47 research outputs found

    Estudio y optimización de una carena mediante CFD

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es tener una primera toma de contacto con la utilización de un código de ordenador que emplea el Método de los Elementos Finitos como herramienta de cálculo (Tdyn), y comprobar la viabilidad y posible optimización que puede tener la modificación de la carena de un barco a motor en la zona de popa, que originalmente no dispone de un flap, mediante el acople de un flap. Mediante el acople del flap se pretende una disminución de la resistencia de remolque, y que por tanto con la misma potencia motora el barco sea capaz de alcanzar una mayor velocidad. Como se comprobará en los resultados, se alcanza la optimización, la resistencia de remolque es mayor con la forma de la carena original que con el modelo flap. Se tratará de establecer el alcance y utilización de las herramientas de mecánica de fluidos computacional (en inglés, Computational Fluid Dynamics) que actualmente están en continuo desarrollo y que se emplean en otros campos. Los resultados obtenidos se dividen en distribución de presiones y velocidades a lo largo del casco (Teorema de Bernoulli), elevaciones de la ola en diferentes cortes, visualización de líneas de corriente, fuerzas y momentos calculados según Tdyn. La estructura de este proyecto se ha realizado de la siguiente manera: Filosofía básica de los CFD: introducción a los CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Ecuaciones que gobiernan la dinámica de fluidos: aspectos teóricos de la mecánica de fluidos. Aspectos de los cálculos de los CFD con paquetes comerciales Diseño hidrodinámico de un stern flap y modelización de la ola generada en popa: aspectos teóricos de un flap y de la modelización en popa Viabilidad de un caso práctico: estudio de una carena que originalmente no dispone de un flap y a la cual le acoplamos un flap. Visualización y comentario de resultados: visualización, estudio y comparación de los resultados obtenidos.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Naval y OceánicaUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Smart Sensing Technologies for Personalised e-Coaching

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    People living in both developed and developing countries face serious health challenges related to sedentary lifestyles. It is therefore essential to find new ways to improve health so that people can live longer and age well. With an ever-growing number of smart sensing systems developed and deployed across the globe, experts are primed to help coach people to have healthier behaviors. The increasing accountability associated with app- and device-based behavior tracking not only provides timely and personalized information and support, but also gives us an incentive to set goals and do more. This paper outlines some of the recent efforts made towards automatic and autonomous identification and coaching of troublesome behaviors to procure lasting, beneficial behavioral changes.The authors also want to acknowledge received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement #76955

    Modelado matemático y técnicas de predicción aplicados a la optimización energética en redes reales de distribución de agua

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    Este artículo presenta el fundamento, desarrollo y resultados de un sistema diseñado para obtener los períodos de bombeo óptimos para elevar agua a depósitos en redes de distribución civil de agua. Para conseguirlo, se han utilizado algoritmos de predicción para modelar el consumo de los usuarios, modelado matemático para representar el comportamiento de los equipos reales y técnicas de optimización de programación matemática. Además, también se ha desarrollado todo el software necesario para transferir la solución del modelo a los actuadores de la red

    Improving the accuracy while preserving the interpretability of fuzzy function approximators by means of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

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    AbstractThe identification of a model is one of the key issues in the field of fuzzy system modeling and function approximation theory. An important characteristic that distinguishes fuzzy systems from other techniques in this area is their transparency and interpretability. Especially in the construction of a fuzzy system from a set of given training examples, little attention has been paid to the analysis of the trade-off between complexity and accuracy maintaining the interpretability of the final fuzzy system. In this paper a multi-objective evolutionary approach is proposed to determine a Pareto-optimum set of fuzzy systems with different compromises between their accuracy and complexity. In particular, two fundamental and competing objectives concerning fuzzy system modeling are addressed: fuzzy rule parameter optimization and the identification of system structure (i.e. the number of membership functions and fuzzy rules), taking always in mind the transparency of the obtained system. Another key aspect of the algorithm presented in this work is the use of some new expert evolutionary operators, specifically designed for the problem of fuzzy function approximation, that try to avoid the generation of worse solutions in order to accelerate the convergence of the algorithm

    ECODE: Entorno Integrado de Desarrollo para CODE-2

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    En este artículo, se describe el funcionamiento y las características más sobresalientes de ECODE, un entorno integrado de desarrollo (IDE) para el Computador Didáctico Elemental CODE-2. ECODE permite editar, ensamblar y depurar programas escritos en lenguaje ensamblador de CODE-2, al modo tradicional, además de emular la ejecución de programas en lenguaje máquina. El entorno puede trabajar en dos modos: modo real y modo ampliado, con el que se visualizan y monitorizan los contenidos de cualquier elemento interno del computador, pudiendo en cualquier instante interactuar con ellos, modificándolos directamente

    PhysioDroid: Combining Wearable Health Sensors and Mobile Devices for a Ubiquitous, Continuous, and Personal Monitoring

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    Technological advances on the development of mobile devices, medical sensors, and wireless communication systems support a new generation of unobtrusive, portable, and ubiquitous health monitoring systems for continuous patient assessment and more personalized health care. There exist a growing number of mobile apps in the health domain; however, little contribution has been specifically provided, so far, to operate this kind of apps with wearable physiological sensors. The PhysioDroid, presented in this paper, provides a personalized means to remotely monitor and evaluate users’ conditions. The PhysioDroid system provides ubiquitous and continuous vital signs analysis, such as electrocardiogram, heart rate, respiration rate, skin temperature, and body motion, intended to help empower patients and improve clinical understanding. The PhysioDroid is composed of a wearable monitoring device and an Android app providing gathering, storage, and processing features for the physiological sensor data. The versatility of the developed app allows its use for both average users and specialists, and the reduced cost of the PhysioDroid puts it at the reach of most people. Two exemplary use cases for health assessment and sports training are presented to illustrate the capabilities of the PhysioDroid. Next technical steps include generalization to other mobile platforms and health monitoring devices.This work was partially supported by the Spanish CICYT Project SAF2010-20558, Junta de Andalucia Project P09-TIC-175476, and the FPU Spanish Grant AP2009-2244. This work was also supported in part by the INTERREG IV European Project WHM-Wireless Health Monitoring (I-1-02=091) and the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme FP7 Project OPENi-Open-Source, Web-Based, Framework for Integrating Applications with Social Media Services, and Personal Cloudlets under Grant no. 317883

    Variable Selection in a GPU Cluster Using Delta Test

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    The work presented in this paper consists in an adaptation of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to perform variable selection in an heterogeneous cluster where the nodes are themselves clusters of GPUs. Due to this heterogeneity, several mechanisms to perform a load balance will be discussed as well as the optimization of the fitness function to take advantage of the GPUs available. The algorithm will be compared with previous parallel implementations analysing the advantages and disadvantages of the approach, showing that for large data sets, the proposed approach is the only one that can provide a solution.Spanish CICYT Project TIN2007-60587 and TEC2008-04920Junta Andalucia Projects P08-TIC-03674 and P08-TIC03928 and PYR-2010-17 of CEI BioTIC GENIL (CEB09-0010) of the MICIN

    The Use of Video-Gaming Devices as a Motivation for Learning Embedded Systems Programming

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    As embedded systems are becoming prevalent in everyday life, many universities are incorporating embedded systems-related courses in their undergraduate curricula. However, it is not easy to motivate students in such courses, since they conceive of embedded systems as bizarre computing elements, different from the personal computers with which they are familiar. This problem has been overcome at the University of Granada, Spain, by taking advantage of the connection many students have with video games.Spanish CICYT Project SAF2010-20558University of Granada Innovative Teaching Project 04-03-0