine structure of the first excited state in the 5 I8 manifold complementing the results reported in Phys. Rev. B 94, 205132 (2016)

    Photonically enabled communication systems beyond 1000 GHz

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    This paper presents a review of the recent development and research work on InP devices and their associated systems to generate and detect signal beyond 1 THz. The potential of the technology and the remaining challenges are also discussed. The paper will present recent results on laser sources that could be used as the basis of the THz sources as well as a set of potential THz emitters such as the UTC photodiode which has already permitted up to 25 muW to be emitted at 1 THz

    Parametric Study of Decay of Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence Using Large Eddy Simulation

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    Numerical simulations of decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence are performed with both low-order and high-order spatial discretization schemes. The turbulent Mach and Reynolds numbers for the simulations are 0.2 and 250, respectively. For the low-order schemes we use either second-order central or third-order upwind biased differencing. For higher order approximations we apply weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) schemes, both with linear and nonlinear weights. There are two objectives in this preliminary effort to investigate possible schemes for large eddy simulation (LES). One is to explore the capability of a widely used low-order computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code to perform LES computations. The other is to determine the effect of higher order accuracy (fifth, seventh, and ninth order) achieved with high-order upwind biased WENO-based schemes. Turbulence statistics, such as kinetic energy, dissipation, and skewness, along with the energy spectra from simulations of the decaying turbulence problem are used to assess and compare the various numerical schemes. In addition, results from the best performing schemes are compared with those from a spectral scheme. The effects of grid density, ranging from 32 cubed to 192 cubed, on the computations are also examined. The fifth-order WENO-based scheme is found to be too dissipative, especially on the coarser grids. However, with the seventh-order and ninth-order WENO-based schemes we observe a significant improvement in accuracy relative to the lower order LES schemes, as revealed by the computed peak in the energy dissipation and by the energy spectrum

    Impact of immunogenicity on clinical efficacy and toxicity profile of biologic agents used for treatment of inflammatory arthritis in children compared to adults

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    The treatment of inflammatory arthritis has been revolutionised by the introduction of biologic treatments. Many biologic agents are currently licensed for use in both paediatric and adult patients with inflammatory arthritis and contribute to improved disease outcomes compared with the pre-biologic era. However, immunogenicity to biologic agents, characterised by an immune reaction leading to the production of anti-drug antibodies (ADAs), can negatively impact the therapeutic efficacy of biologic drugs and induce side effects to treatment. This review explores for the first time the impact of immunogenicity against all licensed biologic treatments currently used in inflammatory arthritis across age, and will examine any significant differences between ADA prevalence, titres and timing of development, as well as ADA impact on therapeutic drug levels, clinical efficacy and side effects between paediatric and adult patients. In addition, we will investigate factors associated with differences in immunogenicity across biologic agents used in inflammatory arthritis, and their potential therapeutic implications

    Injection locking of a terahertz quantum cascade laser to a telecommunications wavelength frequency comb

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    High resolution spectroscopy can not only identify atoms and molecules, but can also provide detailed information on their chemical and physical environment, and relative motion. In the terahertz frequency region of the electromagnetic spectrum, where many molecules have fundamental vibrational modes, there is a lack of powerful sources with narrow linewidths that can be used for absorption measurements or as local oscillators in heterodyne detectors. The most promising solid-state source is the THz frequency quantum cascade laser (QCL), however, the linewidth of this compact semiconductor laser is typically too broad for many applications and its frequency is not directly referenced to primary frequency standards. In this work we injection lock a QCL operating at 2 THz to a compact fibre-based telecommunications wavelength frequency comb, where the comb line spacing is referenced to a microwave frequency reference. This results in the QCL frequency locking to an integer harmonic of the microwave reference, and the QCL linewidth reducing to the multiplied linewidth of the microwave reference, < 100 Hz. Furthermore, we perform phase-resolved detection of the locked QCL and measure the phase noise of the locked system to be –75 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset from 2 THz carrier

    Tuneable Optical Frequency Comb Generator for THz Spectroscopy

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    We present an optical frequency comb generator with a record span of 3.8 THz suitable for high resolution THz spectroscopy, based on a single phase modulator system. The line spacing, exactly referenced to a microwave synthesizer, can be continuously tuned from 17.5 GHz to 20 GHz overcoming the limitation otherwise imposed by the free spectral range of the fibre loop, making the system capable of generating a continuously tuneable electrical signal from 122.5 GHz to >2.7 THz. The system noise has been measured up to a record frequency of 300 GHz, and shown to be limited by the multiplied phase noise of the reference synthesizer

    Monolithically integrated optical phase lock loop for microwave photonics

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    We present a review of the critical design aspects of monolithically integrated optical phase lock loops (OPLLs). OPLL design procedures and OPLL parameters are discussed. A technique to evaluate the gain of the closed loop operating system is introduced and experimentally validated for the first time. A dual-OPLL system, when synchronised to an optical frequency comb generator without any prior filtering of the comb lines, allows generation of high spectral purity signals at any desired frequency from several GHz up to THz range. Heterodyne phase locking was achieved at a continuously tuneable offset frequency between 2 and 6 GHz. Thanks to the photonic integration, small dimensions, and custom-made electronics, the propagation delay in the loop was less than 1.8 ns, allowing good phase noise performance with OPLLs based on lasers with linewidths less than a few MHz. The system demonstrates the potential for photonic integration to be applied in various microwave photonics applications where narrow-bandwidth tuneable optical filters with amplification functionality are required. © 2012 IEEE
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