908 research outputs found

    Tratamiento de efluentes de la producción de barniz de base alquídica

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    El presente proyecto contiene el estudio técnico económico a nivel de prefactibilidad del tratamiento de efluentes generado por una fábrica de barniz de base alquídica. Se contempla aspectos medioambientales, normativos y legales. Se propusieron métodos de prevención y control de la contaminación que pudiera generar la fabricación de barniz, y se proyectaron buenas prácticas de operación y gestión con una compilación de la legislación que regula las actividades planificadas. El presente estudio de prefactibilidad se completa con un exhaustivo análisis de los costos asociados a la puesta en marcha y operación de la planta de tratamiento de efluentes, su aplicación a la fabricación de barniz y la comparación de esta propuesta con respecto a la posibilidad de la tercerización total de los residuos generado.Environmental, regulatory and legal issues are also addressed in this project. Methods of prevention and control of pollution that could generate the manufacture of paint were proposed and projected good operation and management practices. Moreover, a compilation of the legislation regulating of the planned activities was realized. This pre-feasibility study is completed with a comprehensive analysis of the costs associated with the commissioning and operation of the wastewater treatment plant, its application to the manufacture of varnish and comparing this proposal regarding the possibility of Total outsourcing of waste generated.Fil: Fornes, Nahuel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Aplicadas a la Industria.Fil: Ponce, Marcos. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Aplicadas a la Industria

    Producción de barniz de base alquídica

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    El presente trabajo contiene el análisis y la evaluación técnico económica de la fabricación de barniz a nivel industrial. El estudio realizado alcanza el nivel de prefactibilidad. El producto barniz es de tipo bien intermedio, utilizado en un importante número de aplicaciones, mayormente para los recubrimientos en la industria automotriz y de la construcción. El tamaño propuesto para la planta fue determinado a partir del análisis y consideración de las siguientes variables: tecnologías aplicables, disponibilidad de insumos, mercado potencial a sustituir, tasa de descuento de referencia y requerimientos de gestiónThis paper contains the technical analysis and economic evaluation of the production of varnish at industrial level. The study reaches the prefeasibility level. The product varnish is a good intermediate type, using it in an important number of applications, the largest use for coatings in the automotive industry and construction The technology selection included the analysis of the production of varnish, considering in evaluating technological and economic factors compared, resulting key cost of the initial investment, flexibility in terms of efficiency for different levels of production and labor requirements force.Fil: Fornes, Nahuel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Aplicadas a la Industria.Fil: Ponce, Marcos. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Aplicadas a la Industria

    Field notes on findings of threatened amphibian species in the central mountain range of western Panama

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    During field work along a transect in the Cordillera Central of western Panama between 2008 and 2010, we detected several populations of amphibian species which are considered as “Endangered” or “Critically Endangered” by the IUCN. Some of these species had suffered from serious population declines, probably due to chytridiomycosis, but all are generally threatened by habitat loss. We detected 53% of the Endangered and 56% of the Critically Endangered amphibian species that have previously been reported from within the investigated area. We report on findings of species that have not been found in Panama for many years, and provide locality data of newly discovered populations. There is a need to create a new protected area in the Cerro Colorado area of the Serranía de Tabasará, where we found 15% of the Endangered and Critically Endangered amphibian species known to Panama.Durante trabajo de campo en un transecto a lo largo de la Cordillera Central en el oeste de Panamá entre 2008 y 2010, encontramos varias poblaciones de anfibios que son considerados “En Peligro” o “En Peligro Crítico” por la UICN. Algunas de estas especies habían sufrido serias disminuciones de sus poblaciones, probablemente causadas por la quitridiomicosis, pero todas se encuentran amenazadas por pérdida de hábitat. Detectamos el 53% de las especies En Peligro y el 56% de las especies En Peligro Crítico que se habían reportado previamente en el área de estudio. Reportamos hallazgos de especies que no se habían avistado en Panamá por muchos años, así como localidades de poblaciones descubiertas por primera vez. Se requiere crear una nueva área de protección en los alrededores del Cerro Colorado en la Serranía de Tabasará, donde se han encontrado 15% de los anfibios En Peligro y En Peligro Crítico de todo Panamá

    Adaptation Mechanisms in the Evolution of Moss Defenses to Microbes

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    The tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) has declined severely across its range since 2006 due to white nose syndrome, a fungal disease causing massive bat mortality in North America. My objective was to determine distinguishing characteristics of roost trees and habitat used by tri-colored bats so that the species’ needs can be considered in management plans. I mist-netted for tri-colored bats in western Kentucky and Tennessee during the summers of 2015 and 2016, and attached a radio transmitter to each captured adult bat. I tracked 15 bats to their day roosts and collected habitat data at 38 roost areas and at 74 randomly selected trees in the area of the capture radius of each bat for comparison. Tri-colored bats used roost trees within a relatively small area. The average distance between roosts was 86 m and bats roosted within 2.5 km of their original capture site. All roosting bats were located in the foliage of live trees. Tri-colored bats’ roost tree selection was nonrandom. Bats were observed roosting in nine different species of tree, with the most commonly selected species being Carya tomentosa and Quercus alba (46% and 23% of roost trees, respectively). The most abundant species among the randomly selected trees was Q. alba, which was selected roughly in proportion to its abundance, and Acer saccharum, which was never selected as a roost tree species. A generalized linear model on all variables measured showed that increasing tree crown depth, distance from roads, and basal area of trees were correlated with roost tree selection. Management needs of tri-colored bats differ from those of several other declining bat species which prefer trees in mid-decay stages. Tri-colored bats in my study typically used mature live deciduous trees that were further than average from roads, had a greater than average crown depth, and were in a location with higher than average basal area of trees. It is likely necessary to conserve large parcels of heterogenous forest, with high numbers of mature trees to adequately protect habitat for remnant populations of tri-colored bat that persist on the landscape

    Organic ambipolar semiconductors for TFT applications

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    In the last years we have devoted some effort to the search of new high-mobility semiconductors with ambipolar performances, good processability and environmental stability. Our approach, which is one of the most widely used, consists in the combination of donor and acceptor moieties in the conjugated skeleton, which allows fine tuning of the frontier molecular orbitals. For OTFT applications, low-lying HOMOs are essential to resist air oxidation and thus increase device stability. However, if the HOMO energy is too low, the resulting barrier to hole injection may compromise the transistor performance. Thus, a delicate balance between these two effects is needed. In particular, we have combined naphthaleneimide-derived moieties as electron accepting groups with electron-rich oligothiophene fragments. In these materials, we have found that the presence of ambipolar transport in these planar molecules can be understood on the basis of three interrelated properties: (i) the absence of skeletal distortions allows closer intermolecular pi-pi stacking and enhanced intramolecular pi-conjugation, (ii) increased pi-conjugation raises the HOMO energy, which approaches the Fermi level of common used electrodes; and (iii) more planar structures translate into lower Marcus reorganization energies. However, one of the limitations of these types of semiconductors is the presence of a molecular dipole moment, which forces the molecules to pack with pairwise intermolecular interactions orienting the naphthaleneimide cores in opposite directions, decreasing in some cases molecular orbitals overlapping. In recent contributions, we have devoted our efforts to analyze the effect of molecular interactions, through chemical modifications in order to induce parallel and antiparallel molecular packing, on the electronic properties of ambipolar semiconductors.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Understanding organic materials performance in field-effect transistors

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    Comunicación oralIn the last years, much of our effort has been devoted to the search and study of new high-mobility semiconductors for organic thin film transistors. The approach used for the materials design has been two-fold: (i) the combination of donor and acceptor moieties in the pi-conjugated skeleton, which allows fine tuning of the frontier molecular orbitals, being this necessary for achieving electron/hole or ambipolar transport and ambient stability; and (ii) rational selection of the type and positioning of specific solubilizing substituents ensuring processability, which is essential to make these materials scalable to industry. However, material processability should be attained minimizing a negative effect on charge transport. Therefore, proper energy levels, planar molecular conformations, close intermolecular pi-pi stacking and adequate thin film crystallinity need to be maintained upon alkyl substitution. In this communication, several examples of molecular and polymeric materials are shown. A rational design, guided by experimental and theoretical evidences, has prompted modifications on their conjugated skeletons, donor/acceptor subunits ratio and/or selection of proper alkyl solubilizing chains, which induce noticeable changes in their electronic performances. The main aim of these studies is the basic understanding of charge transport in organic materials. For this end, we will use Raman spectroscopy and DFT quantum-chemical calculations as important tools for materials characterization.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Application of ISO 15686 to estimate service life of a dome built with adobe technology in the city of Toluca, Mexico

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    This paper focuses only on the application of a methodology used to estimate the service life of any constructed asset, in this case as an example about an architectonic project of a dome designed with adobe technology in the city of Toluca, Mexico, based on the method ISO 15686 (ISO, 2000). The service life of the project was estimated via seven factors. The results show that the final value is a quantitative but also a qualitative estimation is presented, therefore, this method is not perfect; however, this methodology could be helpful to the shallow, rapid and rough estimate of the service life of a building or building components that are required to be designed and constructed. This method could be very useful to architects, builders, civil engineers and developers for decision-making in the early stages of architectonic design, particularly in the planning of the building and pre-design phases

    Understanding the structure-property correlations of n-type organic semiconductors in OFETs

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    In the organic electronic research field, the development of high-performance unipolar n-type semiconductors is still challenging. Here we present an in-depth study of a series of ladder-type semiconductors, which due to their all-acceptor backbones, exhibit unipolar n-type transport in OTFTs. It is well know that the performance of organic semiconductors is governed not only by their molecular structures but also by their intermolecular assembly in the solid state. Thus, highly planar backbones are beneficial for a good molecular packing and film ordering leading to good charge transport characteristics. In this contribution, we study a series of BTI small molecules and polymers, both from a molecular and from a supramolecular point of view, in order to establish useful structure-property relationships that may guide the rational synthesis of new and improved materials. To carry out this study, we make use of different spectroscopic techniques, supported by quantum theoretical calculations at the DFT level.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Understanding polymer orientation at the interface by SERS

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    In the organic electronic research field, it is well known that the largest contribution to charge transport occurs within the first few nanometers of the semiconductor near the dielectric interface. Surface Enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) appears as an easy and straightforward technique to analyze this buried interface and to provide useful information on molecular orientation at the device active layer. Here we present the study of the molecular orientation of the widely studied P(NDI2OD-T2) polymer at the semiconductor/dielectric and semiconductor/metal interfaces using SERS and DFT calculations. Our first SERS results show a relative intensification of selected normal modes, which indicates that the orientation of the polymer changes from a face-on (before annealing treatment) to and edge-on disposition after melt annealing, being this in good agreement with the previous results gathered from other techniques (Figure 1).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Understanding charge transport in organic field effect transistors

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    The organic electronics research field has advanced tremendously in the last decades, having already led to field-effect mobilities able to compete with their inorganic counterparts. However, many fundamental aspects of this field remain still unclear and need to be clarified before its final blossoming, which would probably come with the complete understanding of the charge transport mechanism in organic materials. It is well-known that the performance of organic semiconductors is governed not only by their molecular structures but also by their intermolecular assembly in the solid state. Therefore, analyzing organic materials from both a molecular and supramolecular point of view is highly desirable. For this end, Raman spectroscopy is a rapid, non invasive technique able to gather information on molecular and supramolecular levels, thus being greatly useful in the organic electronics research field. Analyzing buried interfaces, such as the semiconductor-dielectric interface in organic field effect transistors (OFETs) is fundamental, since the largest contribution to charge transport occurs within the first few nanometers of the semiconductor near the dielectric interface. Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) appears as an easy and straightforward technique to carry out this task and to provide useful information on molecular orientation at the device active layer. In this communication, some examples will be presented in which several spectroscopic techniques, conventional Raman and SERS, supported by DFT quantum chemical calculations have been used to shed light on the mechanism of charge transport in OFETs.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech