3,247 research outputs found

    Re-interpretando el corredor noroeste de Madrid 1956 – 2011: las piezas que componen el territorio del CoNOMad y sus lógicas

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    Este trabajo se centra en entender las transformaciones urbanísticas en el Corredor Noroeste de Madrid (CoNOMad) en las últimas décadas, para buscar sus patrones y lógicas. El corredor es un espacio de crecimiento disperso vinculado tradicionalmente a los asentamientos de baja densidad de la Comunidad de Madrid, límite entre sierra y ciudad y vertebrado por la carretera Nacional VI. Se analiza este espacio atendiendo a tres factores: el paisaje, las infraestructuras y los asentamientos. Este método de análisis permite encontrar diferentes piezas que se repiten a lo largo del corredor y lógicas de implantación en el mismo. El artículo se estructura en tres partes: 1. CoNOMad, 2. Las Piezas del territorio y 3. La lógica de las piezas.The expansion of the suburbs in Madrid has been a unique phenomenon in the past decades, spreading out in fragmented pi eces across the landscape of Madrid. The purpose of this work is to study the traditional low-density suburbs of the Region of Madrid (Madrid North west Corridor (CoNOMad). This corridor stands in the limit between the city of Madrid and the mountains, being the border of the new city. This area is analyzed attending to three elements: landscape, infrastructures and settlements. This analytical methodology allows us to distinguish different pieces that compose this area and to disclaim a number of logics of how they repeat and place themselves in the corridor. The article is divided in three parts: 1. CoNOMad. 2. The pieces of the territory and 3. The pieces logics.Peer Reviewe

    The Moss Physcomitrella patens as a Model System to Study Interactions between Plants and Phytopathogenic Fungi and Oomycetes

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    The moss Physcomitrella patens has a great potential as a model system to perform functional studies of plant interacting with microbial pathogens. P. patens is susceptible to fungal and oomycete infection, which colonize and multiply in plant tissues generating disease symptoms. In response to infection, P. patens activates defense mechanisms similar to those induced in flowering plants, including the accumulation of reactive oxygen species, cell death with hallmarks of programmed cell death, cell wall fortification, and induction of defense-related genes like PAL, LOX, CHS, and PR-1. Functional analysis of genes with possible roles in defense can be performed due to the high rate of homologous recombination present in this plant that enables targeted gene disruption. This paper reviews the current knowledge of defense responses activated in P. patens after pathogen assault and analyzes the advantages of using this plant to gain further insight into plant defense strategies

    Connection between plants and humans, an example of a performative exercise exploring new possibilities

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    There is much to be discovered about human nature and the world. Meanwhile, we create mechanisms to solve the mysteries that surround us, and we try to adjust our knowledge to daily life, mostly to our own benefit. Non-human beings, like plants, have been recently studied to understand their mechanism of survival. After more than five hundred million years on earth, humans are way behind them in terms of existence. We call them now ´intelligent beings´ because of their, just founded, amazing abilities to solve problems. That could be an example for us to avoid destruction, disrespect, pollution and some of the big problems facing us nowadays. During three years of research within my doctoral project, I have been trying to develop a connection with these ancient beings through creating performances. A subjective connection that could contribute to a better understanding of plants will be created on stage, using the body as an expressive resource, flute improvisation and ´sounds of plants´. With the help of technology to detect slight electrical variations via electrodes, which are translated to waves, I have created a sound library that represents, in my perspective, a specific plant. In a shared space where performer and audienceNot Publishe