176 research outputs found

    Implementation of the state economic policy in the field of education

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    The relevance of the analyzed issue is caused by the need to study the mutual development of higher education and basic factors of the production system. The purpose of this paper is the development of theoretical positions of state regulation of higher education systems, as well as the development of practical recommendations for the implementation of the economic policy at the present stage of development. The leading approaches in the study of this issue are historic-economic, institutional and evolutionary, econometric modeling elements allowing justifying the trend of the higher education development in the current period. It is proved that changes in economic policy conditions are associated with the implementation of irreversible transformations occurring in the factors of production. It is shown that these changes dictate cyclical fluctuations, as well as the evolution of the behavior and preferences of consumers. The contents of this article may be useful in the development of a state strategy to modernize higher education and the overall economic policy. © 2016 Malikh et al

    Regional Differences in Life Expectancy in Russia Through the Lens of Epidemiological Transition

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    Received 16 February 2024. Accepted 13 May 2024. Published online 21 July 2024.An immense territory of Russia with several climatic zones and, accordingly, a fundamentally different styles of life, inevitably results in pronounced varieties in the levels and structure of mortality across the regions of the country. Since the scale and sustainability of differences in mortality in Russia can be considered an entire epidemiological epoch, the evaluation of them through the lens of epidemiological transition seems methodologically appropriate. Regional differences are regarded as a kind of projection of evolution in time, though taking into account modern realities. The analysis of regional differences in mortality is based on such indicators as life expectancy, structure of mortality, i.e., predominantly endogenous to exogenous causes of death ratio, as well as the average age of death from predominantly endogenous causes calculated on the basis of life tables by cause of death. The study showed that according to the periodization of epidemiological transition only Moscow and St. Petersburg are at the final phase of the 3rd stage and are moving to the 4th stage of epidemiological development. Meanwhile, the burden of exogenous and preventable pathologies precludes the completion of the 3rd stage in the regions with high life expectancy according to Russian criteria. The stadial nature of epidemiologic development of Russian regions is currently conditioned by socio-economic and medical determinants, with more pressing medical determinants in regions with high and medium levels of life expectancy and socio-economic factors prevailing in regions with low life expectancy

    Electron localization in sound absorption oscillations in the quantum Hall effect regime

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    The absorption coefficient for surface acoustic waves in a piezoelectric insulator in contact with a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure (with two-dimensional electron mobility μ=1.3×105cm2/Vs)\mu= 1.3\times 10^5 cm^2/V\cdot s) at T=4.2K) via a small gap has been investigated experimentally as a function of the frequency of the wave, the width of the vacuum gap, the magnetic field, and the temperature. The magnetic field and frequency dependencies of the high-frequency conductivity (in the region 30-210 MHz) are calculated and analyzed. The experimental results can be explained if it assumed that there exists a fluctuation potential in which current carrier localization occurs. The absorption of the surface acoustic waves in an interaction with two-dimensional electrons localized in the energy "tails" of Landau levels is discussed.Comment: RevTeX 6 pages+6 EPS pic

    Magnetic-field-dependent zero-bias diffusive anomaly in Pb oxide-n-InAs structures: Coexistence of two- and three-dimensional states

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    The results of experimental and theoretical studies of zero-bias anomaly (ZBA) in the Pb-oxide-n-InAs tunnel structures in magnetic field up to 6T are presented. A specific feature of the structures is a coexistence of the 2D and 3D states at the Fermi energy near the semiconductor surface. The dependence of the measured ZBA amplitude on the strength and orientation of the applied magnetic field is in agreement with the proposed theoretical model. According to this model, electrons tunnel into 2D states, and move diffusively in the 2D layer, whereas the main contribution to the screening comes from 3D electrons.Comment: 8 double-column pages, REVTeX, 9 eps figures embedded with epsf, published versio

    Post-Covid disorders of nervous system: personal experience

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    Introduction. In the COVID-19 pandemic, high lethality as well as long-term outcomes are getting more and more relevant. According to the accumulated study results, COVID-19 affects the nervous system both directly and indirectly. Objective: to study the variants of post-COVID syndrome based on the data from the State Novosibirsk Regional Clinical Hospital from July 2020 to February 2022. Materials and methods. We have performed post hoc analysis of the medical records of 1,500 patients with a past history of COVID-19 admitted following various neurological disorders manifested from July 2020 to February 2022. Results. While temporary and pathogenetic association with past COVID-19 was revealed in 455 patients, primary involvement of the central nervous system was reported in 91.6% of cases, primary involvement of the peripheral nervous system in 8.1% of cases, and musculoskeletal disorder (idiopathic myodystrophy) in 0.3% of cases. Conclusion. Prevalence of the neurological variants of post-COVID syndrome is still unknown. However, patients with severe COVID-19 are more susceptible to neurological complications during the following six months

    The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on women’s menstrual and reproductive functions

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    The aim of the study - to find out the impact of recovering from COVID-19 and different types of vaccination on the women's reproductive healthЦель исследования – выяснить влияние перенесённой коронавирусной инфекции и различных видов вакцинации на состояние репродуктивной системы женщи

    Роль циркулирующей в крови опухолевой ДНК при раке толстой кишки

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    The term “liquid biopsy” describes the study of various tumor derivatives (circulating tumor DNA, circulating tumor cells, tumor RNA, tumor proteins) in the blood plasma. Results of liquid biopsy provide real-time information on the molecular pathologies and morphologicalfeatures throughout the whole tumor mass and allow to estimate evolutionary changes of tumor mass in the dynamics, heterogeneity of mass formation and effectiveness of the therapy. Despite the impressive perspective of this method in the diagnosis, monitoring of disease, there is a number of problems for the implementation of liquid biopsy for various cancer pathologies. In this literature review, we focus on the role of circulating DNA as a source of information about the tumor in patients with colon cancer.Под термином «жидкостная биопсия» (“liquid biopsy”) понимают изучение различных дериватов опухоли (циркулирующая опухолевая ДНК, циркулирующие опухолевые клетки, опухолевая РНК, белки опухоли) в плазме крови. Данные жидкостной биопсиидают информацию о молекулярных нарушениях и морфологии в реальном времени по всей опухолевой массе и позволяют оценить в динамике эволюционные изменения образования, гетерогенность заболевания и эффективность терапии. Несмотря на впечатляющую перспективу применения данного метода в диагностике и мониторинге заболевания, тем не менее существует ряд проблем по внедрению жидкостной биопсии при различных онкопатологиях. В данном обзоре литературы мы сконцентрируемсяна роли циркулирующей ДНК как источнике информации об опухоли у больных раком толстой кишки

    Реологические свойства эпоксидного олигомера, наполненного стеклянными микрошариками

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    Specific features of the flow of filled and highly filled composites with a filler having monofractional structure (glass microspheres) on the basis of epoxy oligomers were investigated in two modes: at a constant shear rate and at a constant shear stress.Исследованы особенности течения наполненных и высоконаполненных композиций на основе эпоксидного олигомера с наполнителем монофракционного состава (стеклянные микрошарики) в двух режимах: при постоянной скорости сдвига; при постоянном напряжении сдвига

    Interaction effects and phase relaxation in disordered systems

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    This paper is intended to demonstrate that there is no need to revise the existing theory of the transport properties of disordered conductors in the so-called weak localization regime. In particular, we demonstrate explicitly that recent attempts to justify theoretically that the dephasing rate (extracted from the magnetoresistance) remains finite at zero temperature are based on the profoundly incorrect calculation. This demonstration is based on a straightforward evaluation of the effect of the electron-electron interaction on the weak localization correction to the conductivity of disordered metals. Using well-controlled perturbation theory with the inverse conductance gg as the small parameter, we show that this effect consists of two contributions. First contribution comes from the processes with energy transfer smaller than the temperature. This contribution is responsible for setting the energy scale for the magnetoresistance. The second contribution originates from the virtual processes with energy transfer larger than the temperature. It is shown that the latter processes have nothing to do with the dephasing, but rather manifest the second order (in 1/g1/g) correction to the conductance. This correction is calculated for the first time. The paper also contains a brief review of the existing experiments on the dephasing of electrons in disordered conductors and an extended qualitative discussion of the quantum corrections to the conductivity and to the density of electronic states in the weak localization regime.Comment: 34 pages, 13 .eps figure

    Towards the matter of genetic consulting in various forms of congenital and hereditary eye diseases

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    Purpose. To evaluate the results in genetic consulting of patients with various forms of congenital and hereditary eyes pathology.Material and methods. The study is based on an analysis of results in genetic consulting and molecular genetic investigations of DNA samples of 18 patients: congenital corneal dystrophy (n=3); congenital cataract (n=11); Norrie disease (n = 4). All patients had a comprehensive ophthalmologic clinical and functional examination according to the forms of pathology. Geneticist physician conducted a genealogical analysis. A study of exons and flanking intronic regions was performed using methods of analysis of amplified fragment length polymorphism, restriction fragments and direct sequencing.Results. The clinical diagnosis of endothelial corneal dystrophy with autosomal recessive mode of inheritance using molecular genetic methods in 2 of the 3 cases was confirmed, and a de novo mutation in the gene SLC4A11 non-described previously was found. In the group with hereditary diseases the lens pathogenic mutations were detected in the GJA3 andGJA8 genes in 2 of 11 cases (18%). Pathogenic mutations in NDP gene were detected only in 2 of 4 family members studied, and its sibling proband, directed to the genetic analysis of patients with a clinical diagnosis Norrie disease. In another of the studied probands the diseasecausing mutation was not reveled, and thus, the molecular genetic diagnosis of Norrie disease was not confirmed.Conclusion. For the first time in the Russian Federation pathogenic mutations in the gene SLC4A11 collagen, previously did not described in the literature, were revealed in patients with congenital endothelial corneal dystrophy, in a patient with congenital cataract in the gene GJA8. The success of genetic consulting depends on the complete genealogical analysis, and the correct determination of the clinical and genetic form of pathology